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      Trip Report - Clearwater, West Pike and Pine, with a side of Gogebic
  Last Visit: 09/27/2024 04:08PM

Entry Point 60 - Duncan Lake

Duncan Lake entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Gunflint Ranger Station near the city of Grand Marais, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 30 miles. Access is from W. Bearskin Lake with a 75-rod portage to Duncan Lake and Stairway Portage. This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.

Number of Permits per Day: 2
Elevation: 1432 feet
Latitude: 48.0709
Longitude: -90.4517
Author Message Text
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2013 11:34AM
New Trip Report posted by JackStraw

Trip Name: Clearwater, West Pike and Pine, with a side of Gogebic.

Entry Point: 62

Click Here to View Trip Report

What on earth would I do if four bears came into my camp? Why, I would die, of course. Literally sh** myself lifeless. - Bill Bryson, A walk in the woods.
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02/03/2013 01:09PM
JackStraw - Great report, welcome to the club!!!!

(And single portaging is over rated IMHO)

"You're not serious about wearing sandals on this portage.... are you?"
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2013 02:53PM
Gogebic is a sweet little lake. A tricky little portage to get ther to be sure, but a nice spot all the same.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2013 06:05PM
jackstraw, what a wonderful experience for you and your son (and the other dads and sons). i was thoroughly engrossed with your story- telling, thinking this would make a great short play, or a black and white movie that is sped up a bit so everyone is moving faster, so much humor and crazy antics!
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2013 10:11PM
Mocha, glad you enjoyed it. I read in another trip report that this time of year longer trip reports are OK, but I agree, double speed in a black and white silent movie style would solve my wordiness. :)

Maybe leave the script as just this:

Hero: (putting down 25lb tent 2 packs a Coleman Briefcase Stove, and oddly a bundle of pine boughs) "OK, is that everything for you?"

Man at portage: (Wheezing, collapsed with aluminum canoe across body) "Everything... but... the... cooler."

Hero: (Incredulous) "Cooler?"

spotlight extra large red enameled steel cooler beside tree far-down-stage right.

(laugh track) (end of scene)

What on earth would I do if four bears came into my camp? Why, I would die, of course. Literally sh** myself lifeless. - Bill Bryson, A walk in the woods.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/05/2013 06:52AM
it wasn't too long! actually, i'm sure there was a bunch of stories you left out!
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/05/2013 07:43AM
Great perspective. Thanks for sharing.


“Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau
02/08/2013 09:34AM
Nice report!

That is such a beautiful area.....and, I felt your pain when you spoke of the West Pike ~ Gogebic portage. I've done that portage a number of times the past few years. The word "unforgiving" comes to mind.

Thanks for taking the time to share your story & photos.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2013 08:42AM
I loved this trip report! I really appreciate the honesty about the portaging and bugs. A lot of people never mention how hard a trip can be. It was very funny also.

Reading your report confirms for me that I made the right decision to only go in September. Fighting swarms of flying biting bugs after a day of grueling hard labor portaging in the heat is not my idea of a good time anymore. I've had many experiences like that when I was younger and yes - it does pay off with things like great comraderie, spectacular sunrises and sunsets, and out of this world fishing, but for me headnets are in the past.

It's also pretty great that your son has taken a liking to it all. Congrats and many more trips in yours and his future.

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --- George Bernard Shaw
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