Boundary Waters Trip Reports, Blog, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

February 08 2025

Entry Point 31 - Farm Lake

Farm Lake entry point allows overnight paddle or motor (25 HP max). This entry point is supported by Kawishiwi Ranger Station near the city of Ely, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 7 miles. Access is a boat landing on Farm Lake with access to South Farm Lake. Paddlers access North Kawishiwi River from Farm Lake. Some trip options available for paddlers with additional portages.

Number of Permits per Day: 3
Elevation: 1392 feet
Latitude: 47.8932
Longitude: -91.7183
Farm Lake - 31

Boy scouts

by smalltown
Trip Report

Entry Date: July 08, 2008
Entry Point: South Kawishiwi River
Exit Point: Little Gabbro Lake (33)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 7

Trip Introduction:
we went up the day before and stayed at a local camp site.

Day 1 of 4

Tuesday, July 08, 2008 We woke up early that morning and went up to Ely to get the briefing on the Bwca at the Dnr station. we entered the lake at entry point and travailed up the river. it was not more then 1 hour when me and my canoe partner stoped to let everyone catch up when I caught my first smallmouth bass of the trip. by the time we got to are first portage we had 2 smalles. the portage of 122 rods in to little gabbro. we ate lunch at a camp site just off the portage. well every body was eating lunch me and my Brother were fishing the rapids for some fish and we nailed them it was a lot of fun. we camped at 1711 site. witch is a nice site. we went back after seting up camp and taking a quick swim to fish the rapids that we just went through for walleyes we did not caught any then I learned we were fishing them wrong. But we ate fish for supper.


Day 2 of 4

Wednesday, July 09, 2008 we woke up at about 7:30 and had some eggs got checked by the warden and then started a long hard day. we went paddled across gabbro to bald eagle lake. At the rapids I caught a nice walleye it was 6 lbs 11oz to big to eat so I took pic and put is back. we worked are way across Baled eagle lake to the 198 rod portage down a creak a ways to a ez 40 rod to gull lake for lunch. a quick 50 rod portage and we were to are destination Pietro lake. here we ran in to a problem we could not find the camp sites. we finally found the one on the north east side. The camp had not been stayed at since the turtle lake fire. but we made do. however the fishing is out standing just down from the camp site unlimited bass.


Day 3 of 4

Thursday, July 10, 2008 we had pancakes this morning and headed out to our detonation of bald eagle lake. we went up to clear water lake we had a ridiculous wind in our face. we had 20 in waves in are face we made it to are camp site, before 1 we set up camp and sat in the tents and played cards. the wind died down at about 4 so we went out and caught 8 or so small bass. that we saved for the next mornings breakfast.


Day 4 of 4

Friday, July 11, 2008 today we just headedout to little gabbro and headed out on the 280 rod portage when we got to the truck we found out that we had about 5 galons of gas stoled out if the truck. after that had a long 6 hour car ride home


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