BWCA Trip Report - All Loused Up: solo loop out of Sawbill Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - All Loused Up: solo loop out of Sawbill     



distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/14/2021 09:57PM  
New Trip Report posted by straighthairedcurly

Trip Name: All Loused Up: solo loop out of Sawbill.

Entry Point: 38

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07/14/2021 10:53PM  
Most excellent!
07/14/2021 11:33PM  
Very well organized trip report. Every trip needs a frog buddy ??
distinguished member(1449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2021 12:13AM  
Nice trip report. My only comment is that there are rarely rollers on Sawbill even on very windy days especially in the morning. You made a good choice going early on Sawbill. By noon or 1:00 pm the wind usually shifts to coming from the south.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2021 02:50AM  
Loved it.
Been over that route a few times but never through Wine. I've cut up through Dent. Has a great campsite, but no fish.
Loved your single portaging accomplishments !
I shove my map in back pocket all the time too.... but I always have a back up in the pack.
Happy Trails !
distinguished member (106)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2021 06:51AM  
I believe I ran I not your son on Lac La Croix!!!!!!!!
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2021 08:57AM  
toothmiester: "I believe I ran I not your son on Lac La Croix!!!!!!!!"

Seriously, so cool! Tell me more. I miss the kid like crazy!
distinguished member (392)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2021 09:06AM  
Excellent report, really enjoyed the photos and plant identification. It's been several years since I've been through there, either tandem or solo. I do remember the proliferation of bog plants, and the dreaded vee stone portage. I had a frog buddy on Rabbit Lake on a solo one year. He kept me company for a long time and was eating ants off of my cup. I'd say you are more than ready for the Moose Lake Challenge. Let's hope we have SOME water in the Pigeon R. Hope to see you in Aug. for the Challengers meeting. Russ and Marcie
07/15/2021 09:39AM  
Big Tent
distinguished member(590)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2021 02:58PM  
Great report! I took that trip 23 years ago with my sons scout troop. Had an unforgettable time.
member (13)member
07/15/2021 03:27PM  
Nice write up and phenomenal trip! You covered a lot of ground.
07/15/2021 03:45PM  
Great report. Thanks for posting! Loved the bog plant photos. Reminded me to focus in closely to see all the small beauty wonders in the wilderness.
07/15/2021 04:35PM  
That was a great report. I love that area and hope to get back there within the next year or two. Thanks for sharing!
07/15/2021 06:35PM  
Great report. I started that route a couple years ago, but midway through realized I had two different map brands that did not quite connect leaving a mile gap on the west side of the Louse River. Had to back up down the Lady Chain. Loved all the close up photos of the plants. I really need to learn them more. Have to wonder if your son is on the same organized trip as the young gals I met on my trip, also on a 27 day trip with some white water. I have to figure out how to do a longer trip like that.
07/15/2021 08:45PM  
Awesome report.
07/15/2021 08:57PM  
Loved the report and fine pics! I'd like to know what you cut for pack weight? No chair obviously, no radio?, you don't fish? Were you happy with your food? I bring those little ghirardelli chocolates too!

Thanks for the write up.
distinguished member(527)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2021 06:02AM  
jhb8426: "Nice trip report. My only comment is that there are rarely rollers on Sawbill even on very windy days especially in the morning. You made a good choice going early on Sawbill. By noon or 1:00 pm the wind usually shifts to coming from the south."

Three things in life are guaranteed: death, taxes, and that I will be paddling against the wind on Sawbill.

I swear that lake knows when I’m paddling in or paddling out and adjusts the waves and wind accordingly as a joke.
distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2021 06:42AM  
So positive and inspirational - I bet you are a phenomenal teacher. You deserve a trip like this after a year like last! Thank you for the details, the pictures and for bringing us along on the adventure!
distinguished member(1449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2021 02:25PM  
Duckman: "Three things in life are guaranteed: death, taxes, and that I will be paddling against the wind on Sawbill.

I swear that lake knows when I’m paddling in or paddling out and adjusts the waves and wind accordingly as a joke."

So true. I think in all the times I've been there I've only had 3-4 days with a favorable wind. Have only had a few days where the waves were starting to be a problem, usually in the afternoon.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/30/2021 06:43PM  
TomT: "Loved the report and fine pics! I'd like to know what you cut for pack weight? No chair obviously, no radio?, you don't fish? Were you happy with your food? I bring those little ghirardelli chocolates too!

Thanks for the write up."

Correct, no chair, no fishing gear (I don't like fishing or eating fish). I brought the simplest SPOT just to send an "I'm OK" message at each campsite for the night or to send an SOS if I get a life threatening injury. My cook kit is extremely light: alcohol stove made from cat food can, a titanium spoon, a 750mL Toaks pot, a titanium windscreen, a box of waterproof matches, and a plastic jar with lid and insulated cozy for rehydrating food. I also upgraded over time my daypack, map case, sleeping bag, rain gear, and my in-camp dry clothes to lighter weight options. I use to track my gear weight from trip to trip. It helps me compare items in my gear arsenal and figure out how to trim ounces bit by bit.

My luxury items included a camera, book, journal, and a set of watercolors.

08/17/2021 08:23PM  
Well done report! I've used some of the recipes from The Yummy Life when my sons, DDIL and sometimes friends head into the Boundary Waters. I truly commend you for going solo. At 70, I'm way past the time that I could do that. Besides, I seem to be directionally challenged.
Loved the photos of all the flowers especially.
09/04/2021 08:59AM  
Great report! I made the exact trip a couple weeks before you. The difference was that I had to double portage the entire trip and was completely exhausted at the end of each day. Time to rethink my packs! I really appreciated the pictures because I only took a couple and didn’t have any of the Louse. Makes me want to give it another go next spring with a lighter load and more time to enjoy the scenery. Thanks!
09/27/2021 12:37PM  
Great report. The Louse is still one of my favorite routes I have done because you feel so secluded. You also grabbed my favorite Malberg site, I have always loved that spot as it has a very cool Lord of the Rings feel to it with all the cedars right on the water.
09/28/2021 08:09AM  
Super report! We especially liked the Rose Pogonia cluster among the Purple Pitchers. Great photos all around.

senior member (100)senior membersenior member
01/19/2023 08:14PM  
I’ve always wanted to see a sundew and love that you saw them on this route! Wonderful write up and great prep for my own Louse River solo this May.
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