BWCA December 2023 Photo Contest Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
      December 2023 Photo Contest     

Winner: JohnGalt
 Forum Sponsor



distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2023 07:24AM  
It is time to start the December Photo Contest, as well as, Trip Report Contest.

Monthly Theme: Open Theme - Enter any Canoe Country Photo

Show us your best photos!

The winner receives their choice of a hat, shirt, or other optional prizes available each month.

Trip Report Contest: Any trip report published monthly is in the running for winning the prize.

Photo Contest winners are automatically included in a run-off for the photo of the year and the year-end prize!

Remember 1 entry per person, please. This helps us vote accurately.

- You must be signed in as a member with a valid email address in your profile to enter (or win).
- You can only enter one photo per monthly contest. You can enter the same photo if it did not win with it prior.
- Photos don't need to be taken in the month of the photo contest. You can enter any photo you have taken which matches the theme.
- You must be the photographer of the photo and have the right to post it.
- Photos are entered in the contest by making a reply posting to this message and using the "Add a photo to this message" link during composition. This will allow you to upload a photo from your computer to the contest or allow you to select a photo that you have already loaded into your photo gallery on this site. If you want to enter your photo in another way, please contact us.
- Please describe in the message the location of the photo.
- Judging will be done by the staff and moderators.
- A member may win once per year.
- Photos must be posted to this thread by 11:59pm on December 31st. Photos must be in jpg (jpeg) or png format and uploaded to this site.
- Additional rules

Thank you for participating!
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member (18)member
12/04/2023 01:23PM  

Beautiful light after a storm on Jordan Lake in August 2023
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/05/2023 02:21PM  
Mountain Lake 2021
Like us, these guys had completed the Long Portage out of Rose and continued on into Mountain Lake. From our campsite we watched their 3 canoes reconvene. They were laughing, casually fishing, having a great time. We visited briefly, then they headed down lake looking for a campsite. Their ease and joy with simply being together, on the water, in the BW was infectious. They threw up this little sail and their flotilla passed by us that evening, hopefully to make camp before a storm blew in.
distinguished member (387)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/06/2023 07:24AM  

Hard to beat a BWCA walleye dinner! (Fourtown Lake - 2023)
12/06/2023 01:26PM  
Fourth time I've seen a moose in the BWCA, First time I've captured an image!
12/07/2023 07:06AM  
In the Quetico
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/07/2023 09:39PM  

Jenny Lake
12/08/2023 11:25AM  
12/08/2023 12:42PM  
Frost Lake
12/08/2023 01:22PM  

Last night of our trip on Sawbill Lake. Couldn't find an open campsite returning from the Cherokee loop, but a family group was kind enough to wave us down and let us know they were leaving.
12/10/2023 03:15PM  
The narrows between Frasier and Thomas Lakes, BWCAW. Black & white rendition. Edit: Oops! Spelling error there. It should be "Fraser," of course. The view is looking north from the Thomas side.

distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/11/2023 09:46AM  
Ausable: "The narrows between Frasier and Thomas Lakes, BWCAW. Black & white rendition.

One of my absolute favorite places in the world!
distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/11/2023 10:04AM  
Knife Lake - North Arm

member (30)member
12/11/2023 12:44PM  

Sawbill Lake Bull Moose
12/11/2023 01:22PM  

Larch Lake
12/11/2023 06:42PM  

Bell lake Quetico.
Cocktail hour
member (6)member
12/12/2023 09:44AM  
Bald Eagle on Pipestone Bay

This guy had a nest just across the way from our camp on the northern part of Pipestone Bay. Caught this image of him flying past our site.
12/12/2023 07:10PM  
Smoke from western wildfires dims the afternoon sun on Ashigan Lake.

member (10)member
12/16/2023 10:32AM  
full moon on lake saganaga
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
12/18/2023 11:33AM  

Looking west on Crooked Lake
12/24/2023 09:16PM  
Me and Luna on her first canoe trip in 2013. This was at Bald Rock Falls campsite on the Falls Chain in Quetico. Best tripping partner I ever had.

12/25/2023 03:33PM  
12/25/2023 04:22PM  

Cross River
senior member (89)senior membersenior member
12/26/2023 07:09PM  
Set. 2023 Town lake
12/28/2023 08:10PM  

Pipestone Bay - September 2022
12/29/2023 07:28PM  

Crocodile Lake Loon
12/30/2023 01:25PM  
Moss Lake, July 2020
12/31/2023 03:46PM  
Feeding the campfire ~ Pine Lake

member (31)member
12/31/2023 05:13PM  
12/31/2023 05:27PM  

Lac LaCroix BWCAW
12/31/2023 05:49PM  

Oyster River
12/31/2023 07:33PM  
Alder Lake- kiddos' first trip.
12/31/2023 10:41PM  
Evening on Isabella (Quetico)
distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2024 09:10AM  

Congratulations to the winners of the December contests:

Photo Contest: JohnGalt
Trip Report Contest: 30Smoke
Extra Prize: Stanford

Thank you all that entered! Keep an eye out for the year end photo contest run off!
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
True North Map Company