Other Community Groups
Special interest and private groups are available for full and application access by members only.
The following groups are available for self registration by any member. Click the "Add Me to This Group" link below
to be added to the group. If you at some point decided you don't want to be a member of the group, then you can remove yourself through your my.bwca.com page. You can also preview the content of this room by clicking the "Preview Forum" link.
Wabakimi - Group Leader: adam

Members interested in a trip to Wabakimi or providing information helpful to that purpose.
Winter Camping - Group Leader: adam

For those who want to brave the wolves and the deadly cold in search of absolute solitude.
BWCA.com Book Club - Group Leader: BWCA

This group is a book club for discussing book which are somewhat related to the boundary waters or other similar outdoor adventure or activites.
Solo Tripping - Group Leader: jdevries

A forum to discuss solo tripping in the BWCA/Quetico. Advice for those new to this unique type of trip as well as gear suggestions, route suggestions etc from those that are experienced.
Other Canoe Camping Locations - Group Leader: firftr911

Info sharing on canoe camping outside of the BWCA and Quetico
Flyfishing BWCA - Group Leader: Tight Loops

A place to discuss techniques, favorite patterns, tying flies, and anything else related to the long rod.
Beymer Book Revision Group - Group Leader: BWCA Writer

This group is for the purpose of helping an author do revisions to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area: The Eastern Region and Boundary Waters Canoe Area: The Western Region by Robert Beymer.
Artist's Corner - Group Leader: adam

This group is about sharing your artistic talents with others. Your art/photography should be focused on bwca or outdoor themes which would be of interest to this group. It is open to amateurs and professionals, but we ask that if you are a professional that you use this forum tastefully and you allow your art to sell itself. Contact me if you have questions.
Items For Sale or Wanted - Group Leader: adam

This is an area where you can post what you have to sell, or if you want an item! Please be honest, civil and courteous in your dealings and or transactions.
On Foot - Group Leader: Panda

Hiking, Cross country skiing, dog sledding, heck I'll even toss in mountain biking and horseback riding.
Boat Builders and Repair - Group Leader: Arkansas Man

For those who have built, are going to build, or just want to talk about building cedar strip or strip canoes.
East Coast Chapter BWCA - Group Leader: rlhedlund

This is the East Coast Chapter (group)of the BWCA.com
The East Coast "Group" is open to anyone from the parent "group" who desires to join. We will use forums here, as needed, to facilitate planning of get-togethers, etc.
Bird Watchers - Group Leader: airmorse

A gathering of people who like to watch and listen to birds. Track the migration of birds and share their birding experiences.
Canoeing with kids - Group Leader: Canoearoo

This is a group for anyone who wants to canoe with kids ages birth through 17
Wilderness Challenges - Group Leader: bojibob

This is a place where you participate in Bi-Monthly Wilderness Challenges. These Challenges will provide you with a scenario that you may encounter during a trip to Canoe Country. You have the opportunity to describe what you do and hear ideas from other members of the Group.
There are no wrong or right answers here. This is a place for the exchange of ideas and potential solutions.
XC Ski - Group Leader: gutmon

Provide each other with trail reports, snow conditions,favorite trails and other XC ski related information.
Kayaking - Group Leader: bradcrc

a place for the discussion of issues specifically related to paddling and tripping with a kayak.
Canoe Forum - Group Leader: RT

Looking to buy a composite or aluminum canoe? Do you have a used canoe that just needs to be repaired? New or used, no matter the brand, if you have a canoe specific question then this forum is the place to ask your questions.
Those Who Bike - Group Leader: gutmon

A place for those members who like to bicycle to stay in touch/get ideas/ask questions.
Hunting in the BWCA - Group Leader: 1BigPaddle

This is to allow anyone to share stories, tips, information, and other BWCA hunting adventures. Anything from moose to deer, bears, ducks, grouse, ect... This is for friendly conversation.
GPS - Group Leader: Corsair

For those of us who use GPS and would like to share our knowledge or seek help
Edged Tools - Group Leader: whiteh20

A group for folks who enjoy knives, axes and other edged tools.
PMA Paradise - Group Leader: Rob Johnson

For adventurers who think BWCA portages are too easy and sharing a lake with anyone means it is overcrowded. This is an effort to help consolidate the great PMA info scattered in lots of different threads.
Woodland Caribou PP - Group Leader: bojibob

A place for people to exchange information on Woodland Caribou Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada
Do It Yourself Gear - Group Leader: 1BigPaddle

This is for those who have made or modified their gear. Please share any ideas you have. If you cant buy it make it!
Soul Space - Group Leader: tobiedog

For Christian reflection, encouragement, inquiry and dialogue. My soul is stirred when I'm in the BWCA. The BWCA seems to call into the deep places of our being and seems to connect those of us with spiritual notions in unique ways. I thought it might be good to create a community space for us to share our God thoughts, support one other and enjoy honest and open dialogue about the ways of faith.
Trip Partner Finder - Group Leader: bojibob

This is a place to post your availability or find available paddlers to round out your group.
Wilderness survival/first aid - Group Leader: Canoearoo

This is a group to discuss, share links and knowledge about wilderness survival and first aid.
BWCA Hanging - Group Leader: OBX2Kayak

Interested in hammock camping? Heres a place to share your BWCA hanging adventures.
Health and Fitness - Group Leader: Canoearoo

This group is ment to give tips and encouragment for being healthy and in shape when not in the BWCA
Our BWCA Family - Group Leader: KevinL

Got a birthday wish, joke to offer, or no other good category to place you post? Please watch your language and Adam’s other rules regarding the use of this forum. KevinL
portages and campsites - Group Leader: mcsweem

This group discusses portages and campsites. Share pictures, videos, and other members portage and campsite information
Cool spots in canoe country - Group Leader: TuscaroraBorealis

This forum allows members to share photos, videos & comments on unique & scenic areas/items they have run across while paddling canoe country. Some examples: Beaches, waterfalls/rapids, palisades/cliffs & historical or really just neat areas/items.
Home Cooking - Group Leader: adam

This group encourages members to share their ideas, recipes, experiences and questions on all things related to cooking at home.
BWCAW / QPP History - Group Leader: Jeemon

Discussions, stories, posts, pictures and links to content relating to the history of the BWCAW / QPP. Topics can include, but not limited to: historical figures, places, rules and regulations, mysteries and myths, landmark events, geography, and maps.
Skeeters and Ticks and Gnats, Oh My! - Group Leader: Goldenbadger

A group dedicated to bugs in the BWCA. Are you paddling out soon and wondering how bad they are? Check here. Did you just finish your trip and want to share your bug experiences? Post here.
StoneWork & Fire\\\ - Group Leader: PitchStump

Building stone work fireplaces. Before & after photos. Fire building / safety. Any other "stone work" encountered in BWCA.
northern Illinois / southern Wisconsin fans - Group Leader: Miketheflyguy1

A local group meeting place. Post of local intrest.
2016 Camping Challenge - Group Leader: brux

Challenge to spend at least 1 night per month camping in 2016.
Nature Lovers - Group Leader: SaganagaJoe

We're all outdoor lovers on this site, aren't we? This is a spot to record unique and special experiences in nature, nature walks, nature journals, photographs, and the like.
Scouters - Group Leader: Corsair

A place for those involved with the BSA or GSA to share info related to paddle sports
Basecamp Basics - Group Leader: SaganagaJoe

A source of information for all those looking to optimize their base camping experience.
WEATHER STUFF - Group Leader: WhiteWolf

All things weather. Have a question pertaining to the weather in any form? Ask away. When time allows I will post random things from long range forecasts to past weather events or just whatever I think is interesting to share with others. Reading / predicting weather off the grid in the bush will also be covered. Enjoy the weather- it's the only weather you got.
Weather Forecasts For BWCA - Group Leader: Lionabe

I will periodically post weather forecasts for the BWCA and nearby areas. These forecasts will be based on averages from several reliable weather networks. Please note that these forecasts should not be used to make weather based decisions, but I will attempt to make them as accurate as possible.
Share Coupons - Group Leader: glines

Here you can help each other & share coupons for affordable shopping
Cooke Custom Sewing - Group Leader: scottiebaldwin

Discussion group for all things related to products from Cooke Custom Sewing
The following groups are available for application for membership. Click the "Click to Apply to this Group" link below to be added to the group. An email will go to the owner of the group who will respond to your request. If you at some point decided you don't want to be a member of the group, then you can remove yourself through your my.bwca.com page.
Women's group - Group Leader: Twins87

a ladies only group for those interested in the BWCA and canoe camping in general
SR '93 Paddlers - Group Leader: strom2127

just a place for us to post any and all information regarding past and future trips
Michigan BWCA Fan Club - Group Leader: jparks02

For those from Michigan to communicate and gather to discuss the BWCA, plan future vacations, and enjoy the BWCA experience year round.
Paddlers in Recovery - Group Leader: treehorn

For BW enthusiasts in recovery from alcoholism/addiction, or have a desire to begin that life-long portage