BWCA Trip Report - Shangri-La up along the B-R-T Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Shangri-La up along the B-R-T     



distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/01/2012 06:38PM  
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: Shangri-La up along the B-R-T.

Entry Point: 62

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distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/01/2012 06:38PM  
For those that might find it fascinating to contrast this general area in different seasons???? Here is a trip report that details essentially the same area in the winter. West Pike, Gogebic, & Salvelinus Fontinalis ~ Good reason for freezin
08/02/2012 12:21PM  
Nice trip report - thanks for taking me to a place I've never been. Great shot of the loon and its reflection in the water.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/02/2012 01:11PM  

This is only a guess, but by the description of your location the yellow marker could be showing the boundary between section 29 and section 28. The state owns land on the south shore in section 28.

distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/02/2012 03:25PM  
quote inspector13: "
This is only a guess, but by the description of your location the yellow marker could be showing the boundary between section 29 and section 28. The state owns land on the south shore in section 28.


Better explaination than anything I could come up with.
08/02/2012 04:18PM  
Enjoyed your report, your trip sounded great!!
08/03/2012 07:24PM  
Great report as always. I've found my shorter trips have held as good of memories as the longer ones. Welcome home!
08/04/2012 11:31AM  
Yet another great report Paul. Of course, I've learned to never expect anything less from you.

I am targeting that area for my next trip. Thanks for all the great information.
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/07/2012 07:06AM  
quote nctry: "Great report as always. I've found my shorter trips have held as good of memories as the longer ones. Welcome home!"

Yes, this one was short - but sweet. :)
08/08/2012 11:40PM  
quote AndySG: "Yet another great report Paul. Of course, I've learned to never expect anything less from you.

distinguished member(1167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2012 06:08PM  
Great always.
01/20/2014 01:17PM  
All your reports make for excellent reading. Thank you for a great report on Gogebic. I'll be there this summer. So you got there from the Clearwater - Pike portage via the BRT. I understand that there is in fact supposed to be a portage from Pike directly to Gogebic. Do you know if this is correct? Did you find such a portage while you were there?
Thanks for the great info.
01/26/2014 04:41PM  
Great report as always. Btw... what kind of chair are you sitting in on that one picture by the lake with the green tarp? It looks like if folds out instead of the popular stadium chairs that expand out 4 directions. I have had poor luck with those types and I am looking for a new one for this year. Thanks
distinguished member(1271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2014 04:57PM  
Good report of a trip to a beautiful lake and more.
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/08/2014 03:10PM  
quote fitgers1: "All your reports make for excellent reading. Thank you for a great report on Gogebic. I'll be there this summer. So you got there from the Clearwater - Pike portage via the BRT. I understand that there is in fact supposed to be a portage from Pike directly to Gogebic. Do you know if this is correct? Did you find such a portage while you were there?
Thanks for the great info.

Sorry for the delayed response. We haven't had internet since last summer so my visits here have been few @ far between.

Thanks for the kind words. To answer your question, yes there is such a trail. It is mentioned in this trip report as well as my most recent trip report "The fall falls @ overlooks tour". Without question it is among the steepest trails you'll encounter in the BWCA. Read the trip reports more closely for more info. You'll love Gogebic!

distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/08/2014 03:27PM  

The chair is made by GCI Outdoors. We've had similar experiences with various other chairs. We absolutely love these for comfort @ packability. The big drawback is that they are quite heavy. We have been searching in vain for a lighter version. So far no luck.
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/05/2014 08:46PM  
Did a base camping trip a couple of weeks ago, visiting much of this awesome area again.

Had some help paddling.

Stayed at the 4 star eastern most campsite on Clearwater Lake, which provides a great swimming/rock jumping platform just behind camp.

Our camp site entertainer.

Fishing was both phenomenal & relaxing.

....and we gorged ourselves with the spoils.

A popular after dinner spot.

We visited Gogebic Lake. It seems everytime I visit the campsite there is a new rock creation.

Just upstream from the B-R-T bridge, the water level was perfect for a most enjoyable hydro massage.

Our little touch of sunshine.

Paddling Clearwater Lake.

Johnson Falls shower.

Family photo.

I've been to Johnson Falls many times. But, I must admit, I've never walked down stream (below the lower falls) very far. Doing so for the first time, revealed something even more impressive (IMHO) than the falls.

All 'n' all it was an awesome trip with great weather, family, friends & fishing.
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/25/2015 07:08PM  
We did a carbon copy of our short trip last year. I'll let that fact stand alone as a testament to how outstanding this area is.

Paddling down Clearwater Lake

mommy - daughter paddle


Relaxing evening

mossy log across creek along the B-R-T.

Gogebic recliners

Jewel weed (touch-me-not)

Refreshing creek cleanup

Family photo w/colossal cedar tree

For those that might be interested? Here is a video that should definitively show how to get to the colossal cedar tree from Lower Johnson Falls. Video

Daddy's girl
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