BWCA What are you afraid of? Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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   Listening Point - General Discussion
      What are you afraid of?     
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02/22/2024 01:25PM  
Wind, waves, bears, boogeymen and bigfoot don't bother me but not finding a campsite really nags at me. I have never not found a site, but I still stress about finding an open site in the BWCA. Not sure why.

I also worry about having one of the members of this forum passing by and laughing till they fall in when they see my sagging, pathetically-hung tarp set up.
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distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 01:48PM  
Being perceived as "not knowing what you're doing" is definitely a fear i face. But after my injury this past summer I realized that is the biggest obstacle. We were 15 miles in, 3+ miles from the more traveled lakes with no way of contacting the outside world besides hoofing it out to the EP via the Souix-hustler. Truly the place you want to be to get away but a crappy place to not be able to walk. Luckily I had committed tripping partners that carried the gear so we could make it out. If it weren't for my eagle scout buddy, I wouldn't have made it. He fashioned me some bushcraft crutches to make it down the portages. Luckily my ankle injury didn't hinder our progress too badly, and it wasn't arm related to where I couldn't paddle. Don't let anxiety get the best of you but plan for the worst.

Donnie, me, and my eagle scout buddy Drew
02/22/2024 01:50PM  
I'll need a recent photo so I know who to laugh at.

Wait! Maybe I already have laughed at your setup1 At least you don't know me so you can't laugh at my setup.
02/22/2024 02:09PM  
Just my shadow, otherwise I'm OK!
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 02:27PM  
distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 02:28PM  
merlyn: " Wind, waves, bears, boogeymen and bigfoot don't bother me but not finding a campsite really nags at me. I have never not found a site but still stress about finding an open site in the BWCA. Not sure why.

I also worry about having one of the members of this forum passing by and laughing till they fall in when they see my sagging, pathetically hung tarp set up. "

Here's the thing that backpackers live by (most that know enough to know when stop talking) - HYOH. Hike Your Own Hike. In this case - PYOB - Paddle Your Own Boat. Unless someone is doing something that you know will get them hurt, leave them to their own devices. If it works for them, walk away and let it go.

The only thing "perfect" about the BWCAW is just being there. Everything, Everything else is negotiable. Bushcraft is personal knowledge. We all learn ours from different teachers (most from the school of hard knocks). Our needs are all different. So our camps are all different. e.g. Most days I don't even set up a tarp. I carry one so that I can if needed, but it is most often just another thing I have to take time to tear down and pack when I am trying to leave camp early.

02/22/2024 02:46PM  
Pucker Portages close to the top of Falls at flood stage.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 04:04PM  
Wind storm knocking a tree onto me, especially if I'm solo. In bad storms I keep my Spot tracking turned on so at least someone will find me eventually.
02/22/2024 04:47PM  
Going into the woods to do my business at night and not being able to find my way back! Haha!
distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 07:04PM  

I also worry about having one of the members of this forum passing by and laughing till they fall in when they see my sagging, pathetically-hung tarp set up. "

Well thats just plain silly, folks here won't laugh or fall in. We are all much happier just taking photos and talking smack about you on the top secret subsection of this site that you don't have access to.
distinguished member (243)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2024 08:02PM  
The campsite I want being occupied.
02/22/2024 08:30PM  
nctry: "Going into the woods to do my business at night and not being able to find my way back! Haha!"

Almost happened to me once. In the western UP after dark just after the maple leaves dropped covered the forest floor. I took care of business and walked off in what I thought was the right direction and within a minute completely lost my bearings. My buddy at the campsite saved me responding to my shouting by directing his powerful flashlight beam into the trees over the campsite.
02/22/2024 10:15PM  
Very good question. Not knowing what to fear is scary. I can plan for what I know might hurt me. I know the portages in the Falls chain in high water (pucker is a good name) and slipping with landing on a pine log with broken off branches so I travel carefully and always stop when tired.
Accepting my limits of safety I am afraid my future trips will be tame and not too many are left in me.
02/23/2024 05:13AM  
I guess I don't fear being laughed at anymore so I will give you a few things to laugh at.

Our first trip to BWCA, we didn't know about the permits being needed and we didn't have any map except a highway map to plan from until we go to Ely, We also didn't have nice packs so we took all our gear in plastic garbage bags and hauled a borrowed canoe in the back of a pickup. There was a permit for Lake One so we were off on our adventure. We had 4 days for the trip and made an adventure of it by going from Lake Two into Rifle and circled around to Lake Four before heading back home.

On our way home from that trip we purchased some military surplus laundry bags and my wife sewed shoulder straps to them because real packs were beyond our means at the time. This time we were more prepared and paddled and portaged our way from Lake One to Gabimichigami. Each trip since we seem to upgrade our equipment and change the way we do things.

Fear of falling trees? I should be since I was hit by one and my wife and I had a tree fall and hit out tent. Broken tent poles? Yes, and fixed them with rope and/or duct tape.
distinguished member (127)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 05:27AM  
Drowning, falling trees and crazy people.
02/23/2024 06:44AM  
I worry about bears, mosquitos, snapping turtles, campsite availability, and other stuff when planning a trip. But once there it's always the trees I'm most leery about. Probably has to do with my volunteer work maintaining mountain bike trails. I clear a lot of fallen branches and trees off the trails each year. It's not always because of storms and most of the bigger stuff is alive when it falls.

After I got back last year I learned that the governor's brother was killed by a tree a few years ago on the lake I had been on and I couldn't help but wonder if it was at the site we were at.

It makes me wonder what the top risks are out there. Probably not the things most people worry the most about.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 07:21AM  
For me I worry about slipping on a portage and cracking my head open. Or I worry about blowing out my knee.

I worry about things at home. Seems I worry about stuff I can’t control the most.
02/23/2024 07:34AM  
On a solo trip last fall, I left my campsite on Lac la Croix and passed two guys and a woman fishing from a motorboat. As they watched me pass alone, I overheard the woman say, "That guy's not afraid of anything."
02/23/2024 08:23AM  
"Being struck by lightning." Metaphorically speaking. If I'm 15 miles in and some random accident happens, that would be my biggest "fear". Could be a tree falling on you, severe weather, medical emergency, a close encounter with a bear or moose, or just a random combination of events that is mostly outside of your control, ruins your trip, and puts you at risk.
02/23/2024 08:42AM  
nctry: "Going into the woods to do my business at night and not being able to find my way back! Haha!"
That happened to a guy I know!
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
02/23/2024 08:44AM  
For me, getting trapped under a fallen tree in my tent at night. Also, getting caught in a fast moving forest fire, especially with my dogs.
distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 09:09AM  
Most of what has been listed above concerns me, but doesn't scare me. I think being planful and careful and using common sense keeps those things as "concerns."

That said, like Merlyn, I fear not being able to get a campsite. Like him, that has never happened to me. Maybe it's more that I want a particular campsite or the "perfect" campsite and I fear not getting it. As we base camp more (due to our age and mobility), I get it in my head that I must have the perfect campsite to make the week the best. That's a foolish way for me to think...missing the forest for the trees.

Looking competent is also a personal hangup of mine. I put too much pressure on myself in looking like I know what I'm doing. It's silly and it transcends most other parts of my life. I know logically that this isn't really an issue, but it stays with me. I remember once at the portage into Henson a guy saying to me "you look like you've done this before" (park the boat, unload and portage.) Gotta say that it made me feel good.

Thanks for the therapy session.

02/23/2024 09:28AM  
Getting impaled by a windowmaker in the middle of a perfect wilderness sleep.
02/23/2024 09:40AM  
Bees / wasps / hornets. Despise the little bastards.
02/23/2024 10:35AM  
nctry: "Going into the woods to do my business at night and not being able to find my way back! Haha!"

Yes, getting up in the middle of the night and baring your behind to 1000 mosquitoes. They swarm in right on target.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
02/23/2024 10:37AM  
Running out of leeches or crawlers is always a big concern. Everything else is not a worry.
distinguished member (214)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 11:08AM  
Definitely the tricky footing portage alongside fast high water, finding yourself paddling in water that's faster and meaner than expected/as scouted, hazard trees and trauma/arterial bleeding. These things mostly don't keep me up at night but they do affect how I travel now and what I watch for compared with the immortal days of youth.
02/23/2024 12:58PM  
Speckled: "Bees / wasps / hornets. Despise the little bastards."

I completely agree with this one. I've been stung so many times that I have developed an allergy, which I didn't know was a thing until it happened to me, so I have what I would call a healthy fear of bees. Not sure why my wife thinks its so hilarious when I "strategically withdraw" when they are buzzing around my head.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 01:19PM  

Even though I've done a ton of bushwhacking, and go into a different mind set and have probably marched through thousands of the creatures, I still when relaxed have been known to scream like a little girl.
Had a Fishing Spider on my neck once, face once, and arms a few times.
02/23/2024 02:32PM  
Zulu: "
nctry: "Going into the woods to do my business at night and not being able to find my way back! Haha!"
That happened to a guy I know!"

Hmmm, so it does happen! Haha!
02/23/2024 02:59PM  
Big whitewater scares me. I almost drowned in huge rapids in northern Labrador. That was scary. There are no big rapids in the bwca. Also came across a grizzly eating an elk in Yellowstone. That was scary. There are no grizzlies in the bwca.The only time I ever screamed in fright was when a rabbit attacked me coming back from the biffy. Every Bigfoot in ten miles heard my pathetic screech. My daughter thought it was pretty funny.
member (36)member
02/23/2024 03:33PM  
I fear wind and trees and wind and waves. I don't necessarily fear not finding a campsite, but the angst about is surely a drag and has weighed on some otherwise pleasant days. I also fear barbed treble hooks.
distinguished member(3443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 03:59PM  

Getting to old to go to the BW.
senior member (75)senior membersenior member
02/23/2024 04:38PM  
As others have said, I feel fear of the things outside of my control. But that list is infinite so I (we) have to live within our own limits. I am afraid of drowning but that fear won't stop me from paddling. I jump when a spider is on me and recoil from their webs but that won't stop me from walking in the woods. I'm afraid of startling a snake or a bear so I make noise and let them know that I am there too.

My real fear is that the wilderness will be extinguished and the experiences we have all cherished will be gone. What I fear is the loss of things outside of our control.

Edit: I have a good strong anxiety about finding a good campsite.
02/23/2024 08:07PM  
Running out of coffee....and creamer....really. I'd also add that while I wasn't afraid per se of tough portages, I used to worry about how I'd get over that last difficult, long portage on my way out. I finally trained myself not to obsess over it --- after all, we all get out eventually, even if it takes a bit longer with a lot more effort!
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2024 11:08PM  
Nothing... be 65 in April... bring it on.. world needs help..
02/23/2024 11:29PM  
Drowning and what it would do to my family. I don't swim.
02/24/2024 11:23AM  
Running out of toilet paper. Horror of all horrors in my mind.
02/24/2024 02:34PM  
nooneuno: "

I also worry about having one of the members of this forum passing by and laughing till they fall in when they see my sagging, pathetically-hung tarp set up. "

Well thats just plain silly, folks here won't laugh or fall in. We are all much happier just taking photos and talking smack about you on the top secret subsection of this site that you don't have access to."

I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!!!!! A secret, evil cabal of bw old timers haunting this forum, spreading dis information and myths about the BWCAW for their own perverted pleasure. "We had a tail wind the whole way", "Our campsite was fantastic!" "the bugs weren't bad" LIES all LIES!!!
The wind is always in your face! (it will switch directions as needed to slow you down)
It is a proven fact that tree roots are attracted to tents and will grow up to three feet a night in order to burrow under your sleeping mat. ( I bet you five million dollars and a pillow to prove me wrong)
(We had to restrain Mr.-------- at this time and give him his meds)
02/24/2024 02:55PM  
Frenchy19: "Running out of toilet paper. Horror of all horrors in my mind. "

Well… I can see that… you have traveled with wife and daughters… some women have a super power of making rolls of TP disappear!
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/24/2024 08:29PM  
nctry: "
Frenchy19: "Running out of toilet paper. Horror of all horrors in my mind. "

Well… I can see that… you have traveled with wife and daughters… some women have a super power of making rolls of TP disappear!

The only 2 times we have run out of TP on trips has been due to MEN. Each time it was a guy with whom I had never traveled before. I was absolutely shocked at how much they used. Even the one guy's girlfriend mentioned to us on day 3, "Oh yeah, he uses A LOT of TP all the time."

I'm used to my family: I don't think my son ever uses TP on trail (he is a leaf lover), I use a Kula cloth for peeing and minimal for #2 (and sometimes leaves), and my husband is similar. We never carry more than a partial roll even for a 2 week trip.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/24/2024 08:37PM  
bobbernumber3: "On a solo trip last fall, I left my campsite on Lac la Croix and passed two guys and a woman fishing from a motorboat. As they watched me pass alone, I overheard the woman say, "That guy's not afraid of anything.""

Always one of the questions I get when I chat with people while I'm on a solo: "Aren't you afraid to be out here by yourself?" Uh, no. Why would I come do it if I were terrified?
02/24/2024 08:46PM  
Paddling rivers in Alaska I was always wary of what was around the bend, currents, sweepers, not knowing what was ahead.

In the BW, I am always scaradie of crossing big water. It can be perfetly calm paddling the across the middle of Brule Lake "for instance" and I still get the pucker factor.
02/25/2024 07:29AM  
Being paralyzed, losing my mind.

And chipmunks. I was once bluff-charged by a rabid chipmunk that was stealing my sock. I kept the sock full of holes to wave in the face of disbelievers.
02/25/2024 11:43AM  
straighthairedcurly: "
nctry: "
Frenchy19: "Running out of toilet paper. Horror of all horrors in my mind. "

Well… I can see that… you have traveled with wife and daughters… some women have a super power of making rolls of TP disappear!

The only 2 times we have run out of TP on trips has been due to MEN. Each time it was a guy with whom I had never traveled before. I was absolutely shocked at how much they used. Even the one guy's girlfriend mentioned to us on day 3, "Oh yeah, he uses A LOT of TP all the time."

I'm used to my family: I don't think my son ever uses TP on trail (he is a leaf lover), I use a Kula cloth for peeing and minimal for #2 (and sometimes leaves), and my husband is similar. We never carry more than a partial roll even for a 2 week trip."

I cannot lay this on my wife nor daughters; tis all on me. Even when I was a wee lad, one of my aunts, who used to watch me, said to my momma, "you'd think that boy's butt is the size of a whale based on how much tp he uses." A partial roll for 2 weeks? No. Way.
02/25/2024 12:02PM  
I _worry_ about the things everyone here has covered - mostly about injury (through slipping/impalement, flying/thrashing hooks, or falling trees). I also spend too much time worrying about getting _the_ campsite. I've gotten it more times than not, thankfully, but have had just enough times where the traffic in the area led to my group having to push further than anticipated, or having to accept a poor campsite just to have somewhere to sleep.

What am I actually afraid of, though? Not seeing all of the beautiful areas in the BWCA (and Quetico) before wildfires spoil them. I know fire is healthy for the forest and whatnot... but it's not pretty to look at. I have a few more bucket list routes to do in areas I've seen many photos and videos of, places I'd love to see and experience for myself, and the fear of them burning to a crisp has pushed me to prioritize the epic long routes over the more relaxed shorter ones so I can see as much as possible. I wanted to do my first Quetico trip in the SW corner, visiting Argo, Brent, Conmee, and Darkwater, around 2021 or 2022. Well, in 2021 wildfires absolutely ravaged Quetico, burning something like a quarter of the entire park to various degrees. The area I wanted to visit unfortunately got hit pretty hard. Is it still worth a visit, almost certainly! But with so much mature growth gone, it's no doubt a different place, and so I think I'll be focusing my attention on an unburned area for my first Q trip.

So, not much actually _scares_ me once I'm out in the bush - just getting injured and not being able to self-rescue. Watch that footing and swing that blade very carefully. Everything else is just worry or caution.
distinguished member(569)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2024 01:03PM  
women with red hair
02/25/2024 01:33PM  
nooneuno: "the top secret subsection of this site that you don't have access to."


The first Rule of the Qanoe sub-forum is that we don't talk about the Qanoe sub-forum.
02/25/2024 01:59PM  
Stumpy: "Spiders

Even though I've done a ton of bushwhacking, and go into a different mind set and have probably marched through thousands of the creatures, I still when relaxed have been known to scream like a little girl.
Had a Fishing Spider on my neck once, face once, and arms a few times.

I was taking down my tent with my daughter on Pierz this past year and saw (did not feel) a couple of black thin things in my peripheral vision on my left eye. I felt it shortly after and batted my glasses and a big ol' fishing spider down onto the tent. I'm not particularly scared of spiders but a couple of the kids and one of the other dads were horrified.

When I'm solo, I worry most about cracking my head on a rock, capsizing in waves, and falling trees. I always wonder about adverse things happening at home when I'm away, but now carry an InReach. When with kids, I worry about drowning.

I don't feel like these concerns put a damper on my trips in any way though, just part of being out there and looking out for myself and others.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2024 03:45PM  
Cool thread! I like reading the range of responses including the humor. :)

Mostly I fear losing my mind. Whether shock from a gruesome injury or not being able to think properly while slipping into hypothermia after capsizing, I just don't want to lose my mind. In general, I suppose, I fear losing my mind as I age.

02/25/2024 06:34PM  
YetiJedi: "...or not being able to think properly while slipping into hypothermia after capsizing,,,,"

No need to worry about that one. You won't even know you're not thinking properly.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2024 07:42PM  
bobbernumber3: "
YetiJedi: "...or not being able to think properly while slipping into hypothermia after capsizing,,,,"

No need to worry about that one. You won't even know you're not thinking properly."

Very true!
02/25/2024 07:46PM  
There is a Canadian Lynx which lives near my has me looking about whenever I trek to the latrine haha.
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2024 09:02AM  
justpaddlin: "women with red hair"

Depends what shade of red
member (26)member
02/26/2024 09:58AM  
"Fear itself"
distinguished member (315)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/27/2024 02:48PM  
The dreaded "Beavcoon". It makes an appearance every year that we have a newbie with us!
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/27/2024 04:03PM  
As noted above, "fear itself." I hope to not let my fears get the best of me in dicey situations. I used to be afraid of bears, and then we had one in camp, twice. It turned out ok, and I kept my head. The storms seem worse and more frequent, so I worry more about trees coming down. I have back 'issues' and I fear becoming immobilized and ruining the trip for my partner. In 2021 that nearly happened. I woke up about unable to move and in excruciating pain. We were on Mountain Lake, and could have taken the short portage into Clearwater and exited the BW, which would have been the rational thing to do. We elected to push forward, and it was risky, because once committed, there were no more 'short' exits. It was a hellish day, but miraculously, the next morning, my back had improved [that never happens], and we were able to enjoy our trip as planned. Perhaps things generally working out, and our value of being as prepared as possible, keep me going into the BW as I age. I hope I can keep on keepen' on!
02/27/2024 04:55PM  
boonie: "Being paralyzed, losing my mind.

And chipmunks. I was once bluff-charged by a rabid chipmunk that was stealing my sock. I kept the sock full of holes to wave in the face of disbelievers. "

I forgot about the grouse - add that to my fear of my shadow! Last June, portaging between Upper / Lower Pauness, I could hear something coming through the woods toward me, and suddenly there was a grouse in front of me bluff charging (and I didn't bring my bear spray!). It was yacking and screaming at me, I guess more annoying than scary, but I just yelled at the grouse "Get outta here, Go away!". Moments later my cousin showed up wondering if I was mortally wounded. I should have told him I scared off a bear, but I told the truth, and by the end of the trip, my cousin had a grouse feather in his hat. He told me that was a signal that he was a member of a secret grouse society, and they were out to get me! Fortunately, they were like the Crow in Jeremiah Johnson, and would only attack one at a time. I was able to escape the BWCA without harming any of my attackers, but now when I return, I fear I will have to wear a disguise for any future trips. That's my story, the whole truth, and I'm sticking to it!
02/27/2024 05:38PM  
Well, 30smoke, maybe truth is lost in the smoke ;). I actually had picked up a large rock and on the second charge, I nearly beaned him and that made him scamper away. I think it was using it for nest building ;)

You never know what that grouse might do, but I'd suggest not watching the Hitchcock movie "Birds".
02/27/2024 05:43PM  
What if I die on a trip?

That would be hard on my buddies and likely ruin the rest of their time what with a dead body lying around camp during Happy Hour.

I'm afraid they'd have fun without me!
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/27/2024 07:13PM  
bobbernumber3: "What if I die on a trip?

That would be hard on my buddies and likely ruin the rest of their time what with a dead body lying around camp during Happy Hour.

I'm afraid they'd have fun without me!"

This could go several different ways lol
02/27/2024 10:25PM  
JohnGalt: "There is a Canadian Lynx which lives near my has me looking about whenever I trek to the latrine haha."

Thats cool!
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
02/28/2024 10:03AM  
I'm afraid of sitting on the john and having a spider crawl out from under the rim and onto me. I hate spiders and that is always in my mind while trying to hover.
02/28/2024 11:08AM  
MidwestMan: "
bobbernumber3: "What if I die on a trip?

That would be hard on my buddies and likely ruin the rest of their time what with a dead body lying around camp during Happy Hour.

I'm afraid they'd have fun without me!"

This could go several different ways lol"

For me this is not so much a fear, but a morbid 'what if' question.
02/28/2024 07:23PM  
justpaddlin: "women with red hair"

I know what you mean. My first wife was a red head.
distinguished member (156)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/28/2024 08:48PM  
bobbernumber3: "What if I die on a trip?

That would be hard on my buddies and likely ruin the rest of their time what with a dead body lying around camp during Happy Hour.

I'm afraid they'd have fun without me!"
They'd probably have to double portage the rest of the trip. Weekend at Bernie's meets the BWCA.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/29/2024 04:23AM  
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/29/2024 07:53AM  
Stumpy: "Stumpy"

Scared of yourself..?
distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/29/2024 09:53AM  
I'm afraid that time will pass too quickly, because it does.

distinguished member (191)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/29/2024 01:46PM  
Thick mud above my waist, on a solo trip.
distinguished member (227)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/29/2024 06:44PM  
Being on a trip for more than two days and not leaving a trace.
03/01/2024 07:43AM  
uqme2: "Thick mud above my waist, on a solo trip."

As I was reading this thread for the first time I was thinking "I gotta say being up to my waist in mud" and then there you were. The only change I'd make is being UNEXPECTEDLY in thick mud above my waist on a solo trip, because that is what made it worse.
03/01/2024 07:57AM  
gadget: ""Fear itself""

+1. I was wondering when someone would quote Franklin Roosevelt!
senior member (57)senior membersenior member
03/01/2024 09:34AM  
Capsizing - and it happened on my very first trip. Staying on Caribou Lake we made a trip to Johnson Falls. While hiking to/from the falls it started to lightly rain and the wind came up out of the east. As we were trying to cross the west end of Pine Lake to get back to Caribou, the east wind was roaring down the length of Pine Lake and the first wave got us rocking and the second wave flipped us. Yes we were wearing our pfd's, but fortunately the depth is maybe 4.5 feet so we could simply walk the canoe to the portage and get back on our way.

Now medical emergencies has entered my head. On a more recent trip, prior to our trip my trip buddy was told by his Dr that he needed that balloon procedure done to one of his veins, but gave him the OK to go on the trip. We went, had no problems, and my buddy went in for his procedure after the trip. That's when he found out that no, he didn't need the balloon procedure, he actually needed quadruple bypass. Can you imagine the immense trauma suffered by the surviving person? I would think in cases of heart attack, stroke, etc. that being saved would be nearly impossible, but your trip partner has to deal with it.
03/01/2024 10:07AM  
Not retiring early enough and as such not being able to do all the outdoorsy things I want to once I get there.
03/01/2024 10:16AM  
MidwestMan: "
Stumpy: "Stumpy"

Scared of yourself..?"

You aren't??? I think most of us can agree that poor decision making plays at least some role, if not the major contributing factor, in pretty much all of the rescues and trip ending incidents over the years.
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2024 10:55AM  
A1t2o: "
MidwestMan: "
Stumpy: "Stumpy"

Scared of yourself..?"

You aren't??? I think most of us can agree that poor decision making plays at least some role, if not the major contributing factor, in pretty much all of the rescues and trip ending incidents over the years."

I think poor decision making and being scared of one's self are separate concepts.
03/01/2024 01:40PM  
MidwestMan: "
A1t2o: "
MidwestMan: "
Stumpy: "Stumpy"

Scared of yourself..?"

You aren't??? I think most of us can agree that poor decision making plays at least some role, if not the major contributing factor, in pretty much all of the rescues and trip ending incidents over the years."

I think poor decision making and being scared of one's self are separate concepts."

I don't know. I always seem to be my own worst enemy.
03/01/2024 04:42PM  
Speckled: "Not retiring early enough and as such not being able to do all the outdoorsy things I want to once I get there."

This can be a real thing… I was forced to retire because I could no longer do my job… which also meant I couldn’t paddle… I do get out and such. But my limitations greatly reduced my kind of adventure. So I’m working on adapting… but it’s not the same. A campgrounds to me is like I’m in assisted living!
distinguished member (134)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2024 09:06AM  
Wind, waves, capsizing, and being stranded are all chief worries of mine, especially while solo tripping. I take precautions for all with a Garmin inReach and ditch bag around my waist. If wind and waves are in the forecast I try to move as early as I can.
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2024 07:16PM  
I worry about other people. Not like evil people, but just someone doing something dumb that could wreck a trip or worse.
distinguished member (426)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2024 08:11PM  
Strong tailwinds with large, deep waves that cause the canoe to surf or run right up to the gunnels. Especially in May/spring (ie cold water).
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2024 07:23AM  
A1t2o: "
MidwestMan: "
A1t2o: "
MidwestMan: "
Stumpy: "Stumpy"

Scared of yourself..?"

You aren't??? I think most of us can agree that poor decision making plays at least some role, if not the major contributing factor, in pretty much all of the rescues and trip ending incidents over the years."

I think poor decision making and being scared of one's self are separate concepts."

I don't know. I always seem to be my own worst enemy."

LOL....Although some valid points, maybe.
I was joking, when I said "Stumpy", because I took my nickname after the fictitious culprit, in the campfire stories, that we were told of on Quetico canoe trips, during my high school trips.
The ledgend of "stumpy".
03/03/2024 07:47AM  
RoundRiver: "Strong tailwinds with large, deep waves that cause the canoe to surf or run right up to the gunnels. Especially in May/spring (ie cold water)."

Agree completely- cold water and following seas is a terrifying combination. If you're heading into big waves you start with the worst. Running with them there is no telling how big they will get.
03/03/2024 08:08AM  
I'm afraid of Jim Cantore flying into Ely to document some crazy wind/weather event two days after I've started a 10-day BWCA/Q trip!

distinguished member(1318)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2024 09:20AM  
I'm afraid the upcoming generations will have never learned how important places like this are, and how important it is to cherish them.
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2024 08:24AM  
Stumpy: "
A1t2o: "
MidwestMan: "
A1t2o: "
MidwestMan: "
Stumpy: "Stumpy"

Scared of yourself..?"

You aren't??? I think most of us can agree that poor decision making plays at least some role, if not the major contributing factor, in pretty much all of the rescues and trip ending incidents over the years."

I think poor decision making and being scared of one's self are separate concepts."

I don't know. I always seem to be my own worst enemy."

LOL....Although some valid points, maybe.
I was joking, when I said "Stumpy", because I took my nickname after the fictitious culprit, in the campfire stories, that we were told of on Quetico canoe trips, during my high school trips.
The ledgend of "stumpy".

Lmao. I dig it, Stumpy. Just be sure to leave your axe-murdering impulses at home and we’ll all be safe.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2024 01:59PM  
Banksiana: "
RoundRiver: "Strong tailwinds with large, deep waves that cause the canoe to surf or run right up to the gunnels. Especially in May/spring (ie cold water)."

Agree completely- cold water and following seas is a terrifying combination. If you're heading into big waves you start with the worst. Running with them there is no telling how big they will get."

So absolutely true, and there is no bail-out plan once you realize you might be in over your head. I think it gets a lot of people in trouble. Especially scary if capsizing means drifting long distances away from land. So much better to start with the worst you will see. Amazing how few folks list going in the water, especially cold water, when it is the biggest killer up there.
distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2024 12:37AM  
This thread about covered it all! Loved reading it! Here's my list...

1. A wolf at night that came into camp made us pack up and paddle across the lake in pitch black. It's low howl was spine tingling. I can still hear it. That was Fairy Lake.

2. I don't fear personal injury (which has happened several times), but I do fear someone else getting seriously injured while we're deep in...

3. Severe storms on the entry date that would hinder getting launched.

4. Losing car keys while camping!
member (26)member
03/16/2024 09:54PM  
"The total weight of your pack is the sum of all your fears"
distinguished member(1726)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/16/2024 10:28PM  
For some reason, I always worry about losing my car keys while I'm on a trip. I tend to check them every day to make sure I know I still have them. And now I've started hiding a set somewhere at the drop-off point, and since I almost always use an outfitter to tow me in, I'll leave another set at the outfitter as well. So yes, that's three sets of keys -- one with me, one hidden, one at the outfitter. Overkill much. :)

And early in the year, I really worry about cold water. It kind of ruins the pleasure of paddling if I've got a big following wind or any kind of waves at all, just because the cost of a mistake is so high.

Also, on solo trips, on the first night in, I'm afraid of literally anything that makes a noise in the night before I fall asleep. Night #2 I sleep through it all, but the first night I always have the heebee-jeebees.
03/18/2024 11:17PM  
Dropping my phone in the drink.
03/19/2024 08:15AM  
okinaw55: "Dropping my phone in the drink."

This one has a solution...I tether my phone to my pfd when on the water.
03/19/2024 09:09AM  
sns: "
okinaw55: "Dropping my phone in the drink."

This one has a solution...I tether my phone to my pfd when on the water."

What do you use as a tether? And how do you attach it? I've tried a couple options before but every single one was a container to put my phone in that I have to take it out of to take a picture. Thus completely negating it's usefulness. It's when I'm taking the picture that my phone is most at risk and I want it tethered.
03/19/2024 09:29AM  
I use a DCF stick-on loop like THIS , stuck to the back of the phone.

Then some very thin shock cord secured to the interior of the phone's pocket on my PFD.

The loop has been stuck to the back of my phone for two years issues.
03/19/2024 02:16PM  
gadget: ""The total weight of your pack is the sum of all your fears""
My fear is getting into a serious situation where I can't self rescue. Whether its capsize, breaking a femur, or having a STEMI. (I do emergency management for a living). I have mitigated a bunch of it by getting a Zoleo, but it always is in the back of my mind when I am soloing.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2024 02:33PM  
carmike: "For some reason, I always worry about losing my car keys while I'm on a trip. I tend to check them every day to make sure I know I still have them. And now I've started hiding a set somewhere at the drop-off point, and since I almost always use an outfitter to tow me in, I'll leave another set at the outfitter as well. So yes, that's three sets of keys -- one with me, one hidden, one at the outfitter. Overkill much. :) "

I've been hiding my keys at the entry point for decades.
I usually have another group member see where I do this.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2024 02:35PM  
okinaw55: "Dropping my phone in the drink."

I duct tape closed cell foam to the back of my phone.
Enough layers that it floats & I test it at home.
03/19/2024 03:56PM  
My camera is on a lanyard and in my shirt pocket. My phone is in a LifeProof case.
member (25)member
03/19/2024 06:31PM  
I’m afraid of running out of “Oooohhhhh that smell”
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2024 07:33PM  
Crappiekillah: "I’m afraid of running out of “Oooohhhhh that smell”"

You just opened up a can of worms. And I always thought crappie liked minnows better.
03/21/2024 01:18AM  
Dreamer: "This thread about covered it all! Loved reading it! Here's my list...

1. A wolf at night that came into camp made us pack up and paddle across the lake in pitch black. It's low howl was spine tingling. I can still hear it. That was Fairy Lake.

2. I don't fear personal injury (which has happened several times), but I do fear someone else getting seriously injured while we're deep in...

3. Severe storms on the entry date that would hinder getting launched.

4. Losing car keys while camping!"
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/21/2024 08:48AM  
Tiny little bacteria and amoebas that can get into your body through any orifice.
senior member (74)senior membersenior member
03/21/2024 05:40PM  
Forgetting where I stashed the food barrel the night before.
03/22/2024 04:52PM  
Stumpy: "
okinaw55: "Dropping my phone in the drink."

I duct tape closed cell foam to the back of my phone.
Enough layers that it floats & I test it at home."

Brilliant idea!
03/24/2024 07:19PM  
I fear living too long. seriously.
senior member (54)senior membersenior member
03/25/2024 09:25PM  
Tree falling on the tent.
And leeches.
Always leeches. It’s my irrational fear. Being covered in leeches…

distinguished member (156)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 11:17AM  
jcavenagh: "I fear living too long. seriously."

you and me both!
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