BWCA Trip Report - 2022 trip to northwest part of Quetico Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 2022 trip to northwest part of Quetico     



11/04/2022 04:05PM  
New Trip Report posted by LarryS48

Trip Name: 2022 trip to northwest part of Quetico.

Entry Point: Quetico

Click Here to View Trip Report
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11/05/2022 08:26AM  
A very nice trip report--made me want to be with you, and that is what a trip report should do! Enjoyed your photos, too! Thanks for sharing.
11/05/2022 10:43AM  
Nice trip and nice report. Glad you didn't have more power issues as the pictures you posted were great. Hope you didn't get too many grey hairs concerning the creek water levels. "So, we paddled around a fair bit looking at other options, but eventually returned to the site for the night."... this is what I like about Quetico, although the next time, your alternative site was occupied.
11/05/2022 11:19AM  
bobbernumber3: "Nice trip and nice report. Glad you didn't have more power issues as the pictures you posted were great. Hope you didn't get too many grey hairs concerning the creek water levels. "So, we paddled around a fair bit looking at other options, but eventually returned to the site for the night."... this is what I like about Quetico, although the next time, your alternative site was occupied."

I also like that you don’t see too many people in Quetico. We saw very few people on this trip. Except for having another group following the same route as us for the first three days, sighting of other groups were few and far between. When we did find a campsite occupied, it was within an hour of the entry point.

Maybe Woodland Caribou next year where people are even rarer.
11/05/2022 12:07PM  
Enjoyed that!

I got my north woods paddling teeth cut in these waters back in the mid 90s and haven't been back since 98. It was nice seeing some familiar waters.

Thanks for taking me along.
11/06/2022 08:50AM  
Thanks for sharing this report--nice photos and I especially appreciated your comments on wind conditions. We had started our 10-day trip in this same corner of the park August 26, and it was interesting to read about high winds on Beaverhouse and Quetico Lakes while we were just a few miles away without significant winds. Not that we missed out on a wind experience--Beaverhouse and (especially) Quetico lakes must turn into wind tunnels at the drop of a hat!

Like you, we enjoy the lower traffic of Quetico and hope to return next year. Jesse, Jean, and Your Lakes could call me back to the northwest corner someday, but I've been planning to revisit the Falls Chain and Blackstone Lake since our 2019 trip and hope to make it in 2023.

distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/08/2022 06:01PM  
Lovely pictures and great info in this report. Thanks!
11/11/2022 12:36PM  
Awesome trip. I enjoyed the report, especially since you covered most of my planned route for next year.
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