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distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 10:21AM  

Update 10-1-21
Effective today, the John Ek and Whelp Fire closure has been terminated...which means that 100% of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is open again!

Update 9-11-21
- The following are the closed EP:
51, 52 on Gunflint and then 34, 35, 36, 67, 84 in the Tofte region. PowWow Trial is also closed.

Update as of 9-9-21 ****

The BWCA is opening back up and scaling back closures associated with the John Ek and Whelp fires. Here's the scoop.

Effective on Sept 11:

- Forest lands and roads along the Upper Gunflint trail will reopen with the exception of Blankenburg Boat Launch, and Trails End and Iron Lake campgrounds and all associated facilities. Theses areas will remain closed to serve as basecamps and staging areas for firefighters and other personnel responding to wildfires.
- The new and smaller BWCAW closure area will remain in effect around the John Ek and Whelp fires through at least the end of the 2021 quota permit season on September 30, or until terminated. This is to ensure public safety should the fire become active again.
- The area on the map and the following entry points will remain closed: Missing Link Lake and Brant Lake.
- The following entry points will reopen on September 11: Seagull Lake, Saganaga Lake, South Lake, Skipper and Portage Lakes, Cross Bay Lake, Magnetic Lake, Kekekabic Trail – East/West, Kawishiwi Lake and Larch Creek.
NOTE: Visitors with valid permits for Seagull Lake entry point will be able to access the lake via Blankenberg boat launch or Trails End campground. This is the only allowable public use of the boat launch and campground at this time.
- If you have an existing permit for one of the above reopened entry points on September 11 or after, your permit is still valid.

Update as of 9-1-21****

Full BWCAW Closure is being lifted: Portions of the BWCAW will reopen, effective September 4, including the Crooked Lake area near Canada.
If you had a previously reserved permit for after September 4, your permit is still valid. Available quota permits will be live for reservation on Thursday, September 2 at 12:00 PM on

Full BWCAW Closure is being lifted for parts of the BWCA effective September 4, including the Crooked Lake area near Canada. If you had a previously reserved permit for after September 4, your permit is still valid. This will be for both overnight and day use. The fire ban remains in effect.

Available quota permits will be live for reservation on Thursday, September 2 at 12:00 PM on

Parts of the BWCA will remain closed through at least Sept 10th due to the John Ek & Whelp fires: This closure area includes the John Ek and Whelp Fires: Seagull Lake EP #54/#54A/L, Saganaga Lake EP #55/#55A/J, Missing Link Lake EP #51, Brant Lake EP #52, Cross Bay Lake EP #50, Kekakbic Trail EP #56, Skipper and Portage Lakes EP #49, Kawishiwi Lake EP #37, Hog Creek EP #36.

The fireban within the BWCA remains in effect. However, fires are being allowed in the designated fire grates in most fee campgrounds in Superior National Forest.

Old notices below *******

Updated closure notice 8-30-21 - Please note these changes are very fluid at this point due to fire growth and conditions. - Official BWCA Closure Order

- BWCA is closed from use both for camping and day use. - Currently effective through Sept 3rd.

- Upper Gunflint Trail forest lands/roads along Cook County 12/Gunflint Trail beginning at the Cook County 92 intersection to the end of the Gunflint Trail are closed through at least 8/31. Trails End and Iron Lake campground are in the closure area.
Order and Map

- Camping on Superior National Forest lands outside of developed campgrounds will be closed due to fire danger and public safety. Day use is allowed on the forest and most developed campgrounds (fee and non-fee) remain open to public use. Read FS Orders

Resorts are still open unless otherwise directly impacted by the orders or fires.

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distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/21/2021 10:37AM  
So sad. I've counted 33 named fires within the SNF since May 13th.

First the fire ban, then the Crooked and Iron Lakes area closures, then the expansion along the Echo and points north, then the Greenwood closures, then the Whelp Fire and Sawbill area... Now, this.

We got a dumping of 2+ inches of rain here in Perham yesterday, but it appears that it moved mostly northward and nothing much fell east of International Falls. It's measured in the hundredths of an inch around the BWCAW.

Pray for rain in the border region.
Guest Paddler
08/21/2021 10:42AM  
Adam, do you have a link for this info?
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 10:43AM  
Colticus: "Adam, do you have a link for this info? "

I spoke and confirmed this with the Forest Service, as well as, multiple people who were not issued permits this morning at ranger stations. I would expect an official order posted today.
Guest Paddler
08/21/2021 10:50AM  
adam: "
Colticus: "Adam, do you have a link for this info? "

I spoke and confirmed this with the Forest Service, as well as, multiple people who were not issued permits this morning at ranger stations. I would expect an official order posted today."

Bummer, just spoke with our outfitter as this was posted and they said we were good. Will keep an eye the SNF page for updates. Thanks!
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/21/2021 11:08AM  
Barely got any rain last night/early this morning up on the Iron Range. And, it's been gusty winds since the sun popped up.

Spoke with Quinn at Bearskin and he confirmed the complete closure. Also, no day usage allowed either.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 11:21AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "Barely got any rain last night/early this morning up on the Iron Range. And, it's been gusty winds since the sun popped up.

Spoke with Quinn at Bearskin and he confirmed the complete closure. Also, no day usage allowed either."

Bummer. I gave up my S. Kawishiwi River permit cuz can't nanage the long portage but was counting on day trips. So, the whole of BWCA--no day trips.
Ugh!......but I understand the precaution.
08/21/2021 11:26AM  
Seems a bit overkill to close the entire BWCA but part of me gets it. Quetico is completely closed right now. Canada didn’t do anything to control those fires at all for months though. USFS said this morning in the brief they have 0% containment on the Greenwood fire. Got trace rain last night but got gusty winds making the fire worse.

I’m supposed to be entering at Moose Lake next Saturday with a couple of friends that haven’t canoe tripped before. Really only had a small amount of fresh food to buy this week for the trip. We we’re going to buy stuff for the trail mix today. Pretty much had everything out and ready to go. Bummer!

I was told by my outfitter that they are waiting for the official announcement. That some are still going out today so it seems like there is some confusion right now.

distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 11:34AM  
If you have already pulled our permit on the site are you ok?
distinguished member (276)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 11:45AM  
Haven't seen anything published that says the entire bwca is closed officially.
08/21/2021 12:03PM  
Harv: "Haven't seen anything published that says the entire bwca is closed officially. "

I can't find anything, either. I wish someone would give us
an official link for this.
distinguished member (387)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 12:08PM  
Goldenbadger: "
Harv: "Haven't seen anything published that says the entire bwca is closed officially. "

I can't find anything, either. I wish someone would give us
an official link for this. "

I'm guessing it's in the works, as there's been several people with some verbal confirmations.
08/21/2021 12:14PM  
Ely Echo just reported complete closure.
senior member (64)senior membersenior member
08/21/2021 12:20PM  
Thanks for the early heads up.
I hope all those firefighters and residents stay safe. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like there is much rain forecast there in the coming week.

distinguished member (247)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 12:28PM  
ockycamper: "If you have already pulled our permit on the site are you ok?"

From what I understand, even if you have a permit reserved it doesn't mean they have to issue it to you. Outfitters and Ranger stations will (most likely) not be issuing them on site so essentially, the answer sadly seems "No."
member (7)member
08/21/2021 12:33PM  
No, if the closure does materialize if you’re caught going in you’ll face some serious penalties/fines.
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 12:33PM  
I called our outfitter, Seagull Outfitters, and they said they were told they could not issue permits today and that this ban would be on a day to day basis.
Sam B
Guest Paddler
08/21/2021 12:44PM  
Our outfitter (Tuscarora) told us we were cancelled for Monday. We audibled and booked the last campsite available for our dates in Voyageurs and rented a power boat, seems we'll be front country camping instead of back country. Never been to Voyageurs before. I see there are a couple small fires near there as well, hopefully things work out for us
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 12:50PM  
Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm.
member (6)member
08/21/2021 12:52PM  
adam: "Due to overall fire safety issues in the BWCA, permits have stopped being issued for all entry points starting today. We feel terrible for everyone who will miss a trip and the surrounding businesses. And thank you to the firefighters who continue to battle the fires.

This does affect day use of the BWCA as well, but it does not affect all campgrounds, non-BWCA lakes, resorts, and other activities outside the BWCA.

As the outfitters and Forest Service are very busy dealing with permits in the immediate timeframe, please give them a break by not calling about trips that are outside the next few days.

There is currently no end date set so let's hope for rain.

Please stay tuned for more information."

I reserved a permit on Saganaga Lake (EP55) back on 8/5. Entering 9/27-10/2. Does this mean I will not be allowed to enter on 9/27?
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/21/2021 12:56PM  
larrymarket: "
adam: "Due to overall fire safety issues in the BWCA, permits have stopped being issued for all entry points starting today. We feel terrible for everyone who will miss a trip and the surrounding businesses. And thank you to the firefighters who continue to battle the fires.

This does affect day use of the BWCA as well, but it does not affect all campgrounds, non-BWCA lakes, resorts, and other activities outside the BWCA.

As the outfitters and Forest Service are very busy dealing with permits in the immediate timeframe, please give them a break by not calling about trips that are outside the next few days.

There is currently no end date set so let's hope for rain.

Please stay tuned for more information."

I reserved a permit on Saganaga Lake (EP55) back on 8/5. Entering 9/27-10/2. Does this mean I will not be allowed to enter on 9/27?"

Larry, this is a day by day thing. You've got over a month before your trip. For now you just hope for rain and the fires to get under control.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 01:00PM  
BWCA shut down

The official Forest Service notice is expected to be published later today.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 01:01PM  
Oh my,
That's a lot of folk to go fetch that's already in the bwca.
08/21/2021 01:23PM  
yogi59weedr: "Oh my,
That's a lot of folk to go fetch that's already in the bwca."

Currently out on Rice Lake (near Slim)

Does this mean I am required pack up and head in?
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 01:27PM  
DavidRoanMN: "
yogi59weedr: "Oh my,
That's a lot of folk to go fetch that's already in the bwca."

Currently out on Rice Lake (near Slim)

Does this mean I am required pack up and head in? "

I would wait for the official order with details to be published.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 01:31PM  
scotttimm: "Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm. "

Indeed. 2020 sucked. 2021 sucks. We endure to see another day, another trip, another year. I hope you & son get to plan another trip this year. I read a short snip of an article -on the internet- which stated the first part of October is supposed to be realtively warm this year. Then, when changeover happens it'll be sudden. Watch the forecasts in next two months. Still, It's going to take tons of snowmelt to bring water levels back up in Spring of 2022.
member (23)member
08/21/2021 01:36PM  
Received the official email from the forest service via email that our permit for Aug. 25 Clearwater was cancelled and already received the refund from So sad that all of BWCA is closed.
distinguished member (148)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 01:49PM  
My tripping partner is currently soloing in the Gunflint District. I spoke with a ranger today and was told they will be making a sweep of the BW to inform trippers of the closure and let them know they need to begin paddling out to their entry point. (Not a panicky, emergency evacuation. Just time to go.) I sent him a Garmin message as a heads-up.
08/21/2021 02:08PM  
scotttimm: "Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm. "

I feel for you.
We just had our long planned Quetico trip cancelled.
Our outfitter pointed us to Turtle River /White Otter provincial park.
Landscape very similar to BWCA with chains of lakes/river, backcountry camping, good/great fishing etc.
It’s right by Atikoken / just north of Quetico. About a 2 hour drive from International Falls MN

Not the same I know but just passing along a good option to consider.
Last I checked getting a permit was no problem and park was open
08/21/2021 02:09PM  
Literally just got my email saying the area is closed. My Permit for next Sunday is still active but could be cancelled.
08/21/2021 02:16PM  
Does anyone know if this has ever happened before?
08/21/2021 02:17PM  
adam: "
DavidRoanMN: "
yogi59weedr: "Oh my,
That's a lot of folk to go fetch that's already in the bwca."

Currently out on Rice Lake (near Slim)

Does this mean I am required pack up and head in? "

I would wait for the official order with details to be published. "

Outfitter said we're cool to stay (unless advised otherwise by officials) thru trip's end on Monday.

distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 02:37PM  

Sigh. Wonder what chances are they may open parts up by the 28th?
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2021 02:40PM  
GoNorth: "
scotttimm: "Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm. "

I feel for you.
We just had our long planned Quetico trip cancelled.
Our outfitter pointed us to Turtle River /White Otter provincial park.
Landscape very similar to BWCA with chains of lakes/river, backcountry camping, good/great fishing etc.
It’s right by Atikoken / just north of Quetico. About a 2 hour drive from International Falls MN

Not the same I know but just passing along a good option to consider.
Last I checked getting a permit was no problem and park was open"

Thanks for the tip, it is appreciated - unfortunately, we had planned to do the Kruger Waddell Challenge from Int. Falls to Lake Superior, then it got cut down to Moose Lake to Lake Superior...not sure if we are up for planning a whole other adventure that would justify him taking a week off of school.
08/21/2021 02:42PM  
timatkn: "Literally just got my email saying the area is closed. My Permit for next Sunday is still active but could be cancelled. "

Same here. Here's hoping for the best.
08/21/2021 03:01PM  
So we are staying at a cabin on Sea Gull. That is right next to bwca boundary. Does this mean we can't day trip in to that area. Will we still be able to paddle non bwca of Sea Gull.

08/21/2021 03:08PM  
The BWCA cannot be entered at this time however, you can paddle the non-BWCA portion for now.
08/21/2021 03:53PM  
BWPaddler: "Does anyone know if this has ever happened before?"

Yes 1976 for sure. Not sure if there are other ones. Well last year with covid for a while.
08/21/2021 06:14PM  
GoNorth: "
scotttimm: "Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm. "

I feel for you.
We just had our long planned Quetico trip cancelled.
Our outfitter pointed us to Turtle River /White Otter provincial park.
Landscape very similar to BWCA with chains of lakes/river, backcountry camping, good/great fishing etc.
It’s right by Atikoken / just north of Quetico. About a 2 hour drive from International Falls MN

Not the same I know but just passing along a good option to consider.
Last I checked getting a permit was no problem and park was open"

With friends I did the White Otter/Turtle Rv trip in June 2019, sadly my last Canadian trip. Last year border closed and this year Woodland Caribou PP closed - maybe next year.

The White Otter/Turtle Rv was a nice trip - easy route to follow, all portages open and not difficult or long. Since we went just before fishing opener we saw no one on WO lake or the Turtle Rv.
member (15)member
08/21/2021 06:24PM  
Just arrived in Lincoln NE from Denver enroute to Brule 8/24 to find the cancellation/refund emails. Fully loaded car with gear & canoe on top. Bummer. Still want to experience north country and try some fishing. Front country car camping now looks like best bet. We were planning to avoid portaging due to hip and knee issues. Any recommendations for lakes and/or campgrounds? Doesn’t need to be right at edge of BWCA. Thanks!
member (45)member
08/21/2021 07:05PM  
Davidsos, Voyageurs National Park is on the western edge of the BWCA and is still open. There are several camping permits available on Sandpoint Lake for tomorrow night. It’s very much like BWCA but motors are allowed so definitely not wilderness.
member (20)member
08/21/2021 07:27PM  
davidsos: "Just arrived in Lincoln NE from Denver enroute to Brule 8/24 to find the cancellation/refund emails. Fully loaded car with gear & canoe on top. Bummer. Still want to experience north country and try some fishing. Front country car camping now looks like best bet. We were planning to avoid portaging due to hip and knee issues. Any recommendations for lakes and/or campgrounds? Doesn’t need to be right at edge of BWCA. Thanks!"

There are 254 campsites outside the BWCA that are in the SNF. Not all on/near lakes but most are. I would check out the Superior National Forest website. We had a Meeds lake entry permit for 8/26, was canceled so we are now staying at a few different campsites along the gunflint and paddling lakes outside the BWCA. Not exactly a wilderness trip but better than nothing. We will enjoy ourselves none the less.
member (15)member
08/21/2021 08:54PM  
Marley thank you for the info
member (15)member
08/21/2021 08:56PM  
Local34North. Great info, thank you
08/21/2021 09:40PM  
Here is the official order and map:
Official BWCA Closure Order & Map
We were supposed to enter Bower Trout tomorrow. Rockwood Outfitters called me just as we were driving into Eau Claire at 10 AM. We finally decided to reserve sites in the Sylvania Wilderness.
08/21/2021 10:42PM  
It's also here. The article has a good aerial shot of the John Ek fire.
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 07:43AM  
Got burned on a trip on a permit Tuesday. My partner was able to change the trip to Sylvania. That may still be an option for others. I’m bailing for other reasons. Good luck to all with your plan Bs.
senior member (52)senior membersenior member
08/22/2021 09:08AM  
Spent five days in Sylvania. Loved the hiking trails. Many rules on fishing. Unable to eat fish on my trip because of regulations, but the fishing was excellent. They recommend using barbless hooks. Portaging was easy but expect to see many groups at each one. Water great for swimming. No Canadian Shield type of rocks so camp kitchen proved difficult. Lot of bending. Campsites set back in woods about 50 yards because hiking trails go next to shore. Also, most campsites offer two sites next to each other so you will have "neighbors". Crooked lake allows motorboats so you might hear an engine now and then. Definitely not like our Boundary Waters but worth a visit.
distinguished member(3436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 09:12AM  
Got our cancellation and refund notice yesterday.
distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 09:58AM  
I have done the Turtle River area a couple of times. It is a great area with some interesting country and good fishing.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2021 07:23PM  
GoNorth: "
scotttimm: "Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm. "

I feel for you.
We just had our long planned Quetico trip cancelled.
Our outfitter pointed us to Turtle River /White Otter provincial park.
Landscape very similar to BWCA with chains of lakes/river, backcountry camping, good/great fishing etc.
It’s right by Atikoken / just north of Quetico. About a 2 hour drive from International Falls MN
Not the same I know but just passing along a good option to consider.
Last I checked getting a permit was no problem and park was open"

So I poked around on Ontario's park website and without the link you provided, the park doesn't seem to exist. It is called a "non operating park" and I can't find it on the list of parks to check out reservations or fees. Any tips appreciated! I might just have to stretch my wings and do Wabikimi.

08/22/2021 09:05PM  
okinaw55: "
BWPaddler: "Does anyone know if this has ever happened before?"

Yes 1976 for sure. Not sure if there are other ones. Well last year with covid for a while."

08/22/2021 11:44PM  
joewildlife: "
GoNorth: "
scotttimm: "Sigh. Epic trip, having planned for a year with my HS senior son for next Saturday. Getting used to disappointment has been the new norm. "

I feel for you.
We just had our long planned Quetico trip cancelled.
Our outfitter pointed us to Turtle River /White Otter provincial park.
Landscape very similar to BWCA with chains of lakes/river, backcountry camping, good/great fishing etc.
It’s right by Atikoken / just north of Quetico. About a 2 hour drive from International Falls MN
Not the same I know but just passing along a good option to consider.
Last I checked getting a permit was no problem and park was open"

So I poked around on Ontario's park website and without the link you provided, the park doesn't seem to exist. It is called a "non operating park" and I can't find it on the list of parks to check out reservations or fees. Any tips appreciated! I might just have to stretch my wings and do Wabikimi.


Since it is a non operating park it is considered crown land so if your a Canadian citizen it is free and if a U.S. citizen you would just need to obtain the non-resident camping permit. Your best bet for maps would probably be the official Canadian topo maps but I think any one of the outfitters in Atikokan can help you with maps and routes. Here are a couple links for routes I found just doing a quick google search and a link to buy your permit online.
non-resident camping permit
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 07:08AM  
There is also St. Raphael Park just west of Wabakimi.

This area is quite spectacular for scenery and fishing. Lots of exposed granite.
The above mentioned park is also a non-operating park. To further clarify the term, it means it is not regulated like the BWCA or Quetico. Therefore, there are motors, float planes, trappers, fly-in camps, Big Foot, and so on. But these northern Ontario parks are very large with very few people. If you can get past the internal combustion engines and messier campsites, it’s a fine alternative. When I was in St. Raphael, I saw no other canoes. I did see all of the above mentioned.

You do need a crown land permit and need to do some homework in regards to maps. Campsites are not marked on maps but I had no problems finding places to camp.
If you can get to Canada, head north my friend.
distinguished member(3443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 07:21AM  
BIG FOOT!?!? Sign me up!
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/23/2021 07:47AM  
What's the earliest they could open back up permits? 27th or 28th?
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 07:52AM  
I was wondering the same. We have permits reservations for 9/21. Has anyone heard if there is a chance they open permits back up? Our outfitter said they were told by the forest service that things were on a day to day basis.
08/23/2021 08:02AM  
Update from Star Tribune.
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 08:49AM  
For those of you with permits on the horizon, here's what I heard this morning from the FS:
08/23/2021 08:56AM  
Interesting - I don't have any official rain totals, but it seems to me as though there have been drier years. evidence is anecdotal and my sample size is two.

The knife river is a 1/4 mile walk through the woods from my house and at least once in the last 20 years, i remember it not flowing, there was just water in the holes. It's still flowing today.

The lake our cabin is on, my neighbor who's been there forever has said a particular reef has broken the surface a number of times in dry years in the past. It's still about a foot below the surface right now. (This is on a lake near the greenwood fire)
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 11:14AM  
scotttimm: "For those of you with permits on the horizon, here's what I heard this morning from the FS:


A hard rain’s (gotta) fall …
08/23/2021 04:47PM  
Speckled: "Interesting - I don't have any official rain totals, but it seems to me as though there have been drier years. evidence is anecdotal and my sample size is two.

The knife river is a 1/4 mile walk through the woods from my house and at least once in the last 20 years, i remember it not flowing, there was just water in the holes. It's still flowing today.

The lake our cabin is on, my neighbor who's been there forever has said a particular reef has broken the surface a number of times in dry years in the past. It's still about a foot below the surface right now. (This is on a lake near the greenwood fire)"

A big problem is all the Spruce and Balsam that have succumbed to Spruce Bud Worm. On my last trip I noticed just about every Balsam was dead along each lake I went through.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 05:58PM  
Thank you for sharing the info Tumblehome and dschult2.

It is nice to have a back up plan to a back up plan to a back up plan to a back up plan!! Might need 'em all this year!
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2021 07:24PM  
There are a number of options for dispersed camping around the BWCA in the Superior National Forest that per my understanding are not impacted by the order. Please check with the Forest Service to make sure they are not effected by fire or other closure.

Dispersed Camping

There is very little information on the use and quality of the sites. Some are on motorized lakes, but this is an option.
08/23/2021 08:49PM  
QueticoMike: "What's the earliest they could open back up permits? 27th or 28th? "

My email from the FS says it is closed through 8/27, so 8/28 will be the soonest it can open. I have a permit for 8/29 and don’t think it will happen.

member (49)member
08/23/2021 08:55PM  
From my daughter in Grand Marais.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/24/2021 10:47AM  
egknuti: "
Speckled: "Interesting - I don't have any official rain totals, but it seems to me as though there have been drier years. evidence is anecdotal and my sample size is two.

The knife river is a 1/4 mile walk through the woods from my house and at least once in the last 20 years, i remember it not flowing, there was just water in the holes. It's still flowing today.

The lake our cabin is on, my neighbor who's been there forever has said a particular reef has broken the surface a number of times in dry years in the past. It's still about a foot below the surface right now. (This is on a lake near the greenwood fire)"

A big problem is all the Spruce and Balsam that have succumbed to Spruce Bud Worm. On my last trip I noticed just about every Balsam was dead along each lake I went through. "

Yes, I've owned my property for over 18 years and have seen drier years. My Spruce are OK, but 90% of the Balsam are dead and the rest are dying.

distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2021 11:45AM  
I just now checked the reservation site at All reservations, even beyond Aug 27, are now "0"
I have not seen another announcement from the FS about extending the closure, however.
08/24/2021 12:26PM  
I just checked mine for This coming Saturday and is still showing. Doesn’t mean It’s going to open but I’m still hoping. Wish they had gotten all the rain we got in the metro today up North although we do need it here but not as bad as up north. Amazing how the rain just seems to Fizzle (edited ??) out as it gets close to The Ely area

senior member (95)senior membersenior member
08/24/2021 03:57PM  
I just got the email cancelling my August 30th EP37 permit. BWCA closure is extended through September 3rd.....
distinguished member (165)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2021 05:26PM  
We just got the notice too for our Sunday Entry. We secured a campsite on Bear Head Lake State park for most of the week, so we are still heading up there and will just spend more time exploring outside of the bwca next week. I was kind of hoping they would allow day use so we could maybe get in a few day trips from a few of the entry points near Ely that we have not visited yet. Won't be nearly the same but, still plenty of lakes up there that we can canoe and fish from so it won't be a total loss.
08/24/2021 05:43PM  
Bear head Lake State Park is a really nice park. I’ve RV camped a couple of times. It’s more remote. Takes a while to get back into the park. If you want to get your portage on I know they have some lakes you can walk into. I never did but I suspect it would be fun and give you part of the feeling of an even more remote lake. Vermillion lake state park would be a recommendation to check it out. They have been building it up now for several years. Also Soudan Underground if you haven’t been. Ely is always fun to visit as well.

Yes my permit got cancelled for entry on Saturday August 28th and a refund was issued.

08/24/2021 09:04PM  
Closed until Sept. 3rd now. Order.
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2021 05:30AM  
Gaidin53: "I just checked mine Amazing how the rain just seems to Peter out as it gets close to The Ely area.

Ryan "
I have always had mixed feelings about this expression! Pete
08/26/2021 06:41AM  
It looks like the USFS has closed federal lands on the Gunflint. The notice is here.
08/31/2021 07:51PM  
Any new updates on BWCA closure, our entry is for this Sunday the 5th, going in on Snowbank

distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/01/2021 04:46PM  
GamesAddicted2: "Any new updates on BWCA closure, our entry is for this Sunday the 5th, going in on Snowbank


I would look for an update later tonight or more likely tomorrow.
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/01/2021 08:44PM  
See the update in the origional post
09/01/2021 08:56PM  
09-01-2021 closure map
09/02/2021 07:19PM  
Additionally the South Lake EP 58, Larch Creek 80, and Magnetic Lake 57 were added to the closure list. Basically any EP that could use the landing at Gunflint Lake.
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2021 06:42AM  
The BWCA is opening back up and scaling back closures associated with the John Ek and Whelp fires. Here's the scoop. Effective on Sept 11:
- Forest lands and roads along the Upper Gunflint trail will reopen with the exception of Blankenburg Boat Launch, and Trails End and Iron Lake campgrounds and all associated facilities. Theses areas will remain closed to serve as basecamps and staging areas for firefighters and other personnel responding to wildfires.
- The new and smaller BWCAW closure area will remain in effect around the John Ek and Whelp fires through at least the end of the 2021 quota permit season on September 30, or until terminated. This is to ensure public safety should the fire become active again.
- The area on the map and the following entry points will remain closed: Missing Link Lake and Brant Lake.
- The following entry points will reopen on September 11: Seagull Lake, Saganaga Lake, South Lake, Skipper and Portage Lakes, Cross Bay Lake, Magnetic Lake, Kekekabic Trail – East/West, Kawishiwi Lake and Larch Creek.
NOTE: Visitors with valid permits for Seagull Lake entry point will be able to access the lake via Blankenberg boat launch or Trails End campground. This is the only allowable public use of the boat launch and campground at this time.
- If you have an existing permit for one of the above reopened entry points on September 11 or after, your permit is still valid.
09/10/2021 07:44AM  
Your permit for 9/27 is good! They will open EP55 on Saturday September 11th. Enjoy!

larrymarket: "I reserved a permit on Saganaga Lake (EP55) back on 8/5. Entering 9/27-10/2. Does this mean I will not be allowed to enter on 9/27?"

distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/03/2021 09:04AM  

Effective 10/1 the entire BWCA is open. All fire closures have been listed.
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