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       Trip Report - The winter trail to Sock Lake
Date/Time: 02/18/2025 09:03PM
Title: Trip Report - The winter trail to Sock Lake
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hwdhusky 03/27/2017 11:07AM
Great trip report. Boy is she growing up fast. It seems not that long ago I was reading trip reports when she was tiny!! Great bonding experience. Thank you for sharing.
BasecampMom 03/14/2017 05:39PM
Your kid is more hardcore than I am! Your report almost makes me want to go winter camping again! LOL.
TuscaroraBorealis 03/24/2017 05:40PM
quote DanCooke: "Great report. Great attitudes. Sock Lake will have to wait. a day trip from another established campsite might be your best option??
Hills and twisty turny trails can really be challenging when hauling long sleds.

The Border Route Trail guide shows a trail leading to Sock Lake (off the Mucker Lake trail) from the south. Of course we may have encountered similar terrain & obstacles on that trail as well? But, it's an intriguing alternative, especially for winter travel, that I've been pondering since we got back. If the good Lord's willing & the creeks don't rise -It would be nice to do a late summer/fall reconnaissance to check that out if we get a chance. But, I digress....

Thanks (everyone ) for the nice comments.

Mocha 03/24/2017 08:59PM
BRT updates

sounds like a great family trip. it's great when kids are introduced to the wilderness and camping when they are very young, they don't know any different except that they have the freedom to play in the dirt and eat with fingers and other fun stuff!

i included the link above in case it's new since your trip.
Frenchy 04/13/2017 05:02AM
Thank you for sharing. I love seeing a family adventure together like that.
TuscaroraBorealis 03/13/2017 03:48PM
quote Laketrout58: "You learned, you earned, you will return. Good job, dad! Marc"

I like that! It sums up the trip pretty well.

Thank you
DanCooke 03/23/2017 08:44PM
Great report. Great attitudes. Sock Lake will have to wait. a day trip from another established campsite might be your best option??
Hills and twisty turny trails can really be challenging when hauling long sleds.
TuscaroraBorealis 03/11/2017 08:20PM
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: The winter trail to Sock Lake.

Entry Point: 58 (actually it was 93)

Click Here to View Trip Report
SaganagaJoe 03/12/2017 08:33PM
Love how you just kept going and made the most of your adventure. Aurora is going to have some great memories someday of traveling with her parents.
Laketrout58 03/13/2017 05:18AM
You learned, you earned, you will return. Good job, dad! Marc
TuscaroraBorealis 03/28/2017 05:40PM
She IS growing up fast. Even though this trip didn't go entirely to plan, it still provided many great memories (as they all do). Looking forward to our next adventure.

The link you provided was about the only info i was able to unearth about the area prior our trip. Thanks anyways.
Pinetree 03/11/2017 10:04PM
Nice report and considering the conditions you got some real good troopers.
TuscaroraBorealis 03/12/2017 08:36AM
Yes, in a lot of ways this trip was a trial by fire. As I mentioned in the report, things didn't go to plan but, was a good learning experience & confidence builder. I'm proud of how Vickie & Aurora responded to the challenging situations put in front of us on this trip.
TuscaroraBorealis 10/15/2020 04:59PM
Made it back to Sock Lake with The Black Pearl last week. Crossed that off my bucket list! :) The fall colors were in full swing and it was a beautiful day. While we did enjoy our paddle out on the lake the water clarity was incredibly cloudy and our lures disappeared only a foot or so down. Not sure what caused this (runoff??) but, needless to say fishing was less than stellar.

Since it was such a gorgeous day, we decided to portage over to Topper Lake. We passed a couple hiking along the BRT along the way. On a 'pose' shortly after, we both laughed out loud when contemplating the conversation they assuredly must of had after we passed by.
There were a few downed trees along the way but, they didn't present too much of a problem and we made it to Topper without any serious delays.

The lone campsite provided us with a nice spot to recharge before heading out on the lake. Topper is a very scenic little lake and water clarity was not an issue here. Some ducks and an energetic family of otters provided us some free entertainment as we circumvent the lake.

Afterwards, we completed the circuit by returning to the van parked at the head of the Mayhew Lake road. And then drive back to Iron Lake campground for the evening.
The next day I hiked the breathtaking Ram Lake EP portage trail before heading for home. Great time to be in the woods!
TuscaroraBorealis 12/28/2019 06:55PM
In September 2019 I did a hiking in day trip and made in to Sock Lake. The fall colors were close to prime and the trails were in great shape. I entered at the Topper Lake kiosk off the Mayhew Lake Road and hiked eastward down the Munker Trail past the first BRT cutoff. At the junction of the next northern spur trail were the remains of a couple of old automobiles (would love to know the story of how they got here). Also, some artifacts/garbage depending on your perspective. This was the most scenic portion of the trail as it crossed a couple of small brooks and skirted a small lake/pond. Of course it was also the most challenging; as the climb is not for the faint of heart.

Once at Sock Lake I was greeted by a stuffed porcupine in a tree near the fire grate. The site it self sits up 15 feet of so off the water on a rock shelf. It is certainly nothing special but, there are a couple of spots to put a tent down and it does provide a decent overlook of the lake. If one is ambitious enough to haul a canoe back in here??? There is a small spot that would work as a canoe landing.

Most of all, it was a really neat experience to reminisce about our winter trip as I a walked along. It really added a whole level of enjoyment that wouldn't of have been possible otherwise.

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