BWCA FS Reviewing Proposed Store Locations Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      FS Reviewing Proposed Store Locations     
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distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 05:45AM  
**** IMPORTANT NOTICE - This was an April Fools Joke - Thanks for Lighthearted fun ****
Today, April 1st through May 17, 2024 the Superior National Forest (SNF) is starting to gather input from Tribes, local communities, interested parties, and the broader public regarding the 2 proposed location of coffee shops within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) management area.

Imagine a cozy, rustic coffee shop nestled on the edge of a pristine lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. This unique store blends seamlessly into its natural surroundings, constructed with materials that pay homage to the local wilderness. The exterior features a mix of natural wood and stone, reflecting the beauty of the Boundary Waters. Large windows offer panoramic views of the lake and forest, allowing customers to enjoy the serene beauty of the wilderness while sipping their favorite coffee.

Inside, the decor is inspired by the local environment, with wooden beams, a stone fireplace, and comfortable seating areas that invite customers to relax and stay awhile. Canoes and paddles hang from the walls, and local wildlife photography adds to the ambiance. These stores offers a perfect blend of modern convenience and rustic wilderness charm, providing a unique coffee-drinking experience for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/01/2024 06:45AM  
Any idea which lakes these will be on? ;)
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 06:51AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "Any idea which lakes these will be on? ;)"

I don't think they have officially disclosed the locations yet. Name that lake opportunity?
member (13)member
04/01/2024 06:51AM  
Ok, it's April Fool's Day....but just in case, I'll play along. No! The coffee in my site, on my stove is excellent. No Flippin' Starbucks, with canoes backed up around the point and an out-of-place building.
04/01/2024 06:54AM  
Excellent April Fool's Joke. Thanks much for the laugh
04/01/2024 07:04AM  
Adam I heard you will have 50% ownership and share of the profits.
member (7)member
04/01/2024 07:19AM  
Haha! April fools. I wonder how many clicks you will get today. ??
04/01/2024 07:22AM fire brewed? wild rice muffins?
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 07:25AM  
Starbur’s coffee shop…..

Will they sell cannabis too?

But seriously, I’m more concerned about that strange beast lurking to the right of the coffee shop on the right.
member (6)member
04/01/2024 07:28AM  
Ya, good idea to do Drugs in the middle of the extreme wilderness. That is what the St. Louis County Rescue Squad wants to be called out for. For A moron that is high off his rocker on drugs and gets a severe injury all due to the use of DRUGS. Come on let's be sensible while you visit this area form wherever you come from. Local people on the Rescue Squad have no patience for this type of behavior. Although this is April Fools, that comment is purely immature for using DRUGS.
distinguished member (197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 07:33AM  
04/01/2024 07:34AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "Any idea which lakes these will be on? ;)"

It's a Starbucks, so they'll be located on the same lake and directly across from each other.
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 07:37AM  
And to think I ordered a canoe without a cupholder...
04/01/2024 07:46AM  
There is an island on Knife Lake that would be prime real estate for a coffee shop.
04/01/2024 07:52AM  
Good one! Gotta love how the AI handled the logo and text on the buildings.
04/01/2024 07:52AM  
Fingers crossed for Crooked Lake, right at Table Rock site!
04/01/2024 07:55AM  
AceAceAce: "Good one! Gotta love how the AI handled the logo and text on the buildings."

Personally I like the floating head in the one canoe, and the two people sitting in the back of a canoe that has part of another canoe next to it.
04/01/2024 08:18AM  
I heard they are leaning towards locations on motorized lakes to allow for Drive Through Windows.
04/01/2024 08:23AM  
plmn: "
AceAceAce: "Good one! Gotta love how the AI handled the logo and text on the buildings."

Personally I like the floating head in the one canoe, and the two people sitting in the back of a canoe that has part of another canoe next to it. "

There is a tree growing out of the water and a few floating paddles too.
04/01/2024 08:23AM  
Damn you! You got me. You had my blood pressure running so high I got a bloody nose, both nostrils! I’m new to this forum and wasn’t aware of the “humor” practiced on it. Harumph!
I’ll be back for more, but armed with foreknowledge now. And I thought you guys were serious folk.
04/01/2024 08:40AM  
Okay, I bought this hook line and sinker. I'm wondering if I can send the medical bill for the stroke I just had to Well played!
04/01/2024 08:53AM  
Well played good Sir, well played.
04/01/2024 09:22AM  
Drip brewed with pure northern lake water! Well-crafted!
04/01/2024 09:31AM  
Nice job, Adam.

Gotta love those AI pics with the weird paddles.
distinguished member(602)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 09:56AM  
Where is the beer store going to be? I think there should be a beer dispensery about a day or two travel in for thirsty canoeists.
04/01/2024 10:09AM  
Only if it has a “Canoe through” line.
distinguished member(653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 10:10AM  
At last, a coffee shop where every last person won't be glued to their phone or a computer!
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 10:16AM  
kstripling: "
TuscaroraBorealis: "Any idea which lakes these will be on? ;)"

It's a Starbucks, so they'll be located on the same lake and directly across from each other.

There were two Starbucks locations kitty-corner from each other near the Seattle office building I worked in. I came out one day and encountered a Starbucks vendor with a backpack tank, selling coffee to the caffeine addicts.
member (46)member
04/01/2024 10:25AM  
Fell for this hook, line, sinker, and net! Was an amazing April Fool's joke but like a few others - my first comment was WTF?? Well done!

Should have known it wasn't real when I didn't see the paddle-thru window on one side! LOL!

04/01/2024 10:46AM  
In this day and age where it seems the world is coming unglued, this proposal seemed totally plausible. I wouldn't be too surprised if someone really does try to propose this in the near future. Had me going, Adam! Nice.
04/01/2024 11:02AM  
salukiguy: "Where is the beer store going to be? I think there should be a beer dispensery about a day or two travel in for thirsty canoeists."

This is key. Perhaps a twin location, not unlike Pizza Huts/Taco Bells you see down south. Starbucks/Mike's Liquors?
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 11:10AM  
Good one, Adam. You got me.
member (25)member
04/01/2024 11:54AM  
tumblehome: "Starbur’s coffee shop…..

Will they sell cannabis too?

But seriously, I’m more concerned about that strange beast lurking to the right of the coffee shop on the right."
Mr./Mrs. Tumblehome,don’t let anyone guilt you on this site for judgement on your choice to partake in some of nature’s bountiful greenery.Or shame you for making a humorous statement.I would have a smoke with ya anytime in the beauty that is canoe country!
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/01/2024 01:01PM  
I've heard future development includes a Holiday Inn Express right around the corner.
04/01/2024 01:47PM  
Gee, maybe my brother-in-law’s idea of setting up Portage Pubs at the end of long, grueling portages could actually happen.
04/01/2024 01:56PM  
tumblehome: "Starbuck’s coffee shop…..

Will they sell cannabis too?"

Yes, but it will be limited to parcels of MN state lands, since MJ is still illegal on Federal lands. I'm thinking that DNR cabin on Little Sag will be a great location and revenue builder for the state. The profits can go right in to state coffers.
04/01/2024 03:26PM  
I would suggest on hog Creek where coffee Creek intersects with it before it flows into perent lake.

04/01/2024 03:59PM  
When I first read this, I was hoping for a Cabela's store at the Sawbill Landing. Maybe next year . . . It makes sense, you know.

04/01/2024 04:21PM  
For those of us who have been a BWCA paddler from some recent good old days we remember the Chain Saw Sisters Salon, Forget the coffee - I’ll take the beer!
04/01/2024 05:33PM  
Sounds like a great idea. How about a McDonald's and maybe a burger king too?
04/01/2024 06:39PM  
Dang it! I was immediately ticked off and curse gen z for such a foolish idea until I realized it was April 1. I have to admit it was a good one.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 07:01PM  
Crappiekillah: "
tumblehome: "Starbur’s coffee shop…..

Will they sell cannabis too?

But seriously, I’m more concerned about that strange beast lurking to the right of the coffee shop on the right."
Mr./Mrs. Tumblehome,don’t let anyone guilt you on this site for judgement on your choice to partake in some of nature’s bountiful greenery.Or shame you for making a humorous statement.I would have a smoke with ya anytime in the beauty that is canoe country!"

I’m Mr. Tumblehome.

But alas, I don’t smoke the weed. Part of my job is occasional work for the Federal Gov’t so I get drug tested at work. Our new member that got mad at me will really fume when Boundary Waters Cannabis Authority (BWCA for short) opens their dispensaries in Ely and Grand Marais.
Hey man, it’s all in good fun.
distinguished member (337)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2024 10:13PM  
I'd probably be the only person canoeing right by a coffee house.. Stuff is gross
04/02/2024 08:52AM  
tumblehome: "
Crappiekillah: "
tumblehome: "Starbur’s coffee shop…..

Will they sell cannabis too?

But seriously, I’m more concerned about that strange beast lurking to the right of the coffee shop on the right."
Mr./Mrs. Tumblehome,don’t let anyone guilt you on this site for judgement on your choice to partake in some of nature’s bountiful greenery.Or shame you for making a humorous statement.I would have a smoke with ya anytime in the beauty that is canoe country!"

I’m Mr. Tumblehome.

But alas, I don’t smoke the weed. Part of my job is occasional work for the Federal Gov’t so I get drug tested at work. Our new member that got mad at me will really fume when Boundary Waters Cannabis Authority (BWCA for short) opens their dispensaries in Ely and Grand Marais.
Hey man, it’s all in good fun.

Tom, that name may already be copyrighted.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2024 09:29AM  
Wow Linden,
Who knew!!??

Not an April fools joke, There is a massive cannabis growing operation being built in northern MN this year to assist in sales of our new cannabis law. It's a large and expensive endeavor. Financed, in part, by cheap state loans.
distinguished member (315)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2024 09:56AM  
Good one Adam. Had a few of us going on this. I think the phrase - "input from the Tribes" put some realism into this one!
04/02/2024 11:13AM  
I'm only stopping if they have phone charging ports, a way to power my laptop, and free wi-fi.
distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2024 04:37PM  
Jackfish: "I've heard future development includes a Holiday Inn Express right around the corner."

Awesome! I'd finally get my wife to come with me!
04/02/2024 07:55PM  
What, no paddle thru service? What they hey, man?!?
distinguished member(1269)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2024 08:33PM  
Yesterday, I was going to announce the grand opening of MnDot Mountaineering at the Mall of America, offering luxury adventure tours of Minnesotas pop-up summer road construction projects. But I was too busy.
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