BWCA Gear GuideBoundary Waters Gear BWCA Business Directory Outfitters/Canoe and Gear Rental Sawbill Outfitters

BWCA Gear Guide

Popular Links: stoves | portage packs | tents | tarps | paddles

Sawbill Outfitters

Outfitters provide camping gear and canoe rental, food, trip planning, entry point shuttle and often bunkhouses and showers services to Boundary Waters Canoe Area travelers. Different outfitters provide support for different regions and entry point of the BWCA. Many also provide outfitting support for Quetico Trips.

Sawbill Canoe Outfitters

Sawbill Canoe Outfitters

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is a special place. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, we can help you have a successful canoe trip in Minnesota's famous BWCA Wilderness. Our own lo... View Sponsor Details
Sawtooth Outfitters

Sawtooth Outfitters

From canoe rentals and BWCA permits to kayak tours, bike rentals, and ski gear, Sawtooth Outfitters is your one- stop Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) and Lake Superior North Shore outfitting co... View Sponsor Details