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       Trip Report - Snowbank to Kekekabic July 2010
Date/Time: 02/18/2025 11:35AM
Title: Trip Report - Snowbank to Kekekabic July 2010
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Corndog 07/22/2010 05:11PM
Fantastic report and great pictures. I am so jealous you had a great trip....Mine was scary "{
heavycanoe 07/23/2010 09:55AM
The way you and Tuscarora describ Kek lake make me want to take a trip there. May be an idea for next year.

Koda 07/23/2010 10:51AM
quote moss13: "Koda- I think it [the horseshoe yoke] works well. We really put it to the test on this trip. This is the only portage yoke pad I have used so I can't compare it to any others. I have also used it on 2 solo trips and it did well then too. What type do you use?"

I've used a the original and padded sling-type pads from CVCA. The padded ones started hurting after about 50 rods, and the originals were good for only about 30 rods. Both trips were with a 50-pound boat. Last trip I used a Knu-Pac and it worked great for all the portages I did (160 rods max). I'm currently modifying the CVCA pads to have a curved sling that adapts to my shoulder contours. And someone it sending me a custom yoke with homemade pads that he says are great.

So you can see I'm undecided. A very experienced friend said the horseshoe type works well except for occasional pressure on the back of the neck. Thanks for the info.
moss13 07/21/2010 11:34PM
New Trip Report posted by moss13

Trip Name: Snowbank to Kekekabic July 2010.

Entry Point: 27

Click Here to View Trip Report
moss13 07/21/2010 11:44PM
There are more pictures here with gps tracks and an interactive map


Just more pictures

moss13 07/21/2010 11:47PM
And the videos that I could not embed in the report but you can see in these links.

Loon calls over Jordan Lake at sunset

Cattyman Falls

Early morning fog rolling over Jordan Lake

Jordan Lake Narrows

Ima and Hatchet Narrows

Hatchet, Thomas, Fraser and Wisini Lakes

Ima Lake at sunset and loons

Fraser to Thomas Narrows

Kekekabic Lake, loons, fish jumping, sunrise, rain clouds, canoeists

Kekekabic campfire, loons and ducks

Breakfast on Kekekabic Lake

Hammock time on Kekekabic Lake

Swimming in Kekekabic Lake

Paddling on Kekekabic Lake w/music

Kekekabic Ranger Cabin

Paddling on Snowbank at sunset nearing the end of trip

Black fly rudely interrupts my Ima lake sunset by getting a hold of my ankle
Koda 07/22/2010 03:12PM
Wow, what a great trip report.

How do you like the horseshoe portage pad?
RainGearRight 07/22/2010 09:58AM
Great report and awesome picture and video. Thanks! I'll be frequenting your you tube page often this winter. Sounds like you had a great trip!

Was that a camera mount on the front of your boat?
TuscaroraBorealis 07/22/2010 01:47PM
Great report & awesome photos/vidoes! Makes me wanna get back to Kek even more. Thanks for sharing.

Kekekabic truly is a destination lake. I love that site you stayed at. Glad to hear you had a great trip & didn't have any bear problems.

fishguts 07/22/2010 03:25PM
Wonderful trip report & pictures, Thanks! Loved all the videos...Wow! ;-)
moss13 07/22/2010 05:18PM
Thanks everyone. As you can see I am much more into photography and exploring than fishing. Now that does not mean I don't like fishing because I really do. I am just not very good at it. I hope that changes because I would really love to catch some fish on a future trip.

Raingearright-Yes, I found a camera mount that would fit my video camera and the front bar so it worked out really well.

TB- Yes, it truely is a destination lake. The highlight of the trip. I would love to go back someday, maybe with a route that would also cover lakes to the east of Kek as well. Before the trip my mind was set on that campsite in the cove on the east end....until I read your trip report. The site we both stayed at was just right. Loved it as well. Thanks for the info.

Koda- I think it works well. We really put it to the test on this trip. This is the only portage yoke pad I have used so I can't compare it to any others. I have also used it on 2 solo trips and it did well then too. What type do you use?

Corndog- When was your trip? Is there a trip report? I want to hear about it!
alpine525 07/22/2010 12:09PM
Great trip report - and fantastic photos/video. Thanks for taking the time to share your journey!
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