BWCA Trip Report - Late and a Wrong Turn 2018 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Late and a Wrong Turn 2018     



07/11/2018 10:57AM  
New Trip Report posted by A1t2o

Trip Name: Late and a Wrong Turn 2018.

Entry Point: 52

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distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2018 02:21PM  
Great report! Thanks for sharing!
07/11/2018 06:10PM  
Thanks for the report. I've been over the Snipe-Copper-Tusc route a few years ago and enjoyed it, but there were a couple of challenges. First and last days were long, otherwise sounds like OK. That's a nice campsite on Little Sag. Curious how many other people you saw on Little Sag . . . ? Tuscarora?

The portages from Brant to Gotter, and Flying to Green were a little tough for me. And the boardwalk was a little awkward with the canoe in the wind ;). Brought back some memories.
07/11/2018 09:10PM  
We saw 3 canoes on little sag but the 3rd might have been one of the first 2 out fishing. The 2 actually stopped at our campsite while we were fishing then took off when they saw it was occupied. On tuscarora we didn't see anyone but we did have our heads down while paddling. We saw 2 occupied sites on crooked though, and heard 1 group pass by the next morning.

The trip was great but the first and last days were only bad because of our errors. If we had been on the water earlier the first day then it wouldn't have been so hot and that wore us out significantly too. The weather was being poor was just a delay and distraction. If not for the storm and the wind the next morning, we're never would have made that mistake.
07/13/2018 09:26PM  
Really nice report. Thanks for all the info on the area. I am hoping to head to the same area in late August so this is very handy!
07/17/2018 12:20PM  
Sounds like a good trip. I assume your brother didn't end up joining you on this trip? I know you had mentioned in previous threads he wanted to tag along.
07/26/2018 03:40PM  
nofish: "Sounds like a good trip. I assume your brother didn't end up joining you on this trip? I know you had mentioned in previous threads he wanted to tag along. "

No he didn't come along. Not finding a paddling partner and a business trip a week before the trip just made things too complicated for him. We'll try again, but I'm kind of glad he didn't come on this trip. Just moving at the pace we were and everything that had to get done, I don't think he would have been able to take it all in enough to enjoy it. We knew what we were doing and what to expect, but it was still a challenge for us. I imagine that the first day would not have been a very fun experience for him, and could have soured the mood for the rest of the trip.

We're talking about a family trip now. Looking at taking my little brother who wanted to go this year, as well as my older brother who has a 4 month old now and my dad. I'd like to make it a 6-man trip with Adam and his dad too, but who knows. I'm just thinking that I'm not too sure about being the only one with any recent experience on this trip. My dad hasn't been there since the 70's and neither brother has ever gone... We'll see, the most fun part about getting back from one trip is starting to plan the next one.
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