BWCA Trip Report - Little Bass Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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02/03/2017 08:10PM  
New Trip Report posted by lovesofgr

Trip Name: Little Bass.

Entry Point: 77

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02/03/2017 09:22PM  
Sounds like it was a new and interesting experience for you. I'm glad you were able to do it finally. I like solo trips.
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2017 04:12PM  

With all of the folks on this forum who regularly solo and love it, I never thought that it was discouraged and that you had to lie to the rangers to get a permit. I've never solo'd and probably won't (just not my thing). But I am curious: do others have a hard time getting a permit for a solo trip unless you fib to the rangers?
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2017 04:12PM  
oops!--double post
02/04/2017 07:33PM  
I always pick my permit up at the outfitter, so I've never had that problem, bottomtothe tap. I was also surprised to hear that since I've never heard of it before either.
02/05/2017 01:53AM  
I've never had any problem picking up my permit into the BWCA when going solo. Last year when I went into Ontario solo the female Border Gaurd asked me 2-3 times if I was going solo, did I have a heater for my tent? It was late September. Did I have a gun for bears? Any bear spray? She couldn't believe I didn't have a dog along. Finally allowed me to cross. Maybe my age had something to do with it, God I'm a year older and have less hair but it's greyer now, maybe I'll get some black hair dye for this year. FRED
02/05/2017 09:32AM  
Sounds like a good trip. Thanks for sharing.

I find it odd that you had to fib about going solo. I've never heard of it being discouraged...... well, except for people at work that don't go to the bwca at all and think it's weird that I want to do it solo ;). In fact, on my last 2 solos I ran across rangers while in the bwca and we had great conversations about solo bwca trips.
02/10/2017 08:38PM  
Since when reserving a pass you must pay for 2, I didn't know if the expectation was a minimum of 2. The ranger did ask if the other half of my party was outside the station, I said yup, just in case. I played it safe and went with the old standby "Better to beg for forgiveness, then ask for permission." I really didn't want to get shut down. I guess I didn't have to be so sneaky. I should have found this site a year ago!
02/10/2017 09:35PM  
No one knows why they persist in making you pay for a minimum of two, then refunding the extra $16 fee when you're just solo.
02/11/2017 06:05AM  
Yep, default is for 2 adults and then you get refunded the $16 on your card when you pick up the permit. Same thing happens each year when I do my daddy/daughter trip also. I have to book the permit as 2 adults and then they switch it to 1 adult and 1 child when I pick up the permit and they refund my card $8.

I understand why you played it safe. No turning back once you got to that point :)
distinguished member(2477)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/16/2017 12:05PM  
My buddy and I hiked in there pulling sleds in the winter for an overnight outing (supposed to be 2 days, sigh). I really enjoyed the portage from North Hegman (actually I enjoyed them all) in the winter time to Little Bass. We stayed at the N.W. site and had a great sunset. Seemed like it would be a nice little lake in summer.

Do you have any photos you could share? Thanks.
03/10/2017 06:00PM  
I have some pics, but I can't figure out how to add them. I'm better at tripping over logs then computer stuff.
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