BWCA Trip Report - Knife Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Knife Lake     



10/09/2015 10:40AM  
New Trip Report posted by CS

Trip Name: Knife Lake.

Entry Point: 25

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distinguished member(4167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/11/2015 09:26PM  
Nice report, we were going to give that area a try this spring (May/June) but decided on the NW part of the park after hearing of some bear encounters.

10/12/2015 11:57AM  
Thanks for the feedback. I would say that you should not be dissuaded from this area due to the many bear reports. We were there during prime bear season and had no issues at all. Granted, we spent a good deal of time keeping our camp clean, keeping our food stored properly, and spent a good deal of energy taking it with us every time we left camp.

It is my belief that while some bear encounters simply can't be avoided, most can by taking basic precautions. Don't let the bears win!

distinguished member(1086)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/14/2015 12:58PM  
The site you describe as your basecamp IS a nice one. I've stayed there as well and it is one of my all-time favorites. Your outfitter, Jeff, must like it too. He also outfitted me years ago (at a different company) and pointed us toward that site then as well. His suggested fishing sites for us on that trip were also spot on!
10/15/2015 01:26PM  
That's great, Jeff and his family seem like really nice people and I'd happily support them with my business in the future. I'd recommend them to anyone, and their MNII Kevlar canoes were spectacular.

That camp site is super nice. We found and picked up a little bit of trash, but not nearly as much as one would expect in such a well used location. And the easy access to the top of the bluff was pretty amazing.

distinguished member (352)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/15/2015 09:01PM  
The waders you were referring to used by the lady coming out were chota hippers. They can be adjusted to different lengths. I have a pair of the knee high version. they have neoprene booties and you need to also obtain wading shoes for them. They are very useful, especially in shoulder seasons. Good report. Jerry G
10/16/2015 01:29PM  
Thanks for the knowledge Jerry, I'll pass that along. We all wet footed it with water shoes and wool socks, but next time I'll probably pick up a pair of muck boots or some of these Chota's you've mentioned.
10/16/2015 02:50PM  
sounds like a great trip. knife lake my favorite in the BW :) nothing wrong with catching just enough fish to eat everyday ! i'll bet that 26" laker was tasty :)
distinguished member (367)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/19/2015 09:55AM  
Nice trip report CS! We actually came in a day behind you and out a day ahead of you....We spent most of our time on the south arm as well.....unlike you, our theme for the week was Bears! our first night out, we had a bear cub wander into camp during the middle of our dinner......he pestered us in/out up/down trees for about an hour....fortunately no sign of mom...he finally got bored and wandered off.....we broke camp the next morning and moved further East for a couple of nights, made a day trip to Kek and encountered a mom & cub when we tried to land for lunch.....backed off and watched for few before moving on......

10/19/2015 07:21PM  
Thanks for reading Shock. Knife Lake is pretty spectacular. I'd never had a laker before, it cleaned up really nice and tasted great!

Mikea - Did we run into each other? We briefly talked to another couple of groups that were passing through the area (one who stayed a night at the "peninsula" site to the south of us, and one that looked like they were scouting campsites to the north and east). Sorry to hear about the bears, at least it doesn't sound like they got any of your food. How was Kek? We had wanted to make it down there but were having so much fun on Knife we didn't bother.
distinguished member (367)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/21/2015 06:29AM  
quote Mikea - Did we run into each other? We briefly talked to another couple of groups that were passing through the area (one who stayed a night at the "peninsula" site to the south of us, and one that looked like they were scouting campsites to the north and east). Sorry to hear about the bears, at least it doesn't sound like they got any of your food. How was Kek? We had wanted to make it down there but were having so much fun on Knife we didn't bother. "

I don't believe so....actually after all was said/done, the bears were pretty cool to watch...they obviously are used to raiding campsites...kek was a nice lake...we went down to try and locate a pictograph and do some laker fishing....struck out on both counts, but hit some smallies on the lakes/ponds in between and Eddy Falls was pretty cool. I can see why the bears are a problem in that area, we stopped on the West end of knife (near dorothy's)for lunch twice and the campsites were atrocious! a lot of trash/candy wrappers....

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