BWCA Trip Report - Stormy Trip Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/02/2012 07:35PM  
New Trip Report posted by Thwarted

Trip Name: Stormy Trip.

Entry Point: 14

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distinguished member(1396)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/03/2012 06:59AM  
Thanks Thwarted, you did a really great job with your trip report. I enjoyed it a lot.
P.S.: I've never had good fishing in Takucmich Lake.
12/03/2012 08:02PM  
nice report. I was able to see the work the scouts did about a month after you went thru. We went across that portage twice. We made many comments on how hard of work it must have been. Slim was real good fishing for us.
distinguished member(5740)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/04/2012 10:25AM  
Nice report. Reminded me of how wet the spring really was.

We had a very memorable trip through some of that same area this past September. I actually really liked Tesaker lake. But, we were there when bugs were non-existent & besides I'm a bit "off". :) Glad you were able to make the most of the stormy weather and still have an enjoyable trip.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to share your story & photos.

Photo is of Tesaker lake cliffs. I thought they were kinda neat.
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2012 04:54PM  
Now that I see that pic. I wonder what I was thinking. I kinda want to go back now and take another look.

12/04/2012 05:58PM  
Nice report Thwarted. I remember that weekend well as I was just West of you in Voyageurs National Park. Saturday's storm was wicked for us, and I can remember being slightly intimidated by it yet determined to remain stoic for my very nervous 7 year old son who was experiencing his first storm in a tent.
distinguished member(5740)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/04/2012 08:00PM  
quote Thwarted: "TB,
Now that I see that pic. I wonder what I was thinking. I kinda want to go back now and take another look.


I've read/heard a lot of opinions that were similar to yours. And this is my take. The shoreline at the end of the portage from Gun is a weedy, mucky mess that is certainly a haven for bugs through most of the paddling season. And, since Tesaker is such a small lake (short paddle) there just isn't enough time to paddle that first impression away.
12/09/2012 08:12PM  
Great report, Thwarted! I'm thinking of doing a similar route next summer.

The lakes may owe you, but when you get repaid it will be worth it many times over! :-)
12/12/2012 10:14AM  
Thanks for the report, thwarted. I took my second BW trip through EP#14 and out #16, but missed some of the lakes that you hit. Still one of my favorite areas and hope to return sometime and see those lakes.
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