Traditional 2
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Traditional 2 by Cooke Custom Sewing (CCS)

Traditional 2

Product Description

Our Traditional style packs hearken back to the days of canvas and leather, but we have updated the designs with quick drying coated nylon and comfy closed cell foam to enhance comfort and durability. A proven design that provides great value at a great price.

Product Details

Approx. Price:
$156.50 (Click to View Price Changes and Options)
Cooke Custom Sewing (CCS)

Reviews for Traditional 2

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distinguished member(8140)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/20/2010 03:16PM
Used my CSS Traditional #2 for the first time and loved it. Filled it with 40 lbs of gear and walked the 1 mile portage from Poplar to Skipper lake without a break. Very comfortable pack to carry. Also, the width allows it to stand up for easy access, and it would make a perfect food pack as well. This is a great canoe pack. I'm sure it will give me a lifetime of service. Thanks Dan!
distinguished member (101)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 12:57PM
I bought this pack three years ago, and have taken it on 8 trips so far. I bought it to use as a food/cooking items pack, as the Duluth Packs food pack has now nearly tripled in price.
Even in this "standard" and "basic" model, there is still a lot of thought that has gone into it. Quality stitching and reinforcement at all the stress points. I like the square design to use it with a cardboard box if I wish. It has a double reinforced bottom. I like the grab handles on the sides for pulling it in and out of the canoe. The top of the pack has large flaps and buckles to keep contents inside (underneath the main flap).
It is has silicone impregnated coating on the inside. I once took a day trip from Stuart Lake to the Curtain Falls. It poured all day. All the food was in it hanging in the tree for many hours. When I got back to camp, everything was bone dry. Great pack. Well worth the money.
distinguished member(2525)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/12/2015 01:13PM
quality pack, used on 4 solos, easy in and out of canoe, lots of room for all my gear, just added a little extra padding on carry sraps