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       Trip Report - Ensign in October
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:55PM
Title: Trip Report - Ensign in October
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Mocha 02/19/2013 09:45AM
loved your photos! nice temps for a mid-october trip. splash and ensign are beautiful lakes, esp when there aren't many other campers.
boonie 02/19/2013 10:32AM
Thanks for the report and pictures. One positive to rainy overcast days is the colors really pop in your pictures.
SevenofNine 02/19/2013 12:00PM
Really enjoyed your photos. Nice trip report.
Barnabee 02/18/2013 09:14PM
New Trip Report posted by Barnabee

Trip Name: Ensign in October.

Entry Point: 25

Click Here to View Trip Report
Exo 05/31/2013 05:05PM
That sounded like a great time, but I bet next year's trip will be longer. Nice photos I really enjoyed the report.
GreatBigCubsFan 06/03/2013 08:43PM
Nice photos and it looked like a great over all adventure!

I have a canvas tent that I purchased for winter trips, and I would like to use it in the fall as well but that beast weights 50lbs! And the stove is about 25.
Thwarted 02/19/2013 09:18PM
Sounds like a nice time to be canoeing. Love the fall outdoors. Thanks
Beemer01 02/19/2013 07:26AM
That is the second largest tent I've ever seen in the BWCA.

Nice report and pictures! Thanks for taking us along.
hwdhusky 02/19/2013 07:13AM
Thanks for the report. Loved the pictures. I would so enjoy a fall trip like that. Sounds like you had a blast.
TomT 02/25/2013 09:00AM
Nice guy getaway for sure. I don't think I could handle being in a tent with that many though it would be a great place to gather during the day.

Here's hoping it becomes an annual outing for you and your friends. I'd make it a week long trip next time. :) Thanks for posting and the pics were very cool too.

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