BWCA What is the story behind the screen names? Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      What is the story behind the screen names?     
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distinguished member (312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2010 11:38PM  
I was just wondering why some people chose the screen names they did when joining this site.

Some are pretty obvious, I mean Vikinfan is pretty self explanatory and Kanoes....Kanoes....Wisconsin public education I guess explains that one but how did the rest of you pick your names?

Oh yeah sign up for the spring wing night May 1st if you can!

Take care
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distinguished member(2527)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2010 11:53PM  
I lead volunteers on portage clearing trips each spring.
No space between portage and keeper because I grew up close to Wisconsin. :)
distinguished member (320)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 12:03AM  
It was my generic screen name in case I didn't like the site. Had to sign up to see the user comments on the maps or something like that. Now I'm just too lazy to change it. It seems I like this site. :-)
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 12:59AM  
area code and my initials
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/15/2010 01:28AM  
Where I live and where I do most of my paddling. TW
senior member (54)senior membersenior member
04/15/2010 02:28AM  
Apollyon is the Greek name for Abaddon, the spiritual being named as the destroyer in Christian apocalyptic theology.

I liked the way Appolion looked though :P

(Left Behind series anyone?)
distinguished member(2102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 02:58AM  
I used to make muffler belts years, wait that was in a prior life when I drank. Now I help people keep their beverages cool.......with class.
distinguished member(1210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 04:02AM  
I wasn't really paying attention when I filled in the username field. I had no idea what kind of a commitment I was making.
04/15/2010 04:20AM  
Just the word canoe and my house number. I didn't intend to post this much or I would have thought about it more. I don't really mind my name, even if it is pretty generic. I do wish I had capitalized it though.
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 04:29AM  
First grandchild gifted me with the "bapa" and coaching cohorts went by the second part. There was no real reference to Bear Bryant it was more that I growled a lot. :)
distinguished member(534)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 04:39AM  
The day of the greatest 2 min. in sports
04/15/2010 04:52AM  
My husband, Spartan1, and I are both graduates of MSU. We met on the Spartan student trip to the Rose Bowl in 1965-66 on a Greyhound bus en route to Pasadena. It was just the first thing that came to mind for me. We bleed green, especially during football season.
04/15/2010 04:59AM  
Tenth child of Una.
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 05:46AM  
My drill instructor started calling me JohnBoy (last name is Walton), that got shortened to JB and in the wild is where I feel the most comfortable. Although some that have known me for a long time, say that when I was younger and drinking heavy, it was more like JB is in the wild (mood). Of course I don't remember much of those days and if it wasn't for the flashbacks I wouldn't remember the 70s and 80s at all.
rookie in 03
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 06:02AM  
first trip to Gods country
distinguished member(2077)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 06:10AM  
Mine is just a fusion of my first and last name. I wish I had thought of something a bit more clever. I have been tempted to change it, but likely never will.
04/15/2010 06:13AM  
Song I played in band in high school 35 years ago. Always liked it, wanted to have a ranch called the SunCatcher Ranch, or some such dream like that, so when got on this site just went with SunCatcher.
Plus seems I am always "chasing the Sun" so to speek. Love the site and all who enter here. Blessing to you all (Paul's my other name ha ha)
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/15/2010 06:31AM  
Oh my. Is it that obtuse?
04/15/2010 06:47AM  
German speaking folks understand mine immediately. A Benutzername is a username or screen name.

The funny part is: I don't speak German!
distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 07:15AM  
I play bluegrass banjo in a Grateful Dead band. Has nothing fo do with my lack of landscaping skills!
distinguished member(578)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 07:16AM  
When I worked in a machine shop, we had phrases that really didn't mean much other than a running joke or commentary about the situation... "that's a real humdinger" which could convey sarcasm or if you we're impressed with something or a statement on the latest engineering creation.
I have worst shop phrases that were unique, but we have mixed company here.
distinguished member(1257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 07:23AM  
Thlipsis was one of the coolest sounding words I had to memorize in my New Testament Greek classes in seminary. Unfortunately it means distress, affliction or tribulation. 29 is my birthday (August 29).
04/15/2010 07:37AM  
Jiimaan is an Ojibwa word for Canoe.
04/15/2010 07:38AM  
While I have many interests and loves in my life, and I will readily admit to being called a lot of names -"Boppa" is the one that brings a smile quickest, from little voices.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/15/2010 07:43AM  
I believe theres an old post that explains everyones screen name, but for me its my friends use to call me basspro when we would fish together, and june 9 is my wifes birthday so I combined the two Basspro69.
distinguished member(992)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 08:00AM  

I love to canoe either tandem or solo but "trekking" solo is an experience like none other.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 08:04AM  
Nickname my 10th grade history teacher gave me, after the cartoon character. My initials are TC and that was what topcat was called by his friends.
distinguished member (220)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 08:11AM  
FullGo -- i.e to go all out, to go fast and go hard. That pretty much describes my personality when it comes to recreational activities --football, triathlons, marathons, and the BWCA.
04/15/2010 08:16AM  
I wanted a name that reflected canoeing and something specific about me, and I really do appreciate my kevlar canoes...and it wasn't already taken, as several other names were.
04/15/2010 08:21AM  
No, Jo, and Bro are the first parts of my name, my husband's name, and our first daughter's name. Way back when we first got an email address, he made up that as our email, and I've adopted it as my online screen name. The other daughter gets left out. That's what you get for being born late to the party. ;-)
04/15/2010 08:30AM  
My wife believes that my canoeing skills are equivalent to the Walt Disney character, and I live in the Hiawatha Valley.
distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 08:40AM  
I think it was 1999-2001 or some time around there. New job, first time on the internet. Didn't know much about it, but stumbled upon the CCBB and after lurking for awhile wanted to chime in. Had to create an identity and an email address I could use and had heard that on the internet, you don't want to divulge your real info...spur of the moment, I thought of a TV show I liked and decided to use a lesser-recognized character that would maybe seem like a real rather than Barney Fife or Sheriff Andy Taylor or Opie, I went with Howard Sprague. No real reasoning behind it, but after awhile my friends on the CCBB knew me by that and it seemed too late to change to a different, better name. When I came here, there were many of the same people I know on the CCBB so I kept the same one. Not very interesting, eh? (Now, if I'd come here and there were already anothe HowardSprague, that might have been interesting and confusing at the same time.)
04/15/2010 08:43AM  
I love to raft, kayak and canoe Whitewater. But, I live in MN now so my interests have turned north to the BWCA and beyond.
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
04/15/2010 08:46AM  
No idea there a way to change the name? I dont like the one I picked.
distinguished member (247)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 08:53AM  
when i was a kid whenever anyone would call or stop by wondering were i was my parents would always say inthewoods somewere good luck finding him
04/15/2010 08:54AM  
I joined this site in 2004 under my "real" name, but didn't post much and mainly used the maps as quick references. When I decided to dive back into the forums in earnest in 2010, I created a new user with a real screen name, which is really self-explanatory.

"BW Paddler" is the first and last name associated with my "anonymous" (paddling_home) email address - used when I don't care to advertise my unique last name to the whole internet. The phrase "Paddling Home" comes from a Michael Monroe song of the same name that was sung by me (at the top of my lungs, for bedtime stories, on road trips...) for about a year after I first got his Antler, Bear, Kazoo album.
distinguished member(568)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 09:04AM  
Determined Orange is the color of this canoe I made.

Patches the Canoe
distinguished member (288)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 09:24AM  
My philosphy is that canoes, tents, tools, guns, camping equipment, etc are meant to be used/used up and I sometimes make odd and off-hand comments.

I tend to abuse my canoes in and out of use, which sometimes leads to various puncture wounds and road rash injuries, i.e. sailing a canoe down the gunflint, stacking up in rapids, etc. I've gotten handy with fiberglass and resin; plus it facilitates my need to buy a new canoe every 5 to 10 years.

I would have used the HOE (a nickname given to me by a close friend)... "hard on equipment", but I didn't want people to get the wrong idea.

04/15/2010 09:29AM  
Not sure where my name GSP came from. Guess I had it most of my life, got to let the dog out.
04/15/2010 09:30AM  
It's just what some people call me - a nickname based on my name.
distinguished member (377)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 09:34AM  
I paddle a Merlin II
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/15/2010 09:42AM  
One of my paddling buddies lives in another town and we'd call each other at work all the time to discuss our trips. His secretary would always ask the nosy question, "May I tell him who's calling?"

So... to be creative, I came up with several fictitious names that sounded legit, but were related to our Quetico trips.

The name "Jackfish" is what many First Nation folks call the Northern Pike. Jack Fish could, theoretically, be a man's name, so that's one of the pseudo names I used when I called him. It stuck.
distinguished member(835)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 09:52AM  
I normally trip with my best friend or with my dog so it's 2 in a green Souris River canoe.
I guess I will always have to own green canoes now.
04/15/2010 10:51AM  
member (17)member
04/15/2010 10:56AM  
Cleveland Indians fan. Chief Wahoo still remains their mascot. The Chief's big smile has gotten me through a lost of tough seasons; the 1990's are the exception.
04/15/2010 10:58AM  
Hilarious Jackfish! Stealth and secrecy... love it.

quote TwoByGreenCanoe: "I normally trip with my best friend or with my dog so it's 2 in a green Souris River canoe.
I guess I will always have to own green canoes now."

TwoBy - OT, but I am soooooooo jealous! I really wanted the green SR, but got my LeTigre from an outfitter. They don't typically spend the extra on color for their rental fleets. Now, if I win the lottery, I'll get a green one AND a red one!
distinguished member(4445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/15/2010 11:06AM  
the name refers to my big wet dog taking up floor space in the canoe.
04/15/2010 11:08AM  
Chilly a fictional super hero in Lakeside that most folks know well. Mr. Windchill on the other hand is real, unknown, and has very few special powers...
distinguished member(1775)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 11:12AM  
I used to be karenmb, but it was unpronounceable and bland. So, I invited other bwca.commers to help me come up with a new one that sounds good and has some meaning. Hence: Tremolo--the sound that loons make when anxious, which probably fits my personality too. Then, I discovered there is a lake Tremolo near Insula and plan to paddle or bushwhack there this May.
distinguished member(604)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 11:24AM  
It's a name with more than one meaning for me.
After serving a state indentured apprenticeship in the skilled trades they give you the title of "journeyman" of that trade, which I proudly carry. But, somehow the title seemed just as fitting for a person that treks out into the wilderness for a week at a time.
04/15/2010 11:25AM  
Yes, I have 6 kids. We finally figured out what was causing it.

The name actually came from a joke...a guy was referring to his wife as "mom of 5" and she didn't like it so she called him "dad of 3" and it stopped. People started calling me "dad of 3" and my wife said, no he really is "dad of 6".
04/15/2010 11:25AM  
One of the secretaries in my office, before I retired, liked to give certain people nicknames. Actually, she gave me two names but I lean toward the name reflecting concern for my advancing age rather than the other name, "Jerbear."
04/15/2010 11:27AM  
In the movie Repo Man (one of my favorite movies back in college), the character played by Emilio Estevez is named Otto. When he introduces himself to the other repo men, one guy say's "Otto? You mean like otto parts?" I know it's dumb, but it made me laugh!
04/15/2010 11:34AM  
A play on my last name and a nickname given by my peers growing up.
Rapid Runner
distinguished member(622)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 11:38AM  
fast = moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid

runner = base runner, ball carrier.

I was the leading base stealer for my high school team and in football I was a running back,wide reciever, and kick returner.

seen rapid as a definition of fast and since I like white water rafting, and you see plenty of rapids in the BW I made Rapid Runner
member (24)member
04/15/2010 11:43AM  
Linden is the little spot where I live in the Ozarks, ergo I am a Lindenite....or in this case a Linden Knight.
04/15/2010 12:00PM  
Parnells Place is the name of my restaurant. My father had for 15 years, raced stock cars also and his nickname was Parnelly after the famous racer Parnelly Jones. My name is Tim and my wife and I bought it in 1989.
distinguished member (436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 12:03PM  
wanted an up northy sounding name while still sounding approachable:-)
04/15/2010 12:03PM  
I went to the University of Iowa.
distinguished member (159)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 12:03PM  
I like to portage and I do them in one trip. my name is todd.
member (17)member
04/15/2010 12:10PM  
I like to lurk about the woods and mountains just staying out of the cameras viewfinder.
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 12:17PM  
Guess it came from my reluctant acknowledgement that I am finally getting old at 60 and since I grew up in Indiana, it was a simple merge.

Even though I have lived the great majority of my life in Texas or Tennessee, we tend to "identify" with our childhood homes.

Most disturbing is that someone might be prone think I went to Indiana University (God forbid!) when in fact I am a Purdue grad.
04/15/2010 12:57PM  
Pretty simple here I'm from Missouri and I'm a girl! That's it!

04/15/2010 01:03PM  
Hmmmm. Not sure how I came up with it, it was a product of my personality.
Moose Plums could represent different things to different individuals. Why does everyone assume it's the gems pictured below?
Billy pool guy
member (29)member
04/15/2010 01:23PM  
When I started teaching, the school that hired me already had 5 staff members named Bill. Bill the Dean, Bill The principal, Bill the science guy, Bill the janitor, and Bill the trainer. I was hired to teach swimming and manage the pool, and I was the youngest guy on staff so Billy pool guy.
04/15/2010 01:33PM  

Uh, well, I am one.


distinguished member(762)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 01:38PM  
Mine really sucks, and when I put originally signed in, I didn't realize it was going to be visible on the screen.

I was assigned that as my user name when I enrolled in college, and seems like I just stuck with it for my email and other logons so I didn't get them all confused.
04/15/2010 02:05PM  
Everyone that eats my fried fish say its the best fish they have ever ate. My fish has even changed the minds of people that don't like fish. The name was give to me by my niece who hated fish, now the only fish she will eat is mine. Have you ever seen anyone woof down bullhead thinking its walleye. Fishfry anyone.
04/15/2010 02:08PM  
'Ya mar' is a Phish song.

And the 'va' comes from the eastern 'delmarva' region. A fun place to be in the summer, especially if Phish is out touring.
senior member (95)senior membersenior member
04/15/2010 02:10PM  
Moosedrool.....I wanted to use your name when I signed up in reference to one of my favorite beers.

One trip to BWCA was with 3 Mike's from the same town and a Greg, so we needed to come up with a way for Greg to communicate with us w/o getting 3 responses in unison. I became GrampaMike because I had just recently welcomed my first grandchild to this earth. Also was TallMike and SAM (Smart Ass Mike).

Nojobro...that was SAM and myself you ran into on the Snake River last year.
distinguished member(839)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 03:24PM  
Seriously, I thought your name was a part of bull moose anatomy!
Emptynest was a parenting status my wife and I were enjoying when I first logged on, and then my birthdate.
distinguished member (155)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 03:31PM  
Mine is about as uncreative as you can get. first initial of my first name combined with my last name.
distinguished member(3470)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 03:38PM  
My initials are BMW - BMWs are known as Bimmers (cars) and Beemers (motorcycles).

I like my Beemer - picture taken up in Yukon Territory. I think.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/15/2010 03:58PM  
One of my favorite occurences, especially in the B-dub....NORTHERN LIGHTS. Just added the "Tusc" to be a little creative about it with a BWCA twist.
senior member (85)senior membersenior member
04/15/2010 03:59PM  
Well back when i was 16 and went by Dick short for Richard ( how i dont know it just is)one of my friends flipped it around and Kcid (the C is silent) stuck since im just a really big kid . That and im from Minneapolis .
distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 04:04PM  
The Dbldppr is double dipper. I read about public employees in Missouri retiring and getting jobs in other retirement markets, so I retired from public schools at 30 years and got a fob in the private school sector 9 years ago. I now draw full retirement and also have a full time position teaching P. E. at a private school. This strategy really helped my wife and I get our kids through college years.

The 12 and 50 were my jersey numbers in high school and in college in baseball and football. Strange - my daughter also wore 12 in college softball.
distinguished member (312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 04:48PM  
Fishfry I do believe you when you say you are a good cook when it comes to fish (would love to try some).

I do not believe you about the bullhead thing though (and I will never try some!) :)
04/15/2010 05:08PM  
I've been Bad_CRC on the interwebs for years. Got e-famous 10 years or so ago, and now that nickname is always taken by someone else when I try to sign up for stuff, so I've resorted to bradcrc since brad is my first name.

a Bad_CRC is a computer term.

04/15/2010 05:12PM  
'butthead' was my character for computer simulations/online gaming.
Flew as Major Assinious Noggin 358th Fighter Group, in a P47D, EAW online.
The nickname stuck!

senior member (95)senior membersenior member
04/15/2010 05:20PM  

for beat me to your screen name!
distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 05:58PM  
My first hunting buddy - Gunner.
member (18)member
04/15/2010 06:20PM  
Graduated from UW-Milwaukee with an architectural UWM and ARCHY for short
Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 07:22PM  
I am a man from Arkansas...

04/15/2010 08:16PM  
I was skinny growing up so my babysitter called me Bean (as in bean pole) and the name stuck. I go by: Bean, Beaner, Beanman, Beano Torretta(similar to the Miami QB), and those who don't know me well just call me Brian. My dad called me Herman growing up(no idea why) and my mom always called me Skip(which made me feel real manly).
04/15/2010 08:46PM  
My favorite area to paddle.
distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 08:56PM  

I couldn't think of a canoe-related name when I joined So, I used the first (High Plains) and last name (Drifter) that I was using in my Hotmail account as HighPlainsDrifter.

It worked at the time. If I had to do it again, I probably would use something related to the north woods.

I liked Clint Eastwood movies....... "shave and a hot bath" was a classic scene from High Plains Drifter.
distinguished member(585)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 09:00PM  
No, it's not cause I have a hairy white back.
Yes, because the silverback gorilla is THE King of the forest.

Truthfully it's the name of a Frisbee team from Florida that I came out of (Frisbee) retirement to play on. We almost won the 50th annual International Frisbee Tournament. I had such a good time that I adopted it as my moniker.
distinguished member (187)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 09:17PM  
WTG (wind turbine generator) monkey (chosen mascot for us climbing folk that repair and maintain the big fans)
04/15/2010 09:21PM  
I'm a gal who likes to sit in the back of the canoe and steer. Been sitting there since my dad put me there when I was 10.
04/15/2010 09:30PM  
I live in Arkansas and I love to travel. I have been to every state but Hawaii, pretty much all of Europe and lived in Israel for awhile. The name Traveler seems to have a long history with Arkansas...the name of a song, a boat, a minor league baseball team and who knows what else. Even my paddle is a BB Traveler.
Craig K
distinguished member(620)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 10:05PM  
A friend of mine (also a member of this site) Created an account for me and my brother so we could use this site to do research and communicate for planning our trips. I've been going to the BWCA and using this screen name ever since then.
distinguished member(1480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 10:32PM  
Most my non-BWCA canoeing is in the Mississippi sloughs around Wabasha.
distinguished member(780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2010 10:38PM  
I know a little bit about plants.
04/15/2010 10:44PM  
Computer game name I liked to use with my friends waaay back when to have multiple players you had to have a lan party. Since I didn't know the games (mostly 1st person shooters) I'd just run amok and try not to get killed.

Also, it's a character name from a book series (and writer) I like.
senior member (66)senior membersenior member
04/15/2010 11:28PM  
Iowa State Cyclone --- Clone for short.
bear bait
distinguished member(518)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 12:32AM  

i like bears
distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/16/2010 12:49AM  
I brew my own beer, so mr.barley works for me.
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/16/2010 06:45AM  
Wow, how do I explain this name..........haha :-)
distinguished member (191)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 07:48AM  
Name of my bar if I ever owned one, nickname is Hap.
distinguished member (431)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 07:55AM  
Had to come up with something quick. My long-time dream had been to acquire a solo canoe, so when I ended up with the Bell Magic in BlackGold, I just put two and two together, hence - BlackMagic. Not to be confused with the nasty kind.
distinguished member (139)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 08:06AM  
where i live and name...nothing too exciting here. some of your's are rather creative though
distinguished member(1563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 08:49AM  
A buddy and I we're canoeing on the Brule in Wis. A pretty good sized downpour came through and as we were taking shelter under a over hanging pine some "better prepared" boats came by. One guy in the bow of one boat says "Looks like you forgot the rain gear eh?" My buddy, a little pissy said "Rain gear? Yeah right!" As if we did it on purpose. We always get a chuckle talking about it and always make sure we throw in the RG now.
04/16/2010 09:54AM  
Hawk is how many mispronounce my last name so when I was in the military I had "hawk" on my helmet. Plus I love hawks.

That being said, I would like to change the name to DiverDan. This name was given to me in the BWCA the summer after 9th grade. I dove in with wearing the last of my dry clothes trying to grab a runaway fish on a stringer. Can the name be changed?
That Guy
distinguished member(532)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 10:11AM  
That Guy.... someone has to be him.
distinguished member (125)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 12:27PM  
I have a chocolate Lab named Bosco and I am a man= Labman.

I think this might be the first time I posted something.....
04/16/2010 12:40PM  
Welcome to the site labman!
04/16/2010 06:22PM  
I made some bannock for a group, they thought the name funny, and so started calling me Bannock. I guess it's better than Hamburger Helper. :)
distinguished member(937)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 06:50PM  
Love to go mushroom hunting and I think I'm pretty gd at it. My friends came up with mushroom man, which turned into myceliaman since I'm willing to go above and beyond to find the elusive mushrooms.
04/16/2010 10:10PM  
Like your's mine is fairly obvious. Still love Brett Farve too.
Big Tent
distinguished member(590)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 11:28PM  
I hate dressing on my knees.
distinguished member (215)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2010 11:49PM  
Not much of a computer person, so when my son was setting up my E-mail account he asked what name I wanted? Couldn't think of one so I told him to make one up. Just outside the window sat my 53 Willys ranch truck, not much of an imagination!
04/17/2010 04:01AM  
quote Vikinfan: "Fishfry I do believe you when you say you are a good cook when it comes to fish (would love to try some).

I do not believe you about the bullhead thing though (and I will never try some!) :)"
My girl will never eat bullhead either. I let my sister think she was eating walleye until she finished then I told her.
distinguished member (176)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2010 08:18AM  
my mother's childhood nickname for me. my older brother has perpetuated it through my life by calling me by it loudly when i was in high school -- so i would be embarrassed when my friends heard it. to his children i have became uncle mogos.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/17/2010 10:13AM  
I live in Savage, and I like to travel and explore the BWCA
Big Ying
distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2010 12:19PM  
A nickname I've had from close friends since college. Not for what you might think, not that they would know.
distinguished member (240)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2010 12:51PM  
Love the Los Angeles Dodgers. Also love Los Angeles.
04/17/2010 02:40PM  
I am a Dodger fan too but I'll only drive in LA if I have to in order to catch a plane. I have only seen the Dodgers when they have played in SF.
distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2010 05:32PM  
I live in Shoreview, MN... and am Swedish-American, eh.
senior member (58)senior membersenior member
04/17/2010 05:40PM  
I drive a big truck and the numbers are nothing.
member (20)member
04/17/2010 06:30PM  
First half of my name then my badge number nothing to do with the scouts
04/17/2010 10:43PM  
I was in a rock band back in the college days called Burnt Sienna.

Kip Orby was our "manager". Totally fictional character. Dialing Kip actually dialed our phone number.

distinguished member (336)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2010 08:48AM  
some buddies and I fitted trolling motors on the back of canoes (not the square stern type)we have 4 in our fleet.
distinguished member (458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2010 10:15AM  
Name spelled backwards.
04/18/2010 11:42AM  
Koda = "friend" in the Lakota Sioux language.
04/18/2010 08:17PM  
Boring...just my name.
distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2010 08:41PM  
My dog, as you might guess. I post very little but read often. I have little idea who's behind each screen name but there must be "communities" behind this "community" because some people seem to know each other. Or am I just imagining that? For the most part, when I click on profile it seems like most identities are cloaked in mystery.
distinguished member(3443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2010 10:02PM  
"Air" in reference to what I do. Pilot. And my last name.
04/19/2010 11:16PM  
quote tobiedog: "My dog, as you might guess. I post very little but read often. I have little idea who's behind each screen name but there must be "communities" behind this "community" because some people seem to know each other. Or am I just imagining that? For the most part, when I click on profile it seems like most identities are cloaked in mystery. "

I just clicked on yours too - mystery!
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/20/2010 07:20AM  
OBX = North Carolina's Outer Banks; the thin sandbar that separates the Atlantic Ocean from the Pamlico Sound.

2Kayak = Why I moved to the Outer Banks
distinguished member(563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2010 09:57AM  
Wawasee is a lake I grew up on in Indiana. It was named after a Miami Indian chief. Wawasee means flat belly.
04/20/2010 10:07AM  
quote OBX2Kayak: "OBX = North Carolina's Outer Banks; the thin sandbar that separates the Atlantic Ocean from the Pamlico Sound.

2Kayak = Why I moved to the Outer Banks"
OBX2 - I saw your connection to Outer Banks with your screen name. Love that place - my brother kiteboards there several times a year. You come all the way to MN for paddling? Wow.
04/20/2010 10:25AM  
my first initial and last name backwards.........uh oh now everyone can figure out my real identity.....

do not read this post, as I need to keep my identity secret please
thanks in advance
04/20/2010 12:41PM  
Alpine = one of my favorite BW lakes + my house numbers!
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2010 12:49PM  
This is the screenname I use for a fishing site. Growing up when my dad would ask what I wanted to do, I'd say, "Let's go fishing."
member (32)member
04/20/2010 01:25PM  

S and J
Scott and Jami

Me and wife
distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2010 01:25PM  
What a great thread to find today! I just changed my username today. I used to be jax261, which was just an old college thing and part of the email address that I use to set up accounts on websites. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be into this site or not, I just wanted to look at the maps and see some of the info. Well, it turns out that I do like this place and I think I will be a part of this, for a while to come anyway. So I changed up the name to be a little more personal and current. Chazz the Gnome is a combo of a few things, the trip I was on last summer found a group of us having to ‘settle’ for our 2nd choice of campsites at the end of a long hard day of travel. The occupant of the site that we were heading for then became the object of our campfire stories that night, we named him Chazz and discussed hie various shortcomings and annoying personal habits, including his very strict adherence to the leave no trace philosophy which leads him to bag his poo in the bwca. Chazz, and his spirit, have since been a guiding force in many of mine and that groups camping adventures since then. And the gnome part because I have a thing for gnomes. I have a 3-inch gnome that comes with on a lot of trips.

So it’s weird but that’s the deal with my name.
distinguished member (462)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2010 02:18PM  
I have an old town discovery canoe - 82lbs I bought it 20 years ago when it was not so heavy. Not sure I will be able to carry it in 20 more. But I think that the royalex will last that long or longer.
distinguished member(1301)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2010 04:38PM  
I have sold lumber for over 20 years and there was a time in the late 80's when they stopped logging old growth forests because the spotted owl was put on the endangered species list. They live only in these ancient forests where the best trees are for making lumber. This caused the price of lumber to increase dramatically-it's a classic commidity supply and demand business. At the time people were buying alot of lumber and when the prices went way up and you are a commission salesman, you make more money. So I learned to love the spotted owl. Now, with this economy I wish I'd have never heard of the little &@#$%^! and had gotten into something else. But, as a screen name on a wilderness type of forum, it's kind of mellow in a way, so I like it.
distinguished member (314)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2010 06:41PM  
No good story to mine either. I use one.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/20/2010 06:50PM  
quote ChazzTheGnome: "I just changed my username today."

I guess that answers THAT question. I'm keeping my name, but there were others who wondered if a name could be changed. There you have it. (And you don't even drop back to zero posts!)
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/20/2010 10:30PM  
quote BWPaddler: "
quote OBX2Kayak: "OBX = North Carolina's Outer Banks; the thin sandbar that separates the Atlantic Ocean from the Pamlico Sound.

2Kayak = Why I moved to the Outer Banks"
OBX2 - I saw your connection to Outer Banks with your screen name. Love that place - my brother kiteboards there several times a year. You come all the way to MN for paddling? Wow."

Why travel all the way to Minnesota? Here's why:

Ran into this fella last Saturday. He's a big reason why I prefer swimming in the Boundary Waters.
08/30/2010 09:22AM  
Well since this was bumped...

Mine is pretty boring - my first and middle initial followed by my lastname.
senior member (64)senior membersenior member
08/30/2010 10:12AM  
My screen name came from when I was part of an Archery forum. I am an avid bow hunter and a lot of my hunting area is good ole Northern MN Spruce and Tamarack swamps.
08/30/2010 01:20PM  
My job title is "Wetlands Specialist" and I love duck hunting.
distinguished member(1072)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2010 01:49PM  
Diva cuz I am. In the Wild, cuz I usually am. Unless, I have to be a Diva but that's pretty wild anyway.

08/30/2010 02:14PM  
I was eating a corndog when I first signed onto this sight, and it made me laugh. So Corndog it is.
distinguished member(737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2010 02:16PM  
Due to some health set-backs last summer we weren't able to do anything fun, so we were determined to make this our "epic 2K10" year of making up for lost time. So far so good....4 day ski trip to Lutsen to see Gear Daddies, motorcycle trips, dirt bike ridin', "epic" adventure in the Quetico, lots of golfin'...and still more fun stuff to come before the end of the year! Does it mean I have to change to "2K11" next year?? Nah, I like the sound of 2K10 better and it's definitely been a year to remember :-)
member (6)member
08/30/2010 02:50PM  
I restored a 1945 Ford built WW2 jeep and that is where the name comes from.
08/30/2010 02:55PM  
well, it seems that I am muddy. With my outdoor activities (rock hunting,mushroom hunting, animal hunting, artifact hunting, fishing, etc...)I am usually muddy.

I wanted mudman, but someone else has it.

(usually not capatilized because there is only one true Muddy....Muddy Waters, of course!)

distinguished member (167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2010 03:07PM  
My canoe trips have usually involved bringing younger, less experienced kids/groups on trail. In these settings I typically end up with less-strong paddlers in the bow of the canoe I am in, and predominantly use the j-stroke to keep the canoe on a straight course. I seldom use the power stroke alone - Hence the name :>)
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2010 06:34PM  
My wife would kill me if it got out. I sometimes send packages to our house addressed to "snipit" or "snipit inc.", just to get a "rise" out of her. Only 2 people know what it means, and I know she won't tell.
distinguished member (197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2010 07:56PM  
Winemaker was taken. I happened to be making a batch of Cabernet Sauvingnon at the time I was joining so went with that. However, if Winemaker precedes me to the afterlife I'd like to be willed the name. :)
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/30/2010 08:30PM  
quote Snipit: "My wife would kill me if it got out. I sometimes send packages to our house addressed to "snipit" or "snipit inc.", just to get a "rise" out of her. Only 2 people know what it means, and I know she won't tell."

Oh I think there are a few more people now that can read between the lines.
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/31/2010 07:13AM  
Good luck!
08/31/2010 07:47AM  
I play washtub bass (or "gutbucket") in the Brainerd area group "Old, Fat, and Gray". Given to me by our lead singer/songwriter/harmonica player based on some dub licks I was playing.
08/31/2010 08:06AM  
I own a casual bar restaurant "Parnells Place" in WI. going on 22 years.
08/31/2010 10:09AM  
Ripple is the name of my sailboat. I have always loved the dichotomy of the power and gentleness of water and wind that you experience while sailing- just barely making a ripple in water can take you around the world.

Ripple is also a tribute to the memory of the fun silly moments Grateful Dead concerts had in my life. My favorite Grateful Dead song "Ripple" captures the ying and yang of fleeting thought and our lives- yet the existence of a greater power is acknowledged- "ripple in still water, where there is no pebble tossed"

Live Ripple
distinguished member(751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/02/2010 04:52AM  
Mine's pretty easy. I live in North Georgia (Ellijay). I considered Tarheel since I was born in NC but I have lived most of my life in GA.
I also am a big, big University of Georgia football fan (and alumni) and I will take a bet with anyone that plays us in football. My Georgia peanut brittle for what ever you make that is good (no Lutefisk Minnesota fans). Found out Spartan 2 makes wonderful fruitcakes after the Dawgs took care of the Spartans two years ago in a bowl game.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/02/2010 09:54AM  
Hey Parnell, where is your restaurant? Will have to stop in next trip North.

Mine's easy, I live on a little farm in the Ozarks and been paddling canoes for over 30 years. TW
marc bates
distinguished member(1029)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/02/2010 04:37PM  
Because I was a dumbass when I signed up and didn't know any better. First forum I ever joined. Yes, this is my name. Nickname is Masterbates, but I figured if I changed it now, no one would know who the hell I was.
distinguished member (248)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/03/2010 03:27AM  
1bigpaddle, My Girlfriend always said I have ... :) or its because I'm tall and I order my paddles long.
senior member (79)senior membersenior member
09/03/2010 12:07PM  
I am always in the BW for the week surrounding August 11 - 12. Those are the peak nights for the Perseied meteor shower. We went up there for the show in 1991 and it was so nice we just do it every year.
distinguished member (148)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/03/2010 01:15PM  
I like the phrase Blaze Of Glory. So bog it is. Although I hate bogs in real life.

Red Beard
distinguished member (322)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/03/2010 01:50PM  
I have dirty blonde hair. When I grow my beard out, the hair is more red than blonde. Sooo..there you go.

distinguished member(772)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/04/2010 09:06AM  
Eagle patrol, BSA wood badge course in 1993

It was there that I met the guy that introduced me to the BW. Forever grateful.
distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/04/2010 09:22PM  
09/04/2010 10:51PM  
quote Vikinfan: "I was just wondering why some people chose the screen names they did when joining this site.

Some are pretty obvious, I mean Vikinfan is pretty self explanatory and Kanoes....Kanoes....Wisconsin public education I guess explains that one but how did the rest of you pick your names?

Oh yeah sign up for the spring wing night May 1st if you can!

Take care"

just to be wasnt because of the wisconsin public education system.

its because ive lived in minnesota for over 30 years now. cause, i seen the change in me, and i aint kidding. :)
senior member (69)senior membersenior member
09/04/2010 11:42PM  
I got hacked and had to change all of my e-mail ect user names. Got frustrated in coming up with something that wasn't taken and typed nonamesleft. The 47 has been in my usernames since my first real job when I was user #47 on the DOS based system. Just kept it around.
09/05/2010 02:27PM  
I went to Ima Lake for the first time 5 years ago and loved it. It's one of my favorite lakes so far. And, also thought it would be a good play on words: I'm a camper.
09/06/2010 07:26AM  
Just like it says. jfox, and I'm a paramedic. Just wish there were Paramedic jobs in the BW. Oh well, only 10 more years and the kids are out of the house and I can change it to jfox tree counter or somehting.
distinguished member (424)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2010 10:17AM  
Well, it's because I hunt. I hunt for meat, never for horn or trophy. Want a trophy? Join a bowling league LOL. The time spent afield with friends and family worth more than anything one could possibly hang on a wall. A animal harvested is a bonus.

In today's world of growth hormones and antibiotic ridden meat and poultry, I prefer to know where our table fare comes from and how it's handled.

There, I will get of my rant LOL
member (8)member
09/07/2010 02:26PM  
Well I guess my name is 128 years in the making!
09/07/2010 08:10PM  
my first name is neight hence n8 and my last name ends in ville..n8ville
member (21)member
09/08/2010 04:31PM  
Boatin was a nickname given to me about 25 years ago because I love boats (owned 15 since 1984). Nickname variations include Floatin, boatissimo and boatin B.

Bill Tea
distinguished member (369)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2010 10:43AM  
Just a nickname I was given back in the late 60's when I was out of school and wandering around the country. Has nothing to do with what I was smoking at the time...
distinguished member(1062)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/24/2010 03:55PM  
I work for a well drilling company where my area of expertise is improving, for more practical use, the natural quality of the water found in the wells that we drill. This involves working with the water from the hole in the ground through its point of use at a faucet--from the "bottom to the tap".
10/24/2010 07:55PM  
quote ripple: "Ripple is the name of my sailboat. I have always loved the dichotomy of the power and gentleness of water and wind that you experience while sailing- just barely making a ripple in water can take you around the world.

Ripple is also a tribute to the memory of the fun silly moments Grateful Dead concerts had in my life. My favorite Grateful Dead song "Ripple" captures the ying and yang of fleeting thought and our lives- yet the existence of a greater power is acknowledged- "ripple in still water, where there is no pebble tossed"

Live Ripple "

I must admit that Ripple Wine is what comes to mind whenever I see the word. It was big in my day but, because of its low price, had a reputation as a drink for alcoholics and the destitute. You can hear references to it in reruns of "Sanford and Son."
I'll try to tear my mind away from those memories when I see one of your posts.
distinguished member (248)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/24/2010 08:10PM  
Well she said It was the biggest one she had ever seen that I had one big paddle... Really I use long paddles and the ones I use are 66 inches.. :)
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/16/2011 01:19PM  
07/16/2011 03:33PM  
Well, I'm about 2 years behind but since this popped back up, I used to build race car engines. At one time I had a tips/tricks website, had to come up with something, bhp is "brake horsepower", so Maxxbhp. Yeh, that's pretty weak, but after 15 years it's easy to remember
senior member (61)senior membersenior member
07/16/2011 07:33PM  
quote Chilly: "Chilly a fictional super hero in Lakeside that most folks know well. Mr. Windchill on the other hand is real, unknown, and has very few special powers..."

Oh I thought you were Brad Childress aka Chilly :-)
distinguished member(1115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2011 07:51PM  
Love to fish Walleyes. Ierace is my last name (pronounced iris)
Kind of a cheesy play on words I know but I guess I,m stuck.
distinguished member(1115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2011 07:55PM  
Are'nt we all just waiting on pins and needles to here from "Canoealingus" ???

distinguished member (440)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2011 08:15PM  
Named after my best friends and canoeing partners Duke and Jade . Chesapeake Bay Retrievers.
member (34)member
07/16/2011 08:18PM  
Sleepnbag's screen name came because he wanted more information on what type of sleeping bags people use and if a certain brand was good.

Mine, Sleepnpad, came because I wanted to reply to one of his posts but I didn't want him to know it was me. I ended up telling him what I was going to do before I posted anything. We got a chuckle out of it so I kept the name.

...we never thought we'd end up meeting you all in person and have to introduce ourselves as "Sleepnbag" and "Sleepnpad"!!
Dances with Sheep
distinguished member (260)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2011 09:50PM  
Due to a court order, I am not allowed to mention how I got my name...
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/16/2011 10:22PM  
quote Dances with Sheep: "Due to a court order, I am not allowed to mention how I got my name..."

07/16/2011 11:10PM  
senior member (97)senior membersenior member
07/17/2011 05:30AM  
favorite fly
member (37)member
07/17/2011 08:09AM  
I am a bricklayer by trade. That is me on the left with my son in 2010.
07/17/2011 07:25PM  
'bout 10 years ago or so, I was camping with my 3 boys on Memorial Day weekend when they were little guys. It was raining (of course, it always rains when ya camp on Memorial Day), I was outside the tent trying to dry the kid's socks on the firegrate 'cause I forgot to bring spares. Don't think they got dry, but they definitely got scorched. Anyway, the kids were inside the tent entertaining themselves, and my oldest made up a song about a chicken named Bonvicken. I was outside in my raingear laughing my butt off. Great song, I'd like to record it with him someday (he's a drummer), but he still thinks it's a stupid idea.
senior member (54)senior membersenior member
07/17/2011 07:36PM  
I don't have a compass.
07/17/2011 08:24PM  
quote muddy: "well, it seems that I am muddy. With my outdoor activities (rock hunting,mushroom hunting, animal hunting, artifact hunting, fishing, etc...)I am usually muddy.

I wanted mudman, but someone else has it.

(usually not capatilized because there is only one true Muddy....Muddy Waters, of course!)"

McKinley Morganfield, grew up right down 61. Well 70 miles down 61. Indulge me
07/17/2011 08:38PM  
Nickname since I was in high school. Shortened version of my last name, with a y thrown in to boot.
distinguished member(1480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2011 10:15PM  
It was Sloughman (see post above), but I changed it last year due to even my own teenage son mispronouncing it. It kept coming out as Sluffman. Since I had already appropriated the newly classic roof scene opening line from the movie, "The Hangover," as my tag line (see below) I went with Lonewolf.
07/18/2011 12:35AM  
After a dog named Scout.
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2011 09:06AM  
Pretty self explanatory. Have kids. We paddle together.

Some of you are really creative!

07/18/2011 09:24AM  
Another self explanatory name. Pretty, isn't it?
senior member (66)senior membersenior member
07/18/2011 11:08AM  
I studied jays (a kind of corvid) for a time. And now I am a fan of ravens and camp robbers in the BW. Also a long-time birder.
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2011 12:07PM  
just a random nickname a friend gave me. i dont even like ryebread
distinguished member(666)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2011 01:18PM  
Last name Allen. Rest of my family still lives in Iowa or points south. It wasn't rocket surgery to comeup with a name.
member (17)member
07/18/2011 02:25PM  
On this board, it's the length of my casts. On other boards........
distinguished member(2471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2011 02:45PM  
quote myleslong: "On this board, it's the length of my casts. On other boards........"

Long story but I like the ring of the name.

Short story: The daughter named the cat after a character on star trek.

distinguished member(800)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2011 03:15PM  
My career has taken me all over the country and friends likened me to the lynard skynard song "The Breeze" cause I keep rollin down that road. Therefore Mr Breeze
Luv Lynard Skynard
distinguished member (122)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2011 03:33PM  
Mike - cuz thats my name 59 and 14 are the first numbers given to me in HS football and baseball....kept the screen name ever since on a lot of things...
07/18/2011 04:26PM  
I spent most of my life in the UP of Michigan and still consider myself a Yooper even though I now live in Iowa. I shall return someday.

UP Boy is a song title from a great UP group "Conga Se Menne"
07/18/2011 04:26PM  
I spent most of my life in the UP of Michigan and still consider myself a Yooper even though I now live in Iowa. I shall return someday.

UP Boy is a song title from a great UP group "Conga Se Menne"
07/18/2011 07:16PM  
No it is not my mood!

No it is not because I am a dwarf!

I have a T-shirt that says "I have to POOP". Therefore called a Grumpy!
senior member (91)senior membersenior member
07/19/2011 09:44AM  
From my email address which I first started using in 1999. The first initials of my husband, myself, my sons, and the first letter of our last name. I see that some people have changed their screen name, would love to change mine as soon as I can come up with something interesting.
07/19/2011 10:03AM  
quote SevenofNine: "
quote myleslong: "On this board, it's the length of my casts. On other boards........"

Long story but I like the ring of the name.

Short story: The daughter named the cat after a character on star trek.


But I really am the seventh of nine siblings. :)
07/19/2011 10:07AM  
quote northallen: "Last name Allen. Rest of my family still lives in Iowa or points south. It wasn't rocket surgery to comeup with a name.

Rocket surgery???

distinguished member (312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2011 11:05AM  
"Rocket Surgery" - that is what a person with a PhD in rocket science does for a living.

My screen name - first letter of first name and first six letters of last name. Plus, I used to work at a water utility. It's all good.
07/20/2011 04:25PM  
In the Dan Cook article about our rescue from Saganagons, I was mentioned third. After reading the article and seeing that I was not mentioned by name my wife asked "So who are you?? Bobber#3?"
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/27/2011 06:41PM  
quote Jiimaan: "Jiimaan is an Ojibwa word for Canoe."

So if you were in the military you could be JiimaanGI : )~

I have a particular fondness for numbers. Almost analy so. My friends would always throw out "what are the odds", and I would calculate them. Eventually they started calling me analyzer. Or ANALyzer.

I used to play online poker at a variety of sites, and they just called me ANAL.

It's fine until you're coaching a girls 12U softball team, and start giving out your email address to parents... anal_yzer_guy@...

It really doesn't look good. I suppose cubscouts or boyscouts would've been exponentially worse. For whatever reason I have never changed it. Although I do have another email that I use just for resumes. I imagine mine would be sent to alot of spam folders even before the potential employer deletes it on his own.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/27/2011 07:25PM  
quote analyzer: "
quote Jiimaan: "Jiimaan is an Ojibwa word for Canoe."

So if you were in the military you could be JiimaanGI : )~

I have a particular fondness for numbers. Almost analy so. My friends would always throw out "what are the odds", and I would calculate them. Eventually they started calling me analyzer. Or ANALyzer.

I used to play online poker at a variety of sites, and they just called me ANAL.

It's fine until you're coaching a girls 12U softball team, and start giving out your email address to parents... anal_yzer_guy@...

It really doesn't look good. I suppose cubscouts or boyscouts would've been exponentially worse. For whatever reason I have never changed it. Although I do have another email that I use just for resumes. I imagine mine would be sent to alot of spam folders even before the potential employer deletes it on his own."
I play online ( free Poker texas holdem) all the time, look me up sometime there, Im basspro69 on full tilt and basspro6969 on pokerstars
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/27/2011 09:29PM  
I played a couple years at Betonsports, until they folded, with $5800 of my money I might add. I then switched to another site, in the same network: Doylesroom. But at some point they kicked americans off. They moved us to Full Tilt, but it was so big compared to Doylesroom that I didn't feel comfortable, and after struggling for a couple months, I gave it up. I'm not sorry now.

At Doylesroom there were about 7 or 8000 players on there at any given time. I had notes on a substantial number of players, and it seemed like the same dozen of us were often at the final tables. It made it easy for me to consistently finish in the money. The last year I was at Doylesroom I finished up about 27k for the year.

Full tilt had 10x that many, and I knew no one. I tried to go pro that year. In January and February I won 9k, and 3k respectively at Doyles, then that UIGEA (??) thing hit, and I switched to FT in March. I think I lost all 12k of it in about 2 1/2 months. That was enough of that. I wasn't used to playing in tournaments with several hundred contestants. I liked the smaller ones at Doyles much better.

I've never done real well live. I don't have enough discipline. On line I can play 3 or 4 tables at once, and even though I'm playing conservative I still have plenty of action. Sitting at one table, playing one hand an hour gets old real quick. Anything more than that with 10% rake, a dollar or two in the jackpot, and a buck for the dealer, and you won't finish ahead. It's too much rake for anyone to overcome in low stakes.

I miss it. Before everything changed, I was pretty certain I could get to the point where I was going to make a living at it, and play in the WSOP. It's a lousy empty life though. You see alot of the older pros with a very hollow look on their face. And when they win, it's more a look of relief, than anything else.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/27/2011 09:43PM  
quote analyzer: "I played a couple years at Betonsports, until they folded, with $5800 of my money I might add. I then switched to another site, in the same network: Doylesroom. But at some point they kicked americans off. They moved us to Full Tilt, but it was so big compared to Doylesroom that I didn't feel comfortable, and after struggling for a couple months, I gave it up. I'm not sorry now.

At Doylesroom there were about 7 or 8000 players on there at any given time. I had notes on a substantial number of players, and it seemed like the same dozen of us were often at the final tables. It made it easy for me to consistently finish in the money. The last year I was at Doylesroom I finished up about 27k for the year.

Full tilt had 10x that many, and I knew no one. I tried to go pro that year. In January and February I won 9k, and 3k respectively at Doyles, then that UIGEA (??) thing hit, and I switched to FT in March. I think I lost all 12k of it in about 2 1/2 months. That was enough of that. I wasn't used to playing in tournaments with several hundred contestants. I liked the smaller ones at Doyles much better.

I've never done real well live. I don't have enough discipline. On line I can play 3 or 4 tables at once, and even though I'm playing conservative I still have plenty of action. Sitting at one table, playing one hand an hour gets old real quick. Anything more than that with 10% rake, a dollar or two in the jackpot, and a buck for the dealer, and you won't finish ahead. It's too much rake for anyone to overcome in low stakes.

I miss it. Before everything changed, I was pretty certain I could get to the point where I was going to make a living at it, and play in the WSOP. It's a lousy empty life though. You see alot of the older pros with a very hollow look on their face. And when they win, it's more a look of relief, than anything else."
And thats why I play free online poker,its very enjoyable to me to play against some really good players all over the world. my boss is on pokerstars and it took him about a year to get to one million, so when I came over from full tilt and got to a million in less than a month he wasnt very happy lol. I would never trust online poker for money to many techno wizards that could rig the game, I play twice a month in a small home game, the most you can lose in a night is fifteen bucks and its been a very long time since i didnt finish up money at the end of the night. The only way i could ever play the main event is if someone put up the entry, I work too hard to risk my paycheck against someone that goes all in preflop with 7 deuce offsuit and hits their hand, I think I would snap lol.its a very challenging game and i think im very good at it, at least the people i play aginst tell me that i am. its just very relaxing to me.
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/28/2011 12:59AM  
yeah, that's part of the reason I quit online too. When it comes to software, just about anything is possible. Too many flops seemed action oriented, and too many rivers filled folks 2 and 3 outers, flush draws, straight draws, etc. I figured if there were codes my son could plug into his play station to get certain advantages, why couldn't someone design the software with codes, so they could see everyone's cards face up.

Then it was confirmed at Absolute poker that players WERE cheating and able to see cards face up, and a few rumors floated around elsewhere. I had suspected it on my site, that guys were able to see the cards, but could never prove it.

AS a numbers guy, there were just too many oddities, outside the normal standard deviations. It was time to quit.

I have to ask myself. If I were a brilliant software writer, and some unregulated company asked me to write the software for their poker site, and I could make a few extra million, if not 10's of millions, designing, using and selling special codes that would allow me to see the cards face up, or worse yet, set the cards as play is happening... why wouldn't I? There was no regulatory body that was going to come after the software engineers. They had license to steal.

Can you imagine sitting at a 10/20 no limit table, everyone has 10's of thousands in front of them, and you can not only see all of their cards, but hand select the river? A virtual money pump.

These poker companies more than likely instructed the software engineer to design company run bots, that could systematically go through and clean folks out. Bots that could win tournaments, etc. Not only would the poker company get the rake, but they could take it faster on the side. No one to tell them no.

It's amazing. Absolute poker gets busted for cheating, and it didn't slow the sheep down one little bit. They were still coming there and spending their money in droves. Go figure.

I only wish I had taken it more seriously when I had the chance. There were lots of poker players who took advantage of the sheep to the tune of millions, instead of 27k.

Oh well. Sorry for stealing this thread. You shouldn't have gotten me started BP : )~
07/28/2011 07:09AM  
I started collecting beer cans as a young teen in the late 70's or early 80's. Don't remember which. I lived near Duluth at the time. The first can I found that started it all was an old Fitgers cone top can I found on an old rock/garbage pile out in the middle of a woods while hiking around one day with some buddies. So, Fitgers and it was the first can...fitgers1. Many years later including 20 years in the Navy has helped build up my collection to several hundred cans.
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/28/2011 11:41AM  
quote fitgers1: "I started collecting beer cans as a young teen in the late 70's or early 80's. Don't remember which. I lived near Duluth at the time. The first can I found that started it all was an old Fitgers cone top can I found on an old rock/garbage pile out in the middle of a woods while hiking around one day with some buddies. So, Fitgers and it was the first can...fitgers1. Many years later including 20 years in the Navy has helped build up my collection to several hundred cans."

So you'd be Tin Can Jeff then???

Well, not anymore, but Aluminum can Jeff, just doesn't have the same ring to it.
07/28/2011 03:37PM  
quote analyzer: "
quote fitgers1: "I started collecting beer cans as a young teen in the late 70's or early 80's. Don't remember which. I lived near Duluth at the time. The first can I found that started it all was an old Fitgers cone top can I found on an old rock/garbage pile out in the middle of a woods while hiking around one day with some buddies. So, Fitgers and it was the first can...fitgers1. Many years later including 20 years in the Navy has helped build up my collection to several hundred cans."

So you'd be Tin Can Jeff then???

Well, not anymore, but Aluminum can Jeff, just doesn't have the same ring to it."

Nice. I do call the canoe the big beer can. I'll go with Tin Can Jeff. With a dog in the canoe or fishing boat, it's more like the Mutt and Jeff show.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/28/2011 03:43PM  
quote fitgers1: "
quote analyzer: "
quote fitgers1: "I started collecting beer cans as a young teen in the late 70's or early 80's. Don't remember which. I lived near Duluth at the time. The first can I found that started it all was an old Fitgers cone top can I found on an old rock/garbage pile out in the middle of a woods while hiking around one day with some buddies. So, Fitgers and it was the first can...fitgers1. Many years later including 20 years in the Navy has helped build up my collection to several hundred cans."

So you'd be Tin Can Jeff then???

Well, not anymore, but Aluminum can Jeff, just doesn't have the same ring to it."

Nice. I do call the canoe the big beer can. I'll go with Tin Can Jeff. With a dog in the canoe or fishing boat, it's more like the Mutt and Jeff show."
distinguished member(898)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/28/2011 03:53PM  
Growing up I always had an Abu Garcia fishing reel. Well, AbuGarcia was taken when my family first signed up for AOL way back in the 90's. ApuGarcia was my second choice and has remained my screen name for many years.
07/28/2011 08:52PM  

Mocha was given to me shortly after she turned 5 and had given birth to her 7th litter of pups (yes, she worked for a puppy mill in WI). we had almost 7 great years together and learned a lot from each other. she came along at the right time in my life, even though i swore NO MORE DOGS! god bless her wonderful puppy soul.
07/29/2011 10:34PM  
Box of Rain is a great Greatful Dead song and the North Wood Lakes seam to me to be a Great Big Box Of Rain. It all kinda fit. It took 2 seconds when I filled out the username box. I wish I could remember my password as easy>
distinguished member (394)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/29/2011 11:33PM  
Big ole Monty Python fan. Plus I like to serve as a reminder that moose bites can be dangerous.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/30/2011 07:39AM  
The main character of my second novel is Molly.
distinguished member(1655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/30/2011 09:19AM  
Not a trapper.
Not particularly fond of water rodents.
Not named "Jack."
Not referencing any kind of marital aid for short people.

I do read a lot of stuff about mountain men and the fur trade. Other than that, I really can't 'splain it.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/30/2011 09:37AM  
quote Beaverjack: "Not a trapper.
Not particularly fond of water rodents.
Not named "Jack."
Not referencing any kind of marital aid for short people.

I do read a lot of stuff about mountain men and the fur trade. Other than that, I really can't 'splain it."
distinguished member (110)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/30/2011 11:42AM  

Given that name a few years ago after winning the largest pike of the trip contest 4 years in a row.
07/30/2011 08:31PM  
Just what you would expect.
Woods Walker
distinguished member(832)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2011 09:09AM  
Well when I 1st started posting to forums online I was Musthunt, but after 2 years of getting a cold shoulder from non-hunters & constantly having to defend a favorite activity of mine I changed it.

Woods Walker is what my dad called me, because everywhere I went I would disappear into the woods. I can't drive anywhere without staring into the passing woods wondering what they look like on the inside.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/31/2011 10:09AM  
quote Pikehunter: "
Given that name a few years ago after winning the largest pike of the trip contest 4 years in a row. "
What a spectacular fish, awesome trophy.
distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2011 10:50AM  
Don't know if I've ever Posted or not (could'nt see my post anyway) so here tis...


I'm a historical reenactor/woodcarver who was always pecking away at another carving ...just like a little woodpecker....thus my reenacting name and my name..

member (10)member
08/01/2011 09:03PM  
Whistling brings fond memories.
member (10)member
08/01/2011 09:22PM  
quote spottedowl: "I have sold lumber for over 20 years and there was a time in the late 80's when they stopped logging old growth forests because the spotted owl was put on the endangered species list. They live only in these ancient forests where the best trees are for making lumber. This caused the price of lumber to increase dramatically-it's a classic commidity supply and demand business. At the time people were buying alot of lumber and when the prices went way up and you are a commission salesman, you make more money. So I learned to love the spotted owl. Now, with this economy I wish I'd have never heard of the little &@#$%^! and had gotten into something else. But, as a screen name on a wilderness type of forum, it's kind of mellow in a way, so I like it. "

I just read in the wall street journal they are thinking about killing Barred Owls to save the Spotted ones. (Theory of the "experts" -- Barred Owls take prey from the mouths of Spotted owls - they are more numerous and more aggressive in hunting) Even with old growth forests cut off from logging for around 20 or more years (and lumber business decimated in the NW) the spotted owl #s are still decling, so they came up with a new theory.
Not a joke.
08/02/2011 10:13AM  
I'm a jeweler. Although I'm not highly refined it sounded better than 14kGold.

Ok, my break is over.
distinguished member(1301)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/08/2011 02:07PM  
stupid barred owls...

I was thinkin Vikinfan changed his name when I saw the post bump
distinguished member(692)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/08/2011 08:04PM  
I've always had a hobby of making hiking sticks. I adopted this screen name back around 1995 on another site. It has followed me here and there, until I ended up here.
senior member (52)senior membersenior member
11/10/2011 07:41AM  
I'm a violinist by trade. I 'bow' at the end of every performance, and I use a violin 'bow.' In a canoe, I just 'fiddle' around, though not in the 'bow' -that's where my wife sits. I suppose I could have chosen 'sternviolinist' (in honor of the great violinist, Isaac Stern), but then we get into character traits which don't fit my personality-I'm anything but stern (see my profile picture).
distinguished member (136)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/10/2011 11:00AM  
When I looked at other screen names, this one just came to me. Now I am an avid trout fisher here in Colorado.
11/10/2011 07:50PM  
Rocky and Bullwinkle attended this fine institution !
11/12/2011 07:27AM  
I like to introduce new news to the BWCA. One trip when I was giving someone instructions they started called me Captain. So now when on trips I'm Captain Tony.
senior member (75)senior membersenior member
11/12/2011 09:37AM  
Its a combo of the fact that I love to use jigs and the fact that I like hip-hop and mine name starts with a "j".
Jigga James...
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/15/2011 10:15PM  
luft means air in Swedish and German.

I chose it because I love being out in the fresh air and I have Swedish and German ancestors. I used to speak Swedish but now I am getting a little rusty.
11/15/2011 10:57PM  
pretty boring here I'm in IT and not a creative bone in my body. gsfisher13 - Gregory Scott Fisher, favorite number 13.
distinguished member(1363)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/17/2011 12:58PM  
Reflects one of my favorite lakes -- not my paddling skills!
11/18/2011 10:14AM  
Last name of Kies, pronounced keys. There are 4 of us. It was something I could remember.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/23/2012 07:23AM  
Still waiting to hear from Itchy Menace!!! :)
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
03/23/2012 07:33AM  
quote TuscaroraBorealis: "Still waiting to hear from Itchy Menace!!! :)"
03/23/2012 08:01AM  
quote luft: "luft means air in Swedish and German.

I chose it because I love being out in the fresh air and I have Swedish and German ancestors. I used to speak Swedish but now I am getting a little rusty."

Rusty? Must be the air! :)
03/23/2012 09:45AM  

Because "RAGGED" little holes are what I like to make while engaged in my other hobby, preferably at 600-1000yds

5 shots thru this hole, center dot is .5" inch, bullet diameter is .338"

distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 01:11PM  
quote myceliaman: "Love to go mushroom hunting and I think I'm pretty gd at it. My friends came up with mushroom man, which turned into myceliaman since I'm willing to go above and beyond to find the elusive mushrooms."

Darin, I have been taking students to the Shawnee National Forest for years, but in the fall. It seems to be a perfect place for mushrooms where we camp around Devil's Kitchen Lake in the canyon near Panther's Den. I mushroom hunt a bunch also, and I should make that trek in the spring next month I guess to try your neck of the woods.
distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 01:20PM  
quote Pikehunter: "
Given that name a few years ago after winning the largest pike of the trip contest 4 years in a row. "

Pikehunter, give us some specifics about that beauty and how/where you caught it! Wow!
03/23/2012 02:18PM  
My name is Lee, my fishing passion is for Walleyes.
distinguished member (344)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 02:37PM  
I camp with a big ugly plastic Cinnabon mug. My camp mates called me "cinnaboy" then shortened it to "cinna". It wasn't my idea.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
03/23/2012 03:00PM  
quote Ragged: "Because "RAGGED" little holes are what I like to make while engaged in my other hobby, preferably at 600-1000yds

5 shots thru this hole, center dot is .5" inch, bullet diameter is .338"


I will make sure to never make you mad .
03/23/2012 03:06PM  
quote Basspro69: " I will make sure to never make you mad ."

Na, just a big Teddy Bear here, a Teddy Bear with a NRA Long Range Master Classification, but a Teddy Bear none the less : )
distinguished member (179)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 05:45PM  
03/23/2012 06:55PM  
campn - cuz I LOVE to camp & scrap cuz i love to scrap book :) have a lot of nice memories in my scrapbooks from trips & wings :)
03/23/2012 07:37PM  
There's a great album out there by the band Jon Wayne called Texas Funeral. "Mr. Engineer, faders up!"
distinguished member (304)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 08:25PM  
I am a water plant superintendent. I thought it was a good fit with canoeing since that also involves water. I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about it.
distinguished member(1193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 08:40PM  
03/23/2012 10:35PM  
My moniker includes part of my name and accurately indicates that I may be contributing to the aging of the pool of Boundary Waters visitors.
distinguished member (232)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2012 10:53PM  
Its what I do. Licensed master plumber.
distinguished member (499)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2012 10:12AM  
Because I need an intervention! ;-)
distinguished member(534)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2012 11:23AM  
Ragged, great looking weapon. Don't recognize it but I haven't been a real active shooter in a long time. Still have my Rem 700 in 300 Win from my Marine days. I've had and sold a lot of weapons over the years but I'm pretty sure they'll be able to bury me with that Remington.

Happy shooting. By the way. all Marines qualify out to 500 yds. Long shooting w/ iron sights and a light round like a 5.56.
member (30)member
03/24/2012 01:48PM  
Nothing special here... first name and favorite hobby makes my wife mad becuase once the water is soft here in indiana thats all i think about or want to do...
03/26/2012 12:54PM  
I teach at an elementary school. Harwood and the mascot= huskies. Just an abbreviation of the two.
distinguished member(679)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2012 03:40PM  
What usually happens when I go fishing!
distinguished member(1167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2012 04:11PM  
Buddy of mine and I started yelling "TUNA!" when we had a nice bass on. First trip was in 2006.

Apologies in advance if an errant tuna shout disturbs anyone's trip...bass are biting!

distinguished member(2659)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2012 05:15PM  
I canoe with kids
river rat
senior member (72)senior membersenior member
03/27/2012 06:27AM  
A river rat is someone who spends a lot of time on a river.

Where I live in SE Minnesota, We are surrounded by rivers and streams. Not many lakes.

I cut my teeth on the Zumbro, Cannon, Root and even the mighty Mississippi. But I love going to the BWCA to paddle the flat water.

09/05/2013 08:12AM  
here ya go, basspro
distinguished member (310)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 08:16AM  
no story here
09/05/2013 08:24AM  
"PA" are my initials the "Monster" came because the first time I made a screen name back in ~2000 was for playing the game Diablo II online. I've just stuck with it since
09/05/2013 09:42AM  

Before I knew about and joined up, I was a member of, which went down more than a year ago. Due to the nature of that site, I wanted a screen name that incorporated the word "solo" in my screen name. In part because of the subject matter, but I also love solo canoes and I primarily paddle solo.

I initially considered combining my first name with solo, as in, "Mark Solo", or "Solo Mark", or maybe, "Mark C1", but those combinations really did not have too much pizazz. Besides, "Mark" can also be misconstrued as a verb.

So I thought back to other nick names I've had. For some reason, my name from the German Club in High School came to mind, that being "Hans". (For whatever reason, we were required to have an alternative first name in the German Club.) So "Hans Solo" came to be. A lame attempt at a play on words.

Unfortunately, I didn't think that name through too well. The "Hans Solo" screen name paints me as some "Star Wars Nerd" or "Trekkie Geek", which I'm really not, despite being a "Computer Geek". (For what it's worth, Harrison Ford's character in the Star Wars series is actually "Han Solo", no "s".)

When I joined, I seriously considered creating a new screen name. But after seeing other former members from on this website, I decided to retain "Hans Solo", because the name had some history to it.

Before joining, and then eventually, I had no idea I'd be as active with posting and replying in the Forums as much as I have. So I really didn't envision my screen name becoming as visible as it has.

Additionally, at the time I created my screen name, I also wasn't able to insert a space or an underscore between "Hans" and "Solo", so my chosen screen name doesn't even display properly.

When this subject came up a few months ago, "analyzer" suggested I should have created "Marko Solo" as a screen name. Although equally as lame as "Hans Solo", I liked the suggestion and wish I would have thought of that at the time, but it is what it is. (Graphic below copied from

Hans Solo

distinguished member(631)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 10:06AM  
I love Caribou Coffee, a coffee shop "native" to the Twin Cities, that I became obsessed with in high school in the mid 90s. It's been my screen name for everything since college.

It also fits that I like the Northwoods. Guess I have to go a little farther north to see them, though. Woodland Caribou PP and Wabakimi are on my bucket list. And Alaska which is where Caribou Coffee was inspired.
distinguished member (238)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 10:22AM  
From the first book about camping I had as a boy.

09/05/2013 10:25AM  
Lack of imagination... Am ripple on the QJ site, but another DeadHead paddler (there seem to be several) on this site already had that (and she writes good stuff on here). Ray Tallent
distinguished member (310)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 10:56AM  
I live in North Dakota which is in the Great Plains.

distinguished member(611)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 12:33PM  
No real story. The first couple I tried were taken. Kind of surprised this one was available....
distinguished member (157)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 12:42PM  
Well, apparently I did not spend enough time on this board before I officially joined. If I had, I might of been a little more clever with my name. This was one that I had set up for another online site years ago (still use). I guess it could translate into an activity while wilderness camping...sometimes you must improvise with what you have with works NAPinch
bloody stump
distinguished member (108)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 01:01PM  
i don't think i responded before to this, sorry if i did.

Bloody stump is what we say when you snag a rock, and proceed to break your line.....'ahh, bloody stump' some sort of scottish may have to be there when it happens to understand ;p I seem always saying it as i am always getting least i am keeping my lure in the strike zone
distinguished member(1459)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 01:07PM  

George is my name, and Fishing is my GeoFisher fits.

I use that pretty much everywhere, and it is even my website domain.


09/05/2013 01:21PM  
I frequently choose to not shave.
senior member (53)senior membersenior member
09/05/2013 01:47PM  
Mine is my name... it's so unique that I can usually pick it for a username.

I usually have people ask me how to pronounce it and I say they can call me Joe to keep it simple.
member (35)member
09/05/2013 02:32PM  
Went to Quetico several years ago with a group of guys. Fishing was kind of slow with lures. So, thinking back to my earlier days when fishing with my Dad. I rigged up a pole with a Thrill slipbobber and a artificial leach. Call it luck or skill but I was pulling the Walleye in the whole trip. Only had 2 bobbers with me on that trip, the one I wasn't using was very popular on our barter night we do around the camp fire. The leaches were worth a little more. The next trip slipbobbers were everywhere.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/05/2013 03:26PM  
quote Mocha: "here ya go, basspro"
Thanks for the bump Sheryl, now one of the myths that can be debunked is that im a real basspro, im not, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night :-)
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/05/2013 03:31PM  
quote Amok: "Computer game name I liked to use with my friends waaay back when to have multiple players you had to have a lan party. Since I didn't know the games (mostly 1st person shooters) I'd just run amok and try not to get killed.

Also, it's a character name from a book series (and writer) I like."
Man do I miss you here !
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/05/2013 04:42PM  
quote Basspro69: "
quote Mocha: "here ya go, basspro"
Thanks for the bump Sheryl, now one of the myths that can be debunked is that im a real basspro, im not, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night :-)"

So, you're not a bass pro and slipbobber isn't really a slip bobber. Will I ever recover from these harsh truths? ;-)
senior member (89)senior membersenior member
09/05/2013 05:57PM  
From Wi and I build wooden bows !

I like threads like these !
09/05/2013 06:07PM  
quote rookie in 03: "first trip to Gods country"

i miss him too.
distinguished member (173)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 08:54PM  
People from New Zealand have the nick name of kiwi.The kiwi Bird is native to New Zealand. I am from New Zealand,born there. Hence Kiwibird.!
distinguished member(651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 09:21PM  
My dad was a logger back in the day and I liked the smell of fresh cut jack pine. Brings back a lot of good memories of rambling through the woods on the edge of the Bdub.
distinguished member(545)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2013 09:49PM  
Me and 2 of my friends were kayaking Madeline Island and some lady yelled "Thanks for Paddlin Madeline". My daughters name is also Madeline. Really fun reading through these.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/05/2013 10:53PM  
quote kanoes: "
quote rookie in 03: "first trip to Gods country"

i miss him too."
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/05/2013 10:56PM  
quote missmolly: "
quote Basspro69: "
quote Mocha: "here ya go, basspro"
Thanks for the bump Sheryl, now one of the myths that can be debunked is that im a real basspro, im not, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night :-)"

So, you're not a bass pro and slipbobber isn't really a slip bobber. Will I ever recover from these harsh truths? ;-)"
LMAO, im not even going to tell you about the Easter Bunny it might put you over the ledge :-)
distinguished member(1122)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 07:00AM  
I thought I was pretty funny being somewhat pompous and the owner of a KTM 200 that I "pilot"

Then I realized that it sorta sounds a lot like a very unpopular figure in biblical history... Not so funny anymore.
distinguished member(3311)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 01:27PM  
what happened to vikinfan?
09/06/2013 01:44PM  
quote mc2mens: "what happened to vikinfan?"

he stops in chat once in a great while.
distinguished member (257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 01:57PM  
It is the paddle I use, a Whiskey Jack Double Whiskey, but I have a been known to have a shot or two also and it doesn't always have to be whiskey.
09/06/2013 03:37PM  
Yep, I'm not very creative. So, JJ are my initials, 47 was my age when I created this screen name.

I've often considered changing it to something more intriguing, but it feels a little dishonest, or could be confusing if all of a sudden I have a new screen name. So, JJ47 bit is!
09/06/2013 03:43PM  
quote cuylar: "Mine is my name... it's so unique that I can usually pick it for a username.

I usually have people ask me how to pronounce it and I say they can call me Joe to keep it simple."

Cuyler Adams was the man who discovered the Cuyuna Iron Range. He combined the first three letters of his name, "Cuy", and "Una" which was the name of his St Bernard to create the Cuyuna Range.
senior member (70)senior membersenior member
09/06/2013 05:46PM  
My name is Bobs. My full first name is Roberts which my 7th grade teacher in 1973 convinced me I should go by Bobs, which it has been ever since. Born, raised and happy to be from Minnesota.

distinguished member (420)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 06:55PM  
First, I wish there was a way to change names. I would rather have a camping theme name. But, when I signed up I used my general internet alias. Its odd, but I'm licensed to operate a nuclear power plant, so my screen name plays off one of the major initiators of that process. Always hard to explain.
distinguished member(1318)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 08:06PM  
I use my name as my screen name because it's, well, um, my name.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 08:20PM  
Triple meaning...I am a native of Philadelphia, I love to fish and I love the band Phish.
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 09:58PM  
You figure it out!
distinguished member (300)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 10:05PM  
I want to live where bananas grow , and sleep in my hammock :).
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2013 10:06PM  
quote KarlBAndersen1: "I use my name as my screen name because it's, well, um, my name."

What a boring explanation. ;)
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/06/2013 10:44PM  
quote tonyyarusso: "
quote KarlBAndersen1: "I use my name as my screen name because it's, well, um, my name."

What a boring explanation. ;)"

It would not be quite as boring if his name was Tony Yarusso.
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2013 01:51AM  
I like things that live in water...especially brook trout.
distinguished member (341)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2013 05:25AM  
32 years ago I put together a touch football team called the "Primitive men" made up of Quetico trip partners. Since then I have made my living climbing trees and when I am sitting on a rock in the Q, I feel like I am home. "Primitive Man" also reflects my aptitude with technology.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/07/2013 01:49PM  
quote h20: "I like things that live in water...especially brook trout."
You got your mind right Luke
senior member (72)senior membersenior member
09/07/2013 05:08PM  
A favorite trip memory: In 1986 we were on Quetico Lake on the third day of a two week trip to Quetico. We went out fishing after dinner and, upon return to camp with a couple of fine lakers, found that a bear had come into camp and taken our food pack. We'd covered our gear but since it was still early hadn't hung it up yet. The bear was about 75 feet in back of camp having his way with our pack - and food. What to do? It was dusky, one of our guys was cleaning fish down the shore (we'd dropped him so as not to attract critters!) and we needed that food for the next week and a half. We threw things, yelled at him, banged on pots - nothing. He was having way too much fun eating what turned out to be a dried potato mix. So - you can hear it coming - the only thing we could think of was the mandolin. We had both a camp guitar and mandolin and I whipped out the Mando and played "Mama Tried". The bear acted like he had never heard anything so deathly frightening and crashed off into the woods, leaving our pack. We grabbed it and kept the Mando handy since he came back a number of times though the night. He'd chewed a 3" hole in the bottom of the pack and had worked with his tongue to get at the powdered potato mix. The whole inside of the pack, and our food, was soaked in bear slobber! Luckily we'd packed well so it was packaging that was soaked, not food. The rest of the trip - through Quetico, Jean, Bentpine, Sturgeon - was great and we came home with a great story and some fun pics.
distinguished member (341)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2013 05:49PM  
BearMandolin, that is a great story!
distinguished member(646)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2013 05:59PM  
Collector or Rupp toys. Not the snowmobiles but the summer versions. I have a few of the minibikes, a few ruppsters, a gojoe, and a centaur. I'm sure some of you remember these from the 70's.
distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2013 06:49PM  
I hope that bear was not a mandolin critic!
09/07/2013 06:55PM  
quote 520eek: " You figure it out!"

That looks like a Kawasaki KLR 650 with a BMW sticker? I get the eek but the 520?
senior member (70)senior membersenior member
09/07/2013 07:21PM  
520 is the area code for Tucson, AZ.
distinguished member(1259)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2013 07:58PM  
Mutz was my first police dog trained for tracking and narcotics detection
09/07/2013 09:06PM  
Pretty simple, first name initial and my profession. I am the chef at the Hilton in Omaha.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/07/2013 09:22PM  
quote BearMandolin: "A favorite trip memory: In 1986 we were on Quetico Lake on the third day of a two week trip to Quetico. We went out fishing after dinner and, upon return to camp with a couple of fine lakers, found that a bear had come into camp and taken our food pack. We'd covered our gear but since it was still early hadn't hung it up yet. The bear was about 75 feet in back of camp having his way with our pack - and food. What to do? It was dusky, one of our guys was cleaning fish down the shore (we'd dropped him so as not to attract critters!) and we needed that food for the next week and a half. We threw things, yelled at him, banged on pots - nothing. He was having way too much fun eating what turned out to be a dried potato mix. So - you can hear it coming - the only thing we could think of was the mandolin. We had both a camp guitar and mandolin and I whipped out the Mando and played "Mama Tried". The bear acted like he had never heard anything so deathly frightening and crashed off into the woods, leaving our pack. We grabbed it and kept the Mando handy since he came back a number of times though the night. He'd chewed a 3" hole in the bottom of the pack and had worked with his tongue to get at the powdered potato mix. The whole inside of the pack, and our food, was soaked in bear slobber! Luckily we'd packed well so it was packaging that was soaked, not food. The rest of the trip - through Quetico, Jean, Bentpine, Sturgeon - was great and we came home with a great story and some fun pics."
Awesome story.
distinguished member(593)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2013 11:29PM  
Turtles & tortoises have always been around me as far back as I can remember. Many rescues have been brought to me for care over the years. They exist in great numbers at places I like to fresh, salt & brackish water. Even on a trip where I see little wildlife, there are always a few turtles. Box, snapping, painted, sliders, mud, spotted, stinkpot & terrapin. Huge hulking snapping turtles the size of garbage can lids soaking up the sun early in the morning on the bank...heads extended an impossible length..claws like blades, jaws like a trap. Then..bloop...they are gone. Back to the depths. Amazing prehistoric looking predators seemingly unchanged by time. They make me smile...especially when they are drying their feet out whilst balancing on their mate. It's what turtles seem to do best...pile up. 2 rescues
distinguished member(1975)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2013 10:59AM  
About 10-12 years ago I was trying to come up with a domain name to put some of my hobby stuff online (genealogy , WWII history, taxidermy,photography,etc)Even back then finding an unused domain name was not easy. Tried hobby with just about everything. Then as I was looking down at my golden retriever laying at my feet I tried hobbydog. The .net domain was available. It has been my screen name on various sites ever since.
09/11/2013 01:28PM  
Mainly it started as my geocaching name because my nickname is "T" and I always have my kids/grandkids/adopt-a-kid with me on some kind of outing. Terry aka tnthekids :)
distinguished member (228)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2013 10:00AM  
This is the one I use everywhere when Im not using my name or an email.

It came from Diablo 2 registration like PAmonster.

I was a little late to the D2 party (awhile after launch) and couldnt get anything I actually liked to go through as a username. After 30 minutes and rude comments from the people waiting for me to join their game I got mad and put together not quite random words. Goal cause im an ice goalie, john is my 1st name, and bill was the name of someones ridiculous made up "personal diety" during a drunken discussion in college... that convo was really funny at the time, though i dont remeber what it was about now. The discussion was right before I made the user name and other versions of goaljohn existed. I slapped bill on the end it which got a laugh from the people waiting who knew why. It has always been accepted (ie noone else has had it) and I have toted it around ever since.
distinguished member (220)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2013 10:27AM  
When I found, I was looking for information on going to Quetico because of the fishing. I had no idea that canoe tripping in itself would be just as enjoyable as the good fishing I sought. My goal was to get in a boat or a canoe, get out on a good fishing lake, get out the rod and reel and .... cast away!
member (29)member
10/05/2013 07:08PM  
When I was 16 or so & created my account, I thought that since I was a girl who likes to paddle, it made sense...not a huge fan of my lack of creativity 6 years later! :-P
10/05/2013 08:16PM  
quote Paddlegal: "When I was 16 or so & created my account, I thought that since I was a girl who likes to paddle, it made sense...not a huge fan of my lack of creativity 6 years later! :-P"

I was reading is as a combination of paddle and legal..thought you were the lawyer type... kinda funny
member (29)member
10/06/2013 10:57PM  
quote Mocha: "
quote Paddlegal: "When I was 16 or so & created my account, I thought that since I was a girl who likes to paddle, it made sense...not a huge fan of my lack of creativity 6 years later! :-P"

I was reading is as a combination of paddle and legal..thought you were the lawyer type... kinda funny"

Not a bit...actually got my degree in environmental science and prefer to keep as far away from politics and lawyer-ish things as I can! In retrospect, I wish I had capitalized it to clarify: PaddleGal
distinguished member (185)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2013 12:32PM  
quote Jackfish: "
quote ChazzTheGnome: "I just changed my username today."

I guess that answers THAT question. I'm keeping my name, but there were others who wondered if a name could be changed. There you have it. (And you don't even drop back to zero posts!)"

So how does one go about changing their username? I've tried and couldn't, am I missing something or can one no longer change their username?
10/07/2013 01:02PM  
quote Castaway: "When I found, I was looking for information on going to Quetico because of the fishing. I had no idea that canoe tripping in itself would be just as enjoyable as the good fishing I sought. My goal was to get in a boat or a canoe, get out on a good fishing lake, get out the rod and reel and .... cast away! "'re not really Tom Hanks?
distinguished member (220)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2013 01:41PM  
No, like everyone, I'm looking for solitude on my trips but maybe not THAT much solitude!
10/07/2013 02:39PM  
quote Bannock: "I made some bannock for a group, they thought the name funny, and so started calling me Bannock. I guess it's better than Hamburger Helper. :)"

That made me laugh
10/07/2013 02:40PM  
I'm a jeweler, and buy 24k gold to custom make jewelry with. I alloy it into 14k gold, but I thought 24kgold sounded better than 14kgold.
10/17/2013 02:53AM  
I have a Scottish last name that begins with Mc. I love to spin fibers into yarn on a spinning wheel. And the year I was born.

This is a picture of one of the many wheels I own with some handpainted Blueface Leicester roving draped over it waiting to be spun into yarn.
10/17/2013 05:34AM  
I am surprised that most of these names are screen names and not trail or trip nicknames. Way back in the scouts everyone had a trail nickname usually conferred by the group and derived from some incident that might have somewhat embarrassing to the individual.

When I was a kid I used to pester my oldest sister and when she came after me I could out run her, thus she called me Johnny Deerfoot.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/25/2013 08:22PM  
Feel free to add to this if you haven't already.
distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2013 09:04PM  

I'm from New Jersey.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/26/2013 08:14AM  
quote Minnesotian: "
I'm from New Jersey. "
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/26/2013 08:21AM  
quote Amok: "Computer game name I liked to use with my friends waaay back when to have multiple players you had to have a lan party. Since I didn't know the games (mostly 1st person shooters) I'd just run amok and try not to get killed.

Also, it's a character name from a book series (and writer) I like."
Running Amok in heaven right now.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/26/2013 08:23AM  
quote Vikinfan: "Fishfry I do believe you when you say you are a good cook when it comes to fish (would love to try some).

I do not believe you about the bullhead thing though (and I will never try some!) :)"
Vkinfan where are you ?
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
11/26/2013 08:26AM  
quote TuscaroraBorealis: "Still waiting to hear from Itchy Menace!!! :)"
TB havent heard from you lately :-)
11/26/2013 09:20AM  
quote HansSolo: "
Before I knew about and joined up, I was a member of, which went down more than a year ago. Due to the nature of that site, I wanted a screen name that incorporated the word "solo" in my screen name. In part because of the subject matter, but I also love solo canoes and I primarily paddle solo.

I initially considered combining my first name with solo, as in, "Mark Solo", or "Solo Mark", or maybe, "Mark C1", but those combinations really did not have too much pizazz. Besides, "Mark" can also be misconstrued as a verb.

So I thought back to other nick names I've had. For some reason, my name from the German Club in High School came to mind, that being "Hans". (For whatever reason, we were required to have an alternative first name in the German Club.) So "Hans Solo" came to be. A lame attempt at a play on words.

Unfortunately, I didn't think that name through too well. The "Hans Solo" screen name paints me as some "Star Wars Nerd" or "Trekkie Geek", which I'm really not, despite being a "Computer Geek". (For what it's worth, Harrison Ford's character in the Star Wars series is actually "Han Solo", no "s".)

When I joined, I seriously considered creating a new screen name. But after seeing other former members from on this website, I decided to retain "Hans Solo", because the name had some history to it.

Before joining, and then eventually, I had no idea I'd be as active with posting and replying in the Forums as much as I have. So I really didn't envision my screen name becoming as visible as it has.

Additionally, at the time I created my screen name, I also wasn't able to insert a space or an underscore between "Hans" and "Solo", so my chosen screen name doesn't even display properly.

When this subject came up a few months ago, "analyzer" suggested I should have created "Marko Solo" as a screen name. Although equally as lame as "Hans Solo", I liked the suggestion and wish I would have thought of that at the time, but it is what it is. (Graphic below copied from

Hans Solo


Huh! I just assumed your name is Hans Hansen,
You come from Wisconsin,
You work in a lumbermill der... ;)
distinguished member(596)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2013 11:55AM  
Around the time I joined, I was reading a book where the central character let the resistance in the Chicago area against the invading cuban/russian army that had come down through Canada. His underground name was Chicagored.
distinguished member(754)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2013 03:08PM  
I was lucky enough to get on the staff for a tackle company years back. The senko was the hot bait and their version was called the "MagicStik". Love the bait and caught/catch a lot fish on it!

distinguished member (180)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/30/2013 11:09PM  
I always keep a journal and give nicknames to everyone who accompanies us on our trips. My niece pinned Fearlessleader on me. She claimed it fit me since I was definitely fearless, just not necessarily intelligent, discerning or insightful. Perhaps I once went a little overboard on navigating without consulting a map.
member (40)member
12/01/2013 04:53PM  
My name is Joseph I was born in the 16th of November, I wanted BigRiver but it was taken..... I think I am the youngest guy on here, joined when I was 17 now im 20.
12/01/2013 04:57PM  
unless you were born in 1900 you aren't the youngest! lots of people here the same age. :)
distinguished member (485)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/01/2013 07:17PM  
I am a fly tyer! And love fly fishing.
06/12/2014 05:08PM  
quote rtallent: "Lack of imagination... Am ripple on the QJ site, but another DeadHead paddler (there seem to be several) on this site already had that (and she writes good stuff on here). Ray Tallent"

So funny- I remember trying to join QJ but didn't because I could not be "ripple". Are you ripple anywhere else>
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/12/2014 06:06PM  
Well I got mine due to poor typing skills. It should have been Cold Fingers not Old Fingers, but I screwed up when typing it and didn't notice till too late. Cold fingers due to the fact I was on Ski Patrol for 15 years and got my fingers frostbitten once. I was teased about it as I always wore "Hot Fingers" brand gloves. So got the nickname Coldfingers. Plus even today my hands are always cold due to being on blood thinner.
06/12/2014 06:33PM  
After enough ribbing, if your real last name was Skywalker, you would probably change part of it too.

06/12/2014 11:15PM  
quote ripple: "
quote rtallent: "Lack of imagination... Am ripple on the QJ site, but another DeadHead paddler (there seem to be several) on this site already had that (and she writes good stuff on here). Ray Tallent"

So funny- I remember trying to join QJ but didn't because I could not be "ripple". Are you ripple anywhere else>"

Also funny, I remember trying to join here. "Ripple" was already taken, hence "Jack Straw", another of my favorites.
distinguished member (423)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/13/2014 07:12AM  
My name is Steve Elms....People call me Steve Elms (said in a Forrest Gumpish tone ;)
06/13/2014 07:13AM  
Jiimaan was taken. Plus I like a Jamaican accent.
distinguished member (450)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/13/2014 08:13AM  
I had trouble thinking of a screen name so I used an online screen name generator app. Using two words, it finally came up with Little Oar. Since I would not be oaring anything I switched it to Oarlittle.

The guys in the chat room shortened that to Oar. Then one day Bojibob called me eOar. We all thought that was funny so I made the switch.
distinguished member (125)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/13/2014 09:08AM  
First time ever seeing moose droppings I said "instead of road apples those would be trail cherries" and everyone on the trip started calling me trailcherry.
06/13/2014 10:12AM  
Two of my first duck dogs' names...Parker (I have a thing for Parker shotguns), and Maggie (Dead fan, Sugar Magnolia reference).
06/13/2014 06:23PM  
Wow, this thread makes me feel like a loser.
06/15/2014 07:25PM  
Oisin: Character from Irish/Celtic mythology. A warrior of the Fianna and supposedly the greatest poet of Ireland. Fascinated by Irish mythology and CuChulain or Diarmaid just seems a little to over the top.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/03/2020 11:37PM  
Basspro69: "
quote TuscaroraBorealis: "Still waiting to hear from Itchy Menace!!! :)"

TB havent heard from you lately :-)"

….I'm still here, and still waiting. ;-)
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 10:46AM  
My favorite lake.
distinguished member (314)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 11:14AM  
I have the occasional “less than perfect” mount/dismount of the canoe at portages and landings. And I like to have couple adult beverages in the evenings. Maybe the two are related.
01/04/2020 11:28AM  
Linden is my name, and Linden is a tree.
I'm a member of the Basswood family.
distinguished member (270)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 11:28AM  
I wanted to post a question on the board after lurking for some time and obviously needed a screen name to do so. It was late at night, I was tired and mostly uninspired, so I tried to register as “pilgrim” (I had an ancestor that came over on the Mayflower) but that was already taken, so I became the even lamer pilgrimpaddler. I regret that choice but I believe in living with the consequences of my decisions, so here I am.
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 11:48AM  
When creating account I looked around the room for screen name inspiration and saw a wood carving that reminded me of a Tomcat.

01/04/2020 02:25PM  
Merlyn was my yellow lab for 12 plus years. I name my pets after magicians from books. His full AKC name was Merlyn Briticanus. Brings back wonderful memories every time I use them. On a side note------ my father, who was not on the forum, got his handle "Old Indian" from our first BWCA trip in 1964 while trying to get a fire going after 4 days of rain. I can still picture him blowing like hell on the pathetic pile of wet wood trying to get a blaze going and my brother saying " I thought old Indians were supposed to be good at this" The name stuck. RIP
01/04/2020 04:06PM  
It has been interesting to read this long thread again. Sad to see some names of ones no longer with us, either because they are gone now, or because they don't post anymore.

It is a good thread. Fun to know where people get their "names".
01/04/2020 04:11PM  
Because my wife and I owned some property near the Ausable River in Michigan. We enjoyed canoeing on that river for many years.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/04/2020 04:12PM  
Spartan2: "It has been interesting to read this long thread again. Sad to see some names of ones no longer with us, either because they are gone now, or because they don't post anymore.

It is a good thread. Fun to know where people get their "names". "

01/04/2020 05:29PM  
I've been a volunteer trail maintainer, mostly on USFS lands, for over 25 years. I also spent five years designing and building trails after retiring from an engineering job. I'm 'chainsaw', 'trail machine operator', and 'trail crew leader' certified by my local USFS district and help other trail volunteers by teaching First Aid/CPR/AED classes and helping them get chainsaw certifications.

distinguished member (227)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 06:06PM  
Running Fox was my name when I was in Indian Guides as a kid. My Dad (Running Deer) made canoe paddles for the other five kids in our group, and had the kids mark then up with Pictographs before varnishing them.

I estimate he made 40 plus canoe paddles for friends and relatives. Spruce with walnut accents; real light too.

distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 07:10PM  
banksiana was taken ;)
Didn't want Pinus banksiana because this is a family-friendly site and Pinus sounded too much like penis.
So I chose JillPine: northern and straggly like my brother, Jack.
01/04/2020 07:26PM  
Mine is a combination of my favorite fish a Walleye, and my first name Lee. Pretty lame I know...
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 07:58PM  
Fun to read this old post and learn more about names I have come to respect.

A Curly is a breed of horse. A subset is the smooth coated Curly which is sometimes called a Straight Haired Curly. The Curlies are known for their calm, intelligent and friendly personality. They show an easily trainable temperament. They are also known for having a tough constitution and great stamina. Most people have found that the curlies enjoy being around people. The curlies are typically not flighty. They tend to do more reasoning than most breeds. They are very reliable and have a great work ethic.

I used to own one and we were best buddies so I started using the phrase for a lot of my online activity. But the personality fits me pretty well also :)

senior member (69)senior membersenior member
01/04/2020 08:21PM  
Decades ago, my favorite fishing bait was the Berkley Power Lizard.

01/04/2020 08:35PM  
MHS67, graduated from Menasha High School in 1967. My last BW trip was in 2017 when I was back there to attend my first High School reunion, the 50th one. If all goes well I'd like to make it back there this summer or early fall for another canoe trip.
member (14)member
01/04/2020 10:38PM  
At work, I usually wore a do-rag under the welding helmet. Then I started wearing one while hiking and paddling to keep my bald head from sunburn. Some hikers on the AT thought it was a good trail name, and it kind of stuck.
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2020 11:01PM  
I read this site for years before I ever posted. I thought Ozark Paddler had the coolest screen name. I guess it was because I became hooked on Ozark float trips during college, in the early eighties. I wanted to copy him, but I live in Iowa. Cornfield Paddler, Muddy Creek Paddler, etc., didn't have the same ring.
I love paddling down a twisty, crystal clear stream, so Downstrm.

I really miss Terry's posts, stories, and a life well lived.
senior member (54)senior membersenior member
01/05/2020 01:29AM  
I coach multiple levels of baseball. Also, I’m nearing the 7th inning stretch phase of my life.
member (5)member
01/05/2020 02:33AM  
what a perfect thread to make my first post with this screen name.

in the BWCA and life in general... i seem to always be going into a headwind :)
01/05/2020 07:59AM  
My name starts with a J and so does my wife's. So two J's equals x2jmorris
distinguished member(1318)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/05/2020 08:58AM  
I use my name because, well, it's my name. How else will people know who's writing the post?
I wish others would just use their names.
distinguished member (198)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/05/2020 09:31AM  
When I began whitewater kayaking, it was before the days of dry-suits so I wore a farmer-john wetsuit. I had a pair of "Hawaiian flowery shorts" that I would wear over the wetsuit to protect it from abrading on the boat's seat. My "friends" promptly started calling me moondoggie in reference to the old surfing movies.

When I joined this site, I took my whitewater nickname and made it more appropriate for the northern climes.
01/05/2020 10:15AM  
KarlBAndersen1: "I use my name because, well, it's my name. How else will people know who's writing the post?
I wish others would just use their names. "

Well to be fair a good amount of people just call me Morris
distinguished member (361)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/05/2020 10:25AM  
When we first got a computer in the 90's, the kids picked out the screen name. It is the street we lived on. Don't know where the "9" came from.
01/05/2020 10:47AM  
Bearpath9: "When we first got a computer in the 90's, the kids picked out the screen name. It is the street we lived on. Don't know where the "9" came from. "

Because 1-8 were taken obviously :)
01/05/2020 10:56AM  
KarlBAndersen1: "I use my name because, well, it's my name. How else will people know who's writing the post?
I wish others would just use their names. "

Yep, what Karl said.
01/05/2020 11:16AM  
Well Gary, you could also use 'shutterbug'. Just got my INHF calendar, and you have some nice photos there.
01/05/2020 03:00PM  
I still play baseball and my nickname is Smoke, so I dropped my number at the time in front. However, #19 (Fred Lynn is my favorite player of all time), but I figure it is too late to change my username. I got my first hit and win (in MN Townball) within a week of each other in 2017 at the young age of 51. However the BWCA and Yellowstone are starting to pull me away from the game, but I will try to make both work until I am too old. I have just retired from the 'oldtimers league >35' but plan to stay with the Dent Wildcats - throwing BP and getting a few cuts here and there.
01/05/2020 05:54PM  
straighthairedcurly: "Fun to read this old post and learn more about names I have come to respect.

A Curly is a breed of horse. A subset is the smooth coated Curly which is sometimes called a Straight Haired Curly. The Curlies are known for their calm, intelligent and friendly personality. They show an easily trainable temperament. They are also known for having a tough constitution and great stamina. Most people have found that the curlies enjoy being around people. The curlies are typically not flighty. They tend to do more reasoning than most breeds. They are very reliable and have a great work ethic.

I used to own one and we were best buddies so I started using the phrase for a lot of my online activity. But the personality fits me pretty well also :)


Saw one of these horses at the Midwest horse fair last year. Beautiful horses.
01/05/2020 07:38PM  
I love being in the bush but mostly it's because that is my last name!

Works great for both.
senior member (73)senior membersenior member
01/05/2020 08:31PM  
2NDpaddlers - 2 is for my wife and me - ND is for North Dakota where we live - and paddlers is for what we do in the BWCA
member (35)member
01/06/2020 05:00AM  
First initial last name and fire badge #. Mostly a lurker, post occasionally. Great site.
distinguished member (277)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 08:04AM  
MeatHunter: "Well, it's because I hunt. I hunt for meat, never for horn or trophy. Want a trophy? Join a bowling league LOL. The time spent afield with friends and family worth more than anything one could possibly hang on a wall. A animal harvested is a bonus.

In today's world of growth hormones and antibiotic ridden meat and poultry, I prefer to know where our table fare comes from and how it's handled.

There, I will get of my rant LOL"

I half expected to see your real name was Steven Rinella on your
distinguished member (361)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 08:53AM  
x2jmorris: "
Bearpath9: "When we first got a computer in the 90's, the kids picked out the screen name. It is the street we lived on. Don't know where the "9" came from. "

Because 1-8 were taken obviously :)"

Yeah, probably. I have no idea, since I don't know much more about these computer thingys than I did then.
distinguished member (277)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 09:21AM  
Mine is pretty easy to figure out. I live a pretty self sufficient lifestyle and I tried to use that as a screen name years ago on a different site but it had too many charaters. So, it was shortened to Selfsuffi and it has carried over from other places to here.
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 09:26AM "I wasn't really paying attention when I filled in the username field. I had no idea what kind of a commitment I was making."

+1. It's my name. 3t's and two m's. Lol.
01/06/2020 09:27AM  
My wife’s name name is Maureen and she is often called Mo. mine is Ray. Putting them together we got “Moray”. We have been using this screen name ever since our first computer.
member (45)member
01/06/2020 11:13AM  
My wife, two kids, and I all have the same initials. Not as creative as some, but the best I could come up with. This thread is great!
distinguished member(974)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 02:52PM  
Mine came from when I started sleeping in a hammock. My wife was convinced I was going to be attacked by a bear, and I would be nicely rolled up for it like a bear burrito.
distinguished member (156)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2020 04:48PM  
moray: "My wife’s name name is Maureen and she is often called Mo. mine is Ray. Putting them together we got “Moray”. We have been using this screen name ever since our first computer."

good thing your name isn't Ron
01/06/2020 05:23PM  
I used to say “we’re go for adventure” when we were ready to take off on a trip. I’m a huge Minnesota Gopher fan so my rally cry turned into “we’re Gopher Adventure”. Sounded like a cool screen name so I adopted it. It’s also the name of my You Tube channel that’s full of mostly paddling/camping and adventure videos. I also painted it onto my canoe trailer, so if you see us on the highway, give us a honk!


distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/06/2020 08:26PM  
RTurner: "
moray: "My wife’s name name is Maureen and she is often called Mo. mine is Ray. Putting them together we got “Moray”. We have been using this screen name ever since our first computer."

good thing your name isn't Ron"

Made me laugh. :)
01/06/2020 08:28PM  
RTurner: "
moray: "My wife’s name name is Maureen and she is often called Mo. mine is Ray. Putting them together we got “Moray”. We have been using this screen name ever since our first computer."

good thing your name isn't Ron"

Thanks for a laugh that I definitely needed today!
By the way my fathers name is Ron. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not a JR!
01/07/2020 04:19PM  
It's a nickname that has followed me since high school and into disc golf circles. Nowadays it's my default choice when signing up for a message board... here's looking at you hammockforums.....
distinguished member (131)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/09/2020 03:54PM  
Picked up the animal moniker while working at a MPSC in 92. Started with constructing the Flintlock gateway. When it got to big for me to handle on my own, I needed to get the rest of the staff to finish putting it up, the camp director exclaimed "dude your an animal" seeing what I had done. I followed that up with with other activities during the summer so it spread and stuck.

I'm sure having a fondness for Jim Henson's movies and having a similar hairdo/beard to Animal didn't hurt in cementing the name.

I added my initials to the beginning as there are usually other animals out there....
01/17/2020 10:50AM  
CCBB - Started on the Canoe Country Bulletinboard
Speckled - love brookie fishing and decided to use a lesser used named for them
distinguished member (156)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/17/2020 11:08AM  
I blame mine on my father and my lack of imagination
distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/17/2020 01:26PM  
ghamer: "
KarlBAndersen1: "I use my name because, well, it's my name. How else will people know who's writing the post?
I wish others would just use their names. "

Yep, what Karl said."

I get it. But on the other hand, I like being able to segment stuff off with my fake name when I discuss some stuff. If I don't care about everyone I know reading my comment, I have Facebook for that. I like message boards with name "handles" as they provide some degree of filtering/privacy. Can be more selective with your audience.

I think of George Costanza's" Independent George" vs "Relationship George".
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/17/2020 06:25PM  
I picked (in haste) Retired and Dave because I am both.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

distinguished member(1853)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/19/2020 03:05PM  
Here it goes after ten years not wanting to answer this. My neighbor had a graduation part for his son and I may have over served my self that evening. I awoke to the door bell the next morning not looking or feeling my best and low and behold it was my neighbor at the door. He said wow dude you look like bluto on popeye and fishing is my passion..
01/19/2020 05:54PM  
I know this is hard to guess, but I'm from Minnesota and my name is Lindsey!
distinguished member(1236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/19/2020 11:59PM  
No one will read this far down to see this boring post:

My name is Jeff Sackett and I am a Lutheran pastor in central MN. Most people are not dumb enough to put their actual last name in their screen name!
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
01/21/2020 04:37PM  
So interesting to relive this 10 year old post !
distinguished member (414)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2021 10:50AM  
I really didn't want to use my first and last name for a user name. But I did want to use my initials somehow. At the same time I wanted it to relate to canoe country somehow.

My first name starts with a J, my middle name starts with a W. JW, (also my dads initials). With this starting point I began thinking of names related with the BWCA. Well, last year I was on a day trip through North Wilder. Although completely burned in the Pagami Creek fire(coming back nicely), I felt something really special there. I wished I had been there prior to the fire. I will look to return sometime in the future to stay a night...

JWilder it was. Unfortunately I did not know there was a popular JWilder character from some movie in the past. Oh well. He didn't canoe I don't believe.

As I read through this thread, I came up with several to fall back on if needed:
Nickname in high school, "smallframe". I'm known at work as a "beersnob". If based on my career path in my 20's, "sewerrat". My favorite beer, "Two-Hearted". What my mother called me when I was in trouble, "Jacob William"! Oops, gave that one away...


member (48)member
01/21/2021 07:25PM  
high school nickname. I'm 41

I have an older sister (5' 2") that was nicknamed Stubby when she started high school. A year later I start high school. We walked to and from school together. I'm 5' 7". For many, many years all my friends and family called me Beanpole. My nephews and nieces know me as Aunt Bean. It was actually the popularity of Facebook that people started using my real name again - probably 5-10 years ago.
distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2021 09:24PM  
I’m a UMN alum and cheer on the gophers, but let’s be honest— golden, they are not.

Re: names vs screen names. I have colleagues who are paddlers and BWCA enthusiasts. It occurred to me that it might not be wise to leave a digital trail of timeI spent on a message board during working hours. Gotta make HR work for it a little bit ;)
distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2021 11:42AM  
My name is Mike. I live in Minneapolis.

Mike (in Minneapolis)
senior member (84)senior membersenior member
01/22/2021 01:06PM  
Nickname bestowed upon me during a rather hazy night in college and it stuck. My name is Steve and I often have a mustache. The conventional spelling was taken on Twitter when I signed up and I’ve carried forward the “ou” to other websites I’ve joined
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2021 08:00PM  
well, what’s cooler than scat

just sayin

actually I’m kind of bothered by having the five pines attached to my name, seems pretentious, I’d rather be anonymous, I think I’ll change my name to purplehippopotamus and start over
01/23/2021 04:55PM  
By definition it means to relax and not take stuff too seriously which is what I strive to do but often fail. I also "hang" loosely in a hammock while wilderness camping. Thus a double meaning and a cute play on words.
distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2021 12:09PM  
Some refer to the area I live as Podunk, kinda off the beaten path. Well it used to be sadly suburbia is creeping in, light pollution is ruining my stargazing.
02/01/2021 04:32PM  
When I was going to College I tutored physics and calc. I one tutored this gal that had Cricket as a nickname. I thought it was a cool nickname and I may have had a bit of a crush on her. I've used various forms of Cricket off and on for login names ever since. The 67 is for the year I was born.
distinguished member(569)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2021 07:17PM  
It's my standard answer when someone asks "are ya fishin?"
distinguished member (277)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2021 07:35PM  
I like tasty coffee. Hoping that someday, maybe, I’ll be able to try some Kona.
02/03/2021 05:12PM  
Favorite musical band penned a great song called Box of rain and the Boundary Waters reminds me of a great big box of rain...And it's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if you dare
And it's just a box of rain
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
And a short time to be there
distinguished member (146)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2021 03:54PM  
BoxofRain: "Favorite musical band penned a great song called Box of rain and the Boundary Waters reminds me of a great big box of rain...And it's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if you dare
And it's just a box of rain
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
And a short time to be there"

I know that band. and the song, which was written by Lesh and Hunter. While Lesh's dad was dying.

Mine is another song by that same band.
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2021 09:40PM  
BoxofRain. That’s awesome, I just moved in to a new place and listened to American Beauty today. Was my first selection to make sure my music was still saved on my computer after I hooked it up. I also listened to some Europe 72. Jack Straw, China Cat Sunflower, wow, those are some favs. Brokedown Palace, oh man, I always listen to it twice. That is a masterpiece.
02/05/2021 08:32AM  
Wharfrat63: "
BoxofRain: "Favorite musical band penned a great song called Box of rain and the Boundary Waters reminds me of a great big box of rain...And it's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if you dare
And it's just a box of rain
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
And a short time to be there"

I know that band. and the song, which was written by Lesh and Hunter. While Lesh's dad was dying.

Mine is another song by that same band."

Great song and great user name for this site
02/05/2021 08:34AM  
scat: "BoxofRain. That’s awesome, I just moved in to a new place and listened to American Beauty today. Was my first selection to make sure my music was still saved on my computer after I hooked it up. I also listened to some Europe 72. Jack Straw, China Cat Sunflower, wow, those are some favs. Brokedown Palace, oh man, I always listen to it twice. That is a masterpiece.

All great songs and you have a great user name
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/05/2021 09:05AM  
BoxofRain: "Favorite musical band penned a great song called Box of rain and the Boundary Waters reminds me of a great big box of rain...And it's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if you dare
And it's just a box of rain
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
And a short time to be there"

It's funny that somehow of all the band members, Phil Lesh has the perfect voice to carry that song.
distinguished member (426)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/05/2021 10:00PM  
Straight forward - the name of the incredible essay by Aldo Leopold. In my opinion The Round River is among the very most relevant and useful writing outside of the Bible. We are all part of the round river.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/07/2021 06:37AM  
My early memories of the Gunflint Trail date back to when most of it was unpaved. And yes, the dust and bumps were awesome at times. :-)
02/09/2021 11:46AM  
DownStrm: "I read this site for years before I ever posted. I thought Ozark Paddler had the coolest screen name. I guess it was because I became hooked on Ozark float trips during college, in the early eighties. I wanted to copy him, but I live in Iowa. Cornfield Paddler, Muddy Creek Paddler, etc., didn't have the same ring.
I love paddling down a twisty, crystal clear stream, so Downstrm.

I really miss Terry's posts, stories, and a life well lived."

You need to head to NE iowa and you’ll find the clear water your looking for!
02/14/2021 11:57AM  

Guess this kind of sums it up. Yep, Teddy is part of
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/15/2021 11:40AM  
chessie - because the love of my life Chesapeake Bay Retriever [dog] loved canoe-camping in the BWCA and was a great companion on many-a-trip, beginning at her age of 2 until she was 14. She sat still in the boat, even in awful weather, never barked at anyone, and added great joy to our trips.

At the sight of the packs coming out, she'd go sit by the truck and not move for fear of getting left behind. "Canoeing" and "swimming" were two of her favorite words. She loved every aspect of BWCA tripping: sitting by fires, swimming, being in the tent, etc. The only thing that got to her were black flies; if they were bad, she'd just ask to go inside the tent, and we'd zip up the screen for her.

She also loved to dive for rocks and would retrieve rather large rocks, maybe up to 8 lb. There are a couple campsites that may still have a pile of rocks by the shore.

The longest trip she did with us was three weeks. I still miss that wet dog sitting in front of me in the stern of our canoe!
02/16/2021 12:34PM  
Time to fess up. I instinctively used the username I use everywhere not realizing it would be my identity to all of you. Had I known I would have chosen something more interesting and BW-related, like huckMaster, a nickname I acquired back when you could toss your filleted fish entrails into the woods with a 'huck'.

First and middle initial and last name. Yes, my last name is Stuck. For life.
distinguished member (315)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/16/2021 02:56PM  
Been going to Lambeau Field cheering on the Pack since I was a little shaver back in the early '60's. Was at the Ice Bowl with my dad when I was 10. Now have 11 grand kids who call me Papa, hence papalambeau. We wear the "G" proudly when we're paddling in the BWCA. Go Pack!
02/20/2021 11:23AM  
My name and my wife's name start with J and then ... my last name. Really original.
02/20/2021 03:09PM  
BoxofRain: "Favorite musical band penned a great song called Box of rain and the Boundary Waters reminds me of a great big box of rain...And it's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if you dare
And it's just a box of rain
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
And a short time to be there"

Right on! Keep on rollin', just a mile to go...
02/22/2021 10:49AM  
chessie: "chessie - because the love of my life Chesapeake Bay Retriever [dog] loved canoe-camping in the BWCA and was a great companion on many-a-trip, beginning at her age of 2 until she was 14. She sat still in the boat, even in awful weather, never barked at anyone, and added great joy to our trips.

At the sight of the packs coming out, she'd go sit by the truck and not move for fear of getting left behind. "Canoeing" and "swimming" were two of her favorite words. She loved every aspect of BWCA tripping: sitting by fires, swimming, being in the tent, etc. The only thing that got to her were black flies; if they were bad, she'd just ask to go inside the tent, and we'd zip up the screen for her.

She also loved to dive for rocks and would retrieve rather large rocks, maybe up to 8 lb. There are a couple campsites that may still have a pile of rocks by the shore.

The longest trip she did with us was three weeks. I still miss that wet dog sitting in front of me in the stern of our canoe!"

My dog Bessie was the same way, she was half Chesapeake Bay and half Labrador retriever. She knew when the packs came out it was time to go. We live on Sam's Creek and she could not abide having stones in the Creek, like you said an eight pound rock was right up her alley, we have a wall attributed to her diving and carrying them up the hill and running back to get more. Her other skill was Snake removal. I know there are probably some snake fans among us but Bessie wasn't one of them. She died at age seventeen
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/27/2023 07:29PM  
Basspro69: "So interesting to relive this 10 year old post !"

This one's for you Basspro69!
senior member (69)senior membersenior member
02/27/2023 09:44PM  
Been waiting on this to get bumped so I could answer the OT. Its strange to be part of communities like this and get to know folks from so far away. Bought a canoe from ozarkpaddler a couple years back. Stumbled on his post in this thread and had a moment....

Anyway, here is my name origin. Not too heavy of a tale.

Tnvol and I started paddling together when we were teens. Years later river rat was taken I settled for my other canoe role....

I first accepted it as my identity, not in a canoe, but on the fishing pier in Pensacola. Tnvol's rod was bending double. He had to step up on the rail to get it out of the rod holder. I grabbed his belt to make sure he didnt get pulled over.

He fought the fish while I served as a fight harness. He ended up landing the biggest red I had ever seen in person, still top 3.

I always seemed to be the grounding element in our adventures. Sometimes figuratively...always literally.

Over 20 years later, we're still at it. Now we are dragging our kids along in hopes they will one day drag us along. I have paddled with lots of folks, and I always have to put weight on their end of the canoe.

Any new users with interesting stories connected to your screen names? Dont be shy. Somebody out there is reading just to pass the time until ice out.
02/28/2023 09:20AM  
mrballast: "Been waiting on this to get bumped so I could answer the OT. Its strange to be part of communities like this and get to know folks from so far away. Bought a canoe from ozarkpaddler a couple years back. Stumbled on his post in this thread and had a moment....

Anyway, here is my name origin. Not too heavy of a tale.

Tnvol and I started paddling together when we were teens. Years later river rat was taken I settled for my other canoe role....

I first accepted it as my identity, not in a canoe, but on the fishing pier in Pensacola. Tnvol's rod was bending double. He had to step up on the rail to get it out of the rod holder. I grabbed his belt to make sure he didnt get pulled over.

He fought the fish while I served as a fight harness. He ended up landing the biggest red I had ever seen in person, still top 3.

I always seemed to be the grounding element in our adventures. Sometimes figuratively...always literally.

Over 20 years later, we're still at it. Now we are dragging our kids along in hopes they will one day drag us along. I have paddled with lots of folks, and I always have to put weight on their end of the canoe.

Any new users with interesting stories connected to your screen names? Dont be shy. Somebody out there is reading just to pass the time until ice out."

Love your story and reading to pass the time until ice out, lol.
02/28/2023 01:29PM  
I have redhair... My most important piece of gear for any trip is definitely the sunscreen!
02/28/2023 10:26PM  
Mine is my spirit name. It's always good to see some Ojibwe language and representation on here.
member (17)member
03/25/2023 01:44PM  
My favorite tree is the Beech tree. A play on "just peachy."
03/25/2023 06:32PM  
I never thought about a screen name when I joined so I simply used my first two initials and my last name-which, if pronounced correctly, is Canoe T.
03/25/2023 10:12PM  
Around 2015 I was training hard to make a qualifying time to run the Boston marathon. During a summer trip into the BWCA I didn’t feel like I could take a week plus away from running so I picked a longer and not so rocky portage to get some miles in. Thus the screen name portage runner seemed appropriate.
03/26/2023 08:35AM  
Something stupid I typed in thinking it was just a username not realizing it would be so visible with the forums, or that this community was so enjoyable.

distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/26/2023 11:55AM  
AceAceAce: "Something stupid I typed in thinking it was just a username not realizing it would be so visible with the forums, or that this community was so enjoyable.


I don't know about worst name ever....still waiting to hear about "Itchy Menace". :)
03/26/2023 12:57PM  
Captn Tony: "I like to introduce new news to the BWCA. One trip when I was giving someone instructions they started called me Captain. So now when on trips I'm Captain Tony."

My spouse, Gunsmoke, is a whole different story in a different country.
distinguished member (278)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2023 01:07PM  
I live in WI but am originally from Minnesota, and I miss home. BWCA trips bring out the real me most don’t get to see from day to day.
distinguished member (134)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2023 02:58PM  
Childhood nickname. My dad, aka Frog Man, is a SCUBA instructor and I'd always help him out teaching classes. My favorite color is green so I'd often be wearing green. His dive masters used to call me Kermit and it stuck.
03/26/2023 03:07PM  
Is your quote from Kerouac, realandrea? Just curious. It seems familiar :)
distinguished member (278)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2023 05:28PM  
HighnDry: "Is your quote from Kerouac, realandrea? Just curious. It seems familiar :)"

Nope. :)
03/26/2023 05:34PM  
Fair enough. The mystery stands!
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2023 07:34PM  
realandrea: "
HighnDry: "Is your quote from Kerouac, realandrea? Just curious. It seems familiar :)"

Nope. :)"

The quote is in Jack Kerouac's book, On the Road. I've read parts of the book...pretty good read but just didn't hold my attention. I can't find which page the quote is on but it is definitely cited in that book.

Curious, RealAndrea, if you know of another source of that quote that perhaps is referenced by Kerouac? Just wondering if he is the original author or if it is someone else.

To the screen name is a silly combination of our family's jokes about big foot and other wilderness monsters coupled with a fairly minor appreciation for the original 3 episodes of Star Wars.
distinguished member (287)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2023 08:03PM  
Wow! This is an old thread.
Years ago, my daughter Leslie used to participate in adventure races. Tuk Tuks the length of the India sub-continent. MotoTaxis the length of Peru. "LeslieDad" was my screen name. Other race teams, when posting their progress, would sometimes include an update on Leslie's progress for me, if they had any recent information on her team. Thus, I was able to keep pretty close tabs on her team from here in Wisconsin, even when they didn't have internet themselves.
distinguished member (279)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2023 08:33PM  
I feel like mine is pretty self-explanatory, if not overly creative :)
03/27/2023 06:56AM  
Like a phoenix from the ashes, an ancient thread rises once more.
distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2023 07:19AM  
I was very close to choosing MasterBaiter, but alas I ended up with deez nuts XD
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2023 08:01AM  
After Chris McCandless' pseudonym as he ran from society and his home life into the Alaskan Wilderness. And while I think the way he went about it was reckless, these days with the shape our society is in, I can't help but fantasize over the story and dream about myself in the same shoes and just saying "f**k it all*...
distinguished member (214)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2023 02:26PM  
Favorite lake plus something alliterative: Kibble, Karma, Kipper, Kreme.... I kind of regret not going with "kipper" now, looking back.
03/27/2023 05:37PM  
I am named after a tree, Linden or Basswood tree, tilia americanus
03/27/2023 07:27PM  
My big fish goal in the early 80’s was a 13 lb. walleye … hence my name “WALLY13”.

Lots of folks on this forum think my name is WALLY. Nope … it’s Mike.

Oh and by the way, I have been fishing in Quetico for 44 years and still looking for that elusive 13 lb. Walleye.
distinguished member (298)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2023 09:53PM  
Last night of my first trip, I was awake all night worrying about the high wind we expected the next morning on Saganaga.

After this morning paddle, I was hooked. I do love hearing wild waves splashing on the shoreline as long as I'm on the shore.
03/31/2023 09:36AM  
Dang it... nctry is NOT nice try! Haha!
member (21)member
03/31/2023 09:58AM  
I'm Fredbear because in the wind I'm still alive
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