BWCA What's that smell? Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      What's that smell?     
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distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 01:07PM  
I just read an interesting thread regarding BWCA violations and getting "checked". I have perhaps an unusual, but I think fun, question to ask everyone: hypothetically, if you smelled marijuana smoke coming from a campsite but the campers were being quiet and respectful, is there anyone here who would feel compelled to report them?
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distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 01:26PM  
Not even maybe
04/10/2012 01:32PM  
Report them? I'd be more likely to go make friends with them. Plus, they are bound to have good dessert.


04/10/2012 01:35PM  
Another fun question related to this would be how many people on this board have brought it with them for their own enjoyment. Now, if everyone was willing to be honest and have no fear of legal or social retribution I wonder what those numbers would be?

I suspect higher than one would think. No pun intended.

distinguished member(1340)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 01:37PM  
1. Report them...would not even consider it
2. Join? No, to each his own
04/10/2012 01:46PM  
I would never report them, I would rather have a stoned group than a drunk group next to me anytime.
04/10/2012 01:47PM  
No reporting from me. I'd prefer sharing the woods with some mellow stoners rather than some obnoxious drunks.
04/10/2012 01:49PM  
H*ll no. I think a group would probably have to be shooting at me before I'd "report" them of anything. I'd rather let them know they're bugging me in person, if it ever gets that bad.

Smoking weed wouldn't even register on the scale.
distinguished member(1563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 01:49PM  
Report? No way. Ask permission to come ashore? Maybe

Here is a third question. Do you filter, boil or dip for you bong water?
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 01:54PM  
quote RainGearRight: "Report? No way. Ask permission to come ashore? Maybe

He is a third question. Do you filter, boil or dip for you bong water?"

Hey man I just filter mine... Through my make love not war wife beater. l.o.l.
04/10/2012 01:55PM  
Would not report, ask if they wanted to come over for a fish fry.
distinguished member(737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 02:16PM  
quote RainGearRight: "He is a third question. Do you filter, boil or dip for you bong water?"

Now that's funny! No reporting for me.
04/10/2012 02:21PM  
Report? No. Perhaps I'd see if they would be interested in a prisoner exchange, a trade, if you will.

Quiet and respectful of your surroundings is all I ask. Feel free to get momentarily excited and loud if the situation warrants - I know I did when I hooked into that big one.
I draw the line at banjos, tho.
04/10/2012 02:27PM  
It wouldn't bother me at all. I'd rather deal with stoners than drunks.

Do you know what the difference is between drunk drivers and stone drivers?

A drunk driver will run through every stop sign without stopping. A stoned driver will stop at every stop sign and wait for it to turn green.

distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 02:41PM  
You don't know how happy this thread makes me feel.... I thought I was all alone here :-)
distinguished member(2102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 02:46PM  
quote Soledad: "I would never report them, I would rather have a stoned group than a drunk group next to me anytime."
10 years ago I would offer them a lighter and a howdy-do-da-day!
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 02:49PM  
quote bojibob: "You don't know how happy this thread makes me feel.... I thought I was all alone here :-)"


ive been wanting to ask somthing like this for a while but never did,

o ya and i wouldnt even think about reporting it.
04/10/2012 02:50PM  
It would be a long paddle to find a ranger, as long as there not getting out of control let them be, might even join them if its okay.
senior member (88)senior membersenior member
04/10/2012 02:58PM  
I have asked this in the chat room and got mixed responses.

Just want to clarify and figure this is the best place for it since others asked about it, but there's no reason that we would be searched by any station or rangers before entering?
distinguished member(1563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:00PM  
quote nofish: "It wouldn't bother me at all. I'd rather deal with stoners than drunks.

Do you know what the difference is between drunk drivers and stone drivers?

A drunk driver will run through every stop sign without stopping. A stoned driver will stop at every stop sign and wait for it to turn green. "

Hahahahaha. There are much much worse things than a little weed in the wilderness. Now if can figure out how to use a solar charger to power my vaporizer....

distinguished member(1563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:02PM  
quote Mustangt125: "I have asked this in the chat room and got mixed responses.

Just want to clarify and figure this is the best place for it since others asked about it, but there's no reason that we would be searched by any station or rangers before entering? "

You could potentially be asked by a ranger on the trail if they could look in your bag. My guess is they are looking for cans or glass, not a few J's in your overnight bag
senior member (63)senior membersenior member
04/10/2012 03:08PM  
I would not report them, i would invite them over to match one.
distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:09PM  
I love these responses! No need to feel paranoid out there: check! (Not that I ever really get paranoid)
04/10/2012 03:40PM  
Report them? No. Folks who are quietly enjoying the area are pretty much doing what I am doing.

I can't partake in that particular vice. I probably would pass right out if I tried the new, more potent stuff available these days. My body is much more able to handle an ounce or two of finely crafted liquor.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/10/2012 03:42PM  

You are aware of the border drones used by Homeland Security aren’t you? Bwaahahahaha.

distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:42PM  
Report? Never. Invite them over.
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:42PM  
so here is another question on this topic, would any of you that choose to bring it along keep it in the hanging food bag over night? have never really been to sure about keeping it up in the bag cus of smells and bears and other wildlife.
distinguished member(898)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:46PM  
I've seen people post on this site who said they would report smokers.

As for where to put your stash at night, you can't go wrong hanging it with the food but I think that's probably overkill. I wouldn't want it in the tent next to my head though.
distinguished member (285)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:46PM  
quote bassnut: "1. Report them...would not even consider it
2. Join? No, to each his own"

I would like to see them try and get into The Quetico.
04/10/2012 03:47PM  
Look at it this way... If you found a "bag" of "stuff" on the portage would you turn it in? I would take one for the team and arrange thorough testing at the nearest campsite. :-) This would all be done in the name of science of course. Nothing illegal at all. Really.
04/10/2012 03:48PM  
I do not think hemp would be an attractant for bear. I suspect that sugars, fats, and oils would get Yogi's attention well before any vegetable matter.
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:51PM  
quote Sierra1: "Look at it this way... If you found a "bag" of "stuff" on the portage would you turn it in? I would take one for the team and arrange thorough testing at the nearest campsite. :-)"

+1 that is too funny
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:52PM  
quote jcavenagh: "I do not think hemp would be an attractant for bear. I suspect that sugars, fats, and oils would get Yogi's attention well before any vegetable matter."

thats what i was thinking its just some stuff around these days have a very fruty smell to it lol
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 03:52PM  
quote Sides: "
quote bassnut: "1. Report them...would not even consider it
2. Join? No, to each his own"

I would like to see them try and get into The Quetico."

Yep, Prairie Portage is well covered!

04/10/2012 04:09PM  
I simply can't believe that we all agree on something.
04/10/2012 04:15PM  
quote ryebread26: "so here is another question on this topic, would any of you that choose to bring it along keep it in the hanging food bag over night? have never really been to sure about keeping it up in the bag cus of smells and bears and other wildlife."

The supply stays in the tent, which is usually where the rolling happens anyhow. My partner will often prep a good dozen the night before, especially if we're travelling the next day.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/10/2012 04:46PM  
Would not report them.
04/10/2012 04:59PM  
What if they didn't smoke the roaches? That would violate the Leave No Trace issue.

04/10/2012 05:05PM  
Are forceps considered a "multitool"?

04/10/2012 05:10PM  
quote quark2222: "Are forceps considered a "multitool"?


Ha, Ha, Ha... LOL
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 05:17PM  
quote RainGearRight: "
quote Mustangt125: "I have asked this in the chat room and got mixed responses.

Just want to clarify and figure this is the best place for it since others asked about it, but there's no reason that we would be searched by any station or rangers before entering? "

You could potentially be asked by a ranger on the trail if they could look in your bag. My guess is they are looking for cans or glass, not a few J's in your overnight bag"

A forest ranger is NOT a law enforcement officer. A game warden is. You do not have to submit to a search by either, and any LEO would need probable cause to conduct a search without a warrant. The smell of weed burning is probable cause in most states, at least in "public" places. I could be wrong, but I think your tent would require a much higher level of probable cause because it is essential your domicile while you are in it. The weed would likely have to be in plain sight to warrant a search in your camp.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/10/2012 05:20PM  
No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world.
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 05:23PM  
quote quark2222: "What if they didn't smoke the roaches? That would violate the Leave No Trace issue.

Eat them for breakfast. They're little time release delivery systems.
04/10/2012 05:31PM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."

You're not alone.
distinguished member (357)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 05:33PM  
I endorse this thread
distinguished member(898)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 05:41PM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."

Other people's desire for a different or stronger high is not a reason to hate marijuana. Marijuana in and of itself is harmless and it should be made legal - regulated (21+) and taxed, but legal.
04/10/2012 05:44PM  
Addiction, in all it's forms, is no laughing matter and I think the abuse of any substance in the wilderness is just asking for trouble on so many levels.

I've also seen many lives destroyed by alcohol but that should not mean it's not OK for me to have a beer. If we treated everything this way, nothing fun would be allowed.

People are able to separate the concept of responsible use from irresponsible abuse for alcohol, why not for the herb?

And lastly, Unas10, most probably start with cigarettes and alcohol, the real "gateway drugs".


Guest Paddler
04/10/2012 05:45PM  
Thank you all for your honesty. We'll be seeing you.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/10/2012 05:48PM  
Heck no, I would not report them. I would keep an eye on the food pack though.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/10/2012 05:57PM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."

OK now for the buzz kill. I would not turn any camper in to law enforcement since there isn’t a law compelling me to do it, but I would definitely intervene with someone I had some type of personal relationship with. What is really distressing is the support of an industry that has lead to so many murders in Mexico.

04/10/2012 06:01PM  
legalize it and save lives?
distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 06:11PM  
quote inspector13: "
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."

OK now for the buzz kill. I would not turn any camper in to law enforcement since there isn’t a law compelling me to do it, but I would definitely intervene with someone I had some type of personal relationship with. What is really distressing is the support of an industry that has lead to so many murders in Mexico.


If this industry were moved out of the black market it would be a crushing blow to those violent drug cartels in Mexico.
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 06:18PM  

If this industry were moved out of the black market it would be a crushing blow to those violent drug cartels in Mexico."

04/10/2012 06:22PM  
quote Soledad: "legalize it and save lives?"

.....and make it much harder for minors to get it?
distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 06:27PM  
quote AndySG: "
quote Soledad: "legalize it and save lives?"

.....and make it much harder for minors to get it?"

Drug dealers don't ask for ID. Liquor (legal) store owners do.
member (24)member
04/10/2012 06:52PM  
quote ryebread26: "

If this industry were moved out of the black market it would be a crushing blow to those violent drug cartels in Mexico."

+1"Mexico Shmexico. You"d be surprised how much of the good herb is grown in the midwest.
distinguished member(1167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 06:58PM  
quote DEA: "Thank you all for your honesty. We'll be seeing you. "

Aw snap!!
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 07:57PM  
distinguished member(1595)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 08:02PM  
I would not report them.

Obnoxious drunks maybe. Someone trashing a campsite, cutting down live trees/brush, target shooting near me in the wilderness, endangering my life in some way, those I would consider reporting.
04/10/2012 08:16PM  
I heard if you smoke weed it repells mosquitos.
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 08:50PM  
Wouldn't report it.

With the aging of the average BW traveler how rampant is the use? Honestly, the thought never occurred to me. I experienced being around "the smell" in the Army so I'd recognize it (never used for the record).

The comment on the duties of a USFS "ranger" vs a Game Warden/Police Officer does raise a question to me. Last summer we had a couple of USFS people stop by and walk into our camp. If they did so in this particular instance of drugs being in open use what could or would they do? Let's say 6 campers vs 2 of them? I'm guessing not much but that group had better watch over their shoulders for a while?
04/10/2012 08:50PM  
Report them NO!! Offer to cook them dinner in trade, more than likely. I make a mean "Stoner Stew". Although I don't think there is such a thing as a bad "Stoner Stew".

distinguished member(1193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 09:05PM  
Wouldn't bother me at all
distinguished member (271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 09:10PM  
quote bojibob: " That Smell "

Love this song!
04/10/2012 09:40PM  
What does it smell like?
04/10/2012 09:53PM  
quote overthehill: "What does it smell like? "

Never tried it...never been around it....but no I wouldnt tell
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 10:22PM  
04/10/2012 10:31PM  
funny thread. smoked it regularly in my youth. I don't care for it anymore, but still think it's silly that it's criminalized when the effects of both occasional and long term use of tobacco and alcohol are much more dire in comparison. I'd probably enjoy their company very much, although I'd pass on their weed these days. You won't hear a peep out of me.
bear bait
distinguished member(518)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 10:31PM  
quote overthehill: "What does it smell like? "

have you ever past a road-killed skunk? something like i've read anyways :)
senior member (88)senior membersenior member
04/10/2012 10:43PM  
Haha this thread is hilarious.

Almost as hilarious is how it's considered a stage 1 drug in many states including my Iowa, on par legally with meth, crack, and heroin.

What is this the twilight zone?
04/10/2012 10:46PM  
this thread is sooooooooooooo going to be gone. :)
04/10/2012 10:47PM  
i also agree with legalization...but really, at some point dont "we" need to grow up and get out of the pot culture? i have...someone gave me a sweet bud a couple of months ago. i said thank you. then i flushed it down the toilet. im over it....and believe me, back in the day, if you could look up pothead online, a photo of me would have been there.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 10:53PM  
quote bojibob: "You don't know how happy this thread makes me feel.... I thought I was all alone here :-)"

me too.....
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 11:00PM  
04/10/2012 11:01PM  
Do not think bears are much of a concern, but if Fat Freddie's cat were in the area no hang or barrel would be safe.
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2012 11:11PM  
thanks! almost forgot about fat freddy and the furry freak bros.
04/11/2012 05:38AM  
I didn't inhale :)
04/11/2012 07:36AM  
quote snakecharmer: "I didn't inhale :)"

04/11/2012 07:44AM  
Would have never seen this thread coming.
Guess I am not the only one.

Also, most weed smoked in the US is grown in the US or comes from Canada. Most drugs coming from Mexico are much stronger drugs (cocain and meth). There is a FrontLine episode on Mexican drug smuggling. Most weed that is coming into the US is coming from Canada. I stayed in a town for sometime (Fernie) in BC that is near the border and they always tore-down my car at the border. I always had nothing.

an FYI, Winnipeg has a large pot industry. People smuggle it across the border lakes too. There have been busts on the Rainy River.
bear biat
Guest Paddler
04/11/2012 08:02AM  
quote kanoes: "i also agree with legalization...but really, at some point dont "we" need to grow up and get out of the pot culture? i have...someone gave me a sweet bud a couple of months ago. i said thank you. then i flushed it down the toilet. im over it....and believe me, back in the day, if you could look up pothead online, a photo of me would have been there."

haha, I did that with booze long ago.
distinguished member(1563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 08:13AM  
quote Sierra1: "
quote snakecharmer: "I didn't inhale :)"


Brownies and space cakes would be my guess:)
04/11/2012 08:34AM  
quote bhouse46: "Do not think bears are much of a concern, but if Fat Freddie's cat were in the area no hang or barrel would be safe. "

The only things at risk when Fat Freddy's cat is around are your shoes and pillow... Always look inside before putting on your boots.
distinguished member(1853)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 08:49AM  
quote strom2127: "funny thread. smoked it regularly in my youth. I don't care for it anymore, but still think it's silly that it's criminalized when the effects of both occasional and long term use of tobacco and alcohol are much more dire in comparison. I'd probably enjoy their company very much, although I'd pass on their weed these days. You won't hear a peep out of me."

You took the words right out of my mouth.
distinguished member(653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 09:30AM  
No problem here. Drunken fools are much more of an issue.
distinguished member(1318)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 09:34AM  
quote nofish: "It wouldn't bother me at all. I'd rather deal with stoners than drunks.

Do you know what the difference is between drunk drivers and stone drivers?

A drunk driver will run through every stop sign without stopping. A stoned driver will stop at every stop sign and wait for it to turn green.


Which is why neither one of them should be on the road.
distinguished member (225)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 09:59AM  
Ok now I see a new problem. Bears getting contact highs!
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/11/2012 12:11PM  
O.K., I know I'm the minority on this board, but one more post and I'm out of here.

First, listen to the LYRICS of "That Smell." It's a song about what abuse of drugs and alcohol do to you. Listen or read the lyrics.

Second point, why the heck would you want to impair your experience of the BWCAW by getting "Stoned?" I guess, having cancer and having almost died a few times, I feel life is pretty darn "Sweet" without dulling your senses! Sorry, I just can't understand the "Stoner" mentality, nor do I want to. Adios!
senior member (94)senior membersenior member
04/11/2012 12:32PM  
quote quark2222: "Are forceps considered a "multitool"?


Indeed they are good sir. You have to be mindful of leaving fishy residue but a good set of forceps are great at removing stubborn hooks without manhandling the fish, as well as their more leisurely uses.

For me this topic is a matter of efficiency. I mean, if I am counting weight which would I rather carry..

distinguished member (268)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 03:26PM  
quote kabloona: "
quote kayakrookie1: "I just read an interesting thread regarding BWCA violations and getting "checked". I have perhaps an unusual, but I think fun, question to ask everyone: hypothetically, if you smelled marijuana smoke coming from a campsite but the campers were being quiet and respectful, is there anyone here who would feel compelled to report them?"

Not even maybe"

Go back to the jailhouse Barn, you're irritating the public.

distinguished member (271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 04:47PM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "O.K., I know I'm the minority on this board, but one more post and I'm out of here.

First, listen to the LYRICS of "That Smell." It's a song about what abuse of drugs and alcohol do to you. Listen or read the lyrics.

Second point, why the heck would you want to impair your experience of the BWCAW by getting "Stoned?" I guess, having cancer and having almost died a few times, I feel life is pretty darn "Sweet" without dulling your senses! Sorry, I just can't understand the "Stoner" mentality, nor do I want to. Adios!

You mean you are never coming back to the board?

True about the song, it was written in response to one of thier band members drug/etoh abuse.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 04:56PM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "O.K., I know I'm the minority on this board, but one more post and I'm out of here.

First, listen to the LYRICS of "That Smell." It's a song about what abuse of drugs and alcohol do to you. Listen or read the lyrics.

Second point, why the heck would you want to impair your experience of the BWCAW by getting "Stoned?" I guess, having cancer and having almost died a few times, I feel life is pretty darn "Sweet" without dulling your senses! Sorry, I just can't understand the "Stoner" mentality, nor do I want to. Adios!

I respect your opinion, but do you share the same resistance regarding someone having an after dinner cocktail in the BWCA? Alcohol dulls the senses too and is responsible for innumerable more deaths than mary jane. I don't think there is any evidence of mary jane causing cancer in a person. In fact, people who may be undergoing treatment for cancer often receive medical marijuana to treat the effects of chemotherapy (in those states that have legalized marijuana for medical purposes). Personally, I think it's OK to use either in moderation - even in the BWCA. Not everyone who takes a puff is a "stoner", and I can speak from experience, taking a puff in the wild does not impair my experience. Rather, it enhances it. Someday the use of mary jane will be legal and controlled much like tobacco and alcohol are now. 16 states have already legalized it for medical purposes and 3 of our last presidents have had a puff. Of course, several of our first presidents did too.
distinguished member(2527)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 06:43PM  
I'm waaay past getting disturbed about something so minor. As has been said, it's no worse than alcohol.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/11/2012 08:08PM  
quote DEA: "Thank you all for your honesty. We'll be seeing you. "
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/11/2012 08:13PM  
Anyone that knows me knows I have never had a drink, smoked cigarettes or taken any kind of drugs in my life. That being said, seeing someone destroying a campsite, having a fire during a fire ban, cutting down live trees, that I would report. Someone smoking weed out in the middle of the wilderness, as long as theyre not hurting anyone I will leave that up to the officials to enforce. Now how many people are wearing some outdoors product that was manufactured in some sweat shop in a 3rd world country by 10year olds that were forced to work 14 hours a day, should I report them for using these illegally made products. If your asking am i condoning the sale of weed in elementary schools no I am not, but like I said some random camper out in the middle of nowhere smoking a joint, as long as you dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you .
04/11/2012 08:47PM  
quote Basspro69: "... If your asking am i condoning the sale of weed in elementary schools no I am not, but like I said some random camper out in the middle of nowhere smoking a joint, as long as you dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you ."

dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you

couldn't resist...
04/11/2012 08:55PM  
quote Basspro69: "Anyone that knows me knows I have never had a drink, smoked cigarettes or taken any kind of drugs in my life. That being said, seeing someone destroying a campsite, having a fire during a fire ban, cutting down live trees, that I would report. Someone smoking weed out in the middle of the wilderness, as long as theyre not hurting anyone I will leave that up to the officials to enforce. Now how many people are wearing some outdoors product that was manufactured in some sweat shop in a 3rd world country by 10year olds that were forced to work 14 hours a day, should I report them for using these illegally made products. If your asking am i condoning the sale of weed in elementary schools no I am not, but like I said some random camper out in the middle of nowhere smoking a joint, as long as you dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you ."
Basspro,you are right on.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/11/2012 10:20PM  
quote jcavenagh: "
quote Basspro69: "... If your asking am i condoning the sale of weed in elementary schools no I am not, but like I said some random camper out in the middle of nowhere smoking a joint, as long as you dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you ."

dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you

couldn't resist... "
That was the exact scene I was thinking of LOL, I love it !!!
04/11/2012 10:31PM  
quote jcavenagh: "
quote Basspro69: "... If your asking am i condoning the sale of weed in elementary schools no I am not, but like I said some random camper out in the middle of nowhere smoking a joint, as long as you dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you ."

dont start playing your guitar I wont bother you

couldn't resist... "

In response to Bluto destroying the guitar
distinguished member(2102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2012 11:37PM  
'Long in the leaf and short in the can!' The last time I 'herbed-up' was about 10 yrs ago in the Bdub. My older brother had some sticky-bud that lowered my IQ to about 12. I threw in the towel. My oldest son is 15 and hasn't even imagined the stuff I did at that age.
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 12:06AM  
quote Beaverjack: "A forest ranger is NOT a law enforcement officer. A game warden is. You do not have to submit to a search by either, and any LEO would need probable cause to conduct a search without a warrant. The smell of weed burning is probable cause in most states, at least in "public" places. I could be wrong, but I think your tent would require a much higher level of probable cause because it is essential your domicile while you are in it. The weed would likely have to be in plain sight to warrant a search in your camp."

That should be true, but sadly it's not. The entirety of the BWCA lies within 100 miles of the Canadian border, which Congress has given the Department of Homeland Security authority to conduct warrantless, causeless searches within, so you're pretty much screwed there.
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 06:02AM  
Anybody ever seen a border patrol officer checking camps?
distinguished member(4978)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/12/2012 07:40AM  
quote tonyyarusso: "
quote Beaverjack: "A forest ranger is NOT a law enforcement officer. A game warden is. You do not have to submit to a search by either, and any LEO would need probable cause to conduct a search without a warrant. The smell of weed burning is probable cause in most states, at least in "public" places. I could be wrong, but I think your tent would require a much higher level of probable cause because it is essential your domicile while you are in it. The weed would likely have to be in plain sight to warrant a search in your camp."

That should be true, but sadly it's not. The entirety of the BWCA lies within 100 miles of the Canadian border, which Congress has given the Department of Homeland Security authority to conduct warrantless, causeless searches within, so you're pretty much screwed there."

That bill has NOT passed Congress.

Here is its progress

Border Patrol checks around here. Pretty close to the border. And we do get asked for our passport. Don't think it would apply to the wilderness though

As to the would be a waste of time to report.. As tony said, they need probable cause. All you would get is a passel of trouble for trying to be vigilante.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 07:50AM  
quote Bushwacker: "
quote kabloona: "
quote kayakrookie1: "I just read an interesting thread regarding BWCA violations and getting "checked". I have perhaps an unusual, but I think fun, question to ask everyone: hypothetically, if you smelled marijuana smoke coming from a campsite but the campers were being quiet and respectful, is there anyone here who would feel compelled to report them?"

Not even maybe"

Go back to the jailhouse Barn, you're irritating the public.


Barney says....You have to nip it in the bud..
04/12/2012 09:47AM  
quote dicecupmaker: "My older brother had some sticky-bud that lowered my IQ to about 12."

Laughed so hard I almost spewed coffee everywhere.
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 09:59AM  
Did I mention my food pack weighs 80 lbs?
distinguished member(563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 11:25AM  
I could care less if somebody was minding their own business and partying. I have seen to many people die from cigarettes and alcohol to be so narrowed minded that pot is that much worse.
Guest Paddler
04/12/2012 11:59AM  
I assure you, we will all be partaking as much as we please in the BWCA. If anyone ever approached me and told me to stop, I think I would hold them down and blow it in their face.

I know I go to the BWCA to get away from people and their "judgements"...

put that in your pipe and smoke it!
distinguished member (268)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 12:34PM  
quote kabloona: "
quote Bushwacker: "
quote kabloona: "
quote kayakrookie1: "I just read an interesting thread regarding BWCA violations and getting "checked". I have perhaps an unusual, but I think fun, question to ask everyone: hypothetically, if you smelled marijuana smoke coming from a campsite but the campers were being quiet and respectful, is there anyone here who would feel compelled to report them?"

Not even maybe"

Go back to the jailhouse Barn, you're irritating the public.


Barney says....You have to nip it in the bud.."

Can we ever get enough of Barney nipping it in the bud? Answer, no.

nip it in the bud
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 04:39PM  
quote Bushwacker: "
quote kabloona: "
quote Bushwacker: "
quote kabloona: "
quote kayakrookie1: "I just read an interesting thread regarding BWCA violations and getting "checked". I have perhaps an unusual, but I think fun, question to ask everyone: hypothetically, if you smelled marijuana smoke coming from a campsite but the campers were being quiet and respectful, is there anyone here who would feel compelled to report them?"

Not even maybe"

Go back to the jailhouse Barn, you're irritating the public.


Barney says....You have to nip it in the bud.."

Can we ever get enough of Barney nipping it in the bud? Answer, no.

nip it in the bud "

My favorite TV show of all time - Andy Griffith

My favorite TV character of all time - Barney Fife
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 07:23PM  
All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less.
senior member (88)senior membersenior member
04/12/2012 09:05PM  
I agree with some of those points, however smelling it would be probable cause which I dont think many people know.

distinguished member (497)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 09:06PM  
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

Tent is not considered a place of abode under Minnesota statutes - and therefor does not fit under use of deadly force exception. I hope that you are joking. Every once in a while someone shows up in the woods and thinks they are in the wild west. I can tell you it didn't go well for the last bunch who decided to do some "blasting" in the BWCA.

distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2012 11:33PM  
Just gotta the Andy Griffith Show. I miss the good ol' days when TV Land only aired the old classic shows. This was the premise for TV Land. Now what do they do? Shows from the nineties and some crappy originals like "Hot in Cleveland" and "Happily Divorced" and "Retired at 35." Just plain awful.
04/13/2012 12:07AM  
quote YaMarVa: "Would have never seen this thread coming.
Guess I am not the only one.

Also, most weed smoked in the US is grown in the US or comes from Canada. ..."

Is it coming on the Swayze Express?
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 01:57AM  
Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 02:25AM  
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 02:26AM  
Ya know.
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 05:37AM  
quote RaisedByBears99: "
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

Tent is not considered a place of abode under Minnesota statutes - and therefor does not fit under use of deadly force exception. I hope that you are joking. Every once in a while someone shows up in the woods and thinks they are in the wild west. I can tell you it didn't go well for the last bunch who decided to do some "blasting" in the BWCA.


Well, I guess if you aren't one to go entering people's tents uninvited, then I guess you have nothing to worry about. And if you are one to do that sort of thing, then I guess you need to worry, and I couldn't care less about you worrying. And frankly, I don't care diddly what MN thinks about my tent not being my abode, in the long run, it only matters what I think for the person entering my tent uninvited. I'll repeat myself, the 2nd amendment was designed to protect citizens FROM their government. That's the ultimate authority in this country, whether the fearful sheep we're overrun with believe it or not.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 07:05AM  
quote kayakrookie1: "Just gotta the Andy Griffith Show. I miss the good ol' days when TV Land only aired the old classic shows. This was the premise for TV Land. Now what do they do? Shows from the nineties and some crappy originals like "Hot in Cleveland" and "Happily Divorced" and "Retired at 35." Just plain awful."

Yes T.V. land has turned to dung.
And when N.B.C. got their fingers in the weather channel they destroyed that.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 07:56AM  
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Hamm's the beer, refreshing...Hamm's!
04/13/2012 08:53AM  
quote RaisedByBears99: "
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

Tent is not considered a place of abode under Minnesota statutes - and therefor does not fit under use of deadly force exception. I hope that you are joking. Every once in a while someone shows up in the woods and thinks they are in the wild west. I can tell you it didn't go well for the last bunch who decided to do some "blasting" in the BWCA.


The federal courts have ruled tents are considered an abode and a search warrant is required.
04/13/2012 09:50AM  
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Not for the Hamms, but someone may report you for that hat!
distinguished member (271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 09:54AM  
quote Beaverjack: "
quote RaisedByBears99: "
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

Tent is not considered a place of abode under Minnesota statutes - and therefor does not fit under use of deadly force exception. I hope that you are joking. Every once in a while someone shows up in the woods and thinks they are in the wild west. I can tell you it didn't go well for the last bunch who decided to do some "blasting" in the BWCA.


Well, I guess if you aren't one to go entering people's tents uninvited, then I guess you have nothing to worry about. And if you are one to do that sort of thing, then I guess you need to worry, and I couldn't care less about you worrying. And frankly, I don't care diddly what MN thinks about my tent not being my abode, in the long run, it only matters what I think for the person entering my tent uninvited. I'll repeat myself, the 2nd amendment was designed to protect citizens FROM their government. That's the ultimate authority in this country, whether the fearful sheep we're overrun with believe it or not."

Ooohh, tough talk on the internet.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 10:23AM  
quote UncleMoose: "
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Not for the Hamms, but someone may report you for that hat!

Good one !
distinguished member(898)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 10:38AM  
quote Curmudgeon: "
quote Beaverjack: "

Well, I guess if you aren't one to go entering people's tents uninvited, then I guess you have nothing to worry about. And if you are one to do that sort of thing, then I guess you need to worry, and I couldn't care less about you worrying. And frankly, I don't care diddly what MN thinks about my tent not being my abode, in the long run, it only matters what I think for the person entering my tent uninvited. I'll repeat myself, the 2nd amendment was designed to protect citizens FROM their government. That's the ultimate authority in this country, whether the fearful sheep we're overrun with believe it or not."

Ooohh, tough talk on the internet."

Ultimately he's right about the 2nd amendment, but I always shake my head at people that talk like it's so easy to shoot somebody else. If you read any of the comments on articles that are linked to by Drudge Report you'll see there are an awful lot of internet tough guys out there, especially with all the Trayvon Martin articles in the last 3 weeks.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/13/2012 11:22AM  
Report them? No - It is the cigar smoking rude loud drunks that should be reported if there was anyone to report them to.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 01:22PM  
quote apugarcia: "
quote Curmudgeon: "
quote Beaverjack: "

Well, I guess if you aren't one to go entering people's tents uninvited, then I guess you have nothing to worry about. And if you are one to do that sort of thing, then I guess you need to worry, and I couldn't care less about you worrying. And frankly, I don't care diddly what MN thinks about my tent not being my abode, in the long run, it only matters what I think for the person entering my tent uninvited. I'll repeat myself, the 2nd amendment was designed to protect citizens FROM their government. That's the ultimate authority in this country, whether the fearful sheep we're overrun with believe it or not."

Ooohh, tough talk on the internet."

Ultimately he's right about the 2nd amendment, but I always shake my head at people that talk like it's so easy to shoot somebody else. If you read any of the comments on articles that are linked to by Drudge Report you'll see there are an awful lot of internet tough guys out there, especially with all the Trayvon Martin articles in the last 3 weeks."

sniff, sniff.....smells like testosterone and gunpowder to me.
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2012 01:44PM  
04/13/2012 03:22PM  
quote bojibob: " Video of smoking weed on my last trip "

hahahah "crazy shit right there man"
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 05:02AM  
quote Curmudgeon:
Ooohh, tough talk on the internet. "

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.

That said, it's only an occassional cigar and wood smoke in my camp.
distinguished member (377)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 05:53AM  
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

I am curious about this...Obviously you have run this scenario in your mind a time or two so at what point do you envision that you draw your gun, when do you shoot? Lets say two wardens paddle up to your site and say something about a complaint and land at your camp. Do you draw now...and stand in front if your tent. Are you polite but if they ask to search your tent say no and then draw your weapon? Would you shoot them both or just the warden unzipping your tent? Or do you see yourself holed up in your eureka shooting them as the break down your noseeum netting?
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 06:39AM  
quote Merlin: "
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

I am curious about this...Obviously you have run this scenario in your mind a time or two so at what point do you envision that you draw your gun, when do you shoot? Lets say two wardens paddle up to your site and say something about a complaint and land at your camp. Do you draw now...and stand in front if your tent. Are you polite but if they ask to search your tent say no and then draw your weapon? Would you shoot them both or just the warden unzipping your tent? Or do you see yourself holed up in your eureka shooting them as the break down your noseeum netting?"

Stupid questions don't deserve answers, but I'll play along. Acting out of conviction, with proper training, doesn't require a lot of forethought. Yes, I'd ask for a warrant, right after duly informing them that I am legally armed as I do every time I am stopped by an officer for a law enforcement purpose. If the answer is, "We don't need a warrant to search your tent," then the question is, "Please tell me why do you think you have probable cause?" If that answer is "We don't need probable cause," then I tell them that I have been recording the conversation with the digital recorder I have in my pocket, and they need to get back in their boat and return with a warrant or provide a valid response to my probable cause question. There would be no need for gunplay, and at that point, I'd have enough to sue their asses back to the hole they crawled out of if they proceeded to search my tent. Chances are, the situation would be diffused unless you're talking about bad cops to begin with, and in that case, I'd play it by ear knowing that I have enough training to deal with things as they happen. I suppose drawing on that type of cop might happen if they were stupid enough to draw first. However, I know many cops and have trained along side them, by son-in-law being one of them, and haven't run into any that would intentionally violate someone's rights. Most don't fear armed citizens, and unlike untrained liberals who've seen too many movies known too few responsible gun owners, they don't think of us in the same context as criminals or lunatics looking to "blast away in the woods."

Zimmerman was neither properly-trained or responsible. You don't go looking for trouble. From what I know, Martin was just plain stupid or a thug or both. Plenty of blame to go around. What is lost in this media-fueled hysteria is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people carry a firearm everyday and very few ever use it. Like with law enforcement shooting incidents, firearms are used far more often to protect from a legitimate threat than in stupidity. That stuff just doesn't make the nightly news, or if it does, it doesn't make an impression on the sheep among us.

You know, the nightly news and graveyards are full of victims who preferred to dellude themselves about the nature of humanity. Some of us know first hand that there is a considerable population of truly evil individuals who walk among us. Most refuse to prepare themselves for this until they experience it first hand. You don't know where or when these people will appear in your life, but legally armed citizens and law enforcement officers are the least of your worries. Of all the cops I know (I don't know any game wardens but I will assume they are of similar constitution) none would pull over to search a group of pot smokers unless there were other matters constituting a threat to public safety or a blatant disregard for the rights of others. I guess I'm not as cynical (or paranoid) as some here, just as I am not apt to wilt in the face of illegitimate authority.
distinguished member (271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 07:44AM  
quote Beaverjack: "
quote Curmudgeon:
Ooohh, tough talk on the internet. "

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.

That said, it's only an occassional cigar and wood smoke in my camp."

Believe me, I ruled you out as a pot smoker at your first post. But yet you seem like you may be a little paranoid none the less.

I am pro handgun/conceal and carry and one day I intend to get my conceal and carry permit. But I must say, most of my friends that have the permit already, seem a little paranoid to me.

I think your mindset would be very appropriate in places such as the Caribbean where marauding pirates like to stir things up with travelers from time to time. But in a tent in the BWCA, you come on a bit strong in my opinion.
distinguished member (377)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 08:34AM  
Another stupid question...although you really didn't answer the when do you draw and fire your weapon question. I assume you do really carry a recording device so why not just record the events and just "sue their a##es"? Seems like it would be a lot easier than putting a hole in their center mass.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 10:34AM  
quote Beaverjack: "
quote Merlin: "
quote Beaverjack: "All's I know is my tent is my domicile, and entering it without an invitation or a legal warrant is a sure fire way to end up with a perforated center of mass. I also know that the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd amendment, was conceived to protect us against our government, nothing less."

I am curious about this...Obviously you have run this scenario in your mind a time or two so at what point do you envision that you draw your gun, when do you shoot? Lets say two wardens paddle up to your site and say something about a complaint and land at your camp. Do you draw now...and stand in front if your tent. Are you polite but if they ask to search your tent say no and then draw your weapon? Would you shoot them both or just the warden unzipping your tent? Or do you see yourself holed up in your eureka shooting them as the break down your noseeum netting?"

Stupid questions don't deserve answers, but I'll play along. Acting out of conviction, with proper training, doesn't require a lot of forethought. Yes, I'd ask for a warrant, right after duly informing them that I am legally armed as I do every time I am stopped by an officer for a law enforcement purpose. If the answer is, "We don't need a warrant to search your tent," then the question is, "Please tell me why do you think you have probable cause?" If that answer is "We don't need probable cause," then I tell them that I have been recording the conversation with the digital recorder I have in my pocket, and they need to get back in their boat and return with a warrant or provide a valid response to my probable cause question. There would be no need for gunplay, and at that point, I'd have enough to sue their asses back to the hole they crawled out of if they proceeded to search my tent. Chances are, the situation would be diffused unless you're talking about bad cops to begin with, and in that case, I'd play it by ear knowing that I have enough training to deal with things as they happen. I suppose drawing on that type of cop might happen if they were stupid enough to draw first. However, I know many cops and have trained along side them, by son-in-law being one of them, and haven't run into any that would intentionally violate someone's rights. Most don't fear armed citizens, and unlike untrained liberals who've seen too many movies known too few responsible gun owners, they don't think of us in the same context as criminals or lunatics looking to "blast away in the woods."

Zimmerman was neither properly-trained or responsible. You don't go looking for trouble. From what I know, Martin was just plain stupid or a thug or both. Plenty of blame to go around. What is lost in this media-fueled hysteria is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people carry a firearm everyday and very few ever use it. Like with law enforcement shooting incidents, firearms are used far more often to protect from a legitimate threat than in stupidity. That stuff just doesn't make the nightly news, or if it does, it doesn't make an impression on the sheep among us.

You know, the nightly news and graveyards are full of victims who preferred to dellude themselves about the nature of humanity. Some of us know first hand that there is a considerable population of truly evil individuals who walk among us. Most refuse to prepare themselves for this until they experience it first hand. You don't know where or when these people will appear in your life, but legally armed citizens and law enforcement officers are the least of your worries. Of all the cops I know (I don't know any game wardens but I will assume they are of similar constitution) none would pull over to search a group of pot smokers unless there were other matters constituting a threat to public safety or a blatant disregard for the rights of others. I guess I'm not as cynical (or paranoid) as some here, just as I am not apt to wilt in the face of illegitimate authority. "

Do you really have such disrespect and hate for people, or is that all just internet bluster?

You sound as if you could benefit from a puff from the magic dragon Beav.

distinguished member (271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 11:32AM  
Bluster, I am sure!
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 12:51PM  
Can we get back to focus of this thread?

bear bait
distinguished member(518)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 01:21PM  
So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 01:51PM  
quote bojibob: "Can we get back to focus of this thread?


Focus? LOL.
distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 03:17PM  
quote bear bait: "So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)"

I enjoy smoking in that exact same scenario. Waking and baking out on an isolated lake? It's simply magical. I also like doing it out on the water beneath a full moon. So peaceful.
distinguished member(3436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 03:41PM  
Probably just a skunk!
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/14/2012 03:45PM  
Apparently weed not only makes people hungry, but just a little combative also. :-)
04/14/2012 03:58PM  
Very interesting thread. A few potheads here I would never have expected. I'll never report you!

04/14/2012 09:40PM  
No. No reporting here. No more than I would report a bad skunk-sweet smelling fart. After reading this thread, I'm glad I don't know what it smells like! ;) I'm exhausted.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 09:59PM  
quote overthehill: "No. No reporting here. No more than I would report a bad skunk-sweet smelling fart. After reading this thread, I'm glad I don't know what it smells like! ;) I'm exhausted."

distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 10:03PM  
quote mc2mens: "
quote overthehill: "No. No reporting here. No more than I would report a bad skunk-sweet smelling fart. After reading this thread, I'm glad I don't know what it smells like! ;) I'm exhausted."


distinguished member (320)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2012 10:18PM  
quote bear bait: "So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)"

Do it right before a 150 rod muddy portage filled with mosquitoes. As you are taking care of business, the wind blows you away from the portage and it takes you 30 minutes to find the portage again. Finally you find the portage and get on your way. Get to the end of the portage and realize you dropped something. Walk back and find it at the other side of the portage. Finally get to the next lake and your target campsite is occupied. Ask your canoe partner if you should go raid the camp and overtake it. Canoe partner discourages you from that plan because there is a possibility brock lesnar is camping there.

That was some good stuff...
04/14/2012 10:53PM  
quote kyleyewongster: "
quote bear bait: "So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)"

Do it right before a 150 rod muddy portage filled with mosquitoes. As you are taking care of business, the wind blows you away from the portage and it takes you 30 minutes to find the portage again. Finally you find the portage and get on your way. Get to the end of the portage and realize you dropped something. Walk back and find it at the other side of the portage. Finally get to the next lake and your target campsite is occupied. Ask your canoe partner if you should go raid the camp and overtake it. Canoe partner discourages you from that plan because there is a possibility brock lesnar is camping there.

That was some good stuff..."

04/14/2012 11:52PM  
quote kyleyewongster: "
quote bear bait: "So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)"

Do it right before a 150 rod muddy portage filled with mosquitoes. As you are taking care of business, the wind blows you away from the portage and it takes you 30 minutes to find the portage again. Finally you find the portage and get on your way. Get to the end of the portage and realize you dropped something. Walk back and find it at the other side of the portage. Finally get to the next lake and your target campsite is occupied. Ask your canoe partner if you should go raid the camp and overtake it. Canoe partner discourages you from that plan because there is a possibility brock lesnar is camping there.

That was some good stuff..."

john 800
distinguished member(906)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2012 01:44AM  
quote Basspro69: "Apparently weed not only makes people hungry, but just a little combative also. :-)"

on our last trip the resident pothead brought some stuff that caused the guys who used it to get really parnoid and combative, rather odd. As austin Powers once said "that sort of thing is not my bag baby" (plus I have to hold a CDL) but to each their own, they are not hurting anyone, at least after we got rid of the one batch of stuff
distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2012 08:21AM  
quote john 800: "
quote Basspro69: "Apparently weed not only makes people hungry, but just a little combative also. :-)"

on our last trip the resident pothead brought some stuff that caused the guys who used it to get really parnoid and combative, rather odd. As austin Powers once said "that sort of thing is not my bag baby" (plus I have to hold a CDL) but to each their own, they are not hurting anyone, at least after we got rid of the one batch of stuff"

I think BassPro may have been referring to Beaverjack, but Beaverjack said he doesn't smoke the herb.
distinguished member(535)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2012 08:25AM  
....but yea, the better the quality, the more one cuts down on the "paranoid" factor.
john 800
distinguished member(906)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2012 09:48AM  
quote kayakrookie1: "....but yea, the better the quality, the more one cuts down on the "paranoid" factor."

Yea, this stuff was pretty bad, they seemed to think there was something else in it, another argument to legalize/regulate it, even coming from me, someone who is just not into that kind of thing
04/15/2012 12:42PM  
quote john 800: "
quote kayakrookie1: "....but yea, the better the quality, the more one cuts down on the "paranoid" factor."

Yea, this stuff was pretty bad, they seemed to think there was something else in it, another argument to legalize/regulate it, even coming from me, someone who is just not into that kind of thing"

Yea, and next would be the 'organic' labeled lid. And more lobbyisits! :)
John Wayne and Archie Bunker may have tried a little 'muggles' in the day;I don't know. But I stand against legalizing it simply because my heroes wouldn't.
I'm a hypocrite anyway as I use drugs daily: Caffiene,nicotene, and aspirin!
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2012 07:11PM  
Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against it. I've just reached the age when brain cells are at a premium. At 55, it's not uncommon for me to forget what I came into the room for, so I can ill afford a short term memory loss. Also, no one has any business packing in a diminished capacity. It's a responsibility that should be taken with the utmost deliberation and sobriety. Hence, I like my urine clean, but there was the day....

I also think pot should be legal, and growing it allowed for personal use. Commercial production/distribution should be restricted the same as alchohol.
senior member (94)senior membersenior member
04/16/2012 09:20AM  
quote bear bait: "So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)"

That picture and the accompanying description made me pretty miserable sitting here in my office on a Monday morning.

For some reason the clattering of keyboards, the coughing and sniffling of office mates, and the glaring glow of fluorescent lighting isnt quite as good with my coffee as lake fog and some ganj.

great pic, btw.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2014 03:02AM  
quote UncleMoose: "
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Not for the Hamms, but someone may report you for that hat!

Searching some old threads. Found this comment, very offensive ;) !
04/05/2014 07:11AM  
But Hamm's beer in cans is a great trip beer since it floats like a small iceberg. And it was the beer from "the land of sky blue waters."
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/05/2014 07:14AM  
Wow! 158 posts. This is a popular topic.
04/05/2014 07:16AM  
This has to be a new record.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/05/2014 07:54AM  
I was in a bar in Wisconsin and on the wall was a sign that read Beer $2.00, Hamms $.50.
distinguished member(583)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2014 08:47AM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."

distinguished member(651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2014 10:30AM  
quote Savage Voyageur: "I was in a bar in Wisconsin and on the wall was a sign that read Beer $2.00, Hamms $.50. "

LOL! Reminds me of a story.

My Dad (RIP) REALLY liked beer. Back when I was a teenager I was with him driving home from a softball tournament in northern Wisconsin. We stopped at a bar to pick up a six pack. They only had Hamms beer in stock for some reason. We got back on the road (no air conditioning in the car so the windows were rolled down)and he popped the top and took a big swig, then spit it out the window and poured the can out on the road.

Only time I ever saw him waste beer. :)
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2014 10:36AM  
quote SourisMan: "
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."


I have to strongly disagree.All of the serious addicts I have known have started with alcohol.This is statistically true as well.If you are against using alcohol or prescription mind altering drugs(antidepressants,anti anxiety,sleeping aides) as well,then I think you are entitled to your opinion. If you use these and think they are even SLIGHTLY better for you, than you are either exceptionally ill informed,or very close minded.I have seen lives ruined by many addictive behaviors,the latest common one is overeating(obesity has surpassed cigarettes as a killer).I have lost family members to alcohol and PRESCRIBED prescription drugs.I am not saying pot is good for you, but I have seen it make friends of enemies,bring relief to cancer patients,as well as enhancing the experience of the wilderness,communion of friends,a good nights sleep and the taste of...EVERYTHING!
distinguished member (104)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2014 10:41AM  
quote Stumpy: "
quote UncleMoose: "
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Not for the Hamms, but someone may report you for that hat!

Searching some old threads. Found this comment, very offensive ;) !"

On second thought, the hat's not so bad. It'll keep the birds away.

What color jig did you use to catch those Hamms?
senior member (55)senior membersenior member
04/05/2014 11:25AM  
GOD DAM THE PUSHER MAN....easy rider
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2014 09:40PM  
To each his own..we're all enjoying the outdoors in our own way.
04/05/2014 10:33PM  
There is some funny stuff in here. Thanks for the laughs!
distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/05/2014 10:42PM  
I'd raid the camp when they were all asleep and take their Doritos.
distinguished member(1115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 12:01AM  
Narc on them??? Absoiuteiy not. Join them??? No.
There was a time not all that iong ago, when a good sack of weed stood higher on the geer list than the canoe.
senior member (70)senior membersenior member
04/06/2014 12:10AM  
While I think it should be illegal, I wouldn't turn anyone in for it unless they were causing other problems.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/06/2014 08:04AM  
quote mr.barley: "I'd raid the camp when they were all asleep and take their Doritos."

That would be a chipless raid, since their munchems would be long gone.
distinguished member(1853)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 09:56AM  
Forgot about this thread. Damn memory loss.
04/06/2014 10:06AM  
Interesting thread. The Bdub is the only place that I smell the stuff anymore.
distinguished member(643)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 10:53AM  
to each their own. live and let live as long as no one messes with me or mine. or no one is being hurt or killed everybody should mind their own also. JUST SAYING
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/06/2014 10:59AM  
quote Wables: "Interesting thread. The Bdub is the only place that I smell the stuff anymore. "

It would remind me of college!
04/06/2014 11:18AM  
This thread is too funny:) That's the smell of dehydrated alcohol!

Gateways are where you look for them and our current laws are not productive or logical. How about caffeine? It's what they added to Coke after they took out the cocaine, it's additive, and it's not particularly good for us, yet there's no law against giving toddlers Mountain Dew in their sippy cups.

Mountain Dew Mouth
04/06/2014 12:41PM  
quote bruceye: "Narc on them??? Absoiuteiy not. Join them??? No.
There was a time not all that iong ago, when a good sack of weed stood higher on the geer list than the canoe."

Your umbilical cord theory is gaining momentum.
distinguished member(583)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 02:01PM  
quote mgraber: "
quote SourisMan: "
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."


I have to strongly disagree.All of the serious addicts I have known have started with alcohol.This is statistically true as well.If you are against using alcohol or prescription mind altering drugs(antidepressants,anti anxiety,sleeping aides) as well,then I think you are entitled to your opinion. If you use these and think they are even SLIGHTLY better for you, than you are either exceptionally ill informed,or very close minded.I have seen lives ruined by many addictive behaviors,the latest common one is overeating(obesity has surpassed cigarettes as a killer).I have lost family members to alcohol and PRESCRIBED prescription drugs.I am not saying pot is good for you, but I have seen it make friends of enemies,bring relief to cancer patients,as well as enhancing the experience of the wilderness,communion of friends,a good nights sleep and the taste of...EVERYTHING!"

People react strongly when you mess with their drug of choice
distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 03:06PM  
I do not condone any drug use at all. Since my son passed of an overdose, I am very saddened by any suggestion of legal drug use. That being said, I would not force my views on others quietly doing what they apparently enjoy in the BWCAW.

04/06/2014 04:16PM  
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

I saw a hat just like that one on TV a few days ago. I was watching "Deliverance."
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 05:55PM  
Cough! Cough! Cough! What were we talking about. Oh yea.. smoked a lot in my youth. Then I had to pea in a cup for about 20 years. The day I retires , I went and bought a sack. Went home and cleaned my house and listened to music.. I think the lst song I played. Was "jungleland " live in N.Y.C. by B. Springsteen and E. Street band. Be respectful of others. And. ENJOY...
distinguished member (252)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 06:51PM  
Too funny! LMAO. Unlike one of our past commander-in-chiefs I did inhale. Now when someone in our camp asks if I want some I just say no thanks, go hide my remaining food and then come back and enjoy the stars. Chill a little and is way too short!
distinguished member (171)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 08:01PM  
Hang it with the food? I would not like losing my food but anything else he's coming in the tent and fighting for it... what was this thread about?
04/06/2014 08:26PM  
My daughter is a bit of a hippy/alternative type, and when we hiked the Great Glen Way in Scotland a few years ago she brought a huge bunch of sage to smudge our tent and first campsite, a bit of setting-off on an adventure ritual. It smelled rather like other burning herbs do, I was convinced a Scottish DEA equivalent was going to bust us. As it was we did get some amused looks from a pair of French backpackers. I don't partake myself, but as long as you're not starting wild fires or tossing trash in the lake I don't care what you do at your site. I don't even mind a little banjo or guitar wafting across the lake.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 08:52PM  
U Colorado people can set up a tent at my campsite any time you want...
04/06/2014 09:21PM  
quote Frenchy: "I do not condone any drug use at all. Since my son passed of an overdose, I am very saddened by any suggestion of legal drug use. That being said, I would not force my views on others quietly doing what they apparently enjoy in the BWCAW.

The most defensible position I've seen on either side in this whole thread. Hope you and yours are finding peace. I've been thinking of you.
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2014 09:41PM  
quote Jeriatric: "
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

I saw a hat just like that one on TV a few days ago. I was watching "Deliverance.""

True. The guy gassing their cars, had a hat like it.
Still, be it hot, cold, dry or wet weather, it's a very practical, and even great item that I would never leave behind. Good wool felt (warm when wet), unlike those silly looking (cotton?) Australia Outback hats, that have become quite common.
distinguished member (104)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/07/2014 08:55AM  
The marry go round is the gateway drug.
04/07/2014 10:28AM  
quote schells: "The marry go round is the gateway drug."

Accurate. Spinning and the vertigo achieved is an early learned "high". While alcohol, after sugar and other toxins, is generally believed to be the first "drug" of use, Nicotine has long been held the gateway drug for poly substance users. Marijuana was blamed for that and lots of other crimes and found guilty without supporting evidence. For those of you really driven to understand read S. Freud's "The Cocaine Papers". I also recommend the writings of E. Larsen.
And yeah, I have worked in the field since going to Nam in "71 to work in heroin detox and I have lots of opinions.
distinguished member (344)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/07/2014 03:42PM  
suh dis tread gonna be 2 yeahs old ....on tursday mahn.......right on!
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/07/2014 04:13PM  
Quit changing the subject. I thought this thread was about my hat.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/07/2014 04:54PM  
quote deerfoot: "But Hamm's beer in cans is a great trip beer ... And it was the beer from "the land of sky blue waters.""

Here is your Land of Sky Blue Waters. Too bad they don’t have a picture on the page with the outhouses perched over Phalen Creek. HaHaHaHaHa!

distinguished member(557)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/07/2014 04:55PM  
Back to the OP...we were checked by conservation officers about 10-11 years ago and had pot out in open site, we also had our booze in glass bottles and they never even said a thing. They were more concerned with with how many fish we had and if all boats and fishermen were licensed.

That is a sweet hat stumpy
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/07/2014 06:08PM  
quote SourisMan: "
quote mgraber: "
quote SourisMan: "
quote ozarkpaddler: "No, but it's a bit disheartening to see so many who think smoking dope is funny and/or just fine. I've seen so many lives destroyed by drugs and pretty much all started with smoking pot. Guess I'm just a little "Old fashioned" in today's world."


I have to strongly disagree.All of the serious addicts I have known have started with alcohol.This is statistically true as well.If you are against using alcohol or prescription mind altering drugs(antidepressants,anti anxiety,sleeping aides) as well,then I think you are entitled to your opinion. If you use these and think they are even SLIGHTLY better for you, than you are either exceptionally ill informed,or very close minded.I have seen lives ruined by many addictive behaviors,the latest common one is overeating(obesity has surpassed cigarettes as a killer).I have lost family members to alcohol and PRESCRIBED prescription drugs.I am not saying pot is good for you, but I have seen it make friends of enemies,bring relief to cancer patients,as well as enhancing the experience of the wilderness,communion of friends,a good nights sleep and the taste of...EVERYTHING!"

People react strongly when you mess with their drug of choice"

Actually,my drug of choice is a cold beer or two,and WAY too much fishing.That does not change the facts as previously stated.
senior member (90)senior membersenior member
04/07/2014 06:08PM  
quote croixboy96: "Report them? I'd be more likely to go make friends with them. Plus, they are bound to have good dessert.


" too!
04/07/2014 06:54PM  
I'm a construction superintendent. Back in the 80s the company sprung a surprise drug test on my jobsite. Lost 3/4 of my crew and we ended up being kicked off the job because we were so far behind. I've been mad about that for 30 years.
04/07/2014 07:56PM  
quote inspector13: "
quote deerfoot: "But Hamm's beer in cans is a great trip beer ... And it was the beer from "the land of sky blue waters.""

Here is your Land of Sky Blue Waters. Too bad they don’t have a picture on the page with the outhouses perched over Phalen Creek. HaHaHaHaHa!


I don't drink this stuff now but I learned it floated while serving in the navy in the late 1960's. We usually had a choice of only Hamm's, Pabst, Old Style, etc and Bud if we were really lucky. In WesPac (western Pacific) we were at the absolute end of the supply line and on some small remote islands you got whatever they shipped in. I did however win a few small bets with friends on canoe trips who didn't believe any canned beer would float.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/08/2014 12:50PM  
quote maxxbhp: "I'm a construction superintendent. Back in the 80s the company sprung a surprise drug test on my jobsite. Lost 3/4 of my crew and we ended up being kicked off the job because we were so far behind. I've been mad about that for 30 years. "

Were you mad at the workers or the company?
distinguished member(1259)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/08/2014 04:18PM  
If it's my construction site your working on, it wouldn't matter drunk or stoned your fired, no questions, no second chances do not pass go do not collect $200.00 .
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/08/2014 08:39PM  
The weed. O.K. Tsk tsk tsk on the bottles of booze
04/08/2014 09:12PM  
I can never remember what this thread is about so I keep clicking on it.
04/08/2014 09:16PM  
Dude! Ha Ha Ha, d u d e!
04/09/2014 12:44PM  
quote Scout64: "Dude! Ha Ha Ha, d u d e!"

Hee hee...he said dudee...oh, wait...what?
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/11/2014 03:26AM  
I've smelled worse.
Guest Paddler
07/31/2014 12:56AM  
quote Soledad: "I simply can't believe that we all agree on something."

Here's why we all agree: The BWCA done right is fun completely sober. A toot or two though and then imagine the ENO hammock stretched between two perfect trees, just you a couple friends, a perfect Memorial Day Weekend, a lucky "last one" EP permit w/ 5 days to burn (pun), remembering to bring the margarita powder mix, freshly filtered H2o and a few tequila shooters, then as the breeze picks up you tip your trusty ball cap down a notch or two and take one of those 2:44pm half-naps, knowing that when you come down in a few hours you'll be faced with the tough decision to either catch a few walleyes or cheat and start on the bacon and eggs you were supposed to have for breakfast the next day.
distinguished member(2102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2014 02:08AM  
Give the singer some,man!
07/31/2014 06:08AM  
I absolutely would not report them. I currently go with two retired IL troopers and another friend who just would not appreciate me lighting up. Though I would love to bring it along, they are dear friends and I respect their feelings about this. I have never even broached the subject with them. Otherwise I might be in that group the OP is asking about.
distinguished member(937)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2014 08:02AM  
I could care less. Rangers have enough to do then scury, Snoop,Willie and Cheech out of their tent. I find cigarette buts on portages all the time, never found a roach though. I did find a metal pipe in the parking lot of My Sisters Place on Monday June 23rd.. Honestly. It was disposed of. Sorry Snoop
distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2014 12:06PM  
quote kayakrookie1: "
quote bear bait: "So....... When is your favorite time to "puff"

for me, its drifting on a lake on a foggy morning drinking coffee.

never on a portage or in view of others. I do respect others "misunderstanding" of the activity.:)"

I enjoy smoking in that exact same scenario. Waking and baking out on an isolated lake? It's simply magical. I also like doing it out on the water beneath a full moon. So peaceful. "

Also, sitting at camp, fish aren't biting? Fire up, you'll be amazed at how you start catching fish. =)

I had been wondering what this communities opinions would be on this topic - I'm pleasantly surprised.
07/31/2014 07:19PM  
quote nofish: "It wouldn't bother me at all. I'd rather deal with stoners than drunks.

Do you know what the difference is between drunk drivers and stone drivers?

A drunk driver will run through every stop sign without stopping. A stoned driver will stop at every stop sign and wait for it to turn green.


Funny, and true.
distinguished member(1563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/01/2014 11:27AM  
distinguished member (268)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/01/2014 11:30AM  
Where's Minnesota on the legalization issue? Seems it won't be long before this is a mute issue the way the country is going.
08/01/2014 11:57AM  
The very sick and in serious pain can have access to it, but cannot smoke it in MN. Still a ways to go on making it legal.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2015 09:37PM  
Speaking of funny
06/01/2015 10:31AM  
Registration opens today...
No need to think twice about this dilemma anymore.
Oh, and mind your business and enjoy YOUR trip.

Also, no, never have...
06/01/2015 12:42PM  

Do it right before a 150 rod muddy portage filled with mosquitoes. As you are taking care of business, the wind blows you away from the portage and it takes you 30 minutes to find the portage again. Finally you find the portage and get on your way. Get to the end of the portage and realize you dropped something. Walk back and find it at the other side of the portage. Finally get to the next lake and your target campsite is occupied. Ask your canoe partner if you should go raid the camp and overtake it. Canoe partner discourages you from that plan because there is a possibility brock lesnar is camping there.

That was some good stuff..."
Heck, I've pretty much done all that stone-cold sober :)
06/01/2015 12:51PM  
What's that smell?
Zombie thread! AAAAAAHHHHAAHHH!!!!!
04/20/2016 05:59PM  
Is it safe to use unfiltered bong water?

04/20/2016 06:27PM  
quote Wables: "Is it safe to use unfiltered bong water?

I noticed the date. Must be a 420 reference?
04/20/2016 06:40PM  
Only if obtained beyond 420 yards of a beaver dam. Bong water within that range might contain something nasty.

04/21/2016 09:43AM  
I seem to remember some guy talking about "deep inhalation therapy"...
member (15)member
04/21/2016 09:50AM  
To the OP (if you still care 4 years later), of course I'd not report you as I'll be joining you. My question is MN approves medicinal use, but what are the laws like for possession of small amounts? My paranoia is coming out.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2016 10:31AM  
Well, the DNR guys - (Marty out of Ely) along with checking fishing licenses and your daily catch, if smelling weed, will call it probable cause, search and ticket you. Small amount is a petty M.D. and fine. Just mail in the fine - like a traffic ticket. How do I know so much about it? Go figure.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2016 10:44AM  
quote KPow: "...My question is MN approves medicinal use, but what are the laws like for possession of small amounts? My paranoia is coming out."

The only forms legal in Minnesota are liquids and pills. You may still get busted for small amounts of vegetative marijuana. I see it in CO reports somewhat frequently. I see Grandma reads them too.

distinguished member(532)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2016 10:58AM  
Why on EARTH would anyone report that? A) it's too close of a smell to a regular campfire to really know the difference. B) would the DNR really come investigate? C) wouldn't this hurt one of the BWCA's most prevalent demographics?
distinguished member(532)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2016 11:04AM  
quote ryebread26: "so here is another question on this topic, would any of you that choose to bring it along keep it in the hanging food bag over night? have never really been to sure about keeping it up in the bag cus of smells and bears and other wildlife."

Heck no. It needs to be accessible at all times. What if you wake up and it's storming so you decide not to leave the tent for a while?
04/21/2016 12:46PM  
A little science. the leaves and flowers have small "thorns" that irritate the intestinal tract hence most animals will not consume marijuana. Mice and ground hogs are exceptions I have heard about. When cooked the "thorns" break down.
04/21/2016 01:04PM  
I knew this was a zombie thread. It just keeps coming back.... ;)
04/21/2016 01:41PM  
I don't think anyone would specifically go out of their way to report someone only for smelling like pot. If I were asked about it though, then I would also see no reason to lie to the ranger about it. The only time I would ever report someone is if they were being overly obnoxious beyond what a person could reasonably tolerate or if they were being dangerous, pot or no pot.

On a side note, the main reason why pot is illegal is because people smoke it. Things that are smoked are very unhealthy and cancer causing, if it were ingested only then I don't see any reason why it should be against the law compared to alcohol. So having people around that are stoned isn't that big a deal, they are just more likely to get sick and rack up big medical bills like tobacco smokers.
distinguished member(898)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2016 02:11PM  
quote A1t2o: "On a side note, the main reason why pot is illegal is because people smoke it. Things that are smoked are very unhealthy and cancer causing, if it were ingested only then I don't see any reason why it should be against the law compared to alcohol. So having people around that are stoned isn't that big a deal, they are just more likely to get sick and rack up big medical bills like tobacco smokers."

Uh, No. If that's the case, why is cigarette smoking still legal? Big Tobacco was found guilty of adding extremely harmful cancer-causing chemicals to their product in order to make it more addictive, yet they're all still in business. Why? Simple - Money. Follow the dollar signs. Pot is illegal because the lobbies of Big Pharma and alcohol continue to push negative marijuana stigma. Weed has a TON of great medicinal properties but that would take money away from pharmaceutical companies as patients explore more "herbal" remedies. The alcohol lobby fears marijuana would encroach on their business, as well. Furthermore, the prison complex system in the US - privately owned prisons which are contractually guaranteed to remain at 90% capacity - would also take a hit. On top of all that, people continue to believe the "reefer madness" propaganda of the 1930s which was an outright lie sold to the American public. THOSE are the reasons marijuana is illegal.
04/21/2016 03:11PM  
quote apugarcia: "Uh, No. If that's the case, why is cigarette smoking still legal? Big Tobacco was found guilty of adding extremely harmful cancer-causing chemicals to their product in order to make it more addictive, yet they're all still in business. Why? Simple - Money. Follow the dollar signs. Pot is illegal because the lobbies of Big Pharma and alcohol continue to push negative marijuana stigma. Weed has a TON of great medicinal properties but that would take money away from pharmaceutical companies as patients explore more "herbal" remedies. The alcohol lobby fears marijuana would encroach on their business, as well. Furthermore, the prison complex system in the US - privately owned prisons which are contractually guaranteed to remain at 90% capacity - would also take a hit. On top of all that, people continue to believe the "reefer madness" propaganda of the 1930s which was an outright lie sold to the American public. THOSE are the reasons marijuana is illegal."

Tobacco is already established and hard to get rid of, too many voters smoke and would see it as government intruding too much. So they have other ways to try to phase it out. There may be some truth to competitive lobbing trying to prevent competitors, but to the degree that you see people argue it is borderline conspiracy theory and sounds like fear mongering against the "big brother" mentality. There may be some truth to it but I think it has been blown out of proportion to make a point.

My point before was to why it is not legalized now. The federal government would need very strong arguments as to why they should change the law and legalize a product that almost seems like a combination of alcohol and cigarettes. With secondhand smoke, cancer risk, and mind altering substances, why should any responsible branch of the government want to legalize it? The only reason is because there are some voters want it and are creating a market for it. So they are using economics and public opinion to counter health hazards and expert research. Not trying to degrade the argument, just saying the fact that so many people want it does not make it not as bad for you.
distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2016 03:20PM  
after it was legalized in CA for medicinal use, diagnosis of cataracks went up 420%.

this is where the term 420 comes from, and you are supposed to wink when you say it.

you know, "I gotta take my medicine for cataracks" ;)
distinguished member(1004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2016 10:40PM  
quote Grandma L: "Well, the DNR guys - (Marty out of Ely) along with checking fishing licenses and your daily catch, if smelling weed, will call it probable cause, search and ticket you. Small amount is a petty M.D. and fine. Just mail in the fine - like a traffic ticket. How do I know so much about it? Go figure."
That misdemeanor can cost a current or future job.

What scares me is the cavalier attitude some people have about pot. Of course, the same attitude applies to too many beer drinkers too. But as long as the next campsite isn't screaming, tossing beer cans into the woods, or making a 25ft signal fire during a fire ban... Well, I could care less what they drink, smoke, or eat.
member (15)member
04/22/2016 09:02AM  
quote Grandma L: "Well, the DNR guys - (Marty out of Ely) along with checking fishing licenses and your daily catch, if smelling weed, will call it probable cause, search and ticket you. Small amount is a petty M.D. and fine. Just mail in the fine - like a traffic ticket. How do I know so much about it? Go figure."

Very similar to Ohio. Thanks for the info!
04/22/2016 11:05AM  
quote dicecupmaker: My older brother had some sticky-bud that lowered my IQ to about 12. "

Been there, done that! LMAO My mistakes were too much fun to only make once!

Report them? Nottachance!
distinguished member (499)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2016 05:33PM  
No way would I report it. I'm not in a position to join in, but chances are they wouldn't be hurting a thing.

I'd love to be able to carry that in, instead of alcohol ;)
distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2016 11:10PM  
Definitely wouldn't turn anyone in.

Now I don't have to be as paranoid on my next trip. :-) Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
the manOOOO
Guest Paddler
04/27/2016 09:20AM  
quote ECpizza: "
quote Grandma L: "Well, the DNR guys - (Marty out of Ely) along with checking fishing licenses and your daily catch, if smelling weed, will call it probable cause, search and ticket you. Small amount is a petty M.D. and fine. Just mail in the fine - like a traffic ticket. How do I know so much about it? Go figure."
That misdemeanor can cost a current or future job.

What scares me is the cavalier attitude some people have about pot. Of course, the same attitude applies to too many beer drinkers too. But as long as the next campsite isn't screaming, tossing beer cans into the woods, or making a 25ft signal fire during a fire ban... Well, I could care less what they drink, smoke, or eat. "

On three occasions I have had marijuana taken from me by police. Never received any tickets or hindrances other than a couple minutes delay. On one such occasion the cop told us to shape up and quite smoking, on another they admitted they would likely smoke pot if it was legal, and on a third occasion the officer admitted they were more interested in finding drunk drivers (new years eve) and sent me on my way. These occurred in burnsville twice and st paul once. A bwca conservation officer or ranger or whatever might go either way, its hard to tell.
04/27/2016 04:51PM  
This thread has over 240 posts.
I wonder on this site what the record is for posts in a thread?
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2016 08:36AM  
I can't believe this thread is still going on lol
11/25/2016 11:11AM  
quote jcavenagh: "This thread has over 240 posts.
I wonder on this site what the record is for posts in a thread?"

And headed for 420 :-)

Being a Firefighter/Ranger for 27 years I have seen my share of the stuff.
One of my co-workers refused a firefighting assignment in Florida, the LEO's wanted the fire crew to fly into an area, cut, pile and burn a big marijuana field they had found.
He refused, saying I don't want the local population around here to know I had anything to do with the loss of their pot farm.

Firefighter gets high fighting Pot Fire
distinguished member(1853)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2016 12:36PM  

Forgot about this one.
distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2016 05:10PM  
took a long time to find the bottom of this one............

dr bob
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2016 06:49PM  
quote strom2127: "funny thread. smoked it regularly in my youth. I don't care for it anymore, but still think it's silly that it's criminalized when the effects of both occasional and long term use of tobacco and alcohol are much more dire in comparison. I'd probably enjoy their company very much, although I'd pass on their weed these days. You won't hear a peep out of me."

11/25/2016 06:57PM  
I have cut fire line around homes that had pot growing in their back yards in California and Oregon in the past.

Some of those may have been legal grows, due to the medical and recreational Marijuana status of those states.
When it was reported to the authorities, the local LE Officers would not touch the situation, and we were advised to keep our distance from those areas with our fire lines.

I always liked this video' Newsreporter gets high while covering pot burning.
distinguished member(890)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/15/2016 11:54AM  
You really need pot to enjoy yourself in the wilderness!? Pathetic! F#@k that garbage...never used it, never will!
12/15/2016 12:02PM  
This is so funny. I was on a similar BW board about 15 years ago and this same topic came up. It amazes me how attitudes have changed in that period of time. Although I choose not to partake. I've been a firm believer on it's legalization for several reasons.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/15/2016 12:31PM  
quote Blatz: "This is so funny. I was on a similar BW board about 15 years ago and this same topic came up. It amazes me how attitudes have changed in that period of time. Although I choose not to partake. I've been a firm believer on it's legalization for several reasons."

I'm with you Blatz. Let the government sell it for revenue. Let the people in prisons out who are there for pot offenses, and save the cost, at so many levels.
Guest Paddler
12/15/2016 02:54PM  
quote Wallidave: "You really need pot to enjoy yourself in the wilderness!? Pathetic! F#@k that garbage...never used it, never will! "

Well sir, with an attitude like that maybe you could use a drag or two. Perhaps a brownie to chill out. Sure hope you are no where near my campsite. Not because I'm smoking pot but because of that nasty attitude and language of yours. <><
12/15/2016 03:09PM  
quote Wallidave: "You really need pot to enjoy yourself in the wilderness!? Pathetic! F#@k that garbage...never used it, never will! "

Wallidave, you should try it. *edited (the other stuff I wrote about your comment would probably get this entire thread banned)
distinguished member(1919)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/15/2016 04:27PM  
quote RainGearRight: "Report? No way. Ask permission to come ashore? Maybe

Here is a third question. Do you filter, boil or dip for you bong water?"

almost spit up my beer on this one, very funny!
distinguished member(890)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/16/2016 01:17AM  
Aww, I'm sorry you're offended and I hurt your to your safe places! If you can't enjoy just being in the wilderness free of this garbage you might as well camp in your own backyard and fry yourself!
distinguished member (365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/16/2016 07:58AM  
quote Wallidave: "You really need pot to enjoy yourself in the wilderness!? Pathetic! F#@k that garbage...never used it, never will! "

Who said anyone needs it to enjoy the wilderness? A person doesn't really need ultralight gear, live bait, 3 fishing rods, coffee, campfires, fresh food, hammocks etc. to enjoy the wilderness but everyone brings/does what they like to enhance the experience. Strange that you think someone who isn't affecting you in any way and has different preferences than you is pathetic.

12/16/2016 10:43AM  
Pot doesn't enhance my wilderness experience anymore, I built up such a resistance to it. I have to drop acid to get the full effect and enhancement when I'm "Trippen" in the wilderness ;-)

Cheech and Chong "you just ate the most acid i've ever seen."
distinguished member(890)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/16/2016 11:15AM  
Everyone is so proud and amused of their old are your kids when you find it acceptable to pass this fine tradition on to them?
12/16/2016 01:34PM  
quote Wallidave: "Everyone is so proud and amused of their old are your kids when you find it acceptable to pass this fine tradition on to them?"

18 seems about right, if they decide that's what they want to do. Stay warm everyone!
Guest Paddler
12/16/2016 02:54PM  
quote LindenTree3: "Pot doesn't enhance my wilderness experience anymore, I built up such a resistance to it. I have to drop acid to get the full effect and enhancement when I'm "Trippen" in the wilderness ;-)

Cheech and Chong "you just ate the most acid i've ever seen." "

+++1 Ha Ha
Guest Paddler
12/16/2016 02:56PM  
quote tarnkt: "
quote Wallidave: "You really need pot to enjoy yourself in the wilderness!? Pathetic! F#@k that garbage...never used it, never will! "

Who said anyone needs it to enjoy the wilderness? A person doesn't really need ultralight gear, live bait, 3 fishing rods, coffee, campfires, fresh food, hammocks etc. to enjoy the wilderness but everyone brings/does what they like to enhance the experience. Strange that you think someone who isn't affecting you in any way and has different preferences than you is pathetic.


distinguished member (215)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/17/2016 02:32PM  
I read a lot of this thread not all of it . .so sorry if this has already been said . .this came up on my last trip . . .

What I said then and still think now is . .think of the logistics involved, lol. So . .let's say an Upright Citizen observes you partaking in the bwca. Who are they going to call and how would they do it? Let's say they make this call . .then what? I can just hear the officer now . . ."Oh, you say you seen some fellas smoking weed out in the boundary waters . .we'll just hop in our canoes now . .you tell them not to go anywhere, OK"?

If all it is is weed smoking, it's a minor misdemeanor. Chances are nobody would call it in and if they did chances are nobody would come.

Still, though, if that is happening in my group I always suggest/insist we keep it stealthy. Not to *hide* it . .but so as not to infringe upon the experience of others . you know the whole solitude thing . .same as being quiet.
Guest Paddler
03/24/2017 11:55PM  
Wonderful thread lol. Anyone know if it would be relatively easy to find in Ely or on the way up from Duluth?
03/25/2017 08:04AM  
quote Anonymous: "Wonderful thread lol. Anyone know if it would be relatively easy to find in Ely or on the way up from Duluth?"

Call (218) 730-5400 when you get into Duluth.
distinguished member(552)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2017 08:47AM  
quote Wables: "
quote Anonymous: "Wonderful thread lol. Anyone know if it would be relatively easy to find in Ely or on the way up from Duluth?"

Call (218) 730-5400 when you get into Duluth. "

Warbles, that number you listed..... They have lots of high quality product im sure but may be unwilling to sell :/
03/25/2017 10:12AM  
Man....this thread just won't die. I think this presages the zombie apocalypse....wait...I forgot how this all started. ;)
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2017 10:59AM  
Asking on a public forum where to buy herb in Ely or Duluth? That has to be the funniest post, or most stupid, that has been shared.
distinguished member (269)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2017 11:34AM  
quote Wallidave: "Aww, I'm sorry you're offended and I hurt your to your safe places! If you can't enjoy just being in the wilderness free of this garbage you might as well camp in your own backyard and fry yourself!"


Folks with this attitude make me laugh. Keep standing on your lawn and shaking your fist at everyone sir. It's amusing to us all.

03/25/2017 07:01PM  
quote MrBadExample: "
quote Wallidave: "Aww, I'm sorry you're offended and I hurt your to your safe places! If you can't enjoy just being in the wilderness free of this garbage you might as well camp in your own backyard and fry yourself!"


Folks with this attitude make me laugh. Keep standing on your lawn and shaking your fist at everyone sir. It's amusing to us all.

Wrong side of history. Glad to see this thread again!
03/25/2017 08:06PM  
quote Wables: "
quote Anonymous: "Wonderful thread lol. Anyone know if it would be relatively easy to find in Ely or on the way up from Duluth?"

Call (218) 730-5400 when you get into Duluth. "

Now that's funny right there.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/26/2017 10:00PM  
Having seen many lives ruined by drugs, I don't see a damn thing "Funny?" Does it not bother any of you "Users" that you're complicit in all the crimes you're dealer and his suppliers are involved in?
03/27/2017 08:31AM  
Amusing to see this again. I'd look at this a little differently. In the wilderness I don't really want to see too many other people, and hear them even less. Why would I ever be happy to smell other people? Not worth reporting or ruining someone's trip if an officer was there, but it is pretty disrespectful to have other people smelling you from the next campsite over. A wiff when paddling by on narrow lakes is one thing, but I have smelled some pungent odors that covered a large area before when frizz bee golfing, it lingers too.

I don't really care what people do to themselves in moderation, just don't make it obnoxious for those around you. That's as bad or worse than drunk people hollering at night. I just know that I don't want to smell that at my campsite or at the small dead end trout lake that I am day tripping to. Like I said moderation is key, so if I can't tell or could only figure it out because I got too close then you are probably fine. Keep in mind how you might bother those around you before you do something that could affect a large area.
distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2017 11:16AM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "Having seen many lives ruined by drugs, I don't see a damn thing "Funny?" Does it not bother any of you "Users" that you're complicit in all the crimes you're dealer and his suppliers are involved in? "

Many US states allow dispensaries to sell product legally. All of which, I assume, is grown legally in the US. I'm guessing that these days violent criminal pot dealers are far outnumbered by college kids making a road trip to Colorado or Washington and coming home with a couple ounces for personal use. We're not talking about heroin or crack here...

That said, drugs can ruin lives, and that's not funny. But personally I don't believe that pot is the 'gateway drug' some prudes claim it to be. I'm sure there have been cases where pot has had negative effects on one's life, or the life of a loved one, but alcohol blows weed out of the water in that regard, and alcohol is legal and socially acceptable?

03/27/2017 01:19PM  
I would be willing to bet that most of the cannabis smoked in the US today is either from a legal dispensary or grown by the person you get it from. It has been a LONG time since I have even seen any of the mexican shwag stuff. That said, I rarely smoke it anymore and it is possible that, since I am not 22, I may know better more trustworthy people but I certainly wouldn't buy anything from a "dealer".
03/27/2017 02:44PM  
quote ozarkpaddler: "Having seen many lives ruined by drugs, I don't see a damn thing "Funny?" Does it not bother any of you "Users" that you're complicit in all the crimes you're dealer and his suppliers are involved in? "

I propose that this argument is invalid. If we accept the premise that a consumer "is complicit in all the crimes your [seller] and his suppliers are involved in" then are we not all complicit in all crimes committed by any petroleum company from which we purchase gasoline? Crimes are also committed by various chemical companies that produce the fabrics we wear. Many articles used in our everyday lives are produced by persons who are virtually slaves. Isn't that criminal? I argue that the misdeeds of others cannot be imputed to consumers who may be one or more steps down the chain of commerce.

I do not challenge OZP's experiences regarding people who have been adversely affected by drugs. Nor do I claim that his emotional response is invalid. I argue only that the imputation of criminal complicity requires something more than simply being down the chain of commerce.
distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2017 07:24PM  
03/27/2017 07:52PM  
Pick your battles. Bug off. Let it go. I look at it the same way I look at my kids actions sometimes, if they aren't hurting anyone, leave it be.
member (21)member
03/28/2017 03:34PM  
Hey wallidave, yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man.
03/28/2017 06:12PM  
The original post now has 275 replies. Does anyone know what the record is? Good reading, regardless.

distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/28/2017 09:09PM  
I wouldn't care. Some of the finest people I know are pot smokers. I see no benefit in saying I do or don't on a public forum so I won't. I don't see how you could smell it from a campsite away anyway. They are pretty spread out. I will say that just starting chemotherapy I wish I had a tin of hash brownies. Come to think of it, not sure if I've ever seen, let alone tasted, hash brownies, but a plateful of herb laced cookies would do the job. A guy at a bar gave me a cookie and I saved it for home. When I got home I put the cookie on the table in front of the couch then ran upstairs to do something. When I got back to the couch, my cookie was gone. I knew right away my dog Moxie had eaten it. Confirmed the next day when she slept all day and took a crap in the house, which she never did.
Talk about a buzzkill.

As always
Onward towards the fog...
distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2017 09:51AM  
quote A1t2o: "Amusing to see this again. I'd look at this a little differently. In the wilderness I don't really want to see too many other people, and hear them even less. Why would I ever be happy to smell other people? Not worth reporting or ruining someone's trip if an officer was there, but it is pretty disrespectful to have other people smelling you from the next campsite over. A wiff when paddling by on narrow lakes is one thing, but I have smelled some pungent odors that covered a large area before when frizz bee golfing, it lingers too.

I don't really care what people do to themselves in moderation, just don't make it obnoxious for those around you. That's as bad or worse than drunk people hollering at night. I just know that I don't want to smell that at my campsite or at the small dead end trout lake that I am day tripping to. Like I said moderation is key, so if I can't tell or could only figure it out because I got too close then you are probably fine. Keep in mind how you might bother those around you before you do something that could affect a large area. "

Better skip the campfires too then, those smell pretty strong, and the smell travels a long ways.
03/29/2017 01:15PM  
quote smokedwhitefish: "Lawyered. "

Yup. It's coming up on 40 years that I've been involved in some way with the practice of law....and I still don't have it completely perfected yet. ;)
04/20/2017 06:15PM  
distinguished member(1729)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/07/2018 02:37PM  
Someone mentioned this thread in another thread. I thought I would bump it back to life...
distinguished member(1062)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/07/2018 08:08PM  
bassnut: "1. Report them...would not even consider it
2. Join? No, to each his own"

03/07/2018 08:30PM  
Like the saying goes,
A thing of beauty is a joy forever, I guess this thread will never die.

I drove by three to four legal pot shops on my way to work everyday in Ak last year.
I stopped into one of them one time.
It was like going into a grocery store and shopping, the attendents had rubber gloves on their hands and would explain different brands and their side effects, as if you were
in a resturant, shopping from a menu.

03/07/2018 08:39PM  
I wondered why there was so little chatter on the board lately. This is where everyone's been hanging out.
03/08/2018 01:15PM  
This is my favorite thread of all time :)
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/08/2018 01:19PM  
scat: "I wouldn't care. Some of the finest people I know are pot smokers. I see no benefit in saying I do or don't on a public forum so I won't. I don't see how you could smell it from a campsite away anyway. They are pretty spread out. I will say that just starting chemotherapy I wish I had a tin of hash brownies. Come to think of it, not sure if I've ever seen, let alone tasted, hash brownies, but a plateful of herb laced cookies would do the job. A guy at a bar gave me a cookie and I saved it for home. When I got home I put the cookie on the table in front of the couch then ran upstairs to do something. When I got back to the couch, my cookie was gone. I knew right away my dog Moxie had eaten it. Confirmed the next day when she slept all day and took a crap in the house, which she never did.
Talk about a buzzkill.

As always
Onward towards the fog..."

Oh gosh, that's funny. I can relate to the dog!

Growing up as a Christian, I had never touched the stuff. But my Oncologist told me of THC's anti-emetic properties, early on when I was on Chemo. Treatment #1 was 2 days of Hell. Treatment #2, I was prepared; I bought some from a seedy acquaintance of a friend. Smoked half before, half after. Went home, went to bed and slept for about 16 hours! I remember getting up sometime to stumble to the john, but the only Chemo treatment that was tolerable. Treatment #3 I was "Armed" with the another joint and got just as sick as #1.

Right then and there I pondered the mentality of putting something into my body that was supplied to me by an unscrupulous character! Never touched it again. But I'll never forget that one, Scat! Unlike your poor canine, at least I made it to the bathroom (LOL)!
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2018 01:24PM  
I love that it keeps coming back!
03/08/2018 08:09PM  
I was in the Army, stationed overseas in the early 70's. We had two types of soldiers, ones who drank beer and frequented our little enlisted men's bar in our barracks and the hash smokers who stayed in their rooms mellowing out listening to music.

Every time we got a new recruit who got carried away at the beer bar and wanted to start fights, we would introduce them to the hash smokers and we wouldn't see the new recruit for the next two years.

I'll take the smokers any day over the drunks.

So nope, I certainly wouldn't report them, but I sure would report obnoxious drunks.
03/08/2018 08:22PM  
I love the smell of pot. I don't smoke, but some of my friends do. Enjoy! This is a free country, and the times are a changin'!
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2018 10:37PM  
you still here kayak rookie?
03/09/2018 10:54AM  
Wow. I can't believe this zombie is back again!
03/09/2018 11:04AM  
It's the thread that will never die!

distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 05:37PM  
bfurlow: "It's the thread that will never die!

Ya got that right, Brandon.
I like the smell too.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/10/2018 06:54PM  
Might be a new reason to visit the Quetico on October 17th. You will have to pack in a lot of Cheetos, chips and Fritos though.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 07:13PM  
Don't let the name fool ya.

distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 07:15PM  
I can see it now...
Your at your campsite nice and quiet at night and here comes a canoe real slow by your campsite....
Pop corn
07/11/2018 10:45AM  
yogi59weedr: "I can see it now...
Your at your campsite nice and quiet at night and here comes a canoe real slow by your campsite....
Pop corn

Sounds like the start of a fine evening.
07/12/2018 04:05PM  
senior member (65)senior membersenior member
07/12/2018 06:29PM  
RainGearRight: "
quote Mustangt125: "I have asked this in the chat room and got mixed responses.

Just want to clarify and figure this is the best place for it since others asked about it, but there's no reason that we would be searched by any station or rangers before entering? "

You could potentially be asked by a ranger on the trail if they could look in your bag. My guess is they are looking for cans or glass, not a few J's in your overnight bag"

Have never, ever been asked by a ranger anything of the sort. Do they have the purview? Maybe. I'm not even sure that they do. It is so incredibly rare to encounter rangers in the BWCA. Not that they aren't there, it's just so so so rare.
distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2018 07:36AM  
Soledad: "I would never report them, I would rather have a stoned group than a drunk group next to me anytime."

distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2018 07:37AM  
ryebread26: "so here is another question on this topic, would any of you that choose to bring it along keep it in the hanging food bag over night? have never really been to sure about keeping it up in the bag cus of smells and bears and other wildlife."

I would much rather deal with a stoned bear than an obnoxious drunk one
distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2018 01:35PM  
Wallidave: "You really need pot to enjoy yourself in the wilderness!? Pathetic! F#@k that garbage...never used it, never will! "

Found the guy who's wife ran off with a jazz musician!
07/13/2018 02:50PM  
mjmkjun: "
bfurlow: "It's the thread that will never die!

Ya got that right, Brandon.
I like the smell too."

You would've loved the campsite I was at on Sawbill before the trip then. People down the way seemed to be partaking for most of the evening. Unless they just happened to have some spare rope they were burning ;)
stoned monkey
Guest Paddler
07/13/2018 02:51PM  
Don't think anyone smelled mine last month. Including my straight friends that went with me. lol. ;-)
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2018 04:33PM  
There are several I’m sure who have phased into that stage in life where you take a trip with your son and you know he smokes and you smoke, but you’re his dad, so do you finally broach the subject or break the ice so to speak, and pull out a bag of herb and some papers and roll a joint and kick back with your son, or is that not cool, taboo. That’s a tough one. Of course, everyone is different. I’m not saying that is my own situation. Be all you can be.
Cheers, scat
07/13/2018 04:59PM  
bfurlow: "
mjmkjun: "
bfurlow: "It's the thread that will never die!

Ya got that right, Brandon.
I like the smell too."

You would've loved the campsite I was at on Sawbill before the trip then. People down the way seemed to be partaking for most of the evening. Unless they just happened to have some spare rope they were burning ;)"

Brandon, I told Michael to knock it off but he wouldn't listen :-) :-) :-)

PS, I think they were Skipping Rope, not Burning it.
07/13/2018 09:41PM  
scat: "There are several I’m sure who have phased into that stage in life where you take a trip with your son and you know he smokes and you smoke, but you’re his dad, so do you finally broach the subject or break the ice so to speak, and pull out a bag of herb and some papers and roll a joint and kick back with your son, or is that not cool, taboo. That’s a tough one. Of course, everyone is different. I’m not saying that is my own situation. Be all you can be.
Cheers, scat"

I had some friends growing up that would smoke with their dad and I could never understand. I spent a heck of a lot of time trying to keep my parents from finding out. Everyone is different though. Not an issue for the couple decades though.

That being said, Dad is dying of cancer. If I thought it would bring him a bit of relief, or a shared moment, I would gladly smoke a J with him.
07/13/2018 09:45PM  
LindenTree3: "
bfurlow: "
mjmkjun: "
bfurlow: "It's the thread that will never die!

Ya got that right, Brandon.
I like the smell too."

You would've loved the campsite I was at on Sawbill before the trip then. People down the way seemed to be partaking for most of the evening. Unless they just happened to have some spare rope they were burning ;)"

Brandon, I told Michael to knock it off but he wouldn't listen :-) :-) :-)

PS, I think they were Skipping Rope, not Burning it."

Well Michael seemed a bit stubborn, so I can see where the problem was. :) If it was burning, I would skip over it too!
07/16/2018 07:24AM  
deerfoot: "This has to be a new record."

Most I remember other than member count that seems to occur yearly.
07/16/2018 07:40PM  
I can't believe this thread is still going. LOL
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2018 08:08PM  
Bfurlow - I have cancer. I claim to have beat it, but I still have a pesky smidgeon that requires routine looking after. I can’t tell you how many people have told me about the benefits of herb. I have no problem that way. I have good buddies.
I have a story about a friend of mine named Raj, not really a friend, but we are friendly. Hey, I try. I hadn’t been in his convenience store for a while, and he said Billy, where have you been, how are you? I said I’m cool, just a touch of cancer slowed me down a tad. Nothin to it. He looked at me very serious like. He said, scat, all you have to do is eat 3,4 cloves of garlic every day and you will never have cancer again. Ok, next thought is, Raj is an Indian, all the cancer doctors are Indians, like Hindus, not Navajos, just for clarity, why are these evil Hindu doctors giving me all this poison when all I have to do is eat garlic every day. It’s a conspiracy. I’m convinced.
I’m so sorry for your dad. I like to make fun of having cancer, gallows humor, but I’ve seen my share enough to empathize with your sadness. We are all dying when you think about it. Let’s just not do it today. Something tasty to smoke beats a clove of garlic any day. Pick your poison. I know what I’m putting in my peace pipe.
member (25)member
01/30/2019 02:03PM  
I don't expect this conversation to die until recreational legalization in MN occurs.

Utilized Andersons out of crane lake for a Tow to LLC a couple times. Once a few gentleman where heading to the Q (I have never been...yet) and shared the boat with. We stopped at a customs dock for them to check in.

There was a dog with a ranger who started to bark at one of the gentleman. He had some marijuana on him. It was taken, he was fined, probably had a terrible trip and lost his job.
Just kidding!
Couldn't resist freaking out some high readers. There was a dog though, but he didn't smell any marijuana. Or he did ,but wasn't trained to alert for it!
I would never get butt hurt from smelling marijuana in the BWCA. It is wrong that we legally enjoy the BWCA with whatever whiskey and cigars we wish to carry; but still no green. How I long to substitute my BWCA cigars for blunts...

Scat, your input to this conversation has been captivating. Keep on keepin' on everyone.

member (22)member
02/25/2020 11:16AM  
I would never report someone - that's not why I'm there. Honestly, it should be viewed no differently than people who bring in cigars, cigarettes, and liquor. If what you're doing isn't bothering anyone else, then leave it be. If anything, I'd rather be camped next to stoners than a bunch of drunks.

Oh, and weed is not a drug, it's an unprocessed plant that grows in the wild. It's not like people are bringing meth and heroine into the BWCA (I hope) and I don't think anyone who does those things is going into the wild. Weed and nature go together like PB&J.

distinguished member(717)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2020 11:20AM  
I love when this thread gets of the best ever!
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2020 03:26PM  
Gawd bless Canada. Our country has not gone all to hell or fallen apart at the seams as predicted. The only problem I have with it is the skunky smell... I don't know if it's a smoker or a real skunk... and on those morning walks I don't want my dog to get sprayed, again.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2020 09:15PM  
bassnut: "1. Report them...would not even consider it
2. Join? No, to each his own"

distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2020 10:54PM  
Its back, lol! Wow, going on 8 years!
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2020 02:42AM  
Hell they can't grow it fast enough to meet demand in Illinois...
So I've heard..
distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2020 05:48AM  
I would never report them.
02/26/2020 11:44AM  
With the edible varieties available now I am sure we'll be hearing less coughing from those campsites and the smell won't give it away. Minnesota is still a couple years away I'd guess, right?

100 more comments and we'll get to 420...
02/26/2020 12:06PM  
Gah!!! Zombies.......
senior member (84)senior membersenior member
02/26/2020 12:46PM  
I would ask if they fancy a trade of goods. You know...voyageur style. The only things I'd consider reporting would be clear, willful violations of LNT principles or fishing regulations. A simple conversation would do for something less egregious.

VaderStrom: "Minnesota is still a couple years away I'd guess, right?"

I believe there was an article in the Strib yesterday or Monday that had poll results of over 50% of Minnesotans being in favor of legalizing for recreational use. As more states legalize and the stragglers see the money left sitting on the table, I'd guess we'll see an accelerated adoption among those late to the party.
distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2020 01:13PM  
moustachesteve: "I would ask if they fancy a trade of goods. You know...voyageur style. The only things I'd consider reporting would be clear, willful violations of LNT principles or fishing regulations. A simple conversation would do for something less egregious.

VaderStrom: "Minnesota is still a couple years away I'd guess, right?"

I believe there was an article in the Strib yesterday or Monday that had poll results of over 50% of Minnesotans being in favor of legalizing for recreational use. As more states legalize and the stragglers see the money left sitting on the table, I'd guess we'll see an accelerated adoption among those late to the party."

The entire country could be considerably closer than 2 years away. Not saying any more than that as I'd hate to see stupid political banter kill this beauty :)
02/26/2020 03:28PM  
I bet you could barter with some firewood that was nice, dry and split for them. Something to burn for something to burn. It seems like a pretty fair deal to me.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2020 07:54PM  
I can't smoke weed since I get drug tested at work in part due to some federal regulations pertaining to some of my big customers.

I tell the safety guy at work that I want to smoke a big joint. He says I can smoke all the weed I want but I just can't work for the company.

He and I both agreed that when we both retire (around the same time) we're gonna share a big ole' doobie together.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
02/26/2020 08:06PM  
Wow, this thread is still alive! I would not care two wits what others do at their campsite. I’m retired now and no longer am getting tested. On the up side if I did take some my pack would be lighter compared to the alcohol. Only a matter of time before it’s legal in Minnesota.
member (38)member
02/26/2020 08:50PM  
Aaaaah, where's this going?
member (38)member
02/26/2020 08:50PM  
Aaaaah, where's this going? Our you conducting a research for your term paper?
distinguished member (337)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2022 05:54AM  
What day is it today
distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2022 06:14AM  
I left out a plate of milk and cookies last night in case Willie Nelson came down the chimney, when I woke up this morning the milk was still there but every cookie in the house was gone!
04/20/2022 07:57AM  
Happy 420. One of the best holidays we have.
Be safe little ones.
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2022 03:48PM  
420. There was a young kid I worked with one time that told me he woke up every day at 420 am and did a bong. That was the first time I heard of it. I have a medical marijuana card cuz I get neuropathy in my fingers and toes sometimes from the chemo I had but haven’t used it yet. Prob will eventually. The dispensary by me is open from 5 am til 10 pm every day. Thinkin that is a good biz to be in. Enjoy your holiday. Smoke it if ya got it.
distinguished member (115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2022 07:49PM  
Ah yes, smoke on the water....enjoy life
distinguished member (115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2022 07:49PM  
Ah yes, smoke on the water....enjoy life
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/21/2022 12:39AM  
Never tried it , never will, and would never report it either . Unless there was a burning ban and they started a forest fire ??
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/25/2022 11:42AM  
In the chat room...there is a banner at top with three people who have passed on. All three of them have posted in here on this thread.
This thread has been here awhile!
distinguished member (221)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/25/2022 01:36PM  
Basspro69: "Never tried it , never will, and would never report it either . Unless there was a burning ban and they started a forest fire ?? "

I stick to edibles on my outdoor adventures. 0% chance of starting a fire. I do love to burn one, but it's always edibles when I'm outside. No judgement on others' habits. Like you said basspro, no chance I'm telling on someone for smoking a bit of nature's happiness.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2022 09:30PM  
The thread that never dies, lol. Have a great summer everyone!
senior member (55)senior membersenior member
04/27/2022 06:03AM  
Does weed smoke attract bears?
distinguished member (221)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 07:56AM  
Snorty: "Does weed smoke attract bears? "

Nope, just skunks
distinguished member (214)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 02:45PM  
I would not report. Littering or vandalism yes, smoking weed no. This should probably go in a new "close calls" thread but I'll add it here as a 45 year old story for a 10 year old thread. Returning from Canada by paddle and driving down the Gunflint, you used to report in to US Customs in Grand Marais by calling a number (I think the phone was right on a kiosk along the old Gunflint Trail in town). They would come and meet you. The woman who came and checked us in asked the standard questions and then asked if she could look in our vehicle. She went right for the ashtray and pulled out what looked to be a "roach," a smoked joint. I smoked roll-your-own legal cigarettes at the time and showed her my pouch of Drum tobacco and rolling papers. She ignored me, broke open and sniffed the first one, confirmed it wasn't weed and fished out another. Another Drum. After about five, all tobacco, she sent us on our way. I didn't know what actually was in the ashtray but couldn't believe we had gone 5 and 0. Later, the goofus of the group, Jimmy, admitted he had consumed all the illegal ones but hadn't told us because he didn't want to be seen as selfish. Ah, the 70's.
member (23)member
04/28/2022 12:07PM  
I have a medical card, this is a decriminalized state at the very least, I would 10/10 leave people to their own volition.

distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2022 03:37PM  
I was driving up river last weekend,as I drove past the recreational dispensary I notice 2 little old ladies coming out. They both had silver hair. They both had their Sunday going to meeting clothes and hats on. They both were carrying their little white sacks. I just busted up laughing..
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/29/2022 01:26PM  
04/29/2022 07:00PM  
It's more a matter of what other people are more bothered by - some pot smoke that probably blends into the campfire most of the time, or the destruction of the environment they came to see. Bark peeled off trees, TP in a fire grate, green trees cut, garbage everywhere, etc., is a bit different in my opinion.

I'm OK, you're OK.
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/29/2022 07:57PM  
Do they still make LSD, acid, purple microdot. I suppose you can still find shrooms if you know the right people. Don’t suppose someone is going to answer that on a public forum but it was fun the few times I did it. Would like to do that one more time and always thought the BW would be a great place to do it. It’s not for everybody, I wouldn’t trust my gf with it, she might try to eliminate the human race in one night, but with the right bunch of dudes with the right attitude it’s a blast. Expand your horizons, you betcha. Just sayin.
distinguished member (221)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/30/2022 11:11AM  
scat: "Do they still make LSD, acid, purple microdot. I suppose you can still find shrooms if you know the right people. Don’t suppose someone is going to answer that on a public forum but it was fun the few times I did it. Would like to do that one more time and always thought the BW would be a great place to do it. It’s not for everybody, I wouldn’t trust my gf with it, she might try to eliminate the human race in one night, but with the right bunch of dudes with the right attitude it’s a blast. Expand your horizons, you betcha. Just sayin."

Sounds like a good time. Just gotta remember to hydrate and hydrate some more if you're doing something like that in the BWCA.
04/30/2022 11:32AM  
ockycamper: "This thread brings up the obvious question. . .since virtually all responders have said they would not report pot smokers. . .although illegal. . .it brings up the moral equivalency question. A LOT of people on these forums have said they would report campers committing infractions at camp sites and portages. . .too many canoes, too many people, cans, bottles etc. So. . .since all of these are technically illegal. . .that means your moral codes are relative? Pot. . .although illegal. . .no problem. But don't let me see a can or bottle in that camp!"
Pot being illegal is an out dated law ( one could argue who's behind trying to keep it illegal). That's why states are legalizing it and the Feds will eventually. leaving garbage and over running a wilderness area being illegal should never be outdated.
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/30/2022 06:17PM  
05/01/2022 07:49AM  
zombiezombiezomniezombie...Whoo boy!
distinguished member (221)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/01/2022 11:00AM  
ockycamper: "Just an observation . . .an entire really long thread advocating for pot. . . and other substance abuse. I can remember a short while ago another long thread demanding people wear masks and get vacinations. Must be two separate groups of posters."

I wouldn't ever advise someone to start smoking/consuming THC (not that you're calling me out individually). Do I smoke/consume THC myself? Yes. But there most certainly are negative aspects of weed.
05/01/2022 05:53PM  
DRob1992: "
Snorty: "Does weed smoke attract bears? "

Nope, just skunks"

You just made me spew my drink from my mouth on my monitor.

My story is one of full circle I guess you could say. I smoked occasionally in HS (1983 graduate). Couldn't in the military although I did twice and was scared of piss tests for a month afterwards. My first days out of the military, fired up a couple of times then basically it became an afterthought until my mid 50's. That's when pain started getting more severe from military injuries and PTSD started taking over my life like the gift that keeps giving stronger and stronger each year.

I finally decided to give it a try again and I have to be honest, the horticultural experimentation that had happened in my absence (hybrid sativa and indica blends), led to some incredibility useful strains that I can say absolutely benefit me. I will be a daily smoker the rest of my life as a result. It literally has saved my marriage as it takes the confrontational, bad mood, easily angered, hyper-vigilant moments away and transforms me into a person most would like to be around.
05/01/2022 06:10PM  
kabloona: "Not even maybe"

Respect. True freedom should probably include the victimless crime of smoking a plant in the midst of a million acres of barren wilderness.

I have an increasingly strong distaste for any petty tyrants seeking to protect their neighbors from themselves against their will. Bass turds.
05/01/2022 06:17PM  
scat: "Do they still make LSD, acid, purple microdot. I suppose you can still find shrooms if you know the right people. Don’t suppose someone is going to answer that on a public forum but it was fun the few times I did it. Would like to do that one more time and always thought the BW would be a great place to do it. It’s not for everybody, I wouldn’t trust my gf with it, she might try to eliminate the human race in one night, but with the right bunch of dudes with the right attitude it’s a blast. Expand your horizons, you betcha. Just sayin."

Last time I took a group of guys up a couple of them dosed & had a good time. It was a bit awkward for those not tripping, as they were 'on another level' & the next day their depleted serotonin was lets say 'evident'.
05/01/2022 06:22PM  
Soledad: "I would never report them, I would rather have a stoned group than a drunk group next to me anytime."


I've gone on many trips with no booze allowed though dried plant matter was brought. The only trip where there was booze was the only trip with potentially trip ending mistakes.
distinguished member (414)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/01/2022 08:44PM  
… Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb
I'd like to tell you just where I'm from
In the hills where the trees grow wild with weed fields….

Peace and love to all of you!

distinguished member (337)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2023 10:26PM  
Whats that smell ...
permission to come a shore . :)
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2023 11:14PM  
And it's back again. Happy 4-20 everyone!
distinguished member(2162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2023 02:19AM  
UncleMoose: "
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Not for the Hamms, but someone may report you for that hat!

Is this still about my hat ?
distinguished member(1210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2023 05:09AM  
We have 800 threads for every topic you can imagine that’s even remotely related to any facet of canoe camping you can think of.

Yet we have this one thread on weed that gets resurrected over and over again.

04/21/2023 07:57AM  
podgeo: "Whats that smell ...
permission to come a shore . :)"

Come on in!
04/21/2023 08:47AM  
The state of MN is probably a few months or less from passing legislation for the sale of recreational Marijuana. Having said that, MJ still will not be legal on federal lands such as the Superior NF and BW.

Recreational Marijuana heads to the house floor.
distinguished member (206)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2023 01:02PM  
A few years ago, a group of four lads 20 years my junior let me tag along on their trip in my solo. One of them worked at a grow/dispensary operation out in Colorado and drove straight through from there to join us.
As I walked back into camp after a fishing excursion, I spied a daypack unzipped and full of weed.
I laughed and proclaimed "Who brings a 1/4 pound of pot into the Boundary Waters!?"
"It's a half pound, and it's not like I was leaving that in my car at the entry point."
Point taken.

The only trip I've ever been on where buds the size of an egg were just haphazardly sitting on rocks around the fire grate drying out. Surprised a Chippy didn't run off with one of them.

04/21/2023 03:16PM  
Stumpy: "
UncleMoose: "
quote Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

Not for the Hamms, but someone may report you for that hat!

Is this still about my hat ?"

I think I would put that in for photo of the year contest next year. You'd have my vote!
04/21/2023 04:44PM  
After all these years it finally dawned on me why this thread comes back from the dead every year! I guess my brain might have a hole or two. I think I misspent my youth in the 70s, man. :-)
06/09/2023 02:03PM  
Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

From the land of the sky blue waters!
distinguished member (337)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2024 06:32AM  
May those who partake enjoy the day
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2024 07:00AM  
Speckled: "
Stumpy: "Very well!
I expect no one will report me for this either...

From the land of the sky blue waters!"

Indeed that picture is priceless!
distinguished member (127)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2024 09:34AM  
After 16 years of being addicted as an everyday user I had no clue what it felt like to be sober. I stopped a month or two ago to visit NZ. I will say now that I am off of it I believe I will never get back on it. My dopeminergic reward system is back to normal and I dont need it to eat or sleep anymore. I feel bad for the addicts. It should be treated like tobacco or alcohol.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2024 03:35PM  
Sparkeh: "After 16 years of being addicted as an everyday user I had no clue what it felt like to be sober. I stopped a month or two ago to visit NZ. I will say now that I am off of it I believe I will never get back on it. My dopeminergic reward system is back to normal and I dont need it to eat or sleep anymore. I feel bad for the addicts. It should be treated like tobacco or alcohol. "

I agree. I have been around it my whole life and have quite a few friends and family that partake on a regular basis. I enjoy it in moderation. I tend to defend it against the people calling for total abolition, or who totally demonize it, as I have seen it help people in many ways. That being said, I have also seen it do harm. Definitely FAR less harm than alcohol and other harder drugs, but make no mistake, it CAN be abused. It won't kill you, but it is far from harmless, especially for those easily addicted. My step son was a heavy user for around 12 years and admits he has little memory of that time and did not accomplish much. If it is honestly enhancing your life, enjoy it, but use caution. If it is harming you, then recognize that, and back away. But for those who judge, remember that food is killing more people in the US than the drugs, and you have to face that immensely enjoyable "drug" every day. Anything that hammers away at your dopamine system can be addictive, even if that addiction isn't the extreme physical addiction like alcohol, heroin, or meth. Hope everyone enjoyed their 4-20!
member (25)member
04/22/2024 12:22PM  
Omg,great thread,read it top to bottom.Nothing has been ever better in the past than a little of Ontarios finest greenery while enjoying some of ontarios finest fishing in the Q.And now some of Minnesotas finest legal greenery in the B-dub as well!
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2024 06:41PM  
Oh yeah, 420, I forgot about the link to this thread every year. I worked with a guy younger than me that told me he got up at 4:20 every morning and did 2-3 bongs. I never heard of 420 before. I assume he then had a bowl of Wheaties and came to work bright eyed & bushytailed. He was kinda goofy but a lot of guys are.

There are dispensaries all over Chicagoland now with so many tasty incredibly potent varieties and it costs a lot less now, especially with a 30% off med card (cancer - the gift that keeps on giving haha) , it’s too easy to pass up. And since my bday is in 4 days they gave me 2 prerolled doobs to bring on my BW trip in May, and another $5 off for points earned in the frequent flyers club. How cool is that! Service with a smile.

My how times have changed, it almost took the fun out of it when they made it legal, being a rogue was half the fun…
I got over it tho - Life is good!

Cheers scat

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