BWCA Lets see some big lake trout pictures Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Lets see some big lake trout pictures     
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distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 07:54PM  
I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around.
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11/19/2013 08:13PM  
wow, that's an incredible trout out of the bwca!
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/19/2013 08:27PM  
Wow that is a monster
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 08:30PM  
nice fish..Is it still alive?
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 08:32PM  
You bet H20! He shot right back down to the bottom after I snapped the pic. We did have to keep an 11 lber because we couldn't catch any fish under 30"...terrible problem to have. ;)
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/19/2013 08:37PM  
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

Are you kidding me, what an awesome fish. Even if I had a really big lake trout picture out of the canoe, I wouldn't post it after seeing that monster, it would make mine look tiny. That is a truly spectacular fish, it would be an accomplishment out of a boat, but to get one like that out of canoe is amazing, nice nice fish. I forgot the name of the lake you said it came from, what was it again :-)

distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 08:45PM  
quote plittle: "You bet H20! He shot right back down to the bottom after I snapped the pic. We did have to keep an 11 lber because we couldn't catch any fish under 30"...terrible problem to have. ;)"

Nice. you can catch it again.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/19/2013 08:47PM  
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

BP, we could start a new thread name this lake, I bet someone would know it.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 08:53PM  
You guys are funny!
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 09:13PM  
Oh my goodness, dude! That's a monster!
Here is the missus from a couple of years ago with her (our ) best. 34"
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2013 09:22PM  
quote lundojam: "Oh my goodness, dude! That's a monster!
Here is the missus from a couple of years ago with her (our ) best. 34"

Nice Laker, You have got me beat. by my personal best...this 33" guy! He fought so hard we thought for sure he was bigger.
11/20/2013 06:21AM  
quote plittle: " "

Arlo Pankook
distinguished member(2534)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 07:25AM  
Wow! Good luck topping that one. That is a monster for canoe country.
distinguished member(754)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 07:34AM  
That is a brute of a fish! Only a couple of 6-8lb fish out of a canoe for this guy.


distinguished member (314)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 11:12AM  
Ragged, +1. My thoughts exactly.
distinguished member(529)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 11:56AM  
The biggest one we've had was a touch over 31" that my old man landed last spring.

How long was the monster at the top of the thread? Beautiful fish.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 12:50PM  
quote schollmeier: "The biggest one we've had was a touch over 31" that my old man landed last spring.

How long was the monster at the top of the thread? Beautiful fish."

He was 37*21. Length to girth charts put him somewhere between 21-23lbs. He may have weighed more considering he held his girth almost the whole length of his body
11/20/2013 02:56PM  
Wow...that is a damn nice fish
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 03:30PM  
I've seen on a few different forums on here about guys talking about catching 35-40" Lakers in the bwca or the quetico. I wanna see the pics!I wanna hear stories! No need for information on what lakes just a little bit of good ole bragging!
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/20/2013 03:33PM  
quote plittle: "
quote schollmeier: "The biggest one we've had was a touch over 31" that my old man landed last spring.

How long was the monster at the top of the thread? Beautiful fish."

He was 37*21. Length to girth charts put him somewhere between 21-23lbs. He may have weighed more considering he held his girth almost the whole length of his body"
That fish is 25 pounds plus if hes an ounce, very nice fish.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 03:41PM  
quote Basspro69: "
quote plittle: "
quote schollmeier: "The biggest one we've had was a touch over 31" that my old man landed last spring.

How long was the monster at the top of the thread? Beautiful fish."

He was 37*21. Length to girth charts put him somewhere between 21-23lbs. He may have weighed more considering he held his girth almost the whole length of his body"
That fish is 25 pounds plus if hes an ounce, very nice fish."

Thanks basspro! Every inch over 35" is a whole different animal!
distinguished member(529)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 05:53PM  
I know there is a MN DNR survey of at least one Laker over 40" from a BW lake, and several more surveys including fish in the 35-40" class. I figure dragging a gill net is my best shot at catching one... but maybe I can find a monster myself this winter. who knows...
11/20/2013 07:42PM  
quote Basspro69: "
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

Are you kidding me, what an awesome fish. Even if I had a really big lake trout picture out of the canoe, I wouldn't post it after seeing that monster, it would make mine look tiny. That is a truly spectacular fish, it would be an accomplishment out of a boat, but to get one like that out of canoe is amazing, nice nice fish. I forgot the name of the lake you said it came from, what was it again :-)



11/20/2013 08:19PM  
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

In the immortal words of Roland Martin, "Son!"
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2013 09:01PM  
A couple of years ago on the Anderson's Outfitters website fishing contest there was a 40"+ LLC trout. It was huge. It is not on the page anymore, but they probably have it somewhere. I remember it pretty vividly. A real donkey.
11/21/2013 12:28AM  
holy crap! pretty sure the biggest to see my boat didn't touch 30" much less trophy status. hope your friend enjoyed it because unless he has a horseshoe up his ass, he probably won't catch another like that in the bwca in a lifetime of trips! congrats!

maybe you should have set the bar a little lower to start this thread;)

11/21/2013 03:53AM  
just a nickel and dimer 27" from IMA in 2010--

distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/21/2013 07:38AM  
quote tg: "holy crap! pretty sure the biggest to see my boat didn't touch 30" much less trophy status. hope your friend enjoyed it because unless he has a horseshoe up his ass, he probably won't catch another like that in the bwca in a lifetime of trips! congrats!

maybe you should have set the bar a little lower to start this thread;)

LOL +1
distinguished member(754)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/21/2013 08:14AM  
Might have to pull out some Lake Superior pics....just to get close! :)

11/21/2013 09:44AM  
Cascade River...shore casting
Arlo Pankook
distinguished member(2534)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/21/2013 09:59AM  
I have a ways to go.

distinguished member (168)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/21/2013 11:10AM  

It's funny, I catch bass and walleye all summer long. Guiding for months, fishing with guests. Thousands of fish.

But the greatest thrill I get each summer is watching my line scream off the reel when I hook into a laker on light tackle. These things are so damned strong and run like bonefish.

Every spring as I open up the lodge with the artic like waters on the lakes I make sure to take some time to go trout fishing. Best part of my opening up the lodge........

11/21/2013 08:29PM  
my step son's 1st laker seagull
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/21/2013 11:45PM  
quote shock: "my step son's 1st laker seagull "

Nice laker! Good bwca laker coloration!
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/21/2013 11:47PM  
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/22/2013 06:57AM  
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

I can bet it pulled the canoe. I've had muskies do that and it's a blast. That fish looks like someone one would catch WAY up north. What a beast.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/22/2013 07:25AM  
quote plittle: "
quote shock: "my step son's 1st laker seagull "

Nice laker! Good bwca laker coloration!"
Guest Paddler
11/22/2013 07:47AM  
Plittle,that is an incredible catch,and thank you guys for letting it swim! Dorothy is proud of you!,
distinguished member(607)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/22/2013 08:57AM  
Here is my biggest BWCA laker from a few years ago.
I wish I could figure out how to catch more fish like this one consistently. I love how lakers are so different - this one is 36" but probably weighed around 17 lb..... definitely not in the same weight class as the fish at the top of this thread.
11/22/2013 07:28PM  
quote plittle: "
quote shock: "my step son's 1st laker seagull "

Nice laker! Good bwca laker coloration!"
plitle since you brought up coloration,(off thread not big)(may 2013) BP has commented before on the colors, one of the guys in the group even said almost brooktrout like,,(some,when filleted as red as any fall brook trout i've caught) . these are some crazy colors in may.... i told 1 person on this site the lake. if i said there name BP & mooseplums would know :)
11/22/2013 07:42PM  
quote brerud: "Here is my biggest BWCA laker from a few years ago.
I wish I could figure out how to catch more fish like this one consistently. I love how lakers are so different - this one is 36" but probably weighed around 17 lb..... definitely not in the same weight class as the fish at the top of this thread. "
maybe not but still thats one heck of a fish and nice pic ! my biggest is #8.5 and that one tore me up. way too much fun
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/22/2013 10:54PM  
quote brerud: "Here is my biggest BWCA laker from a few years ago.
I wish I could figure out how to catch more fish like this one consistently. I love how lakers are so different - this one is 36" but probably weighed around 17 lb..... definitely not in the same weight class as the fish at the top of this thread. "

There we go hell ya! Were u jigging or trolling? I have found that jigging can turn on bigger fish
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/22/2013 11:02PM  
quote shock: "
quote plittle: "
quote shock: "my step son's 1st laker seagull "

Nice laker! Good bwca laker coloration!"
plitle since you brought up coloration,(off thread not big)(may 2013) BP has commented before on the colors, one of the guys in the group even said almost brooktrout like,,(some,when filleted as red as any fall brook trout i've caught) . these are some crazy colors in may.... i told 1 person on this site the lake. if i said there name BP & mooseplums would know :) "

Wow those are some red looking Lakers, cool!
distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/22/2013 11:21PM  
My first laker
Arlo Pankook
distinguished member(2534)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/23/2013 08:41AM  
quote brerud: "Here is my biggest BWCA laker from a few years ago.
I wish I could figure out how to catch more fish like this one consistently. I love how lakers are so different - this one is 36" but probably weighed around 17 lb..... definitely not in the same weight class as the fish at the top of this thread. "

I would be very happy with that! Slab!
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/23/2013 03:37PM  
quote Arlo Pankook: "
quote brerud: "Here is my biggest BWCA laker from a few years ago.
I wish I could figure out how to catch more fish like this one consistently. I love how lakers are so different - this one is 36" but probably weighed around 17 lb..... definitely not in the same weight class as the fish at the top of this thread. "

I would be very happy with that! Slab!"
+1 Beautiful fish.
11/23/2013 06:32PM  
Laker from Lake Athabaska, 53 pounds estimated 100 years old.
11/23/2013 06:33PM  
here's another pic(#9.5) from one of my groups,,drag around by a canoe for half a day :(
11/24/2013 07:26AM  
Maybe 10 years ago The Boundary Waters Journal did a story on big lakers out of Quetico's Argo Lake. The fish on the cover that Stu (the publisher) caught looked similar in size to the big one in this thread.

The amazing thing about this fish here is that it was landed in the canoe. Just pulling it in to the boat is a spectacular feat. Nice fish and hope you get a replica mount made of it.

My best laker came out of McIntyre Lake and went 29 inches. Very dark green with cream under belly. Beautiful fish.

distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2013 05:41PM  
I must have clicked on that picture 15 times now, that fish is enormous.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2013 09:33PM  
quote TomT: "Maybe 10 years ago The Boundary Waters Journal did a story on big lakers out of Quetico's Argo Lake. The fish on the cover that Stu (the publisher) caught looked similar in size to the big one in this thread.

The amazing thing about this fish here is that it was landed in the canoe. Just pulling it in to the boat is a spectacular feat. Nice fish and hope you get a replica mount made of it.

My best laker came out of McIntyre Lake and went 29 inches. Very dark green with cream under belly. Beautiful fish.


Ild like to see that article I wonder if its online somewhere. I've heard Argo has some brutes.
I actually took video of us landing the fish. It was utter chaos! It fell out of the net the first attempt and did this weird power run on the surface of the water...looked like a shark coming at our canoe.
distinguished member(607)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2013 08:29AM  
quote plittle: "
quote brerud: "Here is my biggest BWCA laker from a few years ago.
I wish I could figure out how to catch more fish like this one consistently. I love how lakers are so different - this one is 36" but probably weighed around 17 lb..... definitely not in the same weight class as the fish at the top of this thread. "

There we go hell ya! Were u jigging or trolling? I have found that jigging can turn on bigger fish"

I was trolling - very slow and fishing a deep break. I wish I had the confidence to jig a spot for a while, I know jigging is probably the more consistent way to boat bigger lakers.

11/25/2013 11:06PM  
32" on Big Sag
11/26/2013 05:47AM  

Daughter's first laker. Nothing like the OP's fish, but not a bad start!
distinguished member(529)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/26/2013 08:35AM  
Some nice Lakers! And some nicely colored ones, I caught this one this past spring. The color really stood out even while it was still in the water, much brighter than the others we caught in the same spot. Not big, about 26" but really pretty.

bloody stump
distinguished member (108)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/26/2013 12:44PM  
Both fish were caught from camp. First was on knife lake, opening day 2004 soaking a smelt under a bobber. Second caught on Thomas lake, casting a spoon at the wishing hour...the fish hit my spoon 2-3 times on the retrieve before i got the hooks in it
Moss Tent
Guest Paddler
11/26/2013 01:28PM  

Nice pants! I think I have the same ones, thick green wool. Do they have leather straps at the ankles?

Biggest BW laker only 5 lbs, but there are lots of them.

Biggest laker of all-time from the Toronto waterfront in L. Ontario while fishing in fall for browns around 1992, came in at 36lb even. Was fishing off a beach!
11/26/2013 09:58PM  
Pulled this laker out of McIntyre Lake.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/26/2013 10:15PM  
quote schollmeier: "Some nice Lakers! And some nicely colored ones, I caught this one this past spring. The color really stood out even while it was still in the water, much brighter than the others we caught in the same spot. Not big, about 26" but really pretty.

Awesome color on that laker.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/26/2013 10:16PM  
Nice lakers guys, Iconic fish of the North .
member (26)member
11/27/2013 11:53AM  

11/28/2013 04:53PM  
quote morky: "
31" "

Nice one Mork and welcome to!
distinguished member (136)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/28/2013 09:42PM  
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/28/2013 10:14PM  
quote Chilly: "
quote morky: "
31" "

Nice one Mork and welcome to!"
Nice fish, Nate!
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/29/2013 10:49AM  
quote h20: "
quote Chilly: "
quote morky: "
31" "

Nice one Mork and welcome to!"
Nice fish, Nate!"
member (26)member
11/29/2013 02:45PM  
Thanks dudes. I can only dream of catching one like Plittle. That fish... holy smokes!
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/30/2013 02:56AM  
quote morky: "Thanks dudes. I can only dream of catching one the pic.. like Plittle. That fish... holy smokes!"
good to see the pic..didn't know you were on the board.
12/01/2013 10:46AM  
Here are a couple I guided my Dad into and were the first trout he ever caught.

12/01/2013 10:51AM  
Same trip my Bro caught about 8 like this in a row--he was frustrated Dad was pulling in the larger ones...

12/01/2013 10:54AM  
Not huge, but one of my favorites, I was fishing in 25-30 feet in early August for big walleyes and pulled this guy in. Thought I had the monster of all walleyes--until I got him to the boat--one of the best fights I've had. Somebody forget to tell him he isn't supposed to be that shallow on a hot August day ;)

member (10)member
12/04/2013 03:26PM  
I posted this one of my kid a couple of years ago but it is still the biggest one I've seen pulled into a canoe in the BWCA. It was 34 inches long caught trolling a taildancer about 20 feet deep in 50 feet of water.
Arlo Pankook
distinguished member(2534)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2013 05:08PM  
12/04/2013 05:20PM  
quote timatkn: "Here are a couple I guided my Dad into and were the first trout he ever caught.


seen these before when you posted after your trip. the one with the "
thumbs up" is simply an awesome picture!!!!!
12/05/2013 09:26PM  
Jeep LaTourell has some stories about guiding people onto big 20+ lb. Quetico lakers back in the day. We go after them in the spring but have never done Argo. This baby came out of the Winton Bar via Burntside Lake I believe.

member (11)member
02/09/2014 08:38AM  
heres a 40 incher i caught back in 1990 or 91. vertical jigging on a white 1 ounce bucktail . North of the Gunflint trail. Total beginners luck. towed us for 25 minutes
member (11)member
02/09/2014 08:44AM  
sadly, i haven't been back since. my sons and i hope to make the trip this summer.
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/09/2014 12:50PM  
Big Lake trout on video

My brother's lake trout caught on video. can skip to 1:30 to see fish. also underwater shot of the trout.
distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/09/2014 02:09PM  
quote timatkn: " Not huge, but one of my favorites, I was fishing in 25-30 feet in early August for big walleyes and pulled this guy in. Thought I had the monster of all walleyes--until I got him to the boat--one of the best fights I've had. Somebody forget to tell him he isn't supposed to be that shallow on a hot August day ;)

That reminds me of an island on Suzanette where we went searching for a fabled moose skull.
02/09/2014 04:19PM  

First laker, 27", named Delicious.
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/09/2014 05:49PM  
quote stuckinohio: "heres a 40 incher i caught back in 1990 or 91. vertical jigging on a white 1 ounce bucktail . North of the Gunflint trail. Total beginners luck. towed us for 25 minutes "

That's a monster! Welcome to the message board! I'm stuck in Ohio too :-)
02/09/2014 06:39PM  
"can-am" trout.. it was caught in Canada, though could be American

my biggest trout ice fishing, and tasty, too!
02/09/2014 11:33PM  
quote mr.barley: "
quote timatkn: " Not huge, but one of my favorites, I was fishing in 25-30 feet in early August for big walleyes and pulled this guy in. Thought I had the monster of all walleyes--until I got him to the boat--one of the best fights I've had. Somebody forget to tell him he isn't supposed to be that shallow on a hot August day ;)

That reminds me of an island on Suzanette where we went searching for a fabled moose skull."

Close... it was the point where the old 5 star--now burned out camp is. The moose skull started at that point but someone removed it and brought it over to the island site--Quetico Joe's site last I saw.

distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2014 11:37PM  
My guess is south arm knife
01/08/2015 11:05PM  
I've only been in the Laker game for 3 years now, met a ton of good guys on here with some solid advice that helped me gain a few inches last year and.. no, I'm not talkin about my waste, but that grew too.haha. Thanks guys, wasn't sure where I wanted to make this years venture, but seeing these beauts'definitly helped me decide again. Here's my personal biggest..just a minnow in comparison.
distinguished member (198)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2015 06:51AM  
Great thread! I love the big lake trout pictures. Here is one my friend Dave caught trolling a tail dancer on Basswood last year. We will have to try jigging some next time. My personal best was 13 lbs but that was caught using downriggers on LLC several years ago.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2015 07:54PM  

Well folks, it finally happened! Last year my buddy caught the 20+ lber at the top of the tread in canoe country, this past spring I caught this 33lber!
distinguished member(903)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2015 08:27PM  
quote plittle: "

Well folks, it finally happened! Last year my buddy caught the 20+ lber at the top of the tread in canoe country, this past spring I caught this 33lber!"

Sweet Jesus what a monster! I am going to attempt fishing for Lakers with my kids for the first time this year (it's on their fish bucket list).

Can I ask what tackle you used??

Really, that's an amazing fish! I didn't know they got that big up there!
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2015 08:38PM  
Looks like you got a good spot there! Holy Sh*t!
distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2015 09:18PM  
Wow! You are on to something plittle. Can I ask, was that 33# fish suspended or did you pick her up off the bottom?
Guest Paddler
01/09/2015 09:46PM  
quote Saberboys: "
quote plittle: "

Well folks, it finally happened! Last year my buddy caught the 20+ lber at the top of the tread in canoe country, this past spring I caught this 33lber!"

Sweet Jesus what a monster! I am going to attempt fishing for Lakers with my kids for the first time this year (it's on their fish bucket list).

Can I ask what tackle you used??

Really, that's an amazing fish! I didn't know they got that big up there!"

Gotta go big with tackle, 50lb power pro on a baitcaster with a good drag. 7ft heavy action casting rod.15lb fluorocarbon leader.

I got this guy trolling a very large spoon. Don't be afraid to go too big with lures. This trout coughed up a 2lb lake trout into the canoe!
Guest Paddler
01/09/2015 09:55PM  
quote walleye_hunter: "Wow! You are on to something plittle. Can I ask, was that 33# fish suspended or did you pick her up off the bottom?"

I actually graphed her right before she hit, belly on the bottom
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
01/09/2015 10:30PM  
quote plittle: "

Well folks, it finally happened! Last year my buddy caught the 20+ lber at the top of the tread in canoe country, this past spring I caught this 33lber!"
You have my complete attention :-)
distinguished member (283)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2015 08:54AM  
quote Basspro69: "You have my complete attention :-)"


Would love to see your preferred lures. Are you trolling deep? Jigging? what is your preferred presentation?

Thanks a bunch!
01/10/2015 10:32AM  
Nice Plittle!

distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2015 12:40PM  
quote sammyN: "
quote Basspro69: "You have my complete attention :-)"


Would love to see your preferred lures. Are you trolling deep? Jigging? what is your preferred presentation?

Thanks a bunch!"

It really depends on the lake. I fish shallow (<45 FOW). Some lakers prefer the aggressive vertical jigging, while others like slow trolling spoons.

Once I graph a fish, I work em over to try and get him to take the spoon. Start by lowering your speed and let the spoon fall and flutter, they usually hit then. If that doesn't work speed up and turn the the canoe. If you don't engage the fish he will follow your spoon until he loses interest.

If I'm jigging I use a 1 1/2 once pimple. If I'm trolling I use a 5-8" long spoon.

As far as color. The flashier the better.

I can't stress enough how important it is to use heavy duty tackle. Although, the small Lakers won't be as fun, when you finally hook that hog you want to land it as soon as possible to avoid exhausting the fish.

It shouldnt take longer the 5-10 mintues to land a 20+lb laker. These fish truly are special and need to be handled responsibly. I probably sound like a hippy, but after all that fish is probably older then me!
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2015 01:07PM  
quote timatkn: "Nice Plittle!


Thanks T
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
01/10/2015 11:08PM  
Great info Plittle.
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/11/2015 01:29AM  
quote shock: "
quote plittle: "
quote shock: "my step son's 1st laker seagull "

Nice laker! Good bwca laker coloration!"
plitle since you brought up coloration,(off thread not big)(may 2013) BP has commented before on the colors, one of the guys in the group even said almost brooktrout like,,(some,when filleted as red as any fall brook trout i've caught) . these are some crazy colors in may.... i told 1 person on this site the lake. if i said there name BP & mooseplums would know :) "

Pic #2 with the guy in the blue shirt looks like Jasper Lake
distinguished member (283)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/11/2015 10:58AM  
8" spoon! Wow.

What are you using? Is it a flutter spoon? Do you have to add any weight to get it down there?
senior member (70)senior membersenior member
01/11/2015 04:13PM  
Here is my biggest looks like I have a ways to go!

This one is still swimming and pulled like a train on light tackle. About 28"

Here is another nice one I never measured but released as well.

distinguished member (158)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/11/2015 04:45PM  
Here's a nice one from the winter
distinguished member(722)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/11/2015 05:02PM  
Wow plittle! Amazing fish.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2015 11:39AM  
quote sammyN: "8" spoon! Wow.

What are you using? Is it a flutter spoon? Do you have to add any weight to get it down there?"

I should specify that I don't usually use an 8" spoon, but I have. I usually use a 5-6" Sutton, Dr. Spoon, or a Williams.

I have never used a flutter spoon but I have heard they work well.

As far as weight, I usually use a 2-4 once keel sinker. I have seen lake trout come up 50+ feet on a graph for a spoon while using downriggers on Lake Superior, so depth doesn't matter that much as long as your spoon is above them. If the fish aren't very aggressive (big fish seem to not be very aggressive) then I try to be 5-10 feet above the fish I am marking on my graph in canoe country.

A nice fish finder is hands down the single most important item I use to catch lake trout in the BWCA.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2015 11:49AM  
quote TwistedCisco: " Wow plittle! Amazing fish."

Thanks TwistedCisco
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2015 11:51AM  
quote Hillbilly: "Here is my biggest looks like I have a ways to go!

This one is still swimming and pulled like a train on light tackle. About 28"

Here is another nice one I never measured but released as well.


Cool! Nice fish!

Were these lakers taken on the same lake? Interesting to see the color phase differences.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2015 11:53AM  
quote Mnpat: "Here's a nice one from the winter

Nice fish Pat!
03/02/2015 01:04PM  
you are correct saganagajoe.
distinguished member(1171)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2015 01:29AM  
plittle, I don't believe those LT are from the BWCA.. look more like canadian fish. Remind us, what lake did you find them in? :)
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2015 10:55AM  
quote halvorsonchristopher: "plittle, I don't believe those LT are from the BWCA.. look more like canadian fish. Remind us, what lake did you find them in? :)"

Haha, those fish were caught in different lakes, both inside the bwca.

The only thing I will say is that neither lake is a "secret" when it comes to producing fish over 40"...

distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2015 11:55AM  
39" 21 PDS. Tight squeeze through a 7" hole.
This is my biggest through the ice. Not as long as my nephew's fish but it was the prettiest laker I have ever caught.
distinguished member(1167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2015 11:19AM  
quote snakecharmer: "
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

In the immortal words of Roland Martin, "Son!""

Speaking of Roland...that fish would go 52" and about 48lbs!
distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2015 11:41AM  
quote plittle: "
quote halvorsonchristopher: "plittle, I don't believe those LT are from the BWCA.. look more like canadian fish. Remind us, what lake did you find them in? :)"

Haha, those fish were caught in different lakes, both inside the bwca.

The only thing I will say is that neither lake is a "secret" when it comes to producing fish over 40"...


plittle- Without giving up your favorite lake what lakes would you consider fishing in the BW when searching for a 40+" lake trout? When you are trolling do you put anything on your spoons? A piece of cisco, scent, etc.?
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2015 01:48PM  
quote walleye_hunter: "
quote plittle: "
quote halvorsonchristopher: "plittle, I don't believe those LT are from the BWCA.. look more like canadian fish. Remind us, what lake did you find them in? :)"

Haha, those fish were caught in different lakes, both inside the bwca.

The only thing I will say is that neither lake is a "secret" when it comes to producing fish over 40"...


plittle- Without giving up your favorite lake what lakes would you consider fishing in the BW when searching for a 40+" lake trout? When you are trolling do you put anything on your spoons? A piece of cisco, scent, etc.?"

There is an article in the bwca journal from last spring about targeting trophy lake trout. That article pretty much lists all the lakes that have 20+lbers. I would consider any of them.

Ive never tipped spoons/jigs with any kind of scent or bait, but I have caught Lakers on Cisco's from shore. (Nothing big).

I really want to share everything I was taught and have learned without giving away lakes/spots.

distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2015 02:51PM  
quote plittle: "
quote walleye_hunter: "
quote plittle: "
quote halvorsonchristopher: "plittle, I don't believe those LT are from the BWCA.. look more like canadian fish. Remind us, what lake did you find them in? :)"

Haha, those fish were caught in different lakes, both inside the bwca.

The only thing I will say is that neither lake is a "secret" when it comes to producing fish over 40"...


plittle- Without giving up your favorite lake what lakes would you consider fishing in the BW when searching for a 40+" lake trout? When you are trolling do you put anything on your spoons? A piece of cisco, scent, etc.?"

There is an article in the bwca journal from last spring about targeting trophy lake trout. That article pretty much lists all the lakes that have 20+lbers. I would consider any of them.

Ive never tipped spoons/jigs with any kind of scent or bait, but I have caught Lakers on Cisco's from shore. (Nothing big).

I really want to share everything I was taught and have learned without giving away lakes/spots.


I understand. I don't give away my big walleye spots. Part of the fun is finding the spots. Nor do I give away my favorite laker waters.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2015 11:24AM  

Here is another nice one from the same trip. 38"

The picture was a little incriminating so I had to crop it! ;)
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2017 02:45PM  
I'm late to the party here, but I love the giant lake trout pictures! I don't have any to compare to some of the true giants here, but I've got a couple nice ones. I'll go look for the pics.
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2017 03:06PM  
This one was about 13 pounds; Quetico 2005, right around the 4th of July.
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2017 03:10PM  
This is my heaviest canoe trout, by far. Just under 20 pounds on the boga grip, about 36". Pretty much a minnow compared to a couple of plittle's horses! I think the replica turned out well.
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2017 03:17PM  

I can't stress enough how important it is to use heavy duty tackle. Although, the small Lakers won't be as fun, when you finally hook that hog you want to land it as soon as possible to avoid exhausting the fish.

It shouldnt take longer the 5-10 mintues to land a 20+lb laker. These fish truly are special and need to be handled responsibly. I probably sound like a hippy, but after all that fish is probably older then me!"

Agreed on the heavier tackle. The big trout are treasures.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2017 10:14PM  
I can't seem to get the words fish steaks and lemon wedges out of my thoughts
03/29/2017 11:33PM  
i love threads like this that come back to life after 4 years :) never gets old looking at plittles lakers , thats for sure ;)
03/29/2017 11:33PM  
i love threads like this that come back to life after 4 years :) never gets old looking at plittles lakers , thats for sure ;)
distinguished member (287)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2017 01:19AM  
quote plittle: "I wanna see some big lake trout pictures out of a canoe! I went to the BWCA this spring and my buddy caught this laker....It was his first lake trout out of a canoe! It actually pulled the canoe around. "

Where is the video of the original fish from this thread?
distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2017 05:08AM  
quote rpike: "This is my heaviest canoe trout, by far. Just under 20 pounds on the boga grip, about 36". Pretty much a minnow compared to a couple of plittle's horses! I think the replica turned out well. "

That replica is fantastic, thanks for sharing.
03/30/2017 08:16AM  
53 lbs.... Lake Athabaska. Replica of the fish, the big girl is still swimming around the Russian Shoals somewhere...
distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2017 01:29PM  
quote rpike: "This is my heaviest canoe trout, by far. Just under 20 pounds on the boga grip, about 36". Pretty much a minnow compared to a couple of plittle's horses! I think the replica turned out well. "
That's a thick fish, nice catch! You forgot to mention the lake??
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2017 07:58PM  
quote walleye_hunter: "
quote rpike: "This is my heaviest canoe trout, by far. Just under 20 pounds on the boga grip, about 36". Pretty much a minnow compared to a couple of plittle's horses! I think the replica turned out well. "
That's a thick fish, nice catch! You forgot to mention the lake??"

+1 unreal girth! Nice laker Rick
03/30/2017 08:24PM  
Hall of Fame Trout.
distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2017 08:31PM  
I posted this in a different thread but here was my biggest of the winter, 37".
03/31/2017 12:26AM  
^^ i remember that pic , some very nice lakers (and your walleyes) out of there lately , i think the 1996 act is paying off ;)
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2017 07:59AM  
quote walleye_hunter: "I posted this in a different thread but here was my biggest of the winter, 37". "

Gorgeous fish!
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2017 08:01AM  
"That replica is fantastic, thanks for sharing. "

Thanks. Joe Fittante out of Antigo, WI did it.
member (50)member
03/31/2017 08:40AM  
I was solo so I could not get good pic with me in it. fat lake trout was 35" and 21 pounds. just as you enter north bay on east side from basswood 2015. crazy fish hit a joes flies inline spinner 1/4 oz about 3 foot deep. prob never catch another that size.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2017 12:10PM  
quote walleye_hunter: "I posted this in a different thread but here was my biggest of the winter, 37". "

Nice laker Kevin! We still gotta meet up and walleye fish this summer!
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2017 12:12PM  
quote rdmarr: " I was solo so I could not get good pic with me in it. fat lake trout was 35" and 21 pounds. just as you enter north bay on east side from basswood 2015. crazy fish hit a joes flies inline spinner 1/4 oz about 3 foot deep. prob never catch another that size.

That is a FAT fish. Congrats dude!

Over how deep of water where ya?
member (50)member
04/05/2017 06:48AM  
quote plittle: "
quote rdmarr: " I was solo so I could not get good pic with me in it. fat lake trout was 35" and 21 pounds. just as you enter north bay on east side from basswood 2015. crazy fish hit a joes flies inline spinner 1/4 oz about 3 foot deep. prob never catch another that size.

That is a FAT fish. Congrats dude!

Over how deep of water where ya?"

looked to be deep but did not have depth finder. it was the first sharp point as you enter north bay. obviously there must have been a buffet in that area for lakers.
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2017 08:19AM  
12/25/2017 10:46AM  
plittle: "

Well folks, it finally happened! Last year my buddy caught the 20+ lber at the top of the tread in canoe country, this past spring I caught this 33lber!"

What were the measurements of your big one PLITTLE?

12/25/2017 11:18AM  
mine and my son's from may 2017.
distinguished member (136)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/25/2017 01:57PM  
My sons first Laker 26"

I got this one a couple days later on Burke Didn't measure it, had a lot of life left so just let her take off...
distinguished member (136)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/25/2017 02:02PM  
shock: "mine and my son's from may 2017. "

Beautiful deep coloring!
12/25/2017 11:27PM  
fcrugbyhooker: "My sons first Laker 26"

I got this one a couple days later on Burke Didn't measure it, had a lot of life left so just let her take off..."
very nice , we also let the bigger one go , she sat there up right for about 40 minutes after a tough fight from camp.
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/06/2018 09:48PM  
BeauP: "
plittle: "

Well folks, it finally happened! Last year my buddy caught the 20+ lber at the top of the tread in canoe country, this past spring I caught this 33lber!"

What were the measurements of your big one PLITTLE?


42" long. 25" girth
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/07/2018 07:02AM  
This isn't helping my spring fever any!
senior member (90)senior membersenior member
07/03/2018 05:32PM  
There is a rivalry between Derek and Luke that goes back to sports in elementary school. There teachers. They compare how many of their students went to Med school, Law school or reform school. They are competitive in fishing to. They were neck to neck in the largest fish this June. 29” to 29”. It was a standoff.
Luke went thru every lure, changed up presentation, spit Skol juice on it. I rubbed some Preparation H on his lures. We were not breaking the stand off. I said “ slide your wedding ring on the trailing treble hook of that big buck tail jig and show those trout the GOLD. See if you can bring the big one up”. The engraving on the ring said “Cub Love’s Pooh”. He slid it on. Dropped the jig to the bottom, first jerk and he thought he was hit by a freight train. The heavy lunges went on and than limp. Swivel broke between braid and leader. Luke said “ I have to get that ring back”. I was wearing a Rolex that I was gifted during a retirement ceremony only days before. I took it off and quickly did some modifications to it. The inscription was “40 years of service”. Luke dropped the Rolex into the lake. It got half way down and that large trout came up for it, took it and ran. The drag was singing. Luke poured water over his reel to keep it cool. Luke landed it, gave it a quick weigh in at 16lbs. 3 oz and right back in the lake. It took off strong and fast. Don’t even think about inquiring about the lake or spot. I already gave you the lure. Oh? We did get the ring and the watch back and landed several more trout on the combo.

07/03/2018 09:56PM  
^^^ heck of a story ! is this true or am i the 1 taking the bait ? ;)
a rolex ? you weren't afraid of losing it ?
07/03/2018 09:56PM  
distinguished member(4432)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/04/2018 08:05AM  
I may have born at night but I wasn't born last night.

Good story though, especially pouring water on the reel to keep the drag cool ;-)
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/04/2018 09:09AM  
i bought a fake Rolex in NYC and couldn't buy a bite on it. It pays to get the real thing.
senior member (90)senior membersenior member
07/04/2018 09:19AM  
lundojam: "i bought a fake Rolex in NYC and couldn't buy a bite on it. It pays to get the real thing."
Very nice watch GI. Rolex! Only $10.
07/19/2018 09:13AM  
07/19/2018 09:13AM  

Captain Mike not only tells a good fish tale, but he also pulls in lakers with the best of them...
distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2018 09:42AM  
Hard to see the size, but this one was 29". I got this one on a Reef Runner, but you can see my trusty jet diver rigged on the other rod.
distinguished member(1726)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2018 10:59AM  
Man, lake trout are amazing fish. I think I'm in love. :)

Nice fish, y'all, and thanks for resurrecting this thread once again.
senior member (90)senior membersenior member
04/27/2019 03:35PM  
The real lure. Good luck this year all of you.
04/27/2019 04:01PM  
zika: "The real lure. Good luck this year all of you.
My number one Laker taker also...
distinguished member (189)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2019 04:01PM  
Just grabbed a few of these, same design overall, minus the stinger. Stinger would help, for sure...
member (27)member
08/28/2020 10:12AM  
Love seeing the big lake trout pictures so I thought I'd bring this thread back again. Anybody have a picture from the last couple years?

Here's my contribution. Caught and released it this year in early June.
40" long with 24" girth, which calculates out to just shy of 29 lbs.

It was a beast!
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2020 06:48PM  
senior member (90)senior membersenior member
08/28/2020 07:32PM  
Yikes! Incredible for BWCA or Quetico. Well done! Did you get it on a Rollex watch with trailing treble?
senior member (90)senior membersenior member
08/28/2020 07:37PM  
Made me laugh!!!!!!!
08/28/2020 08:07PM  
congrats GoWhenYouCan , that really is incredible. thanks for sharing . 40" i'm thinking #35 that thing is PHATTT !
08/29/2020 12:12AM  
GoWhenYouCan: "Love seeing the big lake trout pictures so I thought I'd bring this thread back again. Anybody have a picture from the last couple years?

Here's my contribution. Caught and released it this year in early June.
40" long with 24" girth, which calculates out to just shy of 29 lbs.

It was a beast! "

08/29/2020 12:58PM  
GoWhenYouCan: "Love seeing the big lake trout pictures so I thought I'd bring this thread back again. Anybody have a picture from the last couple years?

Here's my contribution. Caught and released it this year in early June.
40" long with 24" girth, which calculates out to just shy of 29 lbs.

It was a beast! "

Incredible fish and what a great shot to document the catch.

Does it get any better?
08/29/2020 06:02PM  
GoWhenYouCan: "Love seeing the big lake trout pictures so I thought I'd bring this thread back again. Anybody have a picture from the last couple years?

Here's my contribution. Caught and released it this year in early June.
40" long with 24" girth, which calculates out to just shy of 29 lbs.

It was a beast! "

Goodness gracious that's hog of a Laker
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
08/29/2020 10:11PM  
GoWhenYouCan: "Love seeing the big lake trout pictures so I thought I'd bring this thread back again. Anybody have a picture from the last couple years?

Here's my contribution. Caught and released it this year in early June.
40" long with 24" girth, which calculates out to just shy of 29 lbs.

It was a beast! "
Mother of God
member (27)member
08/31/2020 09:14AM  
Thanks all. It was quite a thrill.

Zika- I pack a large amount of tackle each trip but I'll admit I've never tried a Rolex.

Shock- The calculation of girth x girth x length divided by 800 seems to be accurate when we have weighed lake trout in the 10 - 12 lb. range. We have never weighed one close to this big. It was mighty thick from head to tail.

fadersup- I have my son to thank for the great pictures. Even though we hurried with the photos to get the trophy back in the water as quickly as possible we got some great shots. Just might end up being my fish of a lifetime.
senior member (84)senior membersenior member
08/31/2020 10:08AM  
Wow that is a beast of a laker. Congrats! Thanks for returning it to live another day and perhaps make someone else’s lifetime catch again
distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/28/2020 11:26AM  
Congrats. That is a true giant. I just read your article in the bw journal, cool story and thanks for throwing it back! Hard to find lakers under 10lbs in that lake huh?

distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/28/2020 11:32AM  
What a brute. Thank you for sharing!
member (27)member
09/28/2020 11:57AM  
Thanks moustachesteve.

I hope it can thrill another angler some day.
member (27)member
09/28/2020 12:01PM  
Thanks plittle and gildedgopher.

I appreciate the comment on my article, glad you liked it.

Yes, it's certainly not a numbers lake but when you get one it's usually nice sized.
distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/28/2020 12:48PM  
Which issue of the journal is this in?
member (27)member
09/28/2020 12:59PM  
thegildedgopher: "Which issue of the journal is this in?"

The current issue. Fall 2020.
09/28/2020 10:42PM  

How am I just finding this thread now? After all these years.
09/28/2020 11:06PM  
plittle: "Congrats. That is a true giant. I just read your article in the bw journal, cool story and thanks for throwing it back! Hard to find lakers under 10lbs in that lake huh?


Agree great article, where is that exact spot again? :)
member (27)member
09/30/2020 08:16AM  
Thanks timatkn.

As you age you have a tendency to forget things and I seem to have already forgotten exactly where I caught it.
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