BWCA May 2024 Photo Contest Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
      May 2024 Photo Contest     

Winner: Ottertailvoyageur
 Forum Sponsor



distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/01/2024 06:34AM  
It is time to start the May Photo Contest, as well as, Trip Report Contest.

Monthly Theme: Springtime

Show us your photos of spring in canoe country.

The winner receives their choice of a hat, shirt, or other optional prizes available each month.

Trip Report Contest: Any trip report published monthly is in the running for winning the prize.

Photo Contest winners are automatically included in a run-off for the photo of the year and the year-end prize!

Remember 1 entry per person, please. This helps us vote accurately.

- You must be signed in as a member with a valid email address in your profile to enter (or win).
- You can only enter one photo per monthly contest. You can enter the same photo if it did not win with it prior.
- Photos don't need to be taken in the month of the photo contest. You can enter any photo you have taken which matches the theme.
- You must be the photographer of the photo and have the right to post it.
- Photos are entered in the contest by making a reply posting to this message and using the "Add a photo to this message" link during composition. This will allow you to upload a photo from your computer to the contest or allow you to select a photo that you have already loaded into your photo gallery on this site. If you want to enter your photo in another way, please contact us.
- Please describe in the message the location of the photo.
- Judging will be done by the staff and moderators.
- A member may win once per year.
- Photos must be posted to this thread by 11:59pm on May 31st. Photos must be in jpg (jpeg) or png format and uploaded to this site.
- Additional rules

Thank you for participating!
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05/01/2024 07:04AM  

fiddlehead ferns
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/02/2024 09:54PM  

Ice crystals on Rice Lake.
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2024 09:20AM  

May last year, first trip of the season, was to be "ice out", but not quite! Duncan Lake.
senior member (55)senior membersenior member
05/07/2024 11:42AM  
Little Trout - March 2024
05/09/2024 07:20PM  
Shoreline on Wine.
05/09/2024 09:06PM  
Moose twins on Malberg...Memorial weekend
05/12/2024 11:22AM  
Unfortunately, I have never been in Canoe Country in the spring so I don't have any pictures from that time. I guess I don't qualify for the contest.
But here is some from this Spring in Yosemite . The dogwood trees were in full bloom and looked incredible.
I’ll just have to settle for Spring in CA

05/15/2024 12:47PM  
Pussytoes; Carp Lake, Quetico PP; June 10, 2013 (late Spring).

senior member (58)senior membersenior member
05/16/2024 08:30AM  
LISN May 2020
member (17)member
05/16/2024 10:37PM  
Northern lights from the Kawishiwi river on campsite 1141. Taken Friday May 10, 2024.
05/19/2024 11:23AM  
Outskirts of bwca
05/20/2024 06:37AM  
05/20/2024 09:10AM  
Iron Lake

05/21/2024 12:52PM  

This was caught over Mothers Day weekend from Angleworm Lake!
member (30)member
05/21/2024 01:40PM  

Bull Moose enjoying lunch in a pond off The Grade.
distinguished member (110)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 08:43PM  

My son Nick walking the trail between Clear Lake and the Kawishiwi River.
05/28/2024 05:36PM  
member (22)member
05/29/2024 06:28PM  
Spring in canoe country( we found it on the rocks)
05/29/2024 07:25PM  
Spring conditions on the Missing Link-Tuscarora portage, May 2024
05/30/2024 07:13PM  
/Users/sueswenson/Desktop/P1000992.JPG I have no idea why I cannot drag photo into this space! I am too old for some of this technology that keeps changing. It is a photo in Mid May(opening weekend paddling on Mudro Lake headed east into the rising sun. Poplar leaves just emerging and sun is due east.
05/31/2024 10:32AM  
Ice-out on Lower Pauness
05/31/2024 10:40AM  

Sunrise on Tuscarora

May 28 2024
distinguished member(1062)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/04/2024 10:24AM  
CookHam: "Spring in canoe country( we found it on the rocks) "

LOVE IT!!! :)
06/11/2024 05:51AM  

Congratulations to the winners of the May contests!

Trip Report contest: KjerJoy
Extra Prize: AlmostCanadian

And thank you everyone for posting your photos and reports!
06/20/2024 06:33PM  
06/21/2024 07:22AM  
great photos everyone
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Cliff Wold's Outfitting Co.