BWCA Trip Report - Number Chain Newbies--Guiding five first-timers on Lakes One, Two and Three Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Number Chain Newbies--Guiding five first-timers on Lakes One, Two and Three     
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distinguished member(1062)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/14/2022 03:17PM  
New Trip Report posted by bottomtothetap

Trip Name: Number Chain Newbies--Guiding five first-timers on Lakes One, Two and Three .

Entry Point: 30

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/15/2022 04:21PM  
Sounds like a fun trip. Hard for me to relate to a first trip that easy, but I am sure your friends will want to go again now.

Thanks for sharing the BWCA with newbies, and thanks for sharing the experience with us, too.

distinguished member(1062)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2022 12:06PM  
Spartan2: "Sounds like a fun trip. Hard for me to relate to a first trip that easy, but I am sure your friends will want to go again now.

Thanks for sharing the BWCA with newbies, and thanks for sharing the experience with us, too.


Oh, thanks, Spartan2! As I recall, your physical trips are probably concluded so I'm happy to share and let you travel along vicariously.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/16/2022 02:04PM  
My first trip north was led by Calamity John. Your group was lucky to have you at the helm.
08/16/2022 02:42PM  
This was an incredible trip, and we were all very lucky to have Jim lead us. Lots of fun memories, conversations and laughter! Can't wait to go again!!
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