BWCA Trip Report - Homage to the Spartans and other paddling friends Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Homage to the Spartans and other paddling friends     



distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/14/2021 06:04PM  
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: Homage to the Spartans and other paddling friends .

Entry Point: 50

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08/15/2021 07:11AM  
Great report Paul... glad you and your daughter could share such a trip. Your very correct about the Spartans. I’ve met them and would have loved to have met up with them in their paddling years. I’m glad for them to be able to get up on the trail most years and enjoy the beauty of the area they grew to love. I hope you get some normal back into your life and you have many more wonderful trips with that wonderful daughter of yours.
08/15/2021 08:20AM  
Super report, great photos, and nice references to mentors.

distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/15/2021 08:27AM  
nctry: "Great report Paul... glad you and your daughter could share such a trip. Your very correct about the Spartans. I’ve met them and would have loved to have met up with them in their paddling years. I’m glad for them to be able to get up on the trail most years and enjoy the beauty of the area they grew to love. I hope you get some normal back into your life and you have many more wonderful trips with that wonderful daughter of yours."

Thanks Ben!

Certainly you are another one of the special people on - I'm my opinion anyways. :) There are many others too. I'd don't think I'd ever finish the report if I tried to include all the great folks I've encountered here and in other canoeing circles.

The big regret (if you will) of this trip was that I really didn't get any input from Aurora in pre-trip planning. (Initially it was going to be a solo) So, we've already started talking about what to do/see for our trip next year - God willing.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2021 06:09PM  
What a cool theme for your report. Congratulations to Aurora on becoming a one-match fire phenom. She must have a great teacher. Sounds like she is ready to learn how to stern the canoe. One of my strongest memories from my childhood was when my dad taught me to stern the canoe when I was 8 years old. He took me to Lake Calhoun (now Bde Maka Ska) in Minneapolis and then had me paddle to Cedar Lake. I bounced the canoe from side to side through the canal, but by the time we were done, I had figured it out. You are building such great memories with Aurora.

I had no idea that was an important Spartan campsite on Cherokee. We stayed there on our family trip in June and had an amazing snapping turtle viewing session. Loved that site.

I love Snipe, too. So pretty.

Thanks for the great report. Thoughtful and informative.
08/15/2021 07:32PM  
First of all TB, I thank you for your tribute. Hardly feel like it is deserved, but it is very touching. I just looked up Gilbert, Minnesota on my google maps, and I think next year when we are headed for the canoe country we should try to meet up with you and actually see you face to face. That would please us very much.

I have enjoyed every one of your trip reports, and I will read this one slowly in a day or so when I have some uninterrupted time. I have skimmed it now and enjoyed the photos. It is a joy to see Aurora so grown-up after seeing the reports of her in the BWCA when she was just a baby. We never were bold enough to take our children along as babies, and I always admired you and your wife for that.

Now, straighthairedcurly, about the "important Spartan campsite". This all started out in 1992 on our "long trip" when we stayed at the site and I took such a liking to the big rock. If you are interested, you can read about it. If you don't want to read the entire report, it is part 8, Day 7.

The Long Trip

I loved this site so much that we decided to return in 2002. That was on the infamous trip named "The Fly Trip" (named for the "friendly flies", but that is another subject, and a trip report I will probably write up next winter when I have a little free time.)

And then in 2012, when we took our trip with HoHo and David, what turned out to be our penultimate trip, we tried to get that campsite again, but were unsuccessful. That is when I asked to approach the sitting rock and take some photos. The person who was staying at the site posted on this board a very unflattering picture of the exchange (and not accurate), and there was some controversy. If you would like to read my side of the story, it is in this report:

Return to Cherokee

I remember this campsite fondly. I have a canvas print of myself sitting on this rock that hangs in a room in our home, and I often look at it and am transported back to the days on Cherokee. My special place.

But it isn't really the "Spartan site". I think it just seems so to a few of the folks on here who have read my reports and know all of the stories. I have never had any dibs on it. . .just loved it when I could be there, and I do go there often in my memory.

distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/15/2021 10:02PM  
Spartan2: "First of all TB, I thank you for your tribute. Hardly feel like it is deserved, but it is very touching. I just looked up Gilbert, Minnesota on my google maps, and I think next year when we are headed for the canoe country we should try to meet up with you and actually see you face to face. That would please us very much.

I have enjoyed every one of your trip reports, and I will read this one slowly in a day or so when I have some uninterrupted time. I have skimmed it now and enjoyed the photos. It is a joy to see Aurora so grown-up after seeing the reports of her in the BWCA when she was just a baby. We never were bold enough to take our children along as babies, and I always admired you and your wife for that.

Now, straighthairedcurly, about the "important Spartan campsite". This all started out in 1992 on our "long trip" when we stayed at the site and I took such a liking to the big rock. If you are interested, you can read about it. If you don't want to read the entire report, it is part 8, Day 7.

The Long Trip

I loved this site so much that we decided to return in 2002. That was on the infamous trip named "The Fly Trip" (named for the "friendly flies", but that is another subject, and a trip report I will probably write up next winter when I have a little free time.)

And then in 2012, when we took our trip with HoHo and David, what turned out to be our penultimate trip, we tried to get that campsite again, but were unsuccessful. That is when I asked to approach the sitting rock and take some photos. The person who was staying at the site posted on this board a very unflattering picture of the exchange (and not accurate), and there was some controversy. If you would like to read my side of the story, it is in this report:

Return to Cherokee

I remember this campsite fondly. I have a canvas print of myself sitting on this rock that hangs in a room in our home, and I often look at it and am transported back to the days on Cherokee. My special place.

But it isn't really the "Spartan site". I think it just seems so to a few of the folks on here who have read my reports and know all of the stories. I have never had any dibs on it. . .just loved it when I could be there, and I do go there often in my memory.


1st of all, I do believe you both are deserving of a tribute - even if only from a fellow bwca.comer. I look at you as something of the unofficial matriarch of this site and have always enjoyed, not only your trip reports & photos, but also your perspective on things canoeing & otherwise, even if I didn't always agree ( which has been rare). And, I hope me 'borrowing' one of your photos to put in the report wasn't/isn't offensive?

It would be a pleasure to meet up at some point. God willing, perhaps our paths will cross in the future.

God bless!
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/15/2021 10:02PM  
Spartan2: "First of all TB, I thank you for your tribute. Hardly feel like it is deserved, but it is very touching. I just looked up Gilbert, Minnesota on my google maps, and I think next year when we are headed for the canoe country we should try to meet up with you and actually see you face to face. That would please us very much.

I have enjoyed every one of your trip reports, and I will read this one slowly in a day or so when I have some uninterrupted time. I have skimmed it now and enjoyed the photos. It is a joy to see Aurora so grown-up after seeing the reports of her in the BWCA when she was just a baby. We never were bold enough to take our children along as babies, and I always admired you and your wife for that.

Now, straighthairedcurly, about the "important Spartan campsite". This all started out in 1992 on our "long trip" when we stayed at the site and I took such a liking to the big rock. If you are interested, you can read about it. If you don't want to read the entire report, it is part 8, Day 7.

The Long Trip

I loved this site so much that we decided to return in 2002. That was on the infamous trip named "The Fly Trip" (named for the "friendly flies", but that is another subject, and a trip report I will probably write up next winter when I have a little free time.)

And then in 2012, when we took our trip with HoHo and David, what turned out to be our penultimate trip, we tried to get that campsite again, but were unsuccessful. That is when I asked to approach the sitting rock and take some photos. The person who was staying at the site posted on this board a very unflattering picture of the exchange (and not accurate), and there was some controversy. If you would like to read my side of the story, it is in this report:

Return to Cherokee

I remember this campsite fondly. I have a canvas print of myself sitting on this rock that hangs in a room in our home, and I often look at it and am transported back to the days on Cherokee. My special place.

But it isn't really the "Spartan site". I think it just seems so to a few of the folks on here who have read my reports and know all of the stories. I have never had any dibs on it. . .just loved it when I could be there, and I do go there often in my memory.


1st of all, I do believe you both are deserving of a tribute - even if only from a fellow bwca.comer. I look at you as something of the unofficial matriarch of this site and have always enjoyed, not only your trip reports & photos, but also your perspective on things canoeing & otherwise, even if I didn't always agree ( which has been rare). And, I hope me 'borrowing' one of your photos to put in the report wasn't/isn't offensive?

It would be a pleasure to meet up at some point. God willing, perhaps our paths will cross in the future.

God bless!


My first double post in quite some time! The Holy Spirit emphasizing my point(s)!?
08/16/2021 06:05AM  
Thanks again, TB. Matriarch? That's an interesting idea--certainly better than "crusty old lady" (as I often feel I come off in my posts here) or "has-been" (as one person called me once.) A matriarch is sort of like "everybody's Mom", right? :-)

I talked last evening with Spartan1 and we agreed that next year in June when we are headed to Minnesota, we want to come via Gilbert and meet you for lunch or dinner somewhere. We'll be in touch!

And you didn't really "borrow" one of my photos--the one you used was taken by David Knudson when we were on our 2013 trip with HoHo and David. I am sure David wouldn't mind a bit. We actually have very few photos of the ""Spartans" together in a canoe, of course, and that one is precious to me. It was a drizzly day and I have always smiled at the concentration on my face.

May God bless you, too. I have said many times before: I love your trip reports. That is because I appreciate your attitude.
distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2021 07:23AM  
Once again, I really enjoyed your trip report. Very well written.
Thanks for taking the time to write it up and share it.
08/16/2021 09:45AM  
Wonderful report Paul... it's really cool you could spend that much time with Aurora! It is amazing how kids can stay busy just exploring around camp.
A couple days ago, I got back from a trip with 3 grandsons too :-)
Also, thanks for the shout with the YouTube link. We enjoyed the chat as well! Another thing I got out of that short visit was I noticed you had your GPS attached to your PFD. I had always kept mine stored in a pocket in my camera bag. Attached to the PFD is so much more handy!
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/16/2021 11:51AM  
Spartan2: "Thanks again, TB. Matriarch? That's an interesting idea--certainly better than "crusty old lady" (as I often feel I come off in my posts here) or "has-been" (as one person called me once.) A matriarch is sort of like "everybody's Mom", right? :-)

I talked last evening with Spartan1 and we agreed that next year in June when we are headed to Minnesota, we want to come via Gilbert and meet you for lunch or dinner somewhere. We'll be in touch!

And you didn't really "borrow" one of my photos--the one you used was taken by David Knudson when we were on our 2013 trip with HoHo and David. I am sure David wouldn't mind a bit. We actually have very few photos of the ""Spartans" together in a canoe, of course, and that one is precious to me. It was a drizzly day and I have always smiled at the concentration on my face.

May God bless you, too. I have said many times before: I love your trip reports. That is because I appreciate your attitude. "

That's pretty much why I used this theme for the trip report. Without going into a whole dialog...these days it seems people are so eager to point out the negative (whether real or perceived) and degrade others who aren't " in their camp" or way of thinking. I think it better to highlight some positivity and try to lift spirits instead.

Look forward to hearing from you.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/16/2021 12:00PM  
straighthairedcurly: "What a cool theme for your report. Congratulations to Aurora on becoming a one-match fire phenom. She must have a great teacher. Sounds like she is ready to learn how to stern the canoe. One of my strongest memories from my childhood was when my dad taught me to stern the canoe when I was 8 years old. He took me to Lake Calhoun (now Bde Maka Ska) in Minneapolis and then had me paddle to Cedar Lake. I bounced the canoe from side to side through the canal, but by the time we were done, I had figured it out. You are building such great memories with Aurora.

I had no idea that was an important Spartan campsite on Cherokee. We stayed there on our family trip in June and had an amazing snapping turtle viewing session. Loved that site.

I love Snipe, too. So pretty.

Thanks for the great report. Thoughtful and informative."

Thank you!

We've got another trip planned for EP #64 here in a week or so. If conditions cooperate??? I think we'll try Aurora out in the stern. I think it would be neat, if she so desires, for her to one day embark on a grand adventure like yours. Hopefully I can provide her some of the tools and inspirations do something like that.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/16/2021 12:07PM  
ghamer: "Wonderful report Paul... it's really cool you could spend that much time with Aurora! It is amazing how kids can stay busy just exploring around camp.
A couple days ago, I got back from a trip with 3 grandsons too :-)
Also, thanks for the shout with the YouTube link. We enjoyed the chat as well! Another thing I got out of that short visit was I noticed you had your GPS attached to your PFD. I had always kept mine stored in a pocket in my camera bag. Attached to the PFD is so much more handy!"

Thanks Gary!

Yeah, the GPS is waterproof and akin to the life jacket itself. Hopefully, I don't ever really need it but, it's nice to have if the unthinkable happens. Or, if I ever get a little turned around, it's very convenient to basically have it in hands reach. Not that that ever happens! :)
08/16/2021 01:25PM  
I still really look forward to your reports; & I still believe you should put them together and publish a book, maybe multiple editions. You have had so many adventures and I really enjoy reading (being along) these travels. Now that I have met "Shugemery" on trail, I think it would be cook to meet you; nibimocs; gopheradventure; and a few others whose reports I have read.
Thanks for taking the time to write up these reports.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/18/2021 11:47AM  
30Smoke: "I still really look forward to your reports; & I still believe you should put them together and publish a book, maybe multiple editions. You have had so many adventures and I really enjoy reading (being along) these travels. Now that I have met "Shugemery" on trail, I think it would be cook to meet you; nibimocs; gopheradventure; and a few others whose reports I have read.
Thanks for taking the time to write up these reports."

Thank you.

Wouldn't even really know where to begin in putting a book together? Not sure how much interest there would be as they are already available on line (here at

As I mentioned in the trip report, its always a special thrill to meet fellow bwca.comer'
And, God willing, it would indeed be nice to meet you one day too.
member (39)member
08/20/2021 06:01PM  
Another great report TB, I'm a faithful reader of all the trip reports and this site, any time a report submitted by TuscaroraBorealis pops up it's sure to be well worth reading.
It's been inspirational to see the growth of Aurora and the love of the BW that you have shared and inspired in her.
Paul, so cool of you to honor the Spartans this way, Lynda's reports were a big part of me being able to convince my wife to give the BW a try. After reading my wife's report here's her reply "Nice of you to call it "my" rock, by the way, but I know a lot of other people love it, too. :-)" humbly written by Lynda. So my wife and I agree That will always be the Spartans rock.
And Paul I believe you rank right up there with the other icons of this site.

distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2022 11:11PM  
Thanks for posting a wonderful trip report!
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2022 11:13AM  
Great stuff. I need to get up there - it's been too long. I hope our paths can cross. God Bless.

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