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       Trip Report - Mudro EP to Fairy to Fourtown to Horse
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 01:47PM
Title: Trip Report - Mudro EP to Fairy to Fourtown to Horse
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cyclones30 05/26/2015 09:19AM
Great report. We were in that area last August and also noticed the big difference in water color between Boot/Fairy and Gun.
HangLoose 05/26/2015 08:58AM
Great trip report. Thanks for sharing. Snow? You and your family are hard core!
OldFingers57 05/26/2015 10:04AM
Great trip report. Glad you guys had a fantastic first trip.
MNLindsey80 05/25/2015 09:00PM
New Trip Report posted by MNLindsey80

Trip Name: Mudro EP to Fairy to Fourtown to Horse.

Entry Point: 23

Click Here to View Trip Report
MNLindsey80 05/25/2015 09:01PM
You may view on my blog as well which contains all of the pictures. Countdown to the BWCA ~ The Trip
SaganagaJoe 05/26/2015 02:52AM
Whoa!!!! What a fantastic trip report. Isn't it amazing how the BWCA can remove the distractions around us and give us time to pray and focus? I could see the first trip fire in your words. And that five pound northern wasn't too bad either. What a monster!

I'm thinking you might like this quote from Jonathan Edwards. Edwards perceived God’s presence in the natural world, and made it his habit to walk in “a retired place…for divine contemplation and prayer." These contemplations were often accompanied by an “inner sweetness…a calm, sweet abstraction of soul from all the concerns of this world, and a kind of vision, or fixed ideas and imaginations, of being alone in the mountains, or some solitary wilderness, far from all mankind, sweetly conversing with Christ, and wrapt and swallowed up in God."

That's what the BWCA does for me.

520eek 06/05/2015 09:18PM
Thanks for posting. I enjoyed it very much!
boonie 06/04/2015 11:42AM
Very nice, Lindsey! I really enjoyed watching it. I wish I had done a better job of chronicling my earlier trips.
head2north 06/07/2015 09:05AM
Enjoyed reading report and happy that the Boundary Waters will be
in your future for another trip.
scramble4a5 06/01/2015 08:04PM
Great trip report and beautiful pics. As an aside my favorite Hillsong tune is "From the Inside Out."
MNLindsey80 06/01/2015 10:48PM
quote Mad Birdman: "I noticed in several photos you showed the BioLite stove. What were your thoughts about how it worked? Did you recharge any items using it?

Thanks for sharing this report, by the way!"

Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the BioLite stove! We thought it worked pretty slick. There were always small twigs laying around - and yes you do have to constantly feed the thing, but HELLO - no fuel to carry in?!!

Boiled water in about 6 minutes or so, and we did charge the GoPro and my iPhone 6 lasted me from a Saturday to a Thursday. We charged the iPhone 6 as well, but maybe would bring it from a 34% to a 52% - but hey it lasted me the whole trip - because that's what i shot all of my photos on (b/c I didn't want to accidently ruin my DSLR - with a wedding to shoot next weekend! :/

Furthermore once you're done cooking it cools down super fast, so you can put it right in the stuff sack with no worries.

And - on those super rainy days I'm not going to say we didn't sit under the tarp and have a BioLite "campfire" to warm our chilly hands over since our regular campfire wouldn't light! HAHA!

All in all - I give it 5 stars. It rocks.

MNLindsey80 06/01/2015 10:55PM
Thanks everyone! You guys are so kind!
callofthewild 06/01/2015 04:05PM
Sweet report and pictures. Thanks for sharing. Happy paddling!!!!!
cowdoc 05/31/2015 08:33PM
Nice report.
Mad Birdman 05/31/2015 10:59PM
I noticed in several photos you showed the BioLite stove. What were your thoughts about how it worked? Did you recharge any items using it?

Thanks for sharing this report, by the way!
MNLindsey80 06/03/2015 09:19PM
I am so excited to post our trip video! Trip Video - Mudro EP.
alpine525 06/10/2015 07:13PM
quote MNLindsey80: "I am so excited to post our trip video! Trip Video - Mudro EP. "

This is a beautiful video and i enjoyed your trip report as well. We are headed to this area in August and this was a great preview for us!
builditbetter22 05/27/2015 03:53PM
Great report, thanks for sharing. Glad you enjoyed your first trip.
boonie 05/27/2015 09:30PM
I really enjoyed the trip report and pictures on your blog, which brought back memories of my trip through Mudro, Fourtown, Boot, Fairy, Gun, and Moosecamp. A very pretty area - popular for a reason.

It sounds like your first trip, although maybe not exactly as you imagined it, nonetheless lived up to your expectations. You were well prepared thanks to all your research and planning, and were able to enjoy it despite conditions that might have left other first timers struggling.

I'm glad you all had a good first trip. And thanks for taking me back to one of my earlier trips.
duckcall 05/27/2015 07:22PM
Great report, I will be heading that way next week!
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