BWCA February 2024 Photo Contest Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
      February 2024 Photo Contest     

Winner: Lightfoot
 Forum Sponsor



distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/06/2024 06:45AM  
It is time to start the February Photo Contest, as well as, Trip Report Contest.

Monthly Theme: Canoes on the move

Show us your photos of canoes on the move!

The winner receives their choice of a hat, shirt, or other optional prizes available each month.

Trip Report Contest: Any trip report published monthly is in the running for winning the prize.

Photo Contest winners are automatically included in a run-off for the photo of the year and the year-end prize!

Remember 1 entry per person, please. This helps us vote accurately.

- You must be signed in as a member with a valid email address in your profile to enter (or win).
- You can only enter one photo per monthly contest. You can enter the same photo if it did not win with it prior.
- Photos don't need to be taken in the month of the photo contest. You can enter any photo you have taken which matches the theme.
- You must be the photographer of the photo and have the right to post it.
- Photos are entered in the contest by making a reply posting to this message and using the "Add a photo to this message" link during composition. This will allow you to upload a photo from your computer to the contest or allow you to select a photo that you have already loaded into your photo gallery on this site. If you want to enter your photo in another way, please contact us.
- Please describe in the message the location of the photo.
- Judging will be done by the staff and moderators.
- A member may win once per year.
- Photos must be posted to this thread by 11:59pm on Feb 29th. Photos must be in jpg (jpeg) or png format and uploaded to this site.
- Additional rules

Thank you for participating!
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02/06/2024 08:36AM  

Canoe on the move in Cache Bay
02/06/2024 08:44PM  
Russell sundown
senior member (58)senior membersenior member
02/07/2024 09:02AM  
Whitefish lake - SNF
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/07/2024 02:21PM  

Knife Lake, 2022
02/08/2024 12:15AM  

Pine Lake, September 2023
02/08/2024 08:25AM  

distinguished member (215)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/08/2024 08:38AM  
Isabella River
July 2023
No filter

02/08/2024 10:11AM  

Adventure Lake June 2022
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
02/08/2024 11:13AM  

Kind of Blurry - First trip North, stopped for gas in Cloquet
02/08/2024 07:41PM  
Morning paddle on John Lake.

02/10/2024 05:43PM  
Somewhere in a PMA.
It's a canoe on the move, just not on the water
02/10/2024 06:29PM  
Island River
02/12/2024 03:13PM  

seagull lake entry sign.

02/13/2024 10:58AM  

On the bloodvein river, just west of wcpp
02/13/2024 02:35PM  

Ready to roll. June 1970. Heading north for the second Voyageur's Highway trip for the Voyageur Patrol, Troop 16 Milwaukee County Council. Saganaga to Superior. To limit the number of canoes to carry over Grand Portage we had 11 travelers in 4 canoes. Worked out very well.
02/16/2024 06:55PM  

Day paddle on Cherokee July, 2020
02/16/2024 09:32PM  
Cruising up SAK, June 2020
02/16/2024 10:13PM  
Since we started bringing our solo canoes, when I stand up in the Canoe, Peter doesn't have to go swimming, unless he Chooses to!

member (6)member
02/17/2024 06:42AM  
02/18/2024 03:51PM  
July 1971. Crane Lake. At the end of our first canoe trip, getting ready to take the canoe back to Canadian Waters.

distinguished member (185)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2024 05:02PM  
On our way to Knife Lake.

distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2024 06:12PM  

The second portage from Little Sag to Elton
02/18/2024 07:00PM  
Are we having fun yet?

Daytripping up the remote stretches of the Crocodile River on our way to Parsnip Lake

distinguished member (206)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2024 09:22PM  

Bruin Lake
member (18)member
02/19/2024 10:33AM  
02/24/2024 09:27AM  
Coming out of Raven Lake in 2009.

02/25/2024 06:28PM  
Oyster River - May 2023

distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2024 08:01PM  

Mountain Lake 2021
02/26/2024 07:53AM  

September on Seagull Lake
member (15)member
02/27/2024 06:44AM  

South arm Knife Lake July 2023
member (14)member
02/27/2024 10:26AM  

South Kawishiwi
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/28/2024 09:36AM  

Cruise Control engaged Crossing Beth Lake on the way back to Sawbill Outfitters from a stay on Phoebe Lake 2014.
member (6)member
02/28/2024 01:17PM  
Small Canoe, Big Wilderness
Pipestone Bay, September 2023

02/28/2024 05:28PM  
~ Kawishiwi River

02/29/2024 09:22PM  
Sawbill. Oct 2012

distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2024 05:31AM  

Congratulations to the winners of the February Contests!

Photo Contest: Lightfoot
Trip Report Contest: BWfishingfanatic12
Extra Prize: moray

There were many great photos to select from. Thanks all for sharing their photos and trip reports!
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2024 10:51AM  
Beautiful photo. Congrats.
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2024 10:51AM  
Beautiful photo. Congrats.
04/17/2024 07:34PM  
bapabear: "Beautiful photo. Congrats. "

Thank you, it was a beautiful morning.
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Canoe Country