BWCA Sliding Bow Seat... Boundary Waters Group Forum: Boat Builders and Repair
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      Sliding Bow Seat...     
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distinguished member(1210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2009 06:53AM  
I'm in the process of building a modified 17 ft Bob's Special.(extra station & space btwn stations...modifications came with the original plans)

I'm considering putting on a sliding bow seat because on my trips with my wife I spend a lot of time in the mornings fishing solo off the bow seat with the boat turned around. It would be nice to be able to get the seat to a true solo position for the extra stability. Have any of you tried this? Has it been worth the extra weight and work? If any of you have any thoughts on this I'd love to hear them.

Also, here are a couple of pictures of the boat right now just for good measure. I'm in the process of fairing it at the moment. Please do not comment on my messy garage. [I can't seem to get the photos on right now but will try again later.]
---I still can't get the pictures up, but they are the "Bob's Special" ones in my photo gallery if you're curious. are the photos. I'll update them later.
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distinguished member(3436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2009 08:36AM  
Pictures? didnt show....replace your rear thwart with a nealing thwart. Not much wt difference from the reg thwart. Bell does this on their 16-17 boats. May be called a solo thwart cant remember. Check with NorthWest canoe, they sell them.
distinguished member(951)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2009 09:27AM  
I agree with cedar boy that a kneeling thwart (or for that matter a drop in third seat) might be a better option. I'm not sure a sliding seat would work for what you want to do, as the slides are usually hung from a thwart and you wouldn't be able to sit facing backwards anyway. Here's a pic of one I built for an old Bell.

I suppose if you built the supports to the side or bottom there may be a way.
distinguished member(3436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2009 10:05AM  
nwd1976 is on to it, check out They put the support under the slides then it is hung from the gunwales. They still put a thwart behind the seat, but you could leave it out to paddle. I built a slider modeled after the Bell/Swift style for my 18 footer then took it out. Never used it so when I put new gunwales on I went back to a fixed bow seat. I dont miss the slider at all, just extra parts to add wt and loosen up over time.

Thanks nwd1976 I knew "nealing" didnt look right,LOL!
distinguished member(1210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/22/2009 09:50AM  
Thanks for the input.

The greenval set up looks like it may be the way to go if I end up going this route. I've still got a few weeks to ponder.

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