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       Trip Report - The Namesake Trip - Davis/Frost loop
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:39AM
Title: Trip Report - The Namesake Trip - Davis/Frost loop
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OldGreyGoose 01/28/2010 10:58AM
Just got a chance to read the report -- good job! The photo of the beach brought back memories (1996, I think). If it's the same spot, a ways down the beach the way the picture is looking, there's an opening that goes back into a large boggy area. I walked down the beach and got to within about 60 yards of a huge bull moose. That night, lying in the tent half asleep with it almost dark out, I heard splashing and looked out to see a moose in the water just a few yards off the beach. What a sweet spot! Thanks for sharing.
Chilly 01/17/2010 06:08PM
Nice Report. Reminds me of a Winchell/Vance trip Mr. Vance and I took once.
danhawk 04/14/2010 02:55PM
Great report - thanks for sharing!
fishguts 04/04/2010 12:22PM
Good report, love the pictures and map, Thanks
Mongo65 04/04/2010 10:22AM
Great trip report Cowdoc!
lars54 04/04/2010 04:33PM
Thanks for the report and nice pictures. That area is still
on my to do list of future trips
lilcowdoc 04/03/2010 08:27PM namesake trip The Lindsay Frost loop (look it up, it should be a good trip). I am a little jealous about this Septmeber trip, though Doc. It proved to be warmer than the entire summer! Does anyone else have a namesake trip? There's a lot of lakes up there, take a look!
cowdoc 01/10/2010 11:10PM
New Trip Report posted by cowdoc

Trip Name: The Namesake Trip - Davis/Frost loop.

Entry Point: 39

Click Here to View Trip Report
cowdoc 01/11/2010 08:25AM
Ted and I have done 2 or 3 trips with some other guys from town and 2 trips where our 2 families went together. This was our first time as a duo.
bradcrc 01/11/2010 08:44AM
nice report with great pics. looks like a fun run even though a bit chilly. thanks for sharing.

and thanks for sharing that 1984 pic tom, that's really interesting to see how little it's changed.
cowdoc 01/29/2010 08:35AM
OGG...sounds like the same spot. That boggy area is where we hiked into on the frosty morning. I was suprised we didnt catch a moose in there. The track pic on the beach was between camp and the boggy spot....I was hopin for a good photo chance.
willys53 01/11/2010 12:36AM
Great report! Nice pictures and lots of them. Bet it was nice having the weather report for the wind event. Had the same thing happen to me I think 4 years ago. By the time I got up and tied the tent down better already broke one aluminum tent pole. I take a radio now also!
TomT 01/11/2010 07:46AM
Nice report and pics. That's a good time of year to go except for the short daylight. How many trips have you done with Ted?

I fileted a lake trout on that Frost Lake site while passing through in 1984. I had never caught a laker before and fished for a 1/2 hour before saying "one more cast". Then caught a nice 21" trout. Here's the beach back then. Some things never change.

Kiporby 01/11/2010 08:39AM
Nicely done Doc! You looked kinda cold in some of those pictures.
SunCatcher 01/11/2010 02:06PM

Great report, I was on a lot of the same lakes in August with my boys. I'll bet that Cherokee portage south was a bitch with tree's down etc. It's not a lot of fun without tree's. went backwards of you Sawbill, North and back around to Temperance etc.
I happened to be in Canada at Lac Seul slaying walleye's the same week you were on this trip. Got caught in the wind up there and sang hymns and prayed about 4 miles back to camp in six foot swail's in a 16 ft boat with 30 hp motor. About the scardest I've ever been on water. That wind blew on for about a day and a half. Outfitter at Lac Seul said it was the worst they had ever seen for wind and waves.
Anyway, really enjoyed the trip report and sounds like a hell of an adventure.
snakecharmer 01/11/2010 05:21PM
Nice report doc! Some pretty country you passed through - nice pics. Those white fungi are funky coral. I'm not sure if I've very seen them before. Thanks for sharing.
Big Tent 01/11/2010 08:10PM
Great report, I would like to do that same trip in the summer some year. I haven't seen many good beaches, I hear that Gordon or Frost is very clear, did you find that to be the case?

Thanks for sharing,
Ho Ho 01/11/2010 10:05PM
That was a most excellent and enjoyable report! The pictures are beautiful. I'd like to be there now.

I was wondering if you noticed that on your very first day, there's an ax murderer in your camp, and then moments later there is something heavy dangling right over your tent like a trap set by Wile E. Coyote for the Road Runner. And then, sure enough, there's the strange voice in the night asking if the other campsite is empty (as if the miscreant didn't know). Kind of scary, but at least you came out unscathed.
bojibob 01/12/2010 09:34AM
Doc, Very nice report and pictures. It looked like it was a beautiful time of the year to be up there
kanoes 01/12/2010 12:32PM
great report Dr. Phil!
MOgirl 01/12/2010 03:42PM
Nice report doc! The pics added even more!
preacher 01/12/2010 08:22PM
Great report. I like how the whole idea came together. Like your tent too, I have the same one. Did you guys explore any of the west end of Davis? I was there a few years ago the year after the Cavity Lake fire. The west end of Davis, including the campsite was totally destroyed. Just wondered what it looks like now.
Sounds like you live in the Madison area, are you headed to Canoecopia this year?
cowdoc 01/12/2010 09:06PM
didnt go down to the west end of Davis. Copia is up in the air...I may get there for only Sat. afternoon. Tent belongs to Ted....nice tent for that time of year.
campnscrap 01/13/2010 07:19AM
Nice report Doc - loved all the pictures!
rlhedlund 01/14/2010 03:42AM
Nice trip, nice pics, nice report. Looks like a great time of year for a trip. Sounds like the same kind of wind event as May 20th, 2009. Only then the temp got up to 80 while the water was still in the 40's.
dicecupmaker 01/14/2010 04:33AM
Great trip report!!! Great read on a long quiet night.