BWCA Trip Report - 4 Days on Pine October 2014 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 4 Days on Pine October 2014     

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distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2014 08:12PM  
New Trip Report posted by adludwig

Trip Name: 4 Days on Pine October 2014.

Entry Point: 68

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Guest Paddler
10/07/2014 10:19PM  
Great Report. It was a short but sweet trip. I was in N. Wisconsin so it must have really been cold on your trip. Best, JerryG
member (40)member
10/08/2014 08:02AM  
Enjoyed your report. :)

10/08/2014 08:50AM  
I also enjoyed your report and pictures. Quite an interesting trip!
distinguished member(2471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/08/2014 12:34PM  
Nice report, thank you for sharing. Pine can be a tough place to camp or canoe!
distinguished member(1919)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/11/2014 06:51AM  
nice, that is exactly how the skies looked like at sawbill.
i too rode the wind on pine heading to the takeout.
it was quite a ride.
10/11/2014 11:04AM  
Enjoyed your report....I love Pine Lake
The bear incident made me chuckle....I'm sure he wouldn't have eaten both of you ;)
10/11/2014 11:13AM  
Thanks for the report and photos. You guys braved some tough weather conditions, but you made it happen. I too would have been creeped out by a close encounter with a bear that size. You did the right thing putting some distance between you and the bear. "Cool to see but leave 'em be."
10/11/2014 04:38PM  
quote mooseplums: "Enjoyed your report....I love Pine Lake
The bear incident made me chuckle....I'm sure he wouldn't have eaten both of you ;)"

Just the slower one...

Choose your trip partner carefully ;)
10/12/2014 08:58AM  
Good Trip briefing. I was out that weekend too and the wind was relentless. We were walking the Sioux Hustler Trail.
Envious of the bear sighting.....great part of your report. Fish was vibrant.
Carry forth.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/18/2014 04:00PM  
Great report!

A person really earns their stripes on those portages up to Gadwall & Vale. Loved the brookie pictures!

Thanks for taking the tine to share your story & photos.
10/21/2014 11:13AM  
I enjoyed your trip report. I love Pine Lake, too, but have no desire to be there when it is that cold! Brrr!

Lovely fish, and sounds like a good adventure! Thanks for sharing.
senior member (65)senior membersenior member
10/21/2014 04:42PM  
We were hoping to do well fishing at Pemmican the same weekend. Rode the waves on Clearwater and Mountain, and had to change plans and arraign to get picked up at McFarland via Moose and Fowl on Sunday, etc due to the wind/waves. Crazy big. Lucky you got in early or you may have been with that group at the first campsite! :)
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