BWCA Milk Boundary Waters Group Forum: Canoeing with kids
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05/12/2011 09:15PM  
My little one, age 3 and a half, expects milk before bed. It's a big deal to her; her only real comfort item. Tonight i tried to sneak powdered milk (the whole milk kind) to see if she would drink it. Of course not. ;-)

I don't really want to bring milk...she does drink soy, but the kind she likes is from Costco and the smallest size is a quart. She actually prefers soy over cow milk now. I guess i could try various single serving soy milks or shelf-stable cows milk to see if I can find one she likes, but really i don't want to carry any liquids like that. Though I suppose at most that would be four or five 8-ounce servings.

But i guess that's my only option, right? Or wean her from it in 33 days. Maybe i can start talking now about how in the BW, we won't have it....but what if it backfires? That would be a disaster. I want her to like the BW.

Anyone face something similar, and if so, what did you do?

(I suppose the weight of the liquid would decrease daily, and the weight of the nighttime diapers would increase daily, and cancel one another out, LOL).
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05/12/2011 11:00PM  
Does she like Tang? Can you get her interested in warm Tang before bed as a special treat? Can you keep some boxes of milk in the car for immediately AFTER (maybe chocolate or a treat kind of milk)? Can you introduce a special lovey thing for bedtime, like a stuffed COW, as an alternative to milk? Even a chewy toy might help ( we get them from an occupational therapy catalog )...
distinguished member(666)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/13/2011 08:26AM  
My guess is she'll be so enthralled with the BW that she'll forget about the milk. The environment is so different than home, that the point in her routine where the milk occurs won't exist out there. I know my boys and I have a completely different routine that only exists when we're camping.

As a fallback, in the next couple days, "run out" of milk and try Hot Cocoa or other powdered alternative to see what she might accept.

Happy camping
distinguished member(1363)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/13/2011 09:19AM  
If you are not going on a long trip, I would suggest freezing a small container of milk and keeping it in an insulated pack. If you only get it out at bedtime, and keep it out of the sun as much as possible, you should be good for several days. I routinely take milk frozen in this capacity and have milk for several days. It melts slowly and I typically have ice chunks in the milk 4 or 5 days into the trip.
05/13/2011 07:00PM  
yes, been here done that! We did try shelf stable milk, didn't work. also tried powered whole milk.. it was OK for them, then went to formula (yes they were to old for it) but they loved the formula. we even made our pudding out of it. But the only formula that tastes good enough for pudding is good start ;)
05/13/2011 07:47PM  
formula...very interesting. I'd hate to buy a whole can and have it backfire, though...
05/18/2011 09:16AM  
Good ideas all...going to try the "we're out of milk" thing at home this weekend, I think. ;-)
distinguished member (165)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2011 12:27PM  
I hate to add sugar to the equation but what about a powdered chocolate "milk". Ramp it up as a special treat for the BW.
05/18/2011 01:34PM  
quote sinking3: "I hate to add sugar to the equation but what about a powdered chocolate "milk". Ramp it up as a special treat for the BW."

Do you mean like making powdered milk and disguising the taste with Quik? Hmmm....
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2011 03:59PM  

I think people gave some great ideas, but your daughter has a kindred spirit here in WI. Our youngest (6) expects a "steamer" every morning (warm, frothy milk with a hint of maple). Dad got her into that one.

05/18/2011 07:53PM  
I had a seriously stupid moment earlier. I could use hot cocoa mix. Doh.

Paddlefamily, we are in WI, too (Madison)

And way to go, Dad. LOL.
05/19/2011 07:31AM  
quote paddlefamily:

...warm, frothy milk with a hint of maple...

That sounds delicious. I will be trying one in the morning.
05/19/2011 04:47PM  
quote paddlefamily: "nojobro-

I think people gave some great ideas, but your daughter has a kindred spirit here in WI. Our youngest (6) expects a "steamer" every morning (warm, frothy milk with a hint of maple). Dad got her into that one. "

What a dad!!
06/21/2011 02:29PM  
The hot chocolate mix worked great!

She asked for "regular milk" a couple times but got over it easily.

distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2011 09:26PM  
Whew! Happy to hear it. So now does she expect hot cocoa everyday at home? :)
06/22/2011 07:56AM  
06/22/2011 08:19AM  
quote paddlefamily: "Whew! Happy to hear it. So now does she expect hot cocoa everyday at home? :)"

LOL! No, not yet. She was pretty happy to have her "regular milk" back again though.
distinguished member(666)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/23/2011 04:27PM  
I was going to ask when we met on Horseshoe, but didn't want to raise a touchy subject. Glad to hear it wasn't an issue.
04/30/2012 10:35AM  
Update: She has finally been weaned from her nighttime milk habit. Which, incidentally, was also drunk out of a bottle. Yes, I am admitting that now that it is over. LOL.

The hot chocolate mix, which we used cold, was a little gunky but did go through the nipple (would have been better if we had mixed it with hot water first, I suppose).

Now maybe, just maybe, we can night-time potty train her before our next trip in June, though I am not sure I want to risk that being so far away from a washing machine! At the very least, nighttime diapers will weigh less, with less liquid going in prior to bedtime.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/01/2012 10:13AM  
There is no shame in admitting she used a bottle. I know many kids that are FAR older than your daughter that have favorite bedtime rituals, stuffed animals, shreds of their baby blankets, pacifiers, or a favorite thumb to suck and who would be lost with out these items!

It is like having Turkey for thanksgiving... many grown adults my family would absolutely panic if it wasn't there, because it is such a ingrained tradition!!

The potty training thing can be harder. One of my sons couldn't sleep dry through the night until he was 9 and is still the first one to say that he needs a potty stop on trips because he just can't hold it as long as the other boys.

I am sure that you have read up all about it, but one of the simple things that I tried was to limit the liquids after dinner. We had all the beverages we wanted but didn't have any juice, water, milk, etc after 6pm and that seemed to help. It didn't CURE him but it certainly cut down on the incidents. I had always thought about buying an wet bed alarm but never got to that point. If he had continued past 10, I probably would have looked into treatment so that he could have a sleepover without embarrassment.

05/01/2012 12:39PM  
Now I can't get her to drink milk at all. I even got her chocolate milk and she didn't want that. Guess I have to stock up on yogurt and cheese. ;-)
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/01/2012 03:28PM  
Hah! A complete reversal! Kids are so funny that way!

Do you have Kemps dairy products in your area? They have a yogurt drink called Yo-J that is fruit flavored that is yummy... it does have sugar so buyer beware!

05/04/2012 02:14AM  
YoJ is so yummy it cannot possibly be good for you! :) I buy it about once a year as a super treat - 1/2 gal will be gone instantly around here.

As to bed-wetting, I grew up with those sleep alarms - for me and my siblings. I am not sure if they actually helped or if we all eventually grew out of it. I was between 4th-6th grade when last I recall using one of those.

My son had a guest sleepover sometime in the last year (5th or 6th grade)... and kiddo's mom pulled me aside and explained about the nighttime pullup. I just made sure he could dress privately in the evening and then have a place to get it to the trash in the AM. I don't think anyone was the wiser.

Hopefully little L will figure it out in her time.

Good luck Nola. There's lots and lots of yummy yogurts and cheeses out there, and more things contain calcium than you might think - even green things.
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