BWCA Take the Oath of Dignity and Respect Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
      Take the Oath of Dignity and Respect     
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08/05/2009 06:24PM  
I joined this site in August of 2007 because I had done a few "completely outfitted" trips in the past and was looking to learn more. Because of this site and the good members on it I have "graduated" to the point where I now have all my own gear and have done several trips in the last couple years. Heck, I have even taken my young daughter on several trips to the great north. The comfort level that allows me to do this is very much because of the help I have received on this site. Now that I am a little more experienced, I feel good that I am able to reciprocate the help I received to others. The Spirit of the Wilderness in cyberspace!

Adam and the moderators have created a wonderful site for us to exchange ideas, stories, experiences and even a few laughs. Sadly, I fear that the site is becoming more and more angry and critical than it was when I joined. It would sadden me if this trend continues.

I have witnessed new members being lashed and criticized for asking simple questions. Screaming matches containing foul language have occurred in the chat room and on the forum. Post are deleted because they are inappropriate. Is this what the site is about now? Ridicule and snobbery?

I think too many of us forget that the username you are conversing with or responding to is actually another human being. It is very possible that the "username" you are arguing with could end up being the "stranger" that helps you carry a pack across a portage, saves you from the angry waters after dumping you canoe, or invites you to share a campfire on a cold night when all the others sites have been taken.

Please join me by pledging to treat all members (new and old) with dignity and respect. Remember, we were all "newbies" at one point and all of us still have much to learn. The wilderness is a wonderful place that teaches us many life lessons including Humility. Let us remember the lessons we have learned in God's country and try to live them in the forum, in the chat room and in our everyday lives.
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08/05/2009 07:15PM  
08/05/2009 07:22PM  
i'm in
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/05/2009 07:48PM  
distinguished member(2077)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2009 08:21PM  
Very eloquent Kip, I pledge.
08/05/2009 08:22PM  
as do i. a new leaf is turned over for me tonight.
bertrand russell
Guest Paddler
08/05/2009 08:22PM  
"I think too many of us forget that the username you are conversing with or responding to is actually another human being. It is very possible that the "username" you are arguing with could end up being the "stranger" that helps you carry a pack across a portage..."

True dat.

To be fair, I think some things people have written have been misunderstood because people write on the web with a certain familiarity uncommon among strangers in real life. When you meet someone face to face, you don't usually lead with light trash talking. Good natured ribbing can easily be misunderstood in the absence of facial expressions, tone, and context.
distinguished member (259)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2009 08:29PM  
Of course--the same as if I were speaking with you all face to face.
senior member (96)senior membersenior member
08/05/2009 08:33PM  
Thank you!
distinguished member(2077)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2009 08:44PM  
Bertrand's gotta point, body language and word inflexion play a greater role in communication than the typed word.
08/05/2009 09:16PM  
"Treat everyone as you would want to be treated".


Posted perfectly. Thank you Kiporby!!!
08/05/2009 09:25PM  
Well said, Kip, I agree 100% - count me in
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14483)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
08/05/2009 09:27PM  
Great post Kip, I'm in.
distinguished member(1396)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2009 09:28PM  
Truth that needed to be said. Thank you Kiporby.

I'm definitely on board!
distinguished member(4446)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/05/2009 09:28PM  
Scouts Honor...really.
08/05/2009 09:28PM  
Agreed. Very well said, Kip.
distinguished member(3146)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2009 09:39PM  

Thank you for this post. I found it very timely as I have seen or been involved in a couple of incidents this week. Sometimes it is hard to judge the tone of a post...where no malice was intended but malice was seen and felt. I value this site for the expertise that is available. I promise to try to give more than I take and recheck every post for potential "land mines" before I click send.

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.

08/05/2009 11:00PM  
Amen, count me in.
distinguished member(5397)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/05/2009 11:45PM  
Wee said, I'm in (and nodding my head as I read the post).
08/06/2009 02:07AM  
Me 18, only 9,982 to go!
08/06/2009 05:56AM  
aye aye
distinguished member (250)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 06:14AM  
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" Such a simple concept yet seemingly one of the hardest for some people to follow. Thanks for the reminder Kip.
08/06/2009 06:42AM  

Okie Dokie.

08/06/2009 07:04AM  
Me too.
distinguished member (231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 07:15AM  
I Pledge!

For 2+ years I pretty much was a "lurker" - tried to learn as much as I possibly could, and used many ideas to make our trips great. I was afraid to post because I didn't want to seem "stupid", etc. Now I realize I have learned quite a bit, and have started to add to the forums. I simply don't want to get involved in any controversy.

Thanks for the reminder.
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
08/06/2009 07:23AM  
I too am pretty much a lurker, don't post much and since I'm taking my first trip in September, don't feel as if I have a lot to contribute. But I have learned a lot from the members that are here and I think because of that I will be better prepared for this trip. Thank you Kip and too will take the "Oath of Dignity and Respect", not only for the members here, but for the BWCA as well.

Debbie K.
distinguished member (236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 07:25AM  
Great reminder, as we all need a little nudge in the right direction on occasion. Thanks much Kiporby.

distinguished member(2864)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 07:35AM  
I agree. Thank you Kip for bringing this up.

I do hope to see this site flourish. I have learned more than I've ever expected to from my experience here and have found it to be a daily stop in my internet travels. A lot of the appeal has been the sense of sharing, humor and community. I hereby take the oath.
distinguished member (199)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 07:38AM  
Count me in -- this is a club I am honored to join
distinguished member(3474)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 08:09AM  
Nicely said.

Would make the moderator's lives easier too!

distinguished member (102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 08:31AM  
Such a valuable resource. Among the many things I like about this site is the respect afforded others/newbies like myself. I self-deleted a post I made yesterday, because upon further reflection I thought it could be offensive - wasn't intended that way - but none-the-less. Always best to take a deep breath before posting. Consider me oathed!
member (20)member
08/06/2009 09:03AM  
Its all about respect I'm in
distinguished member(1390)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 09:41AM  
Count me in!
distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 10:45AM  
Thanks Kip...I'm in.
distinguished member(992)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 11:10AM  

Thank you for this post. I was considering taking a break from here for all the reasons you cited. But the right thing to do is what you did -- speak up. Count me in.
08/06/2009 11:20AM  
Thanks for your posting - this is a great Messageboard with a lot of great members! Sometimes the discussions turn in to heated debates which lead to emotions being displayed. Let's all work hard keep it positive! :)
distinguished member (148)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 12:08PM  
Count me in!
distinguished member (232)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 12:08PM  
I'm in. This site is a gold mine of information, especially for those new to the BWCA. I feel an obligation to respectfully help others like so many of you did for me.
member (36)member
08/06/2009 12:12PM  
Very nice. I'm in too.
08/06/2009 01:58PM  
Well put. I pledge.

08/06/2009 02:08PM  
Thanks Kip ! We're in.
distinguished member (419)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 03:03PM  
I pledge, too! Thanks!
distinguished member (192)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 03:12PM  
Second the Okie Dokie!
I love coming here reading the forums, looking at pictures and what not. I seem to be more of a reader than a poster.
distinguished member(1007)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 03:50PM  
Totally agree..
distinguished member (360)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 03:58PM  
i wonder if bromel will return now?
distinguished member (171)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 04:06PM  
Very well said! Count me in as a pledge.
distinguished member (343)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 04:36PM  
Agree. This site is great.
TN Man
senior member (82)senior membersenior member
08/06/2009 04:48PM  
Agreed! In fact I just invited a couple of newbies to join and learn as I have done over the past few years.
08/06/2009 05:04PM  
I took a few months off from viewing the site due to some of the angry posts. I use this site to wind down, relax, and get away from crabby people so Kip, I thank you for this post.

I'm in!

Also, if I have posted anything members have taken offense to, I apologize.
08/06/2009 05:31PM  
Scrolling thru the replies I would say you are preaching to the choir, but Dignity and Respect can always use some preaching [about]!

Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3782)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 06:32PM  
Very good post and thoughts... As mentioned many of the people here agree whole heartedly with what you have said. As moderators we try not to intervene too much, and we hope that everyone gets along and that discussions progress as they should, with the exchange of ideas and tips. It is human nature to disagree at times, although it can be done civily.
The bad side of the internet as mentioned too, is the freedom to say in type what you probably would not say in person. There are other boards I do not frequent as much simply because of the bickering.
I like you, and everyone else think this is a premier site for the exchange of information about canoing and camping. The members here continue to make this board what it is, and you stepping forward with this Oath and Pledge of Dignity and Respect shows the integrity that is here! Again, Well Done!!

distinguished member(839)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 08:09PM  
Let's be an oasis of respect, peace, and dignity, just like the land we love so much! Most excellent thread!

08/06/2009 08:36PM  
Well said.
I joined in February. Not so new to the world....just this site. The folks on here with experience have tought me so much it is truly appreiciated. and I in turn have tried to share some good thougts around my "Life experiences"

I will PLEDGE to be honorable and respectful me-self!!!!
08/06/2009 08:42PM  
I pledge!!!
member (5)member
08/06/2009 08:57PM  
Thanks Kip! A breath of fresh air! I too was tiring of some of the ridicule and snobbery that was being posted. I learn with each trip I make to the outdoors regardless of the locale and I hope to be patient with those that follow and learn from those who proceded me.

08/06/2009 09:19PM  

(wait, nobody really does the plus one here. . . :-)
distinguished member(8024)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/06/2009 10:14PM  
Count me in.

This thread is exactly what makes this site a good one.
08/06/2009 10:49PM  
I too, take the pledge.
Bill Tea
distinguished member (369)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2009 10:59PM  
Absolutely agree. Great thread. Thanks!
distinguished member(2102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 04:45AM  
" Hear! Here!.....?
distinguished member (426)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 05:07AM  
I too was starting to stray away from the site because of bickering and ridecule, and it's very nice to hear someone speak up and in a very tastefull manner. Bravo to you Kip well done. Oh yea....I pledge!!
member (37)member
08/07/2009 07:17AM  
Cheers mate for a wonderful post
08/07/2009 07:58AM  
08/07/2009 08:51AM  
Kip, I don't think this will get you a discount on your next trip....good post anyway ;) I is oathed.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
08/07/2009 08:55AM  
Very well said Kip I agree completely, remember there are no stupid questions ! P. S. This is the best post ive seen since ive been on this site, thanks Kip :-)
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 09:12AM  
Yup, I'm in.
08/07/2009 09:30AM  
yep kip.
08/07/2009 10:06AM  
One of the Best Posts I've read all week! Thanks Kip! I share in your thoughts! I'm On Board! I think we should all just get along & agree to disagree. Amen!
distinguished member (260)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 12:01PM  
Thanks Kip,
I do so pledge !
As said before If you don't have anything nice to say keep your fingers off the keyboard.
distinguished member(599)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 12:25PM  
I agree completely! Whenever I read a post that gets my dander up, rather than add fuel to the fire, I hit the back button on my browser and go on to the next thread. Why dwell on the negative when there are so many positive topics to enjoy?
member (32)member
08/07/2009 01:14PM  
I'm in.
08/07/2009 03:26PM  
Yes. Thanks for bringing us all towards this "re-group". :)
distinguished member(2769)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 03:37PM  
me, too. Good job.
distinguished member(8123)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/07/2009 04:29PM  
Thanks, Kip.

"I do."
08/07/2009 04:40PM  
I'm in
distinguished member(3436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 04:46PM  
"On my honor I........"
08/07/2009 05:48PM  
It only makes sense to do this.
08/07/2009 06:37PM  
Kudos to you kip for starting this thread.

"Count me in."
distinguished member(2503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2009 07:08PM  
08/07/2009 07:29PM  
In Man!! Love this site
08/08/2009 12:13PM  
Where's the "I Like" button when you need it?
distinguished member (195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2009 01:29PM  
What have you been saying to each other??????????
08/08/2009 03:59PM  
I am in!
member (37)member
08/09/2009 05:18PM  
I'm in.
distinguished member(631)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2009 06:25PM  
I'm in
08/09/2009 06:41PM  
Wisdom beyond your years, Kip.

But then again, I remember learning that in kindergarten.

Checked back and am impressed with how many responded positively.

Thanks again.
08/09/2009 07:47PM  
kiporby should go the the middle east. talk to the palestinians and israelis...get that conflict settled once and for all. i really think he could do it.
distinguished member (257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2009 08:15PM  
Yeah I'm all for it. I've seen such behavior completely ruin another forum.

If I wouldn't say it across a camp fire - I don't say it here.

Thanks Kip and thanks to the Moderators.
member (10)member
08/10/2009 08:05AM  
I figured this is as good of a place as any to make my first post!

I'm in, can't wait to get back to the Boundary Waters - it's been almost 15 years. I need to make it an annual thing again.
08/10/2009 08:47AM  
Welcome, odyssey186!

Of course I'm in. ;-)

As an aside, just because I'm so excited...I'm almost all packed for next week's trip. Woo! It's been a long 11 year gap...

(((group hug))) (LOL)
08/10/2009 09:41AM  

Same experience here. Went a number of times fully outfitted by a couple of great outfitters. But, through my learning, via this great site, I too go it on my own (except for the periodic tow)!

Don't know if I would have done it, without the welcome response to the many questions posted on this site.

08/10/2009 10:09AM  
welcome all and thanks everyone for helping!

i pledge
distinguished member (215)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/10/2009 11:05AM  
08/10/2009 08:04PM  
I support these concepts.
distinguished member(1459)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/10/2009 08:08PM  
I'm guilty......I will try better.......

I'm IN.......

distinguished member(585)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/10/2009 08:24PM  
I take the Oath.
member (14)member
08/12/2009 01:53PM  
Although I don't say much, I'm in!
08/12/2009 02:29PM  
Thanks to those of you who have helped me. So far, everyone's responded respectfully to my questions. When I do have something to offer, I aim to do the same...

DMR (oh yeah, count me in...)
senior member (59)senior membersenior member
08/12/2009 03:23PM  
Excellent post, I'm in.
member (14)member
08/12/2009 04:05PM  
Count me in.
Rapid Runner
distinguished member(622)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/12/2009 04:32PM  
This post needs to stay at the top for everyone not to miss. i took a week hiatus and see that i missed this one. I am guilty also and i am in as well.
member (7)member
08/12/2009 08:14PM  
I also take the oath of dignity and respect towards people, living things and towards conservation of this planet...

hows that? am i in? :)
senior member (87)senior membersenior member
08/14/2009 08:53PM  
Count me in.
distinguished member(1775)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2009 07:50AM  
As a newbie I am so thankful for all that I have learned at this site. I still have a lot to learn so I plan to use it extensively for future trips.

I did read some threads in which some quickly degraded others for poor planning or bad decisions. It seemed really odd to me because it was so different than the virtual interaction that I experienced. Perhaps user-names cloak our human-ness too much. I know I chose mine without really thinking it would become the name I am known by. I might have chosen something more creative and more of a mask if I knew I would be on the site so much-- wave-whisperer,canoe-can-do, sparkle-water...

And the irony-- the BWCA wilderness ethic seems like almost as big a draw as the place itself-- a creed that says/implies leave no trace, respect the earth, be gentle...

So anyway, this oath/creed/pledge is a nice idea and I am all in. Karen
N8 Tr1
08/15/2009 09:24AM  
I'm in
08/15/2009 11:32AM  
Well Said. I couldn't agree more.
senior member (63)senior membersenior member
08/15/2009 05:07PM  
Very well said. I'm in.
08/24/2009 10:32PM  
Just bringing this back up to the top.
distinguished member(736)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2009 11:44AM  
senior member (79)senior membersenior member
08/27/2009 08:29AM  
I will take the oath.
distinguished member(1396)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2009 11:17AM  
I enthusiastically agree. Count me in.
distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2009 10:00PM  

I have been away for a while. This post caught my interest as I looked for "what is new" (after a long absence). The words are nicely done.... the thought, an etiquette standard both here and in the field. Thanks for the post.

09/02/2009 09:51AM  
I am guilty of losing my cool on this board in the past but I am now taking the Oath of Dignity and Respect. Thanks for this post and for helping create a way to share valuable BWCAW information in a respectful environment.
member (16)member
09/02/2009 09:23PM  
You got my vote! Part of the reason I frequent this board more often is to get away from that type of action on other boards.

member (45)member
09/02/2009 09:56PM  
i agree with the start of this tread. i pledge. it has been nice to meet some of you at the wing nights. i hope that more will join them. it is so nice to put faces and names together. even if i don't remember them all.
09/03/2009 12:29PM  
Thanks Kip. I'm in.

You said it well.
09/04/2009 03:27PM  
I agree
09/10/2009 08:39PM  
Sign me up - I'm in!
09/17/2009 02:00PM  
I agree. Thanks Kip.
09/18/2009 12:11AM  
Up with this sort of thing. I'm in!

distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/30/2009 04:38PM  
Kip I want to thank you again for this, it really has made a differnce on this site !
09/30/2009 04:48PM  
I agree

This site is my drug until I can go again next june!!!
member (8)member
10/01/2009 02:09PM  
I just stumbled onto this site and it reminded me of how much enjoyment I got from my trips. I hope to make it back this next summer. I take the pledge.
distinguished member(3312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/01/2009 07:21PM  
10/02/2009 08:09AM  
Where do I sign? You won't be asking for donations now will you Dan? I'm in buddy.
distinguished member(3146)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/24/2009 08:05PM  
Bumping it up.
senior member (51)senior membersenior member
10/24/2009 08:39PM  
I'm in
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/25/2009 12:38AM  
im in
10/25/2009 06:08PM  
Count me in also
10/26/2009 02:35PM  
Another Amen, brother!
member (41)member
10/26/2009 07:53PM  
Wow, a lot of replies.

I'm in.
Guest Paddler
10/27/2009 02:51AM  
10/27/2009 08:19AM  
ahhhhh, another elusive guest paddler bravely posting thier opinions. (alright im in as long as it's still o.k. to subject, GUEST PADDLERS AND THOSE WHO HAVE'NT TAKEN THE OATH, to our finely crafted "ridicule and snobbery" c'mon kiporby ya know its fair.
member (43)member
10/27/2009 08:49AM  
I also pledge to comply. I think that is how we all would wish to be treated....respectfully. It's a site that has a lot to offer and it should not for any reason steer people away because of negative experiences.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/09/2009 06:21AM  
Nice post, Kiporby

distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/09/2009 07:54AM  
Kiporby I think i need to retake the oath, because i havent really been that nice to Packer fans lately, considering their team keeps getting pounded into the dirt, but I digress, Im retaking the oath right now :-)
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/09/2009 08:20AM  
Don't do it, Bro!!!!!
The oath of dignity and respect DOES NOT APPLY to the Packers or their fans.
11/09/2009 08:20AM  
bp69 GOOD NEWS, i had my attourney look this oath over and he says, " this oath in no way applies to packer fans while on the subject of football". its our turn now enjoy it.
distinguished member(585)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/09/2009 09:16AM  
Gentlemen, Kip has already given his blessing to smack talk. However, you should ALL feel guilty for hammering on us poor Packer fans while we are down. We would NEVER do that to our dearest neighbors to the west. Shame on you!

Who Dat
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/09/2009 09:27AM  
Yes, we know you wouldn't kick us when we're down!
And the check is in the mail..............!
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Vikings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tampa Bay, WOW:)
distinguished member(752)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/09/2009 11:17AM  
I shall obey the oath.
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/09/2009 10:54PM  
You state: bp69 GOOD NEWS, I had my attorney look this oath over and he says, " this oath in no way applies to packer fans while on the subject of football". its our turn now enjoy it.

This oath doesn't need an attorney's interpretation, since anyone with ANY DIGNITY OR RESPECT, could never be a Packer fan!!! :)
11/10/2009 09:02AM  
Or an attorney.
distinguished member(3146)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/22/2009 09:00AM  
In a recent post. I saw someone reference this to a exchange that was taking place between two members. I thought it was appropriate to bump this up.

But, even though I agree with the principles of this, there are some people who come to this board to self promote themselves or to show how intelligent they by deftly making comments that can very easily be taken as a shots across the bow. I have repeatedly seen one of the newer members doing this and he finally got slapped by the "paw" which in my opinion was overdue.

This new member is also the member of another board where he reguarly "stirs the pot" and has become a persona non grata there.

So this is my message to that person. You are not the smartest person in the room, we are all equal here. So please don't bring your "debate posting style" to this board.

The Oath does not, in my opinion prevent this.

11/22/2009 09:26AM  
re-upping now. the alternative just isnt worth it.
11/22/2009 12:06PM  
Bojibob, great post! Thank you. I have not taken the oath and probably will not. A quote to think about, if you want to debate every subject. "I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me." Dave Barry (1947 -
11/22/2009 04:55PM  
I agree, great post bob - thank you. G, I also like the quote you posted - thank you, too.
11/24/2009 10:28AM  
Been away for a while but please count me in on this...
distinguished member(543)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2009 11:11AM  
somehow i havnt done this yet, so i agree to take the oath
11/24/2009 11:18AM  
Count me in ..... again.

Thanks Kiporboy.
distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2009 08:19AM  
Thanks Kiporby.
11/25/2009 08:29AM  
Wow! 150 posts!

A bunch of good natured folks. The wilderness brings out the best in me. I am glad it has the same effect on all of you!

See you out there! :)
rookie in 03
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2009 07:33PM  
i too found this site to be invaluable in outfitting and planning trips, can't imagine if i'd have gotten slammed for asking what are now to me "simple" questions. thanks to EVERYONE and count me in with my pledge.

distinguished member(3312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/20/2010 11:34PM  
quote bojibob: "In a recent post. I saw someone reference this to a exchange that was taking place between two members. I thought it was appropriate to bump this up.

But, even though I agree with the principles of this, there are some people who come to this board to self promote themselves or to show how intelligent they by deftly making comments that can very easily be taken as a shots across the bow. I have repeatedly seen one of the newer members doing this and he finally got slapped by the "paw" which in my opinion was overdue.

This new member is also the member of another board where he reguarly "stirs the pot" and has become a persona non grata there.

So this is my message to that person. You are not the smartest person in the room, we are all equal here. So please don't bring your "debate posting style" to this board.

The Oath does not, in my opinion prevent this.


I think I know who you're talkin about rob...thought it needed another bump.
02/20/2010 11:36PM  
Amen Jeff.
distinguished member (247)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/21/2010 02:15PM  
02/21/2010 08:20PM  
Jeff and Rob,
You guys are so right!!
02/21/2010 08:37PM  
Thanks for bumping it Jeff - it absolutely needed it and Rob is absolutley right. :)
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/21/2010 09:12PM  
Kip when your right,your right.
distinguished member (142)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2010 04:10PM  
Me too, me too, me too!!!
distinguished member(1991)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2010 09:51PM  
I wonder how many of us are thinking: "Good God, I hope it isn't me?!"
Perhaps it is a good reminder to us all. Good post.

On the other hand, paranoia runs deep.
It wasn't me was it?
No really, you can tell me.
Honest, I will try harder.
I am not that bad a person. Ask my friend. You can call him in a couple of months when he gets out early for good behavior.
Was it me? Just say it. I can take it.
Another sleepless night in Minnesota worrying myself to death.
There goes my grip on sanity.

It must be time to hit the water.
distinguished member(2077)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2010 10:19PM  
Don't worry G. Cliffs, those whom this well written post was initially written for would never think of themselves as it's intended target.

They rest well wondering why everyone else is so clueless. :)
distinguished member(3312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2010 10:31PM  
hahaha GC! I doubt it!
02/23/2010 08:28AM  
:)GC -

The old man used to say "you're not paranoid...they really are out to get you!. Why is that?"
marc bates
distinguished member(1029)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2010 09:33AM  
I am a little late, but I am in. Very well stated, and a great idea.
member (25)member
02/23/2010 09:50AM  
Nothing worse that reading posts from so called "know-it-alls" or just plain negative people. I can think of one person in another forum (Isle Royale) that I wish would "get it". I have been enjoying this site alot!! Thanks for all the help. I am in!
distinguished member (365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2010 02:03PM  
I pledge and pinky-swear!
02/24/2010 01:50PM  
Well put - I pledge! I haven't been on the "Listening Post" board much. When I saw this topic I thought it referred to behavior in the BWCA itself which might make for a good separate topic.
distinguished member(1301)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2010 06:58PM  
Huh? It wasn't you that did what? Get out for good behavior? Wow. Good God, I hope that's not me!
distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2010 09:11PM  
Why not? Everybody else is doing it. I'm in.
distinguished member (117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2010 09:52PM  
Very good suggestion. In a sense, respecting each other in this forum is not unlike our pledge to respect the BWCAW when we agree to "leave no trace."
02/27/2010 06:00PM  
Harumf! Harumf! (Blazing Saddles)
06/09/2010 05:29PM  
Back to the top. There has been too much negativity, fighting and harsh words exchanged as of late.

I do not want this site to be damaged. I enjoy it way too much for a few to ruin it for the majority.

Peace, harmony, dignity and respect my friends! Learn to live it and mean it!!
06/09/2010 06:13PM  
Amen, count me in.
06/09/2010 08:05PM  
I pledge to offer advice when I can, ask only BW related questions, and thank those who answer them.

Doin' my part to keep it at the top.
distinguished member(1480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/09/2010 08:08PM  
I'm in!
06/09/2010 08:42PM  
quote Kiporby: "Back to the top. There has been too much negativity, fighting and harsh words exchanged as of late.

I do not want this site to be damaged. I enjoy it way too much for a few to ruin it for the majority.

Peace, harmony, dignity and respect my friends! Learn to live it and mean it!!"

Amen and count me in as always
06/09/2010 09:10PM  
Thanks Kiporby, as a relative newbie I hadn't seen this before. Sad to think it's needed a bump three times within a year... but I DO PLEDGE! Thanks again.
06/09/2010 09:16PM  
member (37)member
06/09/2010 11:23PM  
I'm in.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
06/09/2010 11:30PM  
Once again this is the best post ever Kip .
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/10/2010 06:25AM  
I hope this doesn't mean we can't dis Packer fans anymore:(
distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/10/2010 07:38AM  
Spent a few days contemplating a scathing post about all the negativity here on my favorite internet-machine-site, but thought that would just add to the bad vibe. Thought also about not visiting this site anymore…really don’t want to give up all the good just cause of a little bad though.

Thought that taking the oath and helping to keep this post at the top is a better way to go.

distinguished member(992)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/10/2010 08:25AM  

I was in before -- still am!
06/10/2010 08:48AM  

I couldn't agree more! "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

P.S. Feel free to dis this Packer fan anytime.
06/10/2010 08:59AM  
quote The Great Outdoors: "I hope this doesn't mean we can't dis Packer fans anymore:("

Trash Talk about football is OK TGO. Just remember that us Packer fans may reciprocate! :)
senior member (98)senior membersenior member
06/10/2010 12:28PM  
im in!
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/10/2010 12:31PM  
Trash Talk about football is OK TGO. Just remember that us Packer fans may reciprocate! :)"

I would expect nothing less, but don't think any Packer fan has the gonads to dis a REAL Viking fan!!!!!!!
senior member (95)senior membersenior member
06/10/2010 12:35PM  
Not that I'm a frequent poster but count me in
06/10/2010 01:48PM  
One of my secret vices is reality TV. I don't know... all the crazy people and the weird issues that they are perfectly fine splaying all over the TV is just mezmorizing!!!

But I come here to hear wonderous stories of the seemingly infinite lakes, fantasy fishing, wildlife encounters... I want to learn which paddling adventure should be my next, I want to hear the stories from the people who are older than me still treking through the portages to their place of peace.

I promise to leave reality TV behavior to the "Wife Swap" participants I might converse with- everyone here will get only the same respect and dignity I would give on... lets say a portage I might meet them on.
distinguished member(8024)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/10/2010 04:37PM  
quote The Great Outdoors: "I hope this doesn't mean we can't dis Packer fans anymore:("

TGO, you're one of the more vocal Packer dissers and I'm ok with it as long as it's a fun, respectful bit of trash-talking.

Just remember, turnabout is fair play as long as it doesn't elevate to ugly.
06/10/2010 08:40PM  
Count me in. (again)
08/24/2010 03:19PM  
08/24/2010 03:26PM  
quote airmorse: "Bump."

Thank you Airmorse!
08/24/2010 03:55PM  
I renew my Oath of Dignity and Respect.....again.
distinguished member(3711)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2010 03:58PM  
I am in agreement. Echoing where bertrand started also: I believe text messaging, facebook, myspace,cell phones and the internet as a whole in some extant are a bane on society! (I know that makes me a bit of a hypocrite being here) Typing these words can be impersonal and at times hurtful. As previously expressed, they are just words and don't always have the intended emotion behind them. My daughter and her grand-mother had a major misunderstanding due to one not seeing the other laughing at what was meant as a joke. Very sad. While I will continue to enjoy the good of this site I will try to keep it upbeat, helpful, and a measure to share and savor the passion for the BWCAW. Thanks for the thread! Pete
08/24/2010 05:20PM  
Count me in. I am a big fan of this web-site. I enjoy reading everyone's points of view.
08/24/2010 06:17PM  
quote fishguts: "I renew my Oath of Dignity and Respect.....again. "

This is what I do. Before clicking submit, carefully read what I've written and think, could this possibly tick anybody off? If I think it might, I edit before posting or just delete the entire post.
member (27)member
08/24/2010 06:40PM  
No way, I'm out
08/24/2010 06:41PM  
I'm in.
08/24/2010 07:04PM  
quote rayman: "No way, I'm out"

Ha! Prepare to be Moderated Rayman.
08/24/2010 09:20PM  
I'm STILL in!
distinguished member (116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2010 09:39PM  
08/24/2010 10:16PM  
interesting to see some of the people who have made this oath and then read their posts.
distinguished member(992)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2010 07:55AM  
quote bradcrc: "interesting to see some of the people who have made this oath and then read their posts."

I'm in for the third time.

That said, I agree with bradcrc. I think it's great that this thread was ever started and great that it gets bumped when necessary. The value of the oath is not in taking it, but rather, maintaining and following it. It's sad, but all this thread really seems to do is to confirm what most of us do and feel anyway. I love this site and the vast majority of members are respectful and sensitive when they disagree with a topic or someone's stance.

The fact is, however, that some who have taken this oath have gone on to break it, which not only makes them disrespectful, it makes them hypocrites, as well. Another fact is that many who go against this oath never signed up for it in the first place. I actually have more respect for those people. Although they're disrespectful, they're not hypocrites, too.

I'm in and I will follow it. It's sad, however, that we ever needed it in the first place.
distinguished member(1853)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2010 10:10AM  
Count me in too.
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2010 06:16PM  
quote bradcrc: "interesting to see some of the people who have made this oath and then read their posts."



08/25/2010 09:05PM  
As a Christian man this is easy I am in. Thanks for the original post.
08/25/2010 09:38PM  
I'm renewing, and invite anyone to politely point it out if I should happen to stray by accident. I hope I'm strong enough to rescind and make amends if need be.

Thanks Airmorse.
Always Outdoors
member (36)member
08/25/2010 10:41PM  
Great post Kip!
08/26/2010 08:41AM  
Count on me!
08/26/2010 10:31AM  
upon reflection, some of you are correct.....i have been a jerk again. no excuse for it.

re-upping on the oath.

thanks again dan.
08/26/2010 11:53AM  
member (15)member
12/18/2010 07:40PM  
It seems some have fallen off the wagon as of late. :(
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
12/18/2010 07:51PM  
Im still in, even though subjects like the Green bay packers test my oath from time to time :-)
12/18/2010 08:08PM  
i'll take the oath, not just for this site but for everyday life, too.
12/18/2010 08:38PM  
no problem for me to take this pledge. i have always considered myself fortunate to have been taught wilderness skills by some of the most experienced woodsmen in the north. on the trail I love to share this knowledge, to do this with dignity and respect does take a bit of skill and diplomacy.
12/19/2010 09:39PM  
Yep....once again I'm in. Who ever bumped it - thanks~!
12/20/2010 07:18AM  
I'm in again. Thanks.
distinguished member(12168)distinguished memberdistinguished member