BWCA Trip Report - First Quetico trip Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - First Quetico trip     



01/21/2024 01:55PM  
New Trip Report posted by marc24

Trip Name: First Quetico trip.

Entry Point: Quetico

Click Here to View Trip Report
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01/21/2024 02:26PM  
Great trip report, and a nice area of the park for a first visit. Nice photos of fish, flowers, family, and campsites.
distinguished member(556)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2024 03:13PM  
Enjoyed the report. Been batting around the idea of quetico for a few weeks now. I'll keep the Mckenzie bay area in mind, you make it sound awesome.
member (14)member
01/21/2024 03:28PM  
Such fond memories. I had forgotten that we caught so many fish! Following that bear as it crossed the lake was awesome - and we did get a good video. Now I am really getting even more excited about our trip this year. Thanks son. Dad
01/22/2024 07:03AM  
Fabulous trip report! Great photos, and I felt like I was along "for the ride", so to speak. Thanks so much for sharing.
01/22/2024 08:51AM  
A moose on the Wawiag about a half mile above Kawa Bay, circa 1991:

01/23/2024 07:49AM  

Enjoyed reading your Quetico trip report. I have travelled your route many times. Such a beautiful paddle.
distinguished member (374)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2024 05:54PM  
Your trip report was really fun to read. Surf and turf, YUM! Oatmeal and walleye, OH YES!

Haven't been to Kawnipi in 43 years, but your trip report brought me back. I loved your writing style and your photos!

01/23/2024 07:00PM  
Thank you all, I’m glad you enjoyed the ride !
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/28/2024 02:47PM  
Great Report. And a great first trip to Quetico!
02/05/2024 08:32AM  
I loved reading this in the middle of winter. And the pics are outstanding as well! Thanks for posting.
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