BWCA Trip Report - Good Fishing, Thunderstorm, and Wind Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Good Fishing, Thunderstorm, and Wind     



08/08/2022 04:24PM  
New Trip Report posted by pcallies

Trip Name: Good Fishing, Thunderstorm, and Wind.

Entry Point: Quetico

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/08/2022 05:30PM  
Wow! That was an adventure! Sometimes I read these reports and I am envious, but I think I am just as glad I wasn't on that trip! Great pictures, and great writing, too! Thanks for sharing.
08/08/2022 07:01PM  

Enjoyed this report quite a bit, thanks for sharing.

distinguished member (206)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2022 08:06PM  
Enjoyed your trip report. By the way, that sweet and sour walleye looks great! Care to share your recipe?
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/09/2022 08:16AM  
Whew, huh?!?
distinguished member (123)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2022 09:36PM  
Great report. You will always remember this trip. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you will need to buy a new tarp for future trips.
08/20/2022 09:00AM  
Great report, thank you. Mad skills on the sweet N sour walleye! Glad you made it out in one piece.
Guest Paddler
02/14/2023 08:30PM  
I was on crooked lake,Saturday bay the 1st nite of those storms,then on gun for the Monday nite storm,weather band was calling for 85 mph winds,2” hail and tornadoes,talk about a butt pucker.I paddled out in the 40 mph south headwind,it was wild
02/23/2023 09:53AM  
Great report.

We bailed out of the Q a day early on May 29 due to those impending storms; could see them in the distance as we exited. They hit while we were in Thunder Bay and were impressive, for sure.
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