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BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

July 26 2024

Entry Point 14 - Little Indian Sioux River North

Little Indian Sioux River (north) entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by La Croix Ranger Station near the city of Ely, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 32 miles. Access is a 40-rod portage heading North from the Echo Trail.

Number of Permits per Day: 6
Elevation: 1364 feet
Latitude: 48.1466
Longitude: -92.2103

One to remember

by ferris51
Trip Report

Entry Date: June 08, 2022
Entry Point: Saganaga Lake
Number of Days: 3
Group Size: 2

Trip Introduction:
Originally we planned to get to Ester and try our hand at catching some trout. It was also an introduction to the bwca for my buddy, but things didn't quite go as planned.

Day 1 of 3

Wednesday, June 08, 2022 Slept in my truck in Grand Marais the night before and got up nice and early for breakfast at South of the Border cafe, always so good. Went up the Gunflint to Seagull Outfitters and got a tow to American Point. We were able to make good time down to Ester and set up camp at the first site on the east side, by the portage to Ashdick. It's a nice campsite, we had room for our two hammocks, but there probably wouldn't have been room for more hammocks. There would be plenty of room for 2-3 tents. The mosquitoes on the portages and in camp were unreal. If you had any flesh exposed you got swarmed.


Day 5 of 3

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 I was up just after 5 am and decided to go fishing. On the water before Peter, fished hard around the bay in front of camp and caught a few Smallmouths. Back in camp before 10 am and took a short nap. Got up and visited with Peter over breakfast and based on our research, there is supposed to be good smallmouth bass in Toe Lake. After cleaning up, we hit the water and started toward Toe, fishing the island on the south end of the bay. We didn’t even get a nibble, so we started paddling toward Toe. Peter was working a sunken island without any luck, while I tried to get ahead of him and check out the third campsite in Lady Boot. Suddenly he yelled there was a bear or moose swimming across the bay. Just then, the wind picked up from the direction I wanted to head for a picture. I paddled as hard as I could until I had closed the distance and needed to take my camera out of the dry bag and set up for the shot before the moose reached shore. I was thinking about what I need for settings while paddling, so I quickly did an exposure compensation of 1.3, with a shutter speed of 1/5000th. I had to overcompensate because the sun was behind the moose and needed a fast shutter speed because I was shaking, sitting in a bobbing canoe, and the moose was quite a bit away from me. This was my fourth moose sighting in the BWCA, first image. I would have been happy if the day had ended now, but we still had Toe to fish. Good news; no portage, the water was high enough to paddle over. I took a picture of Peter before we split up. He went along the west shoreline, and I worked along the east shoreline. My first fish on Toe, I have no idea how it got the hook in its mouth. After a quick release I caught a nicer one and worked up to my personal best 18” Smallmouth. Peter also had some luck on his side of the lake, but he didn’t get any measurements. He did think one might have been pushing 20”. Good trip to Toe! We got back to camp about seven, had hamburger and potatoes for dinner, cleaned up, got ready for travel day tomorrow. Can’t believe we spent three nights on this sight. Lots of trips up and down the hill, should make me stronger, not weaker. Zipped up the hammock before 10pm, as the mosquitos were taking over the bay after dark, and you could hear them all night long, it was a constant buzz.


Day 10 of 3

Friday, June 10, 2022 We got up early and packed up to head out. We made good time and were very thankful that we had the wind at our back. We had hoped to see a shuttle boat and get a tow back but no luck. Eventually after about 8 hours of paddling and some wrong turns we were able to get back into the river and get picked up. We got cleaned up and made our way back down the Gunflint and made it quite aways before the water pump went out on my truck. We were able to limp into Grand Marais but couldn't find anyone that would work on my truck at 4:45 on a Friday. I was finally able to bribe someone with an extra $100, but we needed to get moving so we were very thankful he helped us out.

All in all it was a good trip, just ended a little early. The mosquitoes were the worst I've experienced, I can't really speak about fishing since we didn't try too hard and we have zero experience fishing trout. My buddy kept his finger but probably won't ever be able to straighten it again.


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