BWCA Trip Report - Voyageur's Highway 1968 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Voyageur's Highway 1968     



03/26/2020 02:48PM  
New Trip Report posted by sedges

Trip Name: Voyageur's Highway 1968.

Entry Point: Other

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03/26/2020 04:48PM  
I LOVED your trip report, sedges!!!

So much of this route is places where we have been, and of course this trip (1968) was the year after Spartan1 took his first canoe trip with a group of counselors from Camp Easton.

Great photos, and good descriptions. I am sure Spartan1 will enjoy reading this one, too.
03/26/2020 05:59PM  
Great report! Like yours, my first trip into BWCA/Q was with BSA, but as an adult advisor for a crew in 1978...
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2020 07:32PM  
Love the old school trip report with pics. Bivouacked with out a tent twice and Lord willing won't do it again. Sounds like it worked out all right for you though. My dad had a pair of Red pants like that in the 70's as well!
03/26/2020 08:17PM  
What a great trip report and photos. I thought the photos came out well in the report for 110 format. Your report really brought back memories of scout trips I took with Troop 13 of Kenosha Wisconsin in the early 1960’s.
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2020 11:38PM  
Great report. Really brought back memories of my own travels across the Grand Portage and westward just a couple of years later.
I have been at Prairie Portage dozens of times and always wondered when the concrete dam was built. I guess I know now. Great picture of Prairie with no dam at all.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2020 08:28PM  
Wow, that was some high water. Great to read about an old trip and see the old photos. Thanks for doing this.
04/02/2020 10:43PM  
awesome!!! Done that route 4 times- though none through the Brule , took the port out of Black Bay into KAB. Awesome pics!!! I bet the GP was a muddy sob after all that rain!!!
Thanks for sharng!!
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