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       Trip Report - LIS Solo
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:19PM
Title: Trip Report - LIS Solo
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SevenofNine 12/02/2010 09:33AM
Nice trip report. Enjoyable read Ken. Did you forget your camera on this trip?

Loved your comments and enjoyed the time stamp notes.

Thanks for posting.
nctry 11/18/2010 09:34AM
I can't believe you didn't see more people. I came through from Loon and Devils Cascade on that Friday and I met a ton of people heading in and most the campsites I passed were full. I was finishing a 10 day solo starting out on the lakes you traveled. I got blisters on my feet that bursted open on the long portage by Ruby, so instead of doing the Pocket to Eugene chain I paddled out to Lac La Croix and paddled it around and into Loon to stay off my feet. Then it was a butt issue... All that time sitting. But it was a good trip and I enjoyed it a lot.

nctry 11/18/2010 01:14PM
quote Koda:
...I went in at EP14 a week after you did and never encountered a black fly. Maybe you got those bites east of the LIS River?

I didn't see much for Blackflies or skeeters either. It was more than warm for me also, sometimes down right hot! Koda, where did you end up going if you didn't go "east"?
Bannock 12/15/2010 10:20PM
I took a few pictures . Hopefully that link takes you to them. Otherwise go to my photo journal LIS North 2010.
Bannock 06/08/2010 12:26AM
New Trip Report posted by Bannock

Trip Name: LIS Solo.

Entry Point: 14

Click Here to View Trip Report
Badgerboy 06/08/2010 09:14AM
The maps here on the site do not have a campsite listed for Agawato, where is the site located? Sounds like a fun trip and I really like this area.
Winemaker 06/08/2010 07:00AM

Hey, how was the Argosy versus the classic Sawyer?

I just had mine refurbished, its a 1985 and has seen alot of miles on the river. Now its ready for some more miles, although I will still use the newer Wilderness for low water trips.

ducks 06/08/2010 10:23AM
Another nice report Bannock. Thanks for sharing.

What was Lynn doing up so early? I thought she stayed up all night on the internet and made John do all of the work in the morning :)
fishguts 06/08/2010 09:33AM
Thanks for the concise report...interesting.
Bannock 06/08/2010 04:19PM
quote ducks: "What was Lynn doing up so early? I thought she stayed up all night on the internet and made John do all of the work in the morning :)"

Her 6:00 am is like our 5:00 pm. I'm sure I caught her at the end of her work day. Then again, during the season she's probably working 20 hour days.
Trix 06/08/2010 05:24PM
Ken: Nice report. I was on my solo the same time you were. I remember that wind on that friday well. I got caught in it & had my heart a pumping! Thought I wouldn't make it back to my campsite in one piece. LIS is one of my favorite routes. Been through there a couple of times.
airmorse 06/08/2010 02:07PM
Sounds like it was a relaxing trip. Great relaxing trip report. Been meaning to get to that area. Maybe next years trip.
Bannock 06/08/2010 04:13PM
quote Winemaker: "
Hey, how was the Argosy versus the classic Sawyer?"

For the conditions I was in, I'd take the Sawyer hands down. But I did enjoy the Argosy. It was lighter than the Sawyer. It carried the load just fine. It has a good glide, but it is not fast. I didn't like it in the wind, though I never felt in danger. The Argosy has a fixed seat while the Sawyer has the sliding seat. The sliding seat helps so much in windy conditions.
Noslen 06/08/2010 07:35PM
Thanks Bannock--the time to travel between points was helpful as we plan similar route for later this summer.
sloughman 06/08/2010 07:48PM
Very nice report. I was surprised that you drove mostly through Wisconsin to get back to Minnesota but it made sense once I looked at a map.
Amok 11/18/2010 02:20PM
And I just re-learned something I had forgotten. It always seems to slip my mind that one can get their permit from an outfitter at times one cannot get a permit from the 'officials'.

I'll try to remember this from now on, it will help me in the future :)

Oh, and great trip report!
Boppa 06/09/2010 09:50PM
Enjoyable read, I liked your style of writing, sort of a stream of conscientiousness.

Remember to have the thyroid checked, mine gave me issues some years ago, it raised a lot of energy issues and when diagnosed, it was easily taken care of.

Any pictures to be added?
Koda 11/18/2010 04:58PM
quote nctry: "quote Koda:
...I went in at EP14 a week after you did and never encountered a black fly. Maybe you got those bites east of the LIS River?

I didn't see much for Blackflies or skeeters either. It was more than warm for me also, sometimes down right hot! Koda, where did you end up going if you didn't go "east"? "

I went east all right, but not before going around the horn via Lac La Croix.
Koda 11/18/2010 07:15PM
quote nctry: "quote Koda: "I went east all right, but not before going around the horn via Lac La Croix. "

Great report also, the snow bay portage would have saved me some paddling on my adventure. I used to do the Moose River North to LIS via the Pocket to Eugene chain a lot when I canoed years ago. I got to going other places in the BW over the years. I think you went in the better direction just because of the Devils Cascade portage. That was a steep climb from the Loon Lake side. Is there a map somewhere that shows the campsite numbers?"

Thanks. Try the map below for site numbers. These are the numbers painted on the "thrones." Green and red flags indicate good and bad campsites. Asterisks (*) indicate sites that I have some info for in my GPS. Most data for these sites came from this page.

Koda 11/18/2010 12:16PM
Nice trip report. I can't believe I missed it the first time around.

I went in at EP14 a week after you did and never encountered a black fly. Maybe you got those bites east of the LIS River?

I'm surprised you like the Argosy. I test paddled one recently and found it squirrely. Does it settle down when loaded?
nctry 11/18/2010 06:08PM
I went east all right, but not before going around the horn via Lac La Croix. "


Great report also, the snow bay portage would have saved me some paddling on my adventure. I used to do the Moose River North to LIS via the Pocket to Eugene chain a lot when I canoed years ago. I got to going other places in the BW over the years. I think you went in the better direction just because of the Devils Cascade portage. That was a steep climb from the Loon Lake side. Is there a map somewhere that shows the campsite numbers?
talusman 12/09/2010 08:36AM
The campsite does connect to the Sioux Hustler trail. I've accessed the camp from both the water & the trail. It's a continuation of the latrine trail.
That's a hard lake to paddle into. I had to back up a few times and a lot of sharp angles to get through those logs. I took one of my favorite pictures there.
Bannock 06/08/2010 04:14PM
quote Badgerboy: "The maps here on the site do not have a campsite listed for Agawato, where is the site located? Sounds like a fun trip and I really like this area."

It's 2/3s of the way down the lake on the eastern shore. It looks like there may be a spur trail off the Sioux Hustler Trail leading to the site though I never saw it.
kanoes 06/08/2010 04:55PM
very nice report. i too was wondering how the vagabond did.

thanks for posting ken.
boonie 06/08/2010 10:18PM
Nice report. Sounds like you had a nice trip too. I also like to camp on lakes with only one campsite, especially if there's not a lot of through traffic. While I've gone in Moose River North and LIS North, I've never been across those lakes between them, but it's on my list. I've made the bigger loop to the north from LIS and come out at Moose River.
Bannock 06/08/2010 10:56PM
quote Noslen: "Thanks Bannock--the time to travel between points was helpful as we plan similar route for later this summer."

Remember I was double portaging and paddling slowly, so keep that in mind. You'll probably travel faster than me.
Bannock 06/08/2010 10:58PM
quote kanoes: "i too was wondering how the vagabond did.

topcat 06/09/2010 11:38AM
Nice report. By the way thanks for offering to carry a pack halfway on the shell to ruby portage.
Bannock 06/09/2010 12:29PM
quote topcat: "Nice report. By the way thanks for offering to carry a pack halfway on the shell to ruby portage. "

Was that you on the portage? Small world!!!
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