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       Trip Report - How to Destroy an Aluminum Canoe
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:17AM
Title: Trip Report - How to Destroy an Aluminum Canoe
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ozarkpaddler 05/26/2018 10:37AM
Enjoyable report! Too bad about the canoe, maybe you could make it into a "Planter?"
PaddleAway 05/26/2018 11:27PM
Nice trip report, glad nothing worse than a hit to the bank account came out of it.

And honestly, I suspect a lot of us in our BWCA infancy have run rapids in the BWCA we shouldn't have. Definitely a learning experience!
nlong 06/16/2018 10:09PM
I remember making the route mistake you did on day 1. I waded up that long stretch of rapids to get into Little Gabro. It would have been better doing my route in reverse.

Glad you safely made it through your ordeal on the last day. Made for an amusing read!
Kelso 05/31/2018 06:35PM
Glad you're ok! Looks all too familiar. I did the exact same thing to an aluminum canoe in May 2013 on the Pigeon River, wrapping it around a rock with the full force of the current pressing against it. Like you, we got creative and dragged it out of the BWCA. I managed to hammer the keel straight again and patch it up with lots of rivets, fiberglass, JB-Weld, and patience. I still have the canoe and it doesn't leak a drop! Took it on a 50 mile trip just a couple weeks ago. :)
bfurlow 05/31/2018 11:30PM
Glad you made it out OK. Thoroughly enjoyed the trip report. Looks like some awesome weather and a good time other than the crash. Thanks for sharing!!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:58AM
Go Cyclones!
BigOarDeal 05/25/2018 09:49AM
Yes, you are all right! We were happy to get out safely and will not make that mistake again!

airmorse: "An English wheel will fix that right up"

Thanks for the idea, I'll have to look into that!

rdgbwca: "Whatever became of the canoe? Worst case you could sell it off for scrap. Or does it have sentimental value now?"

Still sitting underneath my deck. We were going to make a pair of bookcases out of them, but never got to it. It definitely has sentimental value! But I am definitely considering seeing if someone can fix it up into a functioning canoe again!

OneMatch: "I've always said that there's a reason for a portage trail around rapids. My rule is use it. I came to that conclusion doing exactly what you did (but in Quetico). Rammed the aluminum canoe up against a boulder and got it out just like you. Mine wasn't quite as damaged but it now has a constant desire to veer to the left all the tie. Wore my shoulders out.

Have you guys been back since this trip?"

Yes, that is definitely my viewpoint now too! A few extra minutes is well worth it for avoiding the risk of a wreck. Hmmm I was wondering if a damaged canoe could really ever be fixed up to original performing condition.

I have been back with the other guy in the report. We did much better that time--no crashes! Hoping to type up a report for that one too. Can't wait for our trip this summer: heading to Sawbill in August!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
CoachBigD 09/12/2019 05:52AM
Go Cyclones!
OneMatch 05/22/2018 09:01PM
Great report. I've done sections of that route and it's one of my favorites.

I've always said that there's a reason for a portage trail around rapids. My rule is use it. I came to that conclusion doing exactly what you did (but in Quetico). Rammed the aluminum canoe up against a boulder and got it out just like you. Mine wasn't quite as damaged but it now has a constant desire to veer to the left all the tie. Wore my shoulders out.

Have you guys been back since this trip?
hwdhusky 05/23/2018 12:00PM
Thanks for the report... very exciting... Thanks for the detailed maps, I like to see the exact routes.
BigOarDeal 05/21/2018 05:05PM
New Trip Report posted by BigOarDeal

Trip Name: How to Destroy an Aluminum Canoe.

Entry Point: 32

Click Here to View Trip Report
airmorse 05/21/2018 07:43PM
An English wheel will fix that right up.

Glad no one got hurt!
mirth 05/21/2018 05:25PM
Wow, glad everyone made it out safely.
boonie 05/21/2018 06:01PM
mirth: "Wow, glad everyone made it out safely."

+1, a lesson learned and nobody hurt! Good thing you were nearly out and not days away from exit, too.
mjmkjun 05/21/2018 06:02PM
No one hurt. That's good! You will likely not be so impulsive and daring again but what a memory and a laugh.
rdgbwca 05/22/2018 01:43PM
Documentary proof that aluminum canoes are not indestructible.

Whatever became of the canoe? Worst case you could sell it off for scrap. Or does it have sentimental value now?

I am also glad to hear everyone made it out safely.
Trip Reports