SILKY Bigboy 2000 Folding Saw
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SILKY Bigboy 2000 Folding Saw

SILKY Bigboy 2000 Folding Saw

Product Description

The Silky Bigboy 2000 folding saw cuts through both green and dry wood with ease thanks to its 14.2 in. curved blade and 2-handed, rubber-cushioned handle.

Product Details

Approx. Price:
$70.00 (Click to View Price Changes and Options)
Manufacture ID:

Reviews for SILKY Bigboy 2000 Folding Saw

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Review Text

member (48)member
03/31/2022 08:25PM
Snagged this saw a few years back after doing a lot of reading up on options on these messageboards & elsewhere. This has become a go-to piece of gear for me especially on late season trips when deadfall is picked over all summer long. It makes easy work of downed trees that require more effort than a hatchet or machete can handle easily. Honestly it is indispensable if you enjoy a good long fire and want to have some larger logs to throw in there morning & night.

I've also used this to clear portages up in the Q in early season when they haven't been travelled for possibly a couple of seasons. Grab yourself a Silky Bigboy XL - you won't regret it!

PS very nice that this can easily slide into the side of a pack next to a big dry bag or easily get lashed / strapped onto the side of the pack. Bright yellow color makes it easy to find also.