BWCA 2024 Planned Trips? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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01/23/2024 06:42AM  

Where are you headed in 2024 for canoe and other outdoor adventure trips?

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01/23/2024 07:50PM  
Manitoba and hopefully NW Ontario (2 trips).
01/24/2024 02:21AM  
Looking like I'll be in/about the BWCA again in 2024. Likely to be about the Ely area most of the year though may take some time to learn about raising cattle outside of Rochester &/or learn about homesteading from some folks in MO.
01/24/2024 06:24AM  
Early June waterfall tour up the North Shore and day hiking up the Gunflint Trail with 19 year old daughter. She doesn’t want to camp for our father/daughter anymore but we will still enjoy our bonding time in the outdoors and a night in Grand Marais and a night at Rockwood.

June Camper Cabin stay at East Bearskin campground with the whole family.

July possible short trip with my brother when he comes home from Costa Rica. His only bwca trip was in Jr High. We keep talking about doing a trip each year but always run out of time. Maybe this will be the year.

August annual stay at Rockwood with the whole family.

August father/son trip with my 5 year old for his first BWCA trip. Planning on South Kawishiwi River.

October annual stay at Nelson’s Travelers Rest during MN MEA break and Moose Masness in Grand Marais.

Short solo thats usually in October might possibly be done in late April if this mild winter continues and we have an early ice out.
distinguished member (213)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2024 06:55AM  
Stanton Bay entry, June
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2024 10:04AM  
The first week of June will be my daughter (14) and my annual trip. The plan is to enter Missing Link and do an out and back through Tuscarora and Little Sag to maybe Makwa. I've never caught a laker in the BWCA. I plan on changing that this year.

In mid July, the family is taking a road trip to the 4 national parks in Colorado. We will camp most of the time with hotels between the parks to get a hot shower. My fly rod will be with me on most of the hikes.
01/24/2024 12:23PM  
July 2 week trip with my son out of Snowbank. New territory for us!

Then a 5-7 day solo in August, probably out of E Bearskin.

Some kinda 3-4 day backpacking trip with Ole, my girlfriend.

And we're thinking a few days canoeing in either Timber-Frear or in the Lake Jeanette area in September.
distinguished member (214)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2024 06:41PM  
8 days from Snowbank or LIS North in late August. Can't wit!
01/25/2024 09:47AM  
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge February 27-29 (permit in hand), and Quetico August 30-September 8 (can't pull permit until March 30).

01/25/2024 11:03AM  
Not sure where I will go in the BW for 2024, I just wing it and choose an open permit before tripping. Hoping to do at least 3 solo trips.
01/26/2024 01:01PM  
Late may solo trip hopefully to Seagal Alpine Jasper, king Fisher and Ogish. with a meet up with Zulu and nCTRy at the end of that trail campground.

Mid june will be a family trip to a vrbo in northern minnesota.

July fourth wingnight campout at nctr(Ben's) In Goodland Minnesota. followed by a voyager national park trip on rainy lake.

August seventh, hopefully I will be able to get a permit for gabro or Kawishawi river for a family camping trip.

Second weekend September BWC a trip with friends. Unknown location yet.

distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2024 08:25PM  
Sad I wont make it out there this year. Using this winter & summer to plan a trip to a new EP. I've always going out of EP 14 and I'm looking for a new adventure. Maybe 16 or 19
distinguished member (180)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2024 08:25PM  
Woodland Caribou in mid August then a quick turn around with a different group somewhere in BWCA over Labor Day.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2024 09:51PM  
Still putting plans together. Hoping to go into Baker and/or Homer with my two youngest daughters in June and July. Also really want to do solo trips in May and September/October.

member (15)member
01/30/2024 05:11PM  
Looking at two trips in 2024! I'll lead a church youth group basecamp trip in July - thinking EP 16 to LLC (or EP 14 - LIS to Lynx). Then an October trek yet to be determined. Maybe into one of the PMAs?
01/30/2024 05:24PM  
TrailZen: "Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge February 27-29 (permit in hand)


I hope you will write up a trip report on this one!! Sounds fun.
01/30/2024 05:34PM  
Planning my first trip to the BWCA this year.... first week of September for 5 days with a friend. Hoping for a Liz/Swamp permit and heading to Winchell either in a loop or an out-and-back, depending on how we feel once we get into the BWCA.
01/30/2024 05:56PM  
bobbernumber3: "
TrailZen: "Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge February 27-29 (permit in hand)


I hope you will write up a trip report on this one!! Sounds fun."

The Okefenokee is a great place to paddle, even though one can't make a long trip. Here's a report from our 2019 visit, and I'll try to report on this visit, as well.

01/30/2024 07:53PM  
Planning a May 19th entry to an entry point and area that we used to frequent a lot but haven't been back to in 35 plus years. Hoping I get my first choice but have #2 and #3 ready just in case. I will be ready at 9am and have never not gotten my chosen entry before, hope tomorrow is no different. Probably take a trip later in summer as well but content to do whatever is available at that point.
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
02/05/2024 11:49AM  
June trip kicking off on the Stuart River. Don't know if we will basecamp there or head into Iron.
member (44)member
02/05/2024 02:18PM  
My group just got a permit for Ram Lake off the Gunflint Trail in early August.
member (44)member
02/05/2024 02:23PM  
grizzlyadams: "June trip kicking off on the Stuart River. Don't know if we will basecamp there or head into Iron."

I've wanted to do a trip to Stuart Lake for many years but my group is partial to the eastern BWCA.
02/06/2024 08:08AM  
Ice Out Crappie Trip - Family Trip
Second Lake Trout Weekend - Guys Trip
Mid June Aggressive Loop - Father/Son Trip
Late Sept Lake Trout Trip - Guys Trip
Early Oct Brookie and Grouse - Solo
02/07/2024 05:27PM  
I've got a Duncan Lake permit for early August for my wife and I. We're considering a paddle in/hike around trip around from Snowbank with some friends as well. No big solo planned yet until I hear back on an elk tag draw out west for this coming Fall. Likely going to take my daughter down a stretch of the St. Croix or Namekaagon.
02/08/2024 06:52AM  
Late May trip to Missing Link with our son and his new wife. I’ve wanted to do this one for a while, but kind of leery of doing it with just my husband. Glad to have a couple of sherpas along this year.

Then in early August we’ll be going to Cross Bay with a couple nephews. We took one of them on an easy trip last year, and he enjoyed it enough to do it again, and is bringing his brother.
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
02/08/2024 11:17AM  
Samsquatch: "
grizzlyadams: "June trip kicking off on the Stuart River. Don't know if we will basecamp there or head into Iron."

I've wanted to do a trip to Stuart Lake for many years but my group is partial to the eastern BWCA.

My Stuart trip will have to be postponed. Learned of a scheduling conflict so had to settle for a Moose Lake permit. Planning to go up to SAK now.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/08/2024 05:31PM  
BWCA trips...I'm most looking forward to the trips with my daughters. The two youngest daughters and I are planning to go to Homer and Baker in June and July, respectively. Then my second oldest daughter is graduating from college this summer and wants to do an excursion in September to LISN. Might get a solo trip or two in if I can figure out my work schedule.
member (21)member
02/10/2024 03:32PM  
Seven close friends and I (all from Tennessee) are going in at EP 23 (Mudro Lake) to do the Crooked Lake route counter-clockwise in mid-September for six or seven days. I have been to the BWCA a few times, but it has been at least 10 years. This will be all of the others first time which is exciting.
distinguished member(847)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/11/2024 02:40PM  
Prairie Portage to McIntyre and back loop. Unfinished business with that loop.
member (22)member
03/07/2024 05:28AM  
Two trips planned this year, so far, lol.

First trip I am taking my son, who will be a Senior this Fall, along with two of his buddies along the Canadian Border for a 4-night fishing trip. Undecided on trying Zephyr or traveling down Ottertrack well past the Monument Portage to find a base camp. This trip is the week of July 4.

Second trip is going to be my first solo and a trip that I am extremely excited and looking forward to. I want to eventually do a 2 or 3 week solo at some point, but that is probably a couple years away. For my solo trip I am going to be doing the loop out of Tuscarora Outfitters from Brant out to Gillis, back through Tuscarora and out through Missing Link. This trip will be the second week of September.
member (46)member
03/07/2024 08:59AM  
Late June out of Lizz with my paddling partner - my wife - for an annual BW trip. Planning for Horseshoe or Vista to basecamp. Short 4 day trip but one to renew our BWCA needy souls.
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/07/2024 01:23PM  
This summer is looking like it will have more time in a canoe on fun personal trips than my wife or I have ever had. Needless to say, I am so excited. There are canoe trips of all sorts of different styles and backpacking trips in the fall. I'm also looking to cross off some personal goals this year. With trips planned for entering or exiting at Little Indian North, Trout, Farm, and Little Gabbro, I'll officially cross the lifetime goal of utilizing every BWCA canoe entry point which I'm super excited about! Some work to do still on ski entries and hiking entries.

That said, one of the stipulations was that the house I have been building has to be ready for us to move into before we can go on canoe trips. Talk about motivation! Haha
senior member (75)senior membersenior member
03/07/2024 04:14PM  
Taking our second ever BWCA trip this June, heading out of Sawbill. Plan to do the Lujenida-Zenith portage on day one and then spend five nights hanging out around Wine and Mesaba. Much more relaxed than last year with time to get to know some lakes, fish, and just be without having to go.

Gonna go down to Arkansas to meet up with family and see the eclipse in April. Might find a way to fit in a couple days on the Current or Jacks Fork later in the year but I have to learn how to handle the old Whitesell Piranha I bought last week before I do that.
03/07/2024 06:38PM  
Clearwater area in May and Wood in September. Hoping to finally talk my wife into going with me for the Wood lake trip.
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/07/2024 07:23PM  
pleflar: "Gonna go down to Arkansas to meet up with family and see the eclipse in April. Might find a way to fit in a couple days on the Current or Jacks Fork later in the year but I have to learn how to handle the old Whitesell Piranha I bought last week before I do that."

Hi plefar, I have floated part of the Current river and my first canoe was a Whitesell Descender. I ordered it with a Perception saddle and front and rear airbags. I didn't own it for long but have fond memories of it.

senior member (51)senior membersenior member
03/08/2024 07:18AM  
When I take a solo trip in the height of the season I watch the weather and since I live in the Twin Cities and the drive is reasonable I head up for a few days of paddling utilizing day permits. I travel light and fast covering much ground between dawn (or before) to dusk. A favorite trip is the Sawbill-Cherokee-Temperance loop. Cover much ground and have a fun day on the water, sleeping at night in my van. Still wondering if I fill out two day trip permits for two consecutive days and paddle all night am I legal?
distinguished member (134)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2024 08:33AM  
Six trips planned this year! Little Indian Sioux, Moose x2, Mudro, Ram, and Clearwater. With ice out in the Twin Cities already I may sneak in an early spring trip too!
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