BWCA Favorite lake? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (7)member
11/16/2023 06:47AM  
If you are willing to share, what is your favorite lake in the BWCA?
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11/16/2023 07:07AM  
My favorite lakes in the BWCA are north of American Point.
distinguished member (134)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2023 08:09AM  
I have to admit, my favorite lake in the BWCA is Takumich. Something almost spiritual about that lake. It just holds something over all the other lakes I have paddled and camped on.
distinguished member(935)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2023 09:00AM  
Hard to pick one: Makwa, Tuscarora, Knife, Little Sag, Cherokee.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/16/2023 09:47AM  
Agree with landofskytintedwaters, it's an ever evolving discussion.

I will say I recently became enamored with East Pike Lake.

distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2023 10:50AM  
Thunder Lake.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/16/2023 11:57AM  
Favorite lake for what? I have a favorite lake for walleyes, a favorite lake for brook trout, a favorite lake for base camping, a favorite lake solitude, a favorite lake for scenery. My answer depends on what my goals of the trip is.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/16/2023 12:49PM  
There are some beautiful lakes in the BWCA, but all of my favorites are in Quetico.
11/16/2023 01:50PM  
Jackfish: "There are some beautiful lakes in the BWCA, but all of my favorites are in Quetico."

distinguished member (131)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2023 08:57PM  
So far Polly, but I have a lot left to visit. Rose being a 2nd.
distinguished member (115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2023 09:33PM  
The one I'm on
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2023 10:08PM  
Boulder. My two oldest daughters and I spent a night there during the middle of a 16-night trip. I think the lake adopted me and I yearn to return every year.
11/17/2023 02:59PM  
It always depends upon the memories, and I could mention quite a few. But every time it would still come back to:

11/17/2023 03:55PM  
It would have to be Horseshoe, east gunflint. It was the 1st area my son and I explored when he was young. We'll be hitting consecutive year #25 next summer. Back in the day, Lizz/Swamp was one EP and Meeds was a separate EP. Wasn't quite as busy. From there, you can hit Vista and Gaskin with a portage. You can hit Winchell with one more portage. Moose country and great fishing!!!
senior member (82)senior membersenior member
11/17/2023 08:52PM  
We couldn’t put a fish in the boat to save our lives. But Wine was a beautiful lake.
distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2023 09:11AM  
Little Sag - It has a something for everyone - intimate, quiet back bays; wide open panoramic scenery; island sites; big water; cozy protected waters. It is not a casual BWCA traveller who can make it there in one day.

Mesaba Lake - Solitude abounds. You can get there in one day, but it requires 2 things: 1. A very early start. 2. A willingness to travel the 480rd. Lujenida/Zenith portage from the south or the 300rd. Fente/Hub Lake portage from the north. (I doubt you can make it there in one day from the north.)

Frost Lake - Golden Sand Beaches. Good chance to see moose. Solitude (mostly).

Finger Lake - Solitude, Pictographs,

Guest Paddler
11/19/2023 08:28PM  
My favorite lake is a Brookie lake with large trout. I will not name it. When I caught a few large fall trout in this lake I thought I was in heaven! Marc
distinguished member(1236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2023 06:59AM  
I'm stuck on Crooked.

Since I'm the one who plans the trips, that's where we've been going the last three years.
distinguished member (247)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2023 11:33AM  
Horseshoe Lake on the Gunflint Trail. Great entry points, Poplar is a great lake from which to leave and return, and the area is just so beautiful. I know of nowhere else that I have a moose walk by my camp through the shallow water 20 feet from where I am sleeping in a hammock every single night I’ve been to that eastern site on Horseshoe. Every. Single. Night.

The best!
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/20/2023 02:51PM  
bobbernumber3: "
Jackfish: "There are some beautiful lakes in the BWCA, but all of my favorites are in Quetico."


Did you read/understand the question in the original post???

I think it was just asking about BWCA, not favorite lake(s) in other areas. :)
11/20/2023 07:23PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "
bobbernumber3: "
Jackfish: "There are some beautiful lakes in the BWCA, but all of my favorites are in Quetico."


Did you read/understand the question in the original post???

I think it was just ask"ing about BWCA, not favorite lake(s) in other areas. :)

I did read the original post. And I understood the OP was asking about the BWCA. I chose to post about Quetico..

Conversations wander. Some people get upset, it seems.
distinguished member (315)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/21/2023 11:30AM  
A lot of choices but the one that sticks out because of special memories and the overall beauty and solitude is Makwa. First time on it over 30 years ago and we were mesmerized by the feeling of being on a lake that not many have been to. And then when you start catching beautiful native lake trout that battle for all they are worth it's Makwa. My sons and grandsons have all caught lake trout on Makwa and they all say that of all the fish they catch in the BW - walleye, northern pike, smallies and lake trout - they love the fight and pulsating action of bringing in a lake trout. The SW most campsite is a great site on a favorite lake for us.
11/21/2023 12:02PM  
No one ever mentions the elephant in the room or the BWCA as the case may be. Basswood has a lot of nice sites on both sides of the border if you get far enough away from the motorized areas. Lots of inlets and islands to explore.
For a smaller lake in BWCA Ge-be-on-e-quet is good for solitude. Iron is interesting for some pretty cool waterfalls. I would have liked to stay on Jordan, it looked really nice, but all 3 sites were taken.
Horse lake is a favorite too, probably because the site we had was pretty awesome.

I wish it wasn't so hard to get to, and I know it isn't in BWCA but I really wish we could spend more time on Sarah in Quetico. Extremely clear water and I loved the site we stayed on.
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/23/2023 05:45PM  
I have enjoyed reading these posts. For me, my love of a lake depends more on my mood, the heat or cold rain, bugs, the campsite, etc. Some have clearer water than others, some have a side burned out from Pagami (and other) fires, some are dotted with islands and others have none. The wilderness is wonderful and I am thankful for all of the beautiful lakes in the BWCAW (and Quetico). Which child do you love the most?

That having been said, the night I spent on Beartrap by myself was so memorable. I was on the only campsite on the lake, it was a beautiful night, loons were serenading me, and some kind soul had left a wonderful load of split fire wood.


distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/30/2023 01:17PM  
Crooked and Fairy for totally different reasons. But my real favorites are all north of border.
12/04/2023 12:00PM  
I might have to go with Alice. That lake is amazing... big water, little channels, amazing fishing, sandy beach campsites, close to pictographs, and one of the only lakes where you can find ice in the summer in the caves down the southeast channel.

distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2023 03:14PM  
I have only seen the west side but I loved pageant lake. So much so that we hiked up there from Hustler in 2021, and visited again in 2023. The entire time we were up there we didn't see a soul. It is definitely a hike to get I there though. We are fortunate that the Soiux-Hustler trail is maintained well.
12/05/2023 02:08AM  
Each year I really fall in love with the lakes I visit, but my two favorites are Deer South of Clearwater (first trip) and then I tried a solo in May of 2017, after going with my cousin on three trips, I figured I was an expert, so time to do a solo that I did not have the skills or conditioning to do. I got back and told my cousin I really didn't want to go in June. He convinced me to get back on the horse and we went to Malberg, EP 37. It was a great trip and I've had about 13 more now - but I really liked Malberg! Then a few years later, it was Thomas, and then we went to Isles of Pines (Knife), Kekekabic (always wanted to go there, then Thomas. Next Stuart/Iron/Crooked/Moosecamp, then this year Lac La Croix. and I liked Duncan - I want to go back to all of them! Guess I can't really pick a favorite, just not possible! And I read all the trip reports and I want to see more lakes! So just can't do it! Forgive me for wandering so much in my answer!

The best part of Lac La Croix is if you don't like where you are, paddle some until you do!
distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/05/2023 09:49AM  
30Smoke: "Each year I really fall in love with the lakes I visit, but my two favorites are Deer South of Clearwater (first trip) and then I tried a solo in May of 2017, after going with my cousin on three trips, I figured I was an expert, so time to do a solo that I did not have the skills or conditioning to do. I got back and told my cousin I really didn't want to go in June. He convinced me to get back on the horse and we went to Malberg, EP 37. It was a great trip and I've had about 13 more now - but I really liked Malberg! Then a few years later, it was Thomas, and then we went to Isles of Pines (Knife), Kekekabic (always wanted to go there, then Thomas. Next Stuart/Iron/Crooked/Moosecamp, then this year Lac La Croix. and I liked Duncan - I want to go back to all of them! Guess I can't really pick a favorite, just not possible! And I read all the trip reports and I want to see more lakes! So just can't do it! Forgive me for wandering so much in my answer!

The best part of Lac La Croix is if you don't like where you are, paddle some until you do! "

Very cool picture.

12/05/2023 11:04AM  
How do you know someone is an attorney? - They will tell you without you asking them.

How do you know someone is vegan? - They will tell you without you asking them.

How do you know someone goes to the Quetico? - They will tell you without you asking them.

This thread is about favorite BWCA lakes and they still can't help themselves.

Little Sag, Crooked, and River Lake are my favorite BWCA lakes.
12/06/2023 09:02AM  
YaMarVa: "
How do you know someone goes to the Quetico? - They will tell you without you asking them. "

Snark begets snark. It's "Quetico", not "The Quetico".

Do you say "The Yosemite"?
12/06/2023 09:06AM  
Banksiana: "
YaMarVa: "
How do you know someone goes to the Quetico? They will tell you without you asking them. "

Snark begets snark. It's "Quetico" not "The Quetico".

Do you say "The Yosemite"?"

Saying, "I go to Quetico," just sounds bad. Just like saying, "I go to the Yosemite," sounds bad too.

What's the grammar rule for not using "the" before Quetico? I thought a definite article, "the" in this case, can be used before nouns when the noun is specific, and, to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.

Two examples:
"I'm going to Yellowstone National Park." Sounds good without using the definite article, "the."

"I'm going to the Yellowstone River." Sounds good using the definite article, "the."

Both examples use a specific noun. Should "the" be included or excluded from one of these examples?
senior member (64)senior membersenior member
12/14/2023 06:32PM  
My favorite water in Yellowstone National Park is THE Yellowstone River :)
My favorite lake in the BWCAW is probably yet to be discovered, because right now it changes with my memories and reflections.
….Thomas, Boulder, Jordan, Saugus, Alice……
But I enjoy that everyone’s responses motivate me to seek out information on those lakes I am not yet familiar with.
Thanks for posting the question OP!
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/29/2023 09:06PM  
It was always Saganaga. Now I think it is Lake of the Clouds, or Ottertrack.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/29/2023 10:03PM  
Banksiana: "
YaMarVa: "
How do you know someone goes to the Quetico? - They will tell you without you asking them. "

Snark begets snark. It's "Quetico", not "The Quetico".

Do you say "The Yosemite"?"

Opinions are like belly buttons - everybody has one. :)

Since I have a belly button, I will also share my opinion.

It's "Quetico Provincial Park", not "The Quetico Provincial Park". Somewhere back in the day, for whatever reason, the word "the" was added to make it "The Quetico". I see references to "The Quetico" here on the board from time to time and I've seen "The Quetico" in older books about the Quetico-Superior region (note "The Quetico" for short - I may have just answered the ultimate question).

However the phrase "The Quetico" originated, the official name of the park is Quetico Provincial Park (sans the word 'the'). That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
12/31/2023 11:23PM  
The Quetico…Suzanette Lake is Number one for personal reasons and probably 10 others ahead of any BWCAW lake…

BWCAW: Alice Lake. One of the first lakes I visited. Nice camps, near Pictos. Good fishing.

01/01/2024 08:20AM  
Jackfish: "
Banksiana: "
YaMarVa: "
How do you know someone goes to the Quetico? - They will tell you without you asking them. "

Snark begets snark. It's "Quetico", not "The Quetico".

Do you say "The Yosemite"?"

Opinions are like belly buttons - everybody has one. :)

Since I have a belly button, I will also share my opinion.

It's "Quetico Provincial Park", not "The Quetico Provincial Park". Somewhere back in the day, for whatever reason, the word "the" was added to make it "The Quetico". I see references to "The Quetico" here on the board from time to time and I've seen "The Quetico" in older books about the Quetico-Superior region (note "The Quetico" for short - I may have just answered the ultimate question).

However the phrase "The Quetico" originated, the official name of the park is Quetico Provincial Park (sans the word 'the'). That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

I never suggested it was called "The Quetico Provincial Park".
Interesting traditions of English usage.

"The Yellowstone"; acceptable for the river, not the park. However the "The" does not read correct when placed before a lake "The Superior", shove it in front of an ocean and all is well. Likely that you've solved the puzzle of usage for Quetico; "The Quetico" is a call back to the pre-park era when the vast area of the border waters was referred to as "The Quetico Superior"- since we are comfortable sticking the definite article before large land area features (the prairie, the Badlands, the Canyonlands). Just weird.
01/01/2024 10:21AM  
Jackfish: "...

It's "Quetico Provincial Park", not "The Quetico Provincial Park". Somewhere back in the day, for whatever reason, the word "the" was added to make it "The Quetico". I see references to "The Quetico" here on the board from time to time and I've seen "The Quetico" in older books about the Quetico-Superior region (note "The Quetico" for short - I may have just answered the ultimate question)...."

Great answer to one of the tough problems of our times!

Happy New Year!
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2024 10:10AM  
bobbernumber3: "My favorite lakes in the BWCA are north of American Point."

BWCA lakes north of American Point, lol.

I see Bobbernumber3 got around saying his favorite lakes are in the Quetico.

(note, I tried to write "his favorite lakes are in Quetico" and it didn't sound right".
01/07/2024 06:07PM  
Current Favorite in the BW

Current favorite outside of the BW

senior member (84)senior membersenior member
01/10/2024 05:48PM  
I haven't tripped as much as most. We had a great time on Crooked Lake a few years ago. This last year we were in the Fraser/Thomas area and I can tell you Sagus grew on me real quick!!! I'd go back there in a flash!
01/24/2024 03:01AM  
I quite like Missionary, Vera, Ashigan, Knife, Cherry (the couple about Cherry look nice too). Gun Lake (if I recall correctly) was nice as well, with a great campsite for fall norther lights.
distinguished member (213)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2024 06:57AM  
Tie between Oyster and Iron
01/24/2024 08:29AM  
JohnGalt: "I quite like Missionary, Vera, Ashigan, Knife, Cherry (the couple about Cherry look nice too). Gun Lake (if I recall correctly) was nice as well, with a great campsite for fall norther lights."

Missionary is on my list. Hope to get there someday.
member (46)member
01/24/2024 12:39PM  
I was initially going to echo Savage Voyageur and ask favorite for what (still a valid question) but want to agree with Ahahn366 as my perfect answer - the one I'm one. Each trip and lake is different and I have enjoyed all of them (even in terrible weather conditions) as the experience makes the trip, not necessarily what lake I'm on. Now, some provided more solitude, some better wildlife experiences, some better fishing, and some determined by who I was with.

I thank everyone for their opinion but in reading the back and forth, I take the exchanges as positives meaning we are all getting outdoors and enjoying our experiences - some so much that we are passionate about our answers. What fortunate and reflective souls we are and I support everyone's answer and their quest to find their "favorite" lake! ENJOY!
member (46)member
01/24/2024 12:53PM  
Should read - The one I'm on!
distinguished member(717)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2024 03:55PM  
I'll go with Lynx, Banadad, and Little Trout.
distinguished member (433)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/25/2024 09:08AM  
Right now I'd say Ledge, for the solitude and the best tasting water I've found yet.

Hopefully next year my answer will be different!
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