BWCA Trip Report - A Spiritual Journey (Part 2) -- by Aaron's Dad Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - A Spiritual Journey (Part 2) -- by Aaron's Dad     
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01/04/2015 02:30AM  
New Trip Report posted by Rob Johnson

Trip Name: A Spiritual Journey (Part 2) -- by Aaron's Dad.

Entry Point: 64

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01/04/2015 06:22AM  
Thank you

I read every word of this report and don't want to say I enjoyed it but have all the respect for you and your Family. I hope and pray for Peace for you and your Family and can't see a better way than what you did to try and find it. God Bless
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2015 10:26AM  
Thank you for a beautifully and thoughtfully written expression of love for your son. Part of God's plan was for me to come across this on this Sunday morning and reflect on your words of testimony and coming to a better grip with what is happening in my life through what has happened in yours.

You and your family have my deepest sympathies and prayers as you continue to move forward.
distinguished member(1062)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2015 05:50PM  
Thank you for sharing your very personal story. I found myself rather moved by your words as I contemplated the experiences I've had in the BWCA and the relationship I have with my own sons.

Peace to you as you go forward in life.
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/05/2015 08:34PM  
Rob...thank you for making me think and thank.
01/05/2015 09:32PM  
Yes, Rob, the read was good for me. I'm glad it was good for you too and brought you some measure of acceptance and peace.
distinguished member (462)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2015 07:28AM  
Nicely done Rob! Your epiphanies are not Cliche' these are truths that we all take for granted everyone of us if we are honest.
01/06/2015 11:08AM  
Thanks Rob, I lost my dog and was pretty devastated last year. I could never imagine loosing a son. You are an amazing dad. I could totally relate as I did a similar trip when I lost my dad. I hope you continue to find peace and joy in life. You have a daughter that is willing to go? Embrace that. You have good insight and ways of dealing with adversity. Can't wait to hear your future trip reports.
01/07/2015 10:25AM  
Thanks for sharing this. You are one amazing guy. I'm struggling with how to put my feelings into words after reading your report and you expressed your feelings so well in your report and you're the one that went/is going through it. I can not comprehend what you have gone through and continue to go through. I put off reading this for a couple of days because I knew how much crying there would be while I read it. I know God was doing a lot of whispering on your trip. Just like when he told me to read your report this morning.

I'm home with my kids on their no school day today and they just got some extra big hugs. I'm a teacher and my summer job is only 2 days a week for the city so I already get more time with my kids than most people. BUT, I've decided that another 20 days with my girls and wife each summer is much more valuable than the extra $2000 from that job. I'm not going to work my summer job anymore. I can not put a price on "time" with my girls. I alternate each year which girl gets a father/daughter trip with me and the 2015 trip with my 7 yo (her 2nd trip) will be extra special. Also, I think for our family BWCA trip this year will go to Johnson Falls.

I will continue to pray for you and your family. I hope you and your daughter have an amazing BWCA trip in 2015!

01/07/2015 04:39PM  
Thank you for the kind words everyone.

Today is a special day...the Last of Our is the one year anniversary of Aaron's passing. My family marked the day with a special lunch and yellow roses at Aaron's stone.

Anna and I were supposed to find distraction in winter camping with friends but record low wind chills have altered plans. The camp where we were heading has offered us a cabin instead.

2015 we are going to do the Sylvania trip we were supposed to take in 2013. I even managed to reserve the same site we had reserved before Aaron's diagnosis.
01/07/2015 05:10PM  
Thanks for sharing such a deep, personal/spiritual report.

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
01/07/2015 07:43PM  
Peace to you and your family Rob. Always keep your ears open for the whispers, and the faith to act upon what's asked of you. There is a plan....
01/09/2015 06:58AM  
I read your report backwards, Rob, because I saw this part first. But of course, it didn't really matter. It was just what I expected from you, after knowing about Aaron and his struggle. . .and I am pleased to know that you have found some peace in the BWCA, with yourself and with God as well.

This was very touching to read. You are blessed to have had Aaron for ten years, and he was blessed to have had you and your family. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Enjoy your trip in Sylvania. And, as cowdoc said, keep listening for the whispers--and keep looking for foxes!

01/11/2015 12:25PM  
Thanks Rob. I lost my son a few years ago, and your thoughts, feelings, and views on "life" and God hit very close to home. They say God does not give us more then we can handle, he helps us handle what we are given. Sometimes I wish he did not have so much confidence in me.
distinguished member(653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2015 07:28PM  
As a Father and just another guy I paraphrase a beautiful idea, a message from the past that I read many years ago:

'Those who love each other never see each other for the last time.'

After losing loved ones in person myself, I am sure that Aaron is holding you now, talking to you now in that same voice of God you already know, and waiting for you. I am sure he is here with you and wants you to be happy.
member (19)member
02/14/2015 05:58PM  

Thank you, following you through CaringBridge as you went on the journey with your son, and reading this report has deepen my own faith life and many more lives around us.

Peace and All Good

02/15/2015 01:30AM  
quote Ryeman: "Rob,

Thank you, following you through CaringBridge as you went on the journey with your son, and reading this report has deepen my own faith life and many more lives around us.

Peace and All Good


I am surprised when this world overlaps with others. Thank you for reading along in both.
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2015 06:56PM  
Thank you brother and may God bless you and your family.
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/21/2015 11:09AM  
Heartfelt and bittersweet. Thank you for being sharing such an intimate part of your life. May God continue to show you the way...
04/02/2015 09:00AM  
Thanks for sharing that journey. I feel that the BWCAW has a way of heeling. I felt like I was right there with you as you struggled to find that cliff on Rocky Lake. And then I shared your epiphany when there was no cliff to be found. What I was looking for when I stumbled onto your trip report was some inspiration for my first solo after 25 years of tandem trips. What I found was much much more. Thank you.
04/12/2015 04:54PM  
Thanks for this post! My journey into the bwca this May I have felt much being guided by God and my Dad who passed away very suddenly last July (choked on his breakfast).

I had never intended on going to the BWCA - but in August of 2013 my dad had rented one of those houseboats that sleep 14 in VNP, took all of us and our families and it was the most amazing spiritual trip - and I know that the BWCA will be that x a million.

You're right - though I have had hopes of this healing my soul - what has been ripped from me - but you're so is not going to be a coda - but perhaps a time to reflect, remember, and learn new things.

Thanks so much for sharing. I'm thinking that maybe these lakes will be our October trip!
04/13/2015 08:20PM  
quote MNLindsey80: "Thanks for this post! My journey into the bwca this May I have felt much being guided by God and my Dad who passed away very suddenly last July (choked on his breakfast).

I had never intended on going to the BWCA - but in August of 2013 my dad had rented one of those houseboats that sleep 14 in VNP, took all of us and our families and it was the most amazing spiritual trip - and I know that the BWCA will be that x a million.

You're right - though I have had hopes of this healing my soul - what has been ripped from me - but you're so is not going to be a coda - but perhaps a time to reflect, remember, and learn new things.

Thanks so much for sharing. I'm thinking that maybe these lakes will be our October trip!"

Sorry for your loss. I hope your journey will bring the peace and understanding that mine brought to me.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/14/2015 11:03PM  
Bittersweet reading as I am certain the trip was for you. THanks so much for sharing such a beautiful powerful journey!
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