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Date/Time: 09/27/2024 10:43AM
Title: Trip Report - Baker Lake Solo
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SevenofNine 05/12/2010 08:27PM
New Trip Report posted by SevenofNine

Trip Name: Baker Lake Solo.

Entry Point: 39

Click Here to View Trip Report
dadof6 05/12/2010 11:27PM
Nice report! Makes me long to get out there....only 7 more weeks!
pdidy 05/22/2010 09:42AM
Glad to here you had a great time. We are heading up June 10 for 5 days. It was nice to read about what to expect and to see the pics of the area.
fishguts 05/13/2010 10:27AM
Good report! Thanks! I always love to see the pictures, really gives a feel of the trip.
CaptnDan 05/28/2010 11:21AM
Thanks for the report! I especially loved this line:

"It was while I was getting ready to portage into Weird Lake that I realized I was having fun! Man did that make me feel good. I was concentrating so hard on taking it easy and being safe that I almost forgot why I was up there."

Isn't that so true in many aspects of life? We get so hung up on "stuff" that we forget to enjoy the only thing that is real; the current moment.

It was interesting to note your comparison of the Magic and the Prism. I have been renting Prisms for many years. I love the boat but have no basis for comparison. I wonder if anyone around Ely rents Magics?
SevenofNine 05/13/2010 12:29PM
Thanks guys but to be honest I screwed up and posted it before I was finished. So expect it to grow some in the future. I hate it when I hit the wrong button!!!
lars54 05/13/2010 05:15PM
thanks for the nice report and pictures
wawasee 05/14/2010 08:11PM
Great trip report looks like a nice area.
dring 05/14/2010 09:36PM
Nice report great pictures.
UncleMoose 05/14/2010 12:33PM
I've had my eye on this area for a trip, and your report has really helped give me a sense for it.

So was this your first trip with the Bell Magic? The paddle issue aside, how did you like the canoe?

I'm also curious about the tent. What kind is it, and what do you think of it?

Thanks for the report.
SevenofNine 05/14/2010 07:44PM

This wasn't my first time with the Bell Magic since my friend has owned one for years and I have paddled it from time to time. I liked his boat so much I bought my own (finally). I'm happy with the canoe but it is it's second trip so I'm still adjusting to it.

I've rented Wenonah Prism canoes for years and never cared much for them. Too wiggly in the wind so to speak. I love how the Bell tracks so much better.

As far as the tent goes. That's a cheap Kelty Crestone 1 I bought for an Isle Royale hike I did a few years ago. It was light and cheap so that was the main driving force behind purchasing it.

It has a few issues that make it an undesirable tent. First, it has a low peak height (37") so it's not easy to sit up in. Secondly, it sits low to the ground so its rain fly makes it very hard to get in and out of. For what it does, I'm okay with it but there are many more tents out there to recommend.

I would look at Six Moons Designs or Tarp Tents by Henry Shires and get a single wall tent. They really have some fine tents that are light weight and have great ventilation while keeping the weights down to a minimum. The trade off is you have to take care of the materials since they are lighter weight. For a two man tent I would recommend a Six Moons Lunar Duo. Great for two people and enormous for solo trips all in a 39 ounce package.

I saw you are using a Hennessy Hammock. Great hammocks and I have read many reports on how well people love their Hennessy hammocks and how well they sleep. I'm considering one for my next shelter purchase. Did you consider Warbonnet Hammocks prior to purchasing you hammock?
SunCatcher 05/14/2010 09:25PM
Nice report. We were in this area last August. We styed on SouthTemperance North campground. Really liked North Temperance, Deep and Perdy Lake. It is a nice padddle. Thanks for posting!
Curious how long your Yak paddle is for your Magic?
Thanks SunCatcher
UncleMoose 05/14/2010 09:19PM
quote SevenofNine: "I saw you are using a Hennessy Hammock. Great hammocks and I have read many reports on how well people love their Hennessy hammocks and how well they sleep. I'm considering one for my next shelter purchase. Did you consider Warbonnet Hammocks prior to purchasing you hammock?"

My Hennessy Hammock is new (just the one trip with it so far), so I'm still learning/adjusting to it. I did not know about the Warbonnet hammocks until you just mentioned them, so I do not have a frame of reference for comparison. There are things I really like about the hammock and some that I don't. I still need more time with it to form a better opinion. My gut is that they'll work great for summer, but may be more challenging in bad weather and cold temps.
ChazzTheGnome 05/28/2010 10:32AM
thanks for the trip report, i am planning a fall solo with a similar route. getting me excited for it already....thanks!