BWCA Instant Milk Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Instant Milk     



04/19/2013 02:39PM  
Has anyone tried this?

My interest isn't so much for drinking but for those shelf items that need milk for prep.

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04/19/2013 08:24PM  
yes i have brought some in , you'll never mistake it for whole milk but it does the job in the BW. perfect if your recipe's call for milk.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/19/2013 08:51PM  
It works just fine for your cooking recipe's. Like shock said you will never mistake it for the real thing.
distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2013 09:26PM  
quote Savage Voyageur: "It works just fine for your cooking recipe's. Like shock said you will never mistake it for the real thing. "

I add powdered milk into the making before leaving, when I'm making up stuff like bannock, or pancakes. I'm playing with it now looking for a instant sort of cream sauce.....
distinguished member(646)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2013 10:48PM  
If your looking for more of a whole milk taste I would look around for Nido brand. Nido
distinguished member(835)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2013 11:39PM  
+1 for Nido. Carnation instant does not even come close to tasting like milk. Nido comes very close to tasting like whole milk not 1%.
04/20/2013 08:00AM  
I switched to NIDO years ago and won't be switching back.

Like some others, I add it ahead of time to mixes that I want to prepare in camp (things like cornbread, bannock, etc.) and I also take a small jar along to add to instant oatmeal before adding the water. A little added makes the hot chocolate richer, too.

Because I have bought a large container of it, I always have it at home in case I run out of milk and am making some recipe that calls for milk, too.
04/20/2013 01:03PM  
never heard of nido, will definitely put it on the list thanks
04/20/2013 02:52PM  
We find Nido in our local wally world. I have noticed that it comes in smaller sizes now. Last year I had to buy a pretty big container. I didn't use all of it before I through it out. I agree with what other say about it.

In some stores you will have to look in the Hispanic section if they have one to find it.
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