Boundary Waters Trip Reports, Blog, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

July 26 2024

Entry Point 26 - Wood Lake

Wood Lake entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Kawishiwi Ranger Station near the city of Ely, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 13 miles. Access to Wood Lake is a 180-rod portage. This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.

Number of Permits per Day: 2
Elevation: 1361 feet
Latitude: 47.9691
Longitude: -91.6001
Wood Lake - 26

Amazing Trip- Wood Lake

by pinepatch
Trip Report

Entry Date: August 10, 2010
Entry Point: Wood Lake
Exit Point: Moose Lake (25)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 4

Trip Introduction:
Our trip criteria was Fishing - Camping - and Fellowship. All three of these were capture with our trip from Wood lake to Wind Lake and being picked up at Moose Lake.

Day 1 of 6

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 We arrived in Ely, after a 13 hour drive from southern Illinois on Monday. And got a good nights sleep in the bunk house at Voyagers Northern Outfitters. We scheduled a 5:30 departure for Tuesday and was so glad we did. This allowed us to travel to EP 26 and get on the water before the heat of the sun got going.

Our group consisted of a dad and two sons (first timers to BW)and myself(my second trip). So after the initial getting use to the gear and each other in the canoe we were on our way to search for a camping spot. That first two we came too were taken and the search for the third proved to claim our first causality(A $200 digital camera fell out of a pocket into the lake!!!)

But we did find the spot and it was just what we wanted. We quickly threw camp together so we could get to the fishing....

The morning fishing trip proved to be fruitful- 5 Walleye 2 smallmouth for lunch(OH MY GOSH) what an amazing lunch!!

A nap- and some exploring got us to the evening fishing with the highlight being a 24" walleye along with smaller walleye, smallies and our first pike.

Supper consisted of Ribeyes-Walleyes-Baked potato - and apple crunch--- WOW!!

Time left for a Euchre game and turn in for the night!!!!!  


Day 3 of 6

Wednesday, August 1 ,2010

Well- Wednesday began early. Like 2:30am when it began to rain!!!!! It woke me - but was able to go back to sleep. Until 5:00am when our tent became a water bed. It began to rain so hard that the water was flowing under our tent!!!

So until daylight we both sat in the dry corner and looked at each other and laughed!! What else could you do. When it quit raining and the sun came out it was apparent that breakfast was going to be slim and cold as we had not covered the wood or was there any dry. So Water with drink mix and a sport bar and to the lake we went.

We had found a pretty good walleye pattern, and it continued on Wednesday. After a morning of walleye fishing we decided to concentrate on pike. So with leaders tied on and top waters we headed to the narrows and shallows of Wood lake. And they did not disappoint!!! Each of us caught pike in the 20"- 28" range and was it fun thinking the next could be 40".

The afternoon and evening fishing continued to be good and the same pattern on crank baits and rocky drops in 15' to 20 ' of water.

Tonight we finished with a discussion from the "Daily Bread" and another Euchre game. And a prayer for a dry night....


Day 5 of 6

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday we decided was a travel day to Wind (Original plan was to spend two nights on Wood- and two on Wind)and day fish in Good and Indiana. WELL-- You know how the best laid plans are !!!! Our travel day turned into and all day expedition (You know the saying when you come to the Y in the road--- Well we took the wrong arm of the Y - LOL) Needless to say we were setting up camp on Wind at 5:30pm and wore out(lots more to this story - but not enough room on here--- If you want the details PM me- WOW)

So no Fishing on Thursday and a very light supper!!!! Didn't feel like fixing anything.... We soaked in the lake- got a drink and was in the tents by 9pm.


Day 7 of 6

Friday, August 13,2010

We awoke on Friday to Blue bird skies, Blue Berry pan cakes - hashbrowns/onions and bacon bits- WOW-

The fishing began right in front of our camp site and started off well with several Small mouth and Larger mouth in the 2-3 pound range. After a couple of passes and bait changes the size went up to some nice 3-4 pounders and a 5 1/2 large mouth and a 5 pound small mouth....

After another great lunch- I switched baits (Devils Horse and Rogues) to see if I could get any pike action- Yes indeed!!!!! the first pass netted 5 - pike in the 24" 28" rangeThis fun continued through the afternoon and evening.

A great supper- "Daily Bread" and Euchre rounded out a fantastic Friday the 13th!      


Day 9 of 6

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our last morning we decided to fish - and started were we left off on Friday. Nice Smallies - Nice Large mouth and good pike action. With a 4 pm pick up time on Moose we ate a lite lunch and decided to head out around noon. This proved to be a good decision as the wind had picked up and travel was slowed by the wind. After portaging to Moose we were met with white caps and rough water. It took 1 1/2 hours to get from the Wind lake portage to the Moose lake EP. Wow a tough stretch to finish on !! But a fantastic trip and already planning for next year- Pictures to come..


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