BWCA Trip Report - Lake One-Insula Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Lake One-Insula     



01/08/2020 10:36PM  
New Trip Report posted by johnstony

Trip Name: Lake One-Insula.

Entry Point: 30

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distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2020 09:09AM  
I'm glad you had a pleasant experience on your first trip into the BWCA. Good weather, good fishing, good food, and good campsites. It doesn't get much better. I have never camped at a beach site but it's on my list of things to do. After you have one trip under your belt you will quickly learn what items are worth their weight. With every trip that I take my load gets lighter. I went from "that would be cool to have", to "that may come in useful", to "I can probably live without it", to "is it really critical?". Helinox chairs (or similar) are great and one of the fews things that many people will agree are the one comfort item that are worth their weight. For me I found it the easiest to shed pounds by going to freeze dried food and have learned to really enjoy its simplicity. A stove to boil water, and a pot, and a spork. I can skip the cooler, food packs, utensils, pans and etc. and fit everything in an Ursack or Bear Vault. I hope that you make BWCA tripping a tradition. Invite some friends to split the load.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2020 11:49AM  
Sounds like a lovely and successful first experience. Thanks for writing about it.
01/09/2020 12:50PM  
I enjoyed your trip report, especially the photos. Thanks for sharing.

About halfway through our canoe-tripping career of 42 years we discovered that we enjoyed it a lot more if we planned a longer trip (8-10 nights) and planned in some layover days. We never liked base-camping, but this was the way we compromised, as one of us (me, especially) loved to have a long day in camp just to relax, read, write, take pictures, explore, etc.

01/09/2020 04:31PM  
Sounds like a great trip. Walleye from the camp site? Doesn't get much better than that.

Seems like you were able to travel pretty far also. I didn't know Fishdance could be reached from Lake One. I had seen some people mentioning it as a day trip from Malberg after entering at Kawishiwi Lake.

Thanks for posting.

I am curious how you made the pizza quesadillas that were such a hit?
distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/15/2020 09:11PM  
I really enjoyed your trip report.
Takes me back in time when I was along that route.
Thanks for posting.
01/15/2020 11:37PM  
Fantastic photos, and I appreciate the specific campsites you looked at - last year I was on that stretch of Lake Four north of the burn and Rifle Lake, so it was easy to place the photos and remember that 156 rod portage from Four to Rifle. There were a crapload of pumpkinseed sunfish at #1983 where we stopped for lunch one day, right next to that portage. Great for the kid who was happy to catch anything, annoying for the rest of us who were hoping for something better. :)
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/16/2020 12:02PM  
Awesome report, thanks for sharing!
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2020 07:39PM  
Great report! Glad you had a great trip your first time. I know it's hard to take time from work and family, but I've transitioned from 5 to 7 day trips and it is much more relaxing, especially if you have a few days of continual rain or wind.
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