BWCA Trip Report - Cold Reception at Cherokee Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Cold Reception at Cherokee Lake     



12/14/2011 07:44PM  
New Trip Report posted by Boppa

Trip Name: Cold Reception at Cherokee Lake.

Entry Point: 50

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12/14/2011 08:18PM  
Wow! Another great report Boppa. I'm so excited that you made it to Cherokee and it will be quite the memory that you were in the BWCA while it was closed because of the Pagami Fire. My Father in Law was always over doing his physical abilities when I took him on our edge of the bwca camping trips but he wouldn't have it any other way. He needed help getting dressed sometimes but camping he'd be dragging downed logs out of the woods and sawing them up. He said it was always worth it even though he'd go home and sleep for a week after we got home. It brings tears to my eyes that the treatment has stopped working for Bette. Stay strong and help that wonderful wife of yours BEAT CANCER. As always I can't wait to read about your next trip.

How does EP 50 Cross Bay compare to Lizz and Skipper? It looks like an area I'd like. It's on my list for a future trip.

Which cabin did you stay in at Rockwood? We are thinking of spending a week in one of their cabins this coming summer and doing day trips with the little ones. It's great to hear that Lin is recovering well. Having trouble speaking must have drove her crazy with how much she enjoys telling stories.

Your wife continues to be in our prayers.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/14/2011 08:19PM  
That trip report is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. It is such a wonderful testament to your relationship together that I have tears in my eyes.

I am so glad that you both made it to Cherokee and weren't chased out by the Forest Service before you reached it! Bette kicked cancers butt in the BWCA and I am sending her my prayers that she will continue to do so on a daily basis back on the East Coast.

12/14/2011 09:02PM  
Boppa, that is a very touching and impressive report.

Having lived in Connecticut for 4 years (and worked in Hartford for one of those years), I am as amazed as you two were that there was a picture of the Boundary Waters in Bette's room there. And then the picture was of Cherokee Lake. I'm not much of a believer in omens, but that was one if there ever was one.

Having been up in Quetico when the weather went from summer to winter overnight at the same time you were out, and having experienced those winds, I am also impressed by the hardships you two met and overcame on this trip, especially given the physical challenges. Yes, you overdid it. But you did so heroically!

And then the fire. There's nothing to add about that, except that your pictures of the "clouds" are astounding.

I think if anyone can vanquish this cancer, a bow partner like yours can. To next summer in the Boundary Waters!

Ho Ho

12/14/2011 11:26PM  
Outstanding report and photos Boppa.
Thank-you. It was a much needed read on this crappy Minnesota December day!
Took me to where I really want to be. Sans fire of course.
12/15/2011 06:43AM  
It's an ugly, rainy morning here in Michigan and I had other plans for this morning, Boppa. But as soon as I saw that your report was posted, that was my first priority. What a read! What a trip! You are much stronger than we are, for all of your limitations! That was an amazing trip! Wow! I was astounded when I read how far you got on your first day.

It touched me on so many levels. Cherokee is my very favorite lake. It is my dream to get back there some day. We tried a couple of years ago but we didn't make it. We are going to try again, hopefully with some help on the portages.

We have stayed at that campsite on Cross Bay Lake several times. It is one that we love. Ditto with the site on Gordon. All of this territory is precious to us. And we spent a week this summer in cabin #2 at Rockwood--looks like that is where you were as well?

Beautiful trip report. So glad that you made the trip, and that you have these memories to share with us. Sorry that we didn't make connections when we were up there at almost the same time.

Bette continues to be in my prayers. You, too. Keep the faith. Reading this was an inspiration. Thanks.
12/15/2011 08:25AM  
Nice read Boppa. A testament to the human will in so many ways. Keep paddling!
12/15/2011 09:38AM  
I did the same trip that you did. Entered on 9-7-11, and exited on 9-15-11. Did the whole sky turn black for you on Karl Lake on 9-12-11 from the smoke? I was on Cherokee on that day, and by about 4 pm, the whole sky was black.

I was camped at the far SE side peninsula site. I could have been the guy you saw running out for the sun breaks. Did that a lot on Tuesday and Wednesday trying to get warm. What wind!

distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/15/2011 10:10AM  
A touching trip report. Betty is a testament to human determination & spirit of Will. You, as well, a trooper with that pack and bad joint.
distinguished member(1139)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/15/2011 10:41PM  
Great trip report. We were in that area Aug 14-17. We camped two nights on Long Island and one on Ham, interesting to see how much drier it was a month later when you were there. Will keep you & Bette in my thoughts. Plan that next trip !
distinguished member(1139)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/15/2011 10:41PM  
Great trip report. We were in that area Aug 14-17. We camped two nights on Long Island and one on Ham, interesting to see how much drier it was a month later when you were there. Will keep you & Bette in my thoughts. Plan that next trip !
12/17/2011 08:35AM  
Thanks for the positive comments. It was a wonderful trip but from a different perspective than any trip we have taken before.

ducks -Thanks again for your kind and insightful (cancer related) comments. I will E-mail you on comparing EP#50 to the others you mention, also about the cabins we have stayed in at Rockwood. Thanks for the continued prayers.

luft -Your thoughtful words are appreciated. Yes, she kicks cancers butt in some way everyday and will as long as she can.

HoHo -Thanks for the praise, means a lot from a person whom's reports are held by us in such esteem. Yes, that picture in the room had a strong effect upon us. The nurses have even referred to it as "Bette's Room" and love to provide it to her when it is available.

fitgers1-Very pleased that we helped to brighten a blah Minnesota day.
It is just hard to imagine you have any of those, LOL.

Spartan2 -Throughout the year you have been helpful, supportive and positive. Thank you and Spartan1 for being special. We hope to try and meet up again down the road. The prayers are very much valued.

Cowdoc -Your past comments on this area were helpful to our planning this trip as it developed and changed. Thanks for that and reading the report.

quark2222 -Yes, the sky did turn dark on Karl, I was unable from our campsite to tell that it was a smoke plume, thought it was storm clouds.
That is humorous about it possible being you coming down to the water every time the sun poked through. Boy, we did it a lot didn't we. I knew I should have waved.

mjmkjun and Twins87 -your comments and support are very appreciated.

This Site keeps allowing itself to grow as a community both in size and caring. I visit other sites and have recently seen names that are associated with those other paddling venues here. That is neat, it speaks well of our inclusion and openness.

Have a great holiday season.

12/17/2011 04:54PM  
Boppa, that was the greatest trip report I've ever read. What an awesome couple you must be. I'll be praying for you and Bette. I spent a couple nights on Karl after a long day from Tuscarora. It is a perfect site for a soloist... or duo. Keep planning for that next trip and being there for your awesome bow paddler. Mike at Rockwoods mentioned you to me when seeing my hat. Mike and Lynn are great people. Thanks again and happy paddling!
12/17/2011 05:21PM  
fantastic report rick! i too will be praying for bette and you.
distinguished member(1496)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/18/2011 08:55AM  
Spartan2 said it best.
Reading this was an inspiration!
12/19/2011 08:19AM  

I finally got to read "the rest of the story". It was great meeting you and Bette in Grand Marais after your trip. You both seemed happy to be there and I'm sure Bette was physically tired, but spiritually refreshed. I'm sorry to hear that things have not been going as well for Bette since then. She will be in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season.
distinguished member(563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/19/2011 10:02AM  
Boppa excellent trip report! I was amazed at Bette's strength throughout your trip. I hope and pray that the two of you get to continue and enjoy the Boundary waters and her beauty.
distinguished member (238)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/19/2011 11:21AM  
Thank you for the wonderful report. I truly hope your bow partner can continue on many more trips.

I was wondering if you could smell the fire (smoke actually) since you didn't mention it in your report.
12/27/2011 09:52AM  
Boppa and Bette,
Enjolyed the memorie's of your trip. You went through a lot in a few days!!! Kind of like a mailman, not sleet, nor hail or snow or driving rain or forest fire, or ill health or bad knee's stopped you!
Really enjoyed the glimpse into your trip and live's!
God's Speed,
12/29/2011 09:34PM  
nctry, kanoes, MagicPaddler, boonie, wawasee, misqua and SunCatcher. Again, thank you for the great comments and thoughts regarding our trip report. It is pleasing that it was enjoyed.

I ask you all for your many offers of prayers be directed to our new wish/need.
We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Bette cooked a wonderful Christmas Day brunch for our immediate family that we all look forward to each year. It was delicious and memorable for all 13.5 of us. Bette's health took a turn that night. She was hospitalized and tests showed the cancer has hit a critical and terminal point. Hospice has been advised and Bette entered this form of care on Tuesday, I am with her. Her comfort is my paramount concern at this moment and this is where I would like your wonderful prayers and thoughts be directed. To pray or hope for as gentle a passing as can be provided. Yes, we believe your thoughts and prayers make a difference and your thoughtful offers are very much appreciated and received.
Thanks to all.
Boppa and Bow Partner
12/30/2011 07:53AM  

I am so sorry to hear that. You have my prayers.
distinguished member(1496)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2011 08:36AM  
Boppa and Bette
Nothing can be said to ease your situation other than to say we care.
12/30/2011 10:14AM  
I'm so sorry to hear that. The tears are rolling while I type this. As you know we just went through this and there is nothing I can do or say to make this easier but I want you to know that we are praying for Bette, you, and the rest of your family.
distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2011 10:40AM  
Very nice report. I think it is great that nothing prevented you from getting to Cherokee Lake. Not wind, not wildfire, not even cancer. It is sad to hear about your bride but I hope that the two of you and your family will be able to faith rest in the LORD during this trail and remember that He is the God of comfort.
12/30/2011 01:24PM  
After the flurry of the holidays, I am starting to catch up on reading trip reports. I came across yours - and read every word. What a beautiful story - a testament to your wife's strength, courage and determination. Yours and Bette's story has given me the idea that we (DH and I) can do this too - despite some physical limitations. I'm sure you will always remember this special trip.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both - peace be with you.
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/30/2011 01:39PM  
A very touching well written trip report.

Wishing both of you & your family the best during this incredibly trying time.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
12/30/2011 08:21PM  
Boppa, sorry to hear this, I will keep you and Betty in my prayers.
distinguished member (285)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/01/2012 08:51PM  
Best trip report ever.
01/10/2012 05:40PM  

A beautiful report Rick. I loved every word and photo. The Lord threw all his fury and beauty at you and Bette, but the fury you persevered and the beauty you embraced with happiness. A great trip given the circumstances.

My prayers for you and Bette continue. I feel so fortunate to have met you last year at Copia. May our trails cross again some day.

Andy & Marsha
01/11/2012 02:28PM  
Best wishes and prayers!

01/11/2012 03:29PM  
Wow. You were meant to go to Cherokee Lake, that is for sure. The fire spared you and despite all natural challenges, you won. You both won. What an amazing journey, well-preserved in print now. I am so glad for your safe return and that you got to have that trip together.

Bette, you remind me of several other strong women I know. You most certainly did triumph over cancer when taking that trip. You are an inspiration to me... as are you both as a couple and a team. I am glad you have each other.

Thanks so much for sharing this report and the subsequent health updates Boppa. You are both on my heart as I hope for pain-free peace in your lives.
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/12/2012 04:30PM  
Thank you for sharing such a heart-felt journey. You're in my prayers.
01/12/2012 06:14PM  
Your trip renews my faith in the healing, mind easing powers of the BW. May you look back on it and feel peace.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/12/2012 10:56PM  
Bobba & Bette... thank you for sharing your trip report with us. My heart hurts as you fight the nasty cancer but know that my prayers are with you. Godspeed to you both.
distinguished member(1188)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2012 08:12PM  
quote Jackfish: "Bobba & Bette... thank you for sharing your trip report with us. My heart hurts as you fight the nasty cancer but know that my prayers are with you. Godspeed to you both. "

+1! Amen to that!
01/14/2012 08:22PM  
you will meet again on cherokee lake one will be a glorious reunion.
distinguished member(5388)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/16/2012 04:34AM  
I finally read the report tonight, just after reading that Bette had passed. The trip is a victory over the cancer. You both showed how we can triumph by being willing to do things in new ways to achieve our goals when life has changed our abilities and when nature throws the unexpected at us. I've been living with cancer for the past 8 years and have been in two trials this year. These lessons remind me of how I will need to face this years trip when my strength may not be up to our usual tripping style. But hopefully we will live up to the example you and Bette set.

The picture in the treatment room was an amazing sign. It reminded me of the time when I was lying on a CT scan table, waiting for them to decide that the images were good, and there were some pictures taped to the ceiling to give us patients something to look at. While I was lying there I realized that I recognized Peyto Lake in British Columbia. I was sorry when they replaced those pictures with a generic pattern of fall leaves.

I wish you strength as you grieve.
02/02/2012 07:04PM  
Still thinking about you and praying for you buddy. I added Cherokee to my list of must see lakes. I can't believe how many odds you two beat to get there. Especially with what has happened now. Take care of yourself.
02/02/2012 09:52PM  
quote ducks: "Still thinking about you and praying for you buddy. I added Cherokee to my list of must see lakes. I can't believe how many odds you two beat to get there. Especially with what has happened now. Take care of yourself."

Me too, haven't seen any posts, Boppa, and hope you are OK. I am planning to enter #50 this fall (probably solo) and go down to Cherokee. Take care, Rick.
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