BWCA Crooked trophy Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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06/05/2008 04:29PM  
My buddy's 28 incher from opener....released!
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06/05/2008 04:46PM  
Sweet! He didn't cut his thumb on that walleyes dental work did he?
06/05/2008 04:56PM  
nice fish...but why was he trying to break its jaw?
06/05/2008 04:59PM  
Awesome fish---congrats

distinguished member(7234)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/05/2008 05:25PM  
Must be from down south. That's the classic largemouth pose. Make it's mouth look as big as possible. Nice fish by the way.
06/05/2008 08:24PM  
Wow! Another super fish. Congrats!
distinguished member (276)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/06/2008 07:14AM  
Where were you on Crooked/what area? I was also up there on opener with some friends and did ok.
06/06/2008 09:41AM  
Interesting, a walleye with a largemouth bass' mouth. How could you hold a walleye like that without ripping up your thumb?
06/06/2008 10:14AM  
He's an out of stater from New York....This may even be one of the only walleye he has taken......End of wed bay.
06/08/2008 06:42AM  
I thumbed an eye once and only once. Northern are even worse. Now I'm getting so I listen to other peoples advice. Great fish by the way!!
06/08/2008 10:41AM  
Crooked Lake has some great walleye fishing in it. I have done two trips up there and both times we were on huge walleyes. We have caught a lot of them in the 28-30+ range..... I have not been there in 7 years though so I don't know if that is still the spot to be. We are heading in on 6/28 for seven days. If that spot is still a hot spot I will show all when I get back.... oh and very nice fish...
distinguished member (320)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/08/2008 11:38AM  
Toby, what EP are you going in on?
06/08/2008 12:08PM  
We will be back up on Crooked this wed to sunday....I should have a full report as well......Here are some of the ones we kept for dinner this last trip
06/08/2008 04:04PM  
We are going in on E16.... Longer way then Mudro BUT it is the only entry way that I have ever gone in....
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