Mountain House Lasagna with Meat Sauce - 2.5 Servings
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Mountain House Lasagna with Meat Sauce - 2.5 Servings

Mountain House Lasagna with Meat Sauce - 2.5 Servings

Product Description

Made with pasta, cheese and Italian-style meat sauce, this lasagna tastes delicious out in the wilderness.

Product Details

Approx. Price:
$9.00 (Click to View Price Changes and Options)
Mountain House

Reviews for Mountain House Lasagna with Meat Sauce - 2.5 Servings

Member Rating: No Rating


Review Text

distinguished member(9322)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/30/2010 11:12AM
Easy to make, decent portion sizes, tastes good. Would have preferred organic ingredients, but that's not Mountainhouse's style. Kids love this too.
Woods Walker  
distinguished member(832)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2011 07:51PM
It makes it in my food pack every trip, I have not had anyone on any trip say they didn't like it.
distinguished member(24744)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
Rating: No Rating
12/09/2013 07:09PM
excellent! the cheese off your fork is a chore.