BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog
January 18 2025
Entry Point 38 - Sawbill Lake
Sawbill Lake entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Tofte Ranger Station near the city of Tofte, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 25 miles. Access is a boat landing at Sawbill Lake. This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.
Number of Permits per Day: 11
Elevation: 1802 feet
Latitude: 47.8699
Longitude: -90.8858
Sawbill Lake - 38
Number of Permits per Day: 11
Elevation: 1802 feet
Latitude: 47.8699
Longitude: -90.8858
Sawbill Lake - 38
Fun & Adventure - Re-Bonding in the BWCA
by SunCatcher
Trip Report
Entry Date:
August 12, 2009
Entry Point:
Sawbill Lake
Number of Days:
Group Size:
Trip Introduction:
A Friend and Family Adventure!
Day 2 of 5
Saturday, June 12, 2010 No rain!! Pancakes and bacon, this is were I discovered I forgot my butter and syrup. My group was nice to share with me, plus if you make you pancakes in bacon grease syrup in not needed. We rigged up for fishing and hoped for better luck and headed out. We decided to troll to the other group and do a drive by. I snagged a big small mouth bass on the way over and that's all we could snag. We started casting in to every small bay we could find. The other canoe in our group caught one bass while we caught 9. Fish fry tonight. We went back to camp cause the rain was starting up and we had no rain gear with us. We enjoyed a nice fish fry with more popcorn tonight. Went to bed to the sound of rain hitting the tent. Canoeing around the South Temperance Lake you can see lot of evidence of the blow down. It has came a long way but still has lots of dead fall. I also learned I can walk on water.
Day 4 of 5
Thursday, August 13, 2009 Sun up on Cherokee Lake (First Picture)- Awesome...Then off on the 140 to Sitka, 108 to North Temperance, and the 55 to South Temperance. North Temperance was Beautiful coming off of Sitka. We found the last camp on South Temperance...(WOW) We set up camp and rested. Went fishing and caught smallies. Great Food for supper. Brauts and Chili Soup. Lots of Reminissing about the two days over the fire and a few Gatorade & Country Time Hi-Balls. Lots of Swimming and cooling off, as it was HOT today and the portages had taken there toll on us "ole" guys. Great day getting to South Temperance and Beautiful Lake front view. No shade on this glad we had a 15 x 15 CCS Tarp.
Day 6 of 5
Friday, August 14, 2009 Lay Over Day. (We Needed It) Another Morning and it started at S. Temperance with BREAKFAST my favorite meal. Eggs & Bacon with Toast. (only broke two out of a dozen) Saved one egg for Evening Brownies in the Reflector Oven. Fishing, Resting, Swimming, Eating, Relaxing. GREAT DAY!! A nice evening around the fire, Stars you could Touch with your hands, and lots of visiting around the fire. We all got some much needed relaxing rest. Storm brewed up and downpoor about 4 a.m. Got up and battened down the hatches. Easy Sleeping. Pleasant Dreams.
Day 8 of 5
Saturday, August 15, 2009 Wet Morning after the Early morning rain. Breakfast was Blueberry Pancakes, Bacon, Coffee, and Hot Chocolate. Packed up, (tents wet) and loaded canoes...LONG DAY ahead...Off to Burnt Lake. Left S Temperance about 9:00 am South Wind first thing in the am 20 mph or better. 240 rod right out of the shoot!!! Over to Weird Lake around a couple Beaver dams and a beutiful, scenic morning. then a short 57 and 12 rod portage to Jack Lake. EXTRA WINDY now... Canoing right into it. Tough going South into a South wind on Jack Lake. Then stopped to pump water, and then portaged from Jack to Kelly (72 rods) Then paddlin, against the wind. Found the portage from Kelly to Burnt (230 rods) Double portaged this over to Burnt. Son Nick and I were the first portaged and we were staying at Burnt so we went searching for a campsite. Went Clear across Burnt going West... NO CAMPSITE. Paddled Back to rest of crew and said we would need to check the two North campsites. Went past the NorthEast site (Taken) Found the North Site...last campsite on Lake. (YES we'll take it) Set up camp far NORTH end of Burnt. I liked it here. We hadn't had much to eat so made 3 pkgs (5 qts) mac and cheese for a snack at 4 pm. Then went and pumped water, and gathered wood. Re-hydrated 2 lbs hampburger and made goolosh for Supper. Made Hot Chocolate and Buttershot Schnapps (Boy that hit the spot) We ate Goolash at 8 pm, had a few drinks, enjoyed the evening and had a down-poor. So we went to bed with everything wet. Got up everyone wanted a shower and to get going so we had a light snack or two and headed back towards Sawbill West.
Day 9 of 5
Sunday, August 16, 2009 Rainy, foggy morning, No Breakfast as everyone was in a hurry because the weather was FOGGY as heck. Couldnt see hand in front of face, and about to down-poor most of morning. Headed off across Burnt to first portage back to Sawbill 90 rods to Smoke Lake and 100 rods to Sawbill. Once on Sawbill Heavy, Heavy fog. I was in a GEAT mood with a Happy Attitude. I didn't want to go home, and we were on the last leg of the adventure and fun. We ended back at Sawbill. I went to get the truck and drove down to pick up equipment and guys and got out and LOCKED the KEYS in the TRUCK. Wow was I pissed...but the Nice folk at Sawbill came to the Rescue. We had em out in 10 minutes and loaded up the gear and the NorthStar and Headed to Owatonna and back to Sioux Falls and Norfolk, Ne. Boy What Fun!! Things I Cherish...Time with my Sons, Nephew, Dave my x brother in-law and Heath (Son Dan's Best Friend) Quite a Challenge, 5x tougher then I imagined. Great Food, OK fishing, but the bonding and re-bonding is what I cherish most and doing it in the most beautiful place by day and by night around the planet. Hope you enjoyed Our Adventure...SunCatcher
discuss this trip report (8 comments) - last post on September 07, 2009